
The better 2 day
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Energy: 14/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Aberration
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




5.32 m
8.35 m
470.97 kg


Primary Gene
Ground (Aberration)
Ground (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Freckle (Aberration)
Freckle (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Thylacine (Aberration)
Thylacine (Aberration)


Feb 22, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Aberration
EXP: 419 / 1401



  • none




April fools note: The wind beneath your wings is particularly strong today.
CreamBerry was never really a "Member" of the clan, but was dragged in due to Tau's obsession with this new dragon species. After an extremely close call with a very potent serthis potion, the clan decided that she should be held for safekeeping.. Mostly so Tau wouldent try to track them down and make CreamBerry hate them more. Crystalline is trying to calm her down, but with very little success.

CreamBerry (Cream-left- and Berry-right-) only recently exited the wyrmwound to meet with this "kin". They honestly never knew what that meant, but this 'Warcheif Morix' guy said that they were both plague, so that meant they were kin, from the same element. So they thought that they could help. CreamBerry was one of the more agile of the Aberrations, so she was more focused on baiting out attacks then making them, but that dident mean they couldn't pack a punch.
CreamBerry was confused, unsure how things worked or what to do overall. The other Abberations assured her that the confusion would be solved soon, and they could then show their true strength to not only their mother, but the other dietys as well, which they soon found out also existed. They decided to explore the rest of the Scarred Wasteland since waiting was very boring, especially since she wanted to test her strength outside of Wyrmwound.
They flew untill the ground turned into sea. Its was strangely.. Beautifull. It was nothing like her home or anything they have ever seen before, but it was simmilar to the Wyrmwound in a way. Instead of a eerie green, it was a deep blue, streching father than she could see. The light bounced off the water, seemingly making it glow with colors. Creamberry dived down, checking if there was anything that they could eat near the surface, unsure if it was safe to go in.

There was movement in the water, and Berry instictivley pulled her head into the water to catch it. The liquid was cool on her scales, and drenched her fur, filling her mouth with liquid as her jaw clamped down on the moving object. She came up with a squirming water creature, with fins simmilar to the mirror and scales that shine in the light. Cream was slightly relived that the liquid would not kill them, but mostly wanted to taste the creature her sister caught. With a powerfull chomp, Berry snapped it in half, and Cream grabbed the other half of it. It tasted wet, but a wet they had never experienced before. It felt.. Cold. They gulped down their half of the creature, and were ultimatley satified with their adventure.
They began to head back to the familiar red of the Scarred Wasteland, but stopped as they heard a voice unfamilliar to their own. "Plague monster!" "You idiot! Thats not a monster, its a dragon!"
CreamBerry whipped around to face the voices. One was a light blue and black mirror and the other was some sort of purple and black sea dragon. "..And its beautifull!" The mirror cried. Creamberry was weirded out by the mirror. Were they not supposed to know already of their existence? The mirror got closer, and Berry got a bit agitated, her three eyes narrowing. It got close enough were he was able to touch their fur, and Cream immideatly snapped.

She whipped her tail at the mirror, sending it backwards out of the sky, but caught itself before hitting the blue liquid. They began to book it back to the Wasteland, not wanting to interact with the weird mirror dragon. "Wait! Its getting away!" The mirror called. The purple and black sea dragon splashed into the wet stuff, and could see its shadow getting closer to them. They went higher above the liquid as the sea dragon burst out of it, trying to grab them.
It barley touched their tails as they swooped out of reach, screeching at the sea dragon. They flew higher, but the sea dragon was chasing after them. She fired a blast of firey contagion (No one knew why she was half fire dragon, but no one questioned it due to how strong it was) and the sea dragon cried out in pain, retreating to the liquid bellow, but this gave the strange mirror enough time to catch up. She suddenly felt pain in her body and nearly fell out of the air, they turned around to see the mirror charging up another blast. They had enough of this mirror.

Creamberry let out a screeching cry and aimed at the mirror, its face meeting their steely talons. They crashed the mirror into the land near the water, which was collored a pale yellow and not exactly interesting. As the mirror tried to recover from the fall they took to the skies again, dashing towards the contagion. They were able to land on familliar ground as they heard a thundering roar from the blue stuff bellow. "Someones not happy.." Cream commented quietly as they backed up from the edge, turning back to the Scarred Wasteland to return home.

She told the other aberrations about what happened. They were slightly concerned about the dragons she met but were overall not mad about it. She was later informed that this blue liquid was called "Water" and the dragon she faced was called a "Guardian", which resided in this said water. She thought about returning to that place, but in the meantime decided to wait on it.
A week has passed, and CreamBerry decided to return to the ocean. Their official role was "Scout", which meant they could go exploring much more often without consiquence. The still glistening water waited for them as they landed on the beach, the sand crunching between their talons and getting into their armoured scales. They scanned the water for any more life forms, but saw nothing but plant life in the sea, which they were not exactly interested in eating. Berry took a taste of this water. It was cool, and flowed smoothly though her throat as she swallowed it. After seeing her sisters satisfaction, Cream took a drink as well.

They suddenly heard the sound of sand crunching between another dragons talons. They turned around, and it was one of the mirrors back from the Scarred Wasteland. "You know what your doing is dangerous right?" The mirror muttered under their breath. "Well, we took that into account yes, but have you TASTED this stuff?" Berry replied, shaking the water off of her fur. "Yes, but the water dragons dont take kindly to their home being 'polluted'" "Polluted? What do they mean by that?" She paused, hearing a strange noise from the water. A large blue and green guardian surfaced from the water, and it did not look happy. "I told you, they like their water!" The Mirror said as they backed up. But CreamBerry wasent that worried, she dealt with one of these things before. But after a few seconds, they realized they were wrong.
The Guardian blasted water at them, much stronger than the wind they usually faced. They were pushed back by the sheer force and completley drenched. They shook themselves off and let out a shreik. As the guardian charged, she blasted at it with firey hot congation, and the guardian backed up in surprise. The mirror retreated to get help as she charged at it again. She slammed into it and they rolled into the water.

Being in the water was nothing like being in the air. The water was still, but also pushing in other directions, quickly confusing their fight senses. The Guardian grabbed her tail and dragged her underwater. Cream tried to take a breath but quickly realized she couldent, and Berry was trying to get them to the surface. They soon found out like in the air, they could use their wings to get to places eaier, and began flapping hard, trying to get to the surface.
The guardian released them for a second, allowing them to speed to the surface and get a well needed breath of air for Cream, but were dragged underwater again before they could rise out of the water. Berry kicked at it, but the Guardian learned its lesson. It dragged them down, probably wanting to drown them by how Cream reacted to breathing in water last time, but they weren't going to let that happen. She clawed at its face, leaving a mark, but it still wouldent let go.

After what felt like an eternity of struggling the Guardian finally released them. They clawed at the Guardian again and flew upwards. They ended up crashing into a wall.. On the roof? They were underground. She let out a cry of anger and confusion, and heard a conversation bellow. "There, your strange dragon you are so obbsessed about." The guardian said, unimpressed. "Yeah I said I wanted it, but why did you bring it here CONSIOUS AND ANGRY!?" The mirrors voice was familliar, it was that weird mirror again.

Out of rage they attacked the mirror, letting out another cry as she landed on them, skidding on the rock for a few seconds before getting blasted with cold water. She fell over in suprise of the cold and retaliated with another blast, hitting the guardian in the face. It let out a roar that shook the underground as it clawed at the burning disease on his snout. She charged in the mirror again and was shocked with pain. Wait.. Shocked. This dragon was electric!(It would be made clear later that the mirrors "armour" does all the shocking) She screeched and slammed the mirror into a wall, potions that were on a nearby slab of stone shook from the impact and fell, multi-colored goo spreading all over the floor.
She immideatley forgot about the mirror and went to look at what was inside. Cream sniffed the goo and decided to taste it, but immideatley spat it out. They began to move away from the broken potions as a cold rush of water was blasted at them again. They shrieked and tried to keep their balace, but the water was far too strong for them. It began to push them into a small corner in the side of the wall. The cold water stopped pushing them and they collapsed, letting out a small moan. They were completley soaked with freezing liquid, which did not help becuase they preferred warm. They could hear the two other dragons having some sort of conversation, but couldent hear any details. The cold was really getting to them, and getting to them bad. Wyrmwound. They needed to get to the Wyrmwound. Surley mothers tub of delicous death would save them. But how to get there? They were not good swimmers.
They attempted to get up, but realized water and stone makes slippery stone. "Looks like the Doubled-headed menace isent much of a menace anymore.." The mirror muttered. Insulted, Berry launched a blast at the mirror, which it narrowly avoided. "WHOAH! Okay NEVERMIND I take that back! Ayo, seaweed. Would ya mind getting Crystalline down here? And someone like Ashfall wouldent hurt either." The mirror responded. "Its ALGAE you four-eyed robo-lover. Your going to teach that thing bad manners!" The guardian apparently named Algae said, obviously guesturing towards them about the 'teaching bad manners' part.

Algae crashed through the water entrance and dissapeared, leaving her with that damn mirror. The mirror cautiously came closer. "Okay.. Lets not try anything risky.. Shall we?" He muttered quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. Cream hissed at him, and in a flash they charged at the mirror, ignoring the slippery stone. And as suddenly as they came up, they were slammed down again, but by something else. Berry let out a cry of fustration as they investigated the situation. The thing that stopped their charge was silver colored and thin, but certainly strong. It was in multiple rows and covered the cave entrance. "And that should hold the menace untill help arrives..." The mirror said with a sigh of relief. "So.. Do you have a name? Romantic relationship maybe? Oh, i have a good one! What ARE you?"

"We are a ABBERATION you oblivious mirror! You shall die for leading us away from our home!" Berry cried. "Wait, you DO talk!" The mirror exclaimed, but he had no time to celebrate. They charged into the silver lines again, slamming their weight onto it and grabbing on with their sharp teeth. The lines did not break, but they certainly bent. The mirror realized it was in trouble and backed up. "Uhh.. Seaweed! You might wanna.. Get over here and help me before I get murdered!" The mirror yelled into the water entance. "I thought this 'seaweed' guy said he was named Algae.." Cream muttered through her biting. Soon enough, the sliver lines gave in, and crumbled at their feet as they hissed in satisfaction. They could now get that mirror that has been causing them so much trouble.
They let out a cry and charged, barley missing the mirror as they went the opposite direction at what seemed to be the last possible second. They slided on the wet ground and tried to stabalize themself, but ended up crashing into another stone plate, potions scattering everywhere. "No! My experiments!" The mirror cried. But the damage was done. They tried to get up, but did not feel very well. It was hard to stand, and their body felt weird. "Oh, dietys! There was a serthis potion in one of those tubes!" The mirror yelled in panic. "I cant let my new experiment die! But i need to make the cure again, becuase it shattered the tube that was holding it!" 'New experiment die'? She was now both worried and confused. First of all, what was a serthis potion? Second of all, why did the mirror call her an experiment?

But it was getting hard to try and peice things together. Whatever this serthis potion was, it was far more then the wyrmwound, and was getting worse. But they heard the crash of water and a voice. "TAU! WHAT is going on here??" She could hear footsteps near him "I dont know! The weird two headed thingy broke the bars and ran straight into a serthis potion!" She could hear the mirror say. "Well, where is that cure you where working on then?" Algae asked.

"Thats the bad news.. It also crashed into the cure and it spilled into the other potions.."


"Well.. The first thing we should do is keep it alive long enough to make a new one. Algae, you said it blasted heated contagion, right? Maybe Ashfall's fire could.. Somewhat heal it or something?" A different, softer voice suggested. "Ill try.." A second different voice said, it had a simmilar tone of the first new voice, but there was a hint of aggression in it. Her body suddenly felt extremely warm, as if it had the heat of the wyrmwound itself. She tried to get up, but she couldent seem to move herself. The fire was soothing the pain, but it was still really bad. Berry opened her middle eye to see a white and blue partly feathery dragon, and a black and red.. What seemed to be an abberation, but smaller with only one head and tail. "Do we have enough?" The feathery dragon said, holding a half-full tube. "I dont know.. But its looking at me weird!" The black one said. "Enough for now.." The mirror muttered. The feathery dragon put the stuff in the tube in Cream's mouth. It tasted terrible, and she tried to spit it out, but Algae did another water blast which forced her to sallow it.
"What do you MEAN by enough for NOW?" Algae growled. Her vision started to get blurry. "Im saying that the half you gave it will subdue the poison for now, but there is still more poison inside. We need to..."

Everything went black.


Rambra Horn Decorative Desert Tile Rambra Horn
code & assets by archaic #19153
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