Level 1 Bogsneak
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Bogsneak
This dragon cannot breed until Jun 30, 2024 (5 days).
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Cultivator's Garden Hat
Cultivator's Garden Apron
Cultivator's Garden Belt
Cultivator's Garden Trousers
Cultivator's Garden Socks
Hot Pepper Harvest
Buttercup Lace Collar
Buttercup Lace Headpiece



Scene: Springswarm


5.77 m
6.38 m
535.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 12, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245





Uh-oh, looks like this World Wondering Bogsneak traveled a little too far from her home lair, DustyAndDespair, #548249 and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, they'd really appreciate it if you could just return them to her home lair, to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here, or to the hub if you don't want another dragon in return. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!

Kind and open, however a bit oblivious to that around her.

As a hatchling my mother always made sure to remind me there's not a thing about me that was or ever has been ugly. Not my lineage, surely not my parents, and definitely not my siblings or I.
"Beauty isn't on the outside." She would tell me before bed. "True beauty comes from within."
I've seen few dragons and I've never really left my home or nest, but the stories my mother and her ex-traveler friend always share have made me curious of the world outside of this small clan.
I'm leaving my small world behind and soon to head off. Even as worried as my mother is I've made the promise I'll see her again and share my travels with her as soon as possible.
For now, I've packed my things and I'm heading off, to the wide world..of unknown beauty.

Owners I’ve Had:
DustyAndDespair, #548249
Zikul, #12962
ashenfinch, #606075
UmbraCrow, #166731
sgkat, #158838
(Flight Symbol) Username
(Flight Symbol) Username
(Flight Symbol) Username

SCRUNGKY’s Travels

I’ve packed my things and I’m readying to take off. Even with all this excitement running through there’s a sickening ache in my heart and my stomach’s twisted all in knots.
Watching the trees sway in the wind does little to help my mind either. Maybe this isn’t the right thing to do, maybe I should just stay here where I’m safe and loved and—get ahold of yourself, like Mom said, it’ll be okay. I spare my long time home one more glance, that ache in my racing heart just growing stronger the longer I linger.
“You gonna leave without giving your old man a hug first.” A voice I knew all to well spoke as I started to step out of the clan.
Exactly who I was hoping would show up. “Dad I would never leave you without a hug!” And in a heart beat I was over in my BogSneak father’s claws, holding him tighter than he even held me.
“Wish your mother was here to see you head off. You better keep that promise young lady..we’re gonna miss having you here.” The strain in my Dad’s voice was strong, enough to nearly make me cry.
I forced a smile and stuff my nose into the crook of his lizard like skin. “I promise I’ll come back to see you guys. I swear, and I’ll tell you about all the stories I have to share to.” I told him like I had told mom, although this time it was hard not to cry.
The tight hug went on for just a bit longer before Dad let a heavy breath out.
“Kept you here long enough. Better get going while the drifts are still good.” He said in a solemn tone, a rueful smile crossing his worn face.
“Love you Dad, I swear on it I’ll come back.” And that was my final good bye, and far away from home I went.
I only pray my travels will treat me fairly.

I arrived in a lush, beautiful forest that was full of vibrant flowers, diverse creatures, and friendly dragons. They told me it had been dubbed Wanderweg Wood for it was often full of wandering souls. I wasn't sure at first what they meant by that, and then they showed me around. Travelers bustled here and there in the camp and forest surrounding it, exchanging stories and wares with each other and the permanent residents.

A beautiful Obelisk greeted me and I could feel my scales prickle. I was delighted to be noticed. To be accepted. It seemed that no dragon here cared what you looked like, only how you acted. And I made sure to put my best foot forward. It was hard at times, to be so early in my journey. And the homesickness was bitter in my gut, but the nice Obelisk, Azalea, kept checking in on me, and eventually I confessed to her how I missed my parents.

"I understand that," she tucked her paws under her, settling up against my flank as though I wasn't hideous. As though I was as stunning as she was. I suppose mother was right, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...and perhaps Azalea had seen through to my beautiful heart. Or at least, I hoped I could claim it was beautiful without sounding too...stuck up? But I was getting distracted, Azalea was speaking!

"My parents raised me here," she gestures with a flick of her tail at the surrounding wild beauty, "And then decided they wanted to see the world. I guess our situations are a little reversed, but all the same, we're separated from our family. Unsure what will happen between the last time we saw them, and the next time we'll see them," she offers me a reassuring smile and I tip my head to the side.

"That's...yeah, that's exactly it," I'm delighted to have found someone who understands, and Azalea and I are relatively inseparable for the remainder of my time in the forest. She shows me the best fruit to nibble at, the animals to stay away from, and sunbathes with me for hours. When it comes time for me to depart, she bestows upon me a single gift, a beautiful adornment to carry with me.

"So even when you're nervous you know there are people there for you, who think you're lovely," she smiles at me, and waves the tips of her toes daintily, which coaxes a giggle from my chest. As I look back, she is still standing, watching, and I hope someday perhaps, our paths will cross again.

Buttercup Lace Headpiece

I had an incredibly long journey from the northern most stretch of Sornieth housing the Viridian Labyrinth all the way down to the southern most stretches of the Southern Icefields. While standing at the edge of the Snowsquall tundra and the Cloudscrape crags i encountered a bizarre sight in all the dead-brown brush and the stark white snow, a Pearlcatcher clad in black bear furs and raven feathers.

"Well, well, well, look what the boars dragged in," the Pearlcatcher remarked with a twisted grin and anger in his eyes. He dashed his claws across the ground as he leapt down from a snow dusted boulder, "What brings you to the frozen landscapes here? Got a bone to pick with someone gnawing on those gnarly scales of yours?"

"What?" I gasped as my frills lowered, the sharped talons of the pearlcatcher's voice clawing at my seams. Of course the first judgy dragon that she found was going to be in the bitterest place on all of Sornieth. "I have no such qualms with anyone!"

"Yeah yeah, that's what all the little mongrels say when they approach us, 'I have no problems with anyone at all' they all squawk the same line. But, i might be inclined to let you pass for a price. Tell me why you're really here and i can see you to it." He sneaked around me, walking behind my back and leaning to my right side as he spoke. His pearl was clutched in his back leg and he hopped around in a silly manner.

I was about to retort when a golden sheened shadow loomed from behind me, and with a sudden flash of speed a tail had pancaked the pearlcatcher into the dirt while a large paw pried the pearl from his talons. "Shapeshifter that is Enough. I apologized for my partner's transgressions, he's trying a very forward way of getting new customers. Though he does have a point, what is a bogsneak like you doing all alone out here? Its fairly dangerous to be alone in the icelands." A massive crystalline imperial spoke from above, sitting on his haunches while his tail pinning Shapeshifter down.

I didn't no what to believe as tears prickled at my eyes, partly from Shapeshifter's rude comments and partly because the light glinting off of the imperial's polished scales was hard to stare at. There was something statuesque and gorgeous about him, but seeing that he was somehow related to Shapeshifter made me wonder if he really was as pretty on the inside as he was on the surface. With a shiver in my step I stood form my spot and walked around the Imp, only for him to extend a wing out and block my path. He regarded me with an icy eye before turning to look back at the mountains.

"Its dangerous to travel there if you don't know the paths, I could fly you through and drop you off on the other side but the Glacier is not a remorseful beast. Are you sure you're safe travelling on your own?"

My talons dug into the frosted earth as I stared into his monarch patterned wing, it was hard to argue with his observations but i wasn't comfortable trusting them either. "I can find someone else to escort me," I replied with my chin raised.

The imperial bowed his head to look at me closer only to reel back and let out a pained roar while flinging his tail from off the pearlcatcher. As movement exploded around me I ducked under the imp's wings and ran away from the chaos. I turned back and heard Shapeshifter scream as the imp stuck the pearl in his jaws, seemingly threatening the pearlcatcher's very soul.

"Are they fighting again?" a sweet voice asked from behind me, startling me out of my scales as my heart hammered in my chest. A Skydancer slightly shorter than me tilted her head up with a low thrum. Beside her sat another imperial, though she looked aged and worn out. The midnight imp was a blot of color against the tundra's landscape, and she moved slowly towards the brawling boys and snatched the pearl from the golden imp. I watched as the two boys immediately stopped fighting and sat down, fixing their clothes to look more presentable to the lady.

"Are you alright?" The skydancer inquired again as she pulled my attention away from the other three. "Not hurt or anything?"

The sight of her gaseous wings and mane was an odd sight, but her follow up question made my heart warm as i quickly checked myself over for any scratches. "No, i think i'm okay."

The skydancer hummed with a slight chirp, "That's good, sometimes those two get into such wild fights that other dragons get dragged in unwillingly. I'm Nebulous by the way, but most know me as Nebby!" An excitable trill escaped her beak as she stood up, "Come come, i can take you through the mountains since they're busy. Looking for a place to stay? Someone to hire? or maybe a good meal? I know a few places!"

"Maybe somewhere a lot warmer?" I offered before Nebby could spout more mouthfuls of options at me.

Nebby stared at me for half a moment before beaming, "I know just the place, come, come, follow me!" She opened her wispy wings and i couldn't help but let out a gasp as the blue-black mist began taking the vague shape of wings that took her up into the air. It must have been a feat of magic! She circled above me twice before i realized i was still stuck on the ground, and upon opening my own wings and joining her in the sky she trilled and began leading the way through the crags.
v v - /\ - v v v v - /\ - v v
I kept following the odd skydancer as she twisted through the skies and glided across the expansive glacier that stretched out on all sides of us for miles. The graceful dancer before me continued to flit and float along frigid winds as she guided me like a lost familiar towards a large pine tree in the middle of nowhere. She tucked in her wispy wings and dove toward the ice, and as adrenaline hit my heart, i dove after her, trying to save the gorgeous fur of that fleeting beauty, only for shadowy claws to grip my heart once more as the ice opened into a gorge who's sides were littles with icicles and broken spires of wood. I couldn't move as my mind raced to take in the sudden populace going about their day far below me, but a distant yelp sounded form above me, making my neck crane up to see Nebby where she hovered and as she continued to shrink as I fell.

The air was knocked from my lungs as a hefty force collided with me, only to continue lifting me up into the air and closer to the cosmic winged dancer. Whoever caught me mid-fall brought me to the cave mouth which Nebby hovered by, laying me down inside gently before gruffly speaking, "My love, please be more careful when inviting travelers into the canyon, most have no idea it's even here, or how to navigate it either." An Obelisk similar to Nebulous spoke, his dirt colored wings of starlight beating down on the chilly air.

Nebby muttered something that i couldn't quiet hear over the thundering of my heart. Shortly thereafter the Obelisk left and Nebby entered the cave mouth and settled down beside me, quickly spurring numerous questions that was quite overwhelming. I lifted a paw and she paused, giving me a bit of silence to collect myself as i shivered and shook while lifting my head off the ice. Finally i gathered enough courage to ask my own question as i stilled my quaking heart, "What is this place, Nebby?"

"This is the gorge that the Moonbleeder clan calls home," She half hummed half purred, "this is the cave to Umbra's little inn called The Wayward. It's a lot warmer further back in, here let me bring you there so you can relax!" She tugged at my tail with her own, encouraging me to follow her in her own sort of way.

After a few attempts of getting my feet under me, I was able to follow deeper into the cave, feeling the chill leave as a warmth swathed my body. We came to a door which Nebby waived a wispy wing in front of, stepping aside to let me enter. Behind the door was a cute little parlor, furnished with tables and chairs as well as a fireplace which crackled with life. Nebby scuttled over to the long desk with a book and quill settled upon its top, she pried it open and dipped the quill in a small tub of ink.

"So what's your name?"


A few scribbles later and Nebby leapt over the counter and whisked me away to a room, shooing me inside before boldly stating, "Dinner will be up soon!" and turning to leave.

I was left alone in the inn, and finally having a moment to my thoughts was enjoyable. I closed the door to my temporary room before I stumbled over to the plush cushion pile and curled up on it, resting my head and letting my mind go over the odd events of the day as i drifted off into sleep.
- v - /\ - v - - v - /\ - v -

I continued to stay in this strange Inn for a little over a week, and during that time things seemed to calm down as Umbra returned to the inn and helped make sure i was settling in well. We shared cookies and stories with each other in the evenings, curling up before the fire place to keep warm. She spoke of a storm that had brewed over the glacier making it hard to travel about, even in the crack where the clan made its home.

I knew when the storm dissipated that i'd go back out on my own adventure once more, but on the morning before i left Umbra had be wait as she dug through an old trunk. She retrieved a buttercup lace collar and helped me put it on. I loved that it matched the other lace piece i got from Azalea on my travels. Umbra then helped me fly out of the moonbleeder's crevice and offered to help me cross the glacier. We travelled together until the Cloudscrape crags came into view again, but once we crossed over them i was alone again on my adventure to who knows where. Maybe i'll meet some more interesting dragons along the way.

Buttercup Lace Collar

•Lirillith• I hopped on an airship as soon as I reached a station. The next available flight was to Lanternlea Port, so that's where I went. It was Light Flight territory, and that meant sunny, and sunny meant warm. Which was all I cared about right then.

Lanternlea Port itself wasn't as sunny as I expected - at the bottom of a cliff, most of it was shaded, especially on the built-up streets. But it was warm enough, and bright enough, and in a bustling town you don't feel so much like all eyes are on you. I bought a guidebook that suggested some local inns and restaurants, and finally ended up at the Helianthus Haven, a ways outside of town and out of the shade a bit - well, it was evening by the time I got here, but true to the name, it has sunflowers everywhere, so I assume it gets some sun.


This has turned out to be a pretty great place. Nobody here bats an eye at my looks - they have more of a reaction to my name, but they also accept that it's a family tradition. I've been able to get work in the fields - the clan that owns the inn also owns a fair amount of farmland - so I can stay here without worrying about running out of money. There's a pretty great library and a museum, plenty of shopping, lots of variety in food... what's not to like?

•Username• Write lore here!


Gen 4

Gengyar >> BoastfulWretch >> SLURMP >> SPUUNT >>SCRUNGKY(You are here!)

If you ever breed her, please offer any hatchlings in this thread!

This project is to, basically, give [Gengyar] a giant lineage. Just because he's ugly doesn't mean his children will be! I want him to have a mostly, if not totally, unexalted lineage because IT IS AN HONOR TO BE THE SON OR DAUGHTER OF A LEGENDARILY UGLY DRAGON.
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Exalting SCRUNGKY to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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