
"Just open your eyes, and see that life is beautiful."
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Malign Presence
Haunted Flame Collar
Crimson Aviator Coat
Chasmcrawler's Arctic Pants
Mage's Cranberry Socks
Mage's Cranberry Gloves
Simple Darksteel Wing Cuffs
Obsidian Roundhorn




30.32 m
23.98 m
7633.58 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 11, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


75757537.png Yasuo
He/Him - Asexual
Leader of the Order / Headmaster of the Deathfell College




Oy2prul.png An Old Soul, An Old Mind. Yasuo, Founder of the Order of the Oblivionbane and Headmaster of the Deathfell College is an interesting sort. He's kind, sure, and he believes that his goals are for the good of all, but... is what he's doing, something few have asked for, something few have given him permission to decide for them, really good for us all?
An old soul and long-lived, despite the flesh-eating disease that he caught in his youth that should've done him in within a few years. Yasuo, as he believes all plague-dragons must be, is a dragon determined to survive. It's from these passionate beliefs and what he could only describe as the Plaguemother's blessing that he has persisted so long and continues to thrive. Clearly one good turn deserves another, which is what lead him to found the Deathfell College. If survival is what the Plaguemother teaches, then clearly eradicating death itself would be the ultimate cumulation of her ideals.

While the College was and is still successful, Yasuo began to feel that progress wasn't going quick enough. There wasn't enough outreach for one and, while some methods employed in the College weren't exactly the safest, he began to feel that some more... potentially hostile ways of fighting death were in order. It was all for a good cause and those that would be lost in the process would be remembered for their sacrifices in forging a deathless utopia. This was the beginning of the Order of the Oblivionbane.

It was in the Order's founding that Yasuo began his own research, which started with him seeking out a piece of the Shade and becoming Shade-Touched of his own volition. When he did so, he found not a ravenous, unending hunger, but a multitude of ways to examine and seek out to meet his goal. The Shade piece had granted him knowledge. There was a sort of undeath in becoming Shade-Touched, with the right piece of it anyways, and while Yasuo knew this solution was not for everyone, it gave him the much-needed time he to find a solution that would work for everyone.

Yasuo spends most of his time now seeking out individuals to, if not join the Order, ally with the Order. While he has dragons that seek out others, Yasuo is the one that will eventually go to them to talk business. He's a smooth talker and much more convincing than he may initially seem. But he doesn't ask for much anyways, just inquires on methods and projects and if, in return for research the Order has done, would like to share what they know.


Role Description

As Founder of the Order and Headmaster of the Deathfell College, Yasuo primarily deals in recruitment and alliances. While he'd love to directly search for a cure for death like his colleagues and students, Yasuo instead contributes by finding either more dragons for the cause or resources for the Order and the College to use. He also funds both places when he needs to, primarily the Order since the College has it's own way of sustaining itself through tuition and the like.



Despite not being too, too old, Yasuo is a dragon that just feels old and not in a bad way. His voice is soft most of the time and he often speaks in a slow and understandable way. He's also quite convincing and very much a smooth-talker. You may not understand his ambitions or want to help him at the start of conversation, by the end, you likely will.

Yasuo isn't inherently a bad or manipulative dragon, but he sees little harm in bending the truth on occasion, but he'd never ask a dragon to do anything that would harm them. He's not the most thrilled at the idea of his colleagues in the Order doing active harm to others, but he understands that it's all for a good purpose. Deep down, Yasuo is a deeply compassionate dragon, even if his goals are misguided or deluded.

In his heart, Yasuo truly believes that the world he desires will be better for everyone, whether they agree with him or not.



Growing up in the plaguelands is dangerous, however, Yasuo was the heir to a rather wealthy pair of dragons who carved a lair of wealth and luxury that seemed so out-of-place in the Scarred Wasteland. Yasuo never felt struggle a day in his life growing up, but there was just something about the sterile, safe lair his parents lived in that made him crave more. A smart dragon would've stayed safe and never ventured outside, however Yasuo was desperate for something other than what he'd known his whole life and his desperation overcame his sensibilities.

Yasuo's first trip out in the waste, after weeks of begging his parents, went better than expected. He didn't immediately die and nothing dangerous happened. However, this emboldened the young Imperial, so he began sneaking out. He would sometimes disappear for days at a time, terrifying his parents. During his trips, he began to seek out other dragons and find companionship among them. He learned a lot of things from other plague dragons, including something that became unfortunately necessary for surviving, lying.

Yasuo would tell and twist tale upon tale, as he knew he was a stranger among others. He'd had a privileged, safe upbringing, something that few could relate to. It was among these strangers that he truly learned of the teachings of the Plaguebringer. In his mind, hearing how these dragons explained her ideals, Yasuo came to think that how he had been living had been an affront to the deity that had created them all. So, Yasuo decided that it was truly time for him to start living.

Yasuo moved from his parent's lair and into a small town. He wasn't sure what he was going to do to start living for himself, but for the time being, he had time to think about it. He started joining groups of adventurers and going out and experiencing life. The first trip he went on, he nearly died, but it gave him such a rush that he felt that he had to keep going. And so he did. Until one ill-fated expedition where the plaguelands showed its mercilessness and he was struck with a particularly vicious flesh-eating disease.
Yasuo at first tried to tough it out and kept going out with these adventurers and mercenaries but his condition only worsened and he spent his days in horrible, excruciating pain. He didn't want to die. His flight was about survival not death, so Yasuo turned to his only other resource. His parents.

While they were still angry about Yasuo's sudden departure and shunning of them, they too did not want Yasuo to die. So they spent countless treasure on trying to find someone, anyone, that could, if not cure him, at least render the disease that was literally eating Yasuo alive inert. But they couldn't find anyone and while some of the treatments had slowed the progression of the disease, none had stopped it. For a time, Yasuo's death felt inevitable to his parents and him, himself.

Still being worked on lol





Signature Spell


As Yasuo is Shade-Touched, he no longer has access to magic or a signature spell.





  • To manage the Shade within him, he drinks what is essentially liquefied magic. While obtaining this is costly and can be quite dangerous, it makes the Shade Piece within him happy and helps prevents any accidents.
  • Amicable the Piece of Shade within him may be, it is strong and hungry and can't sustain itself on his magic stores alone, of which, he's has never had much magic to begin with.
  • One of the few who have a Wishmaker Pocket Watch, an extremely powerful magical artifact that, when the hands align, will grant the holder one wish. Said wish could be anything sans more wishes. I think it's obvious what Yasuo's wish would be.

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Exalting Yasuo to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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