
i. the primordial laughs in trailing red chaos
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Light Aura
Haunted Flame Candles
Romantic Red Rose
Black Lace Headpiece
Lustrous Mantle
Crimson Silk Veil
Black Lace Collar
Crimson Arm Silks
Bloodshard Chains
Candle Cascade
Sinister Waistcoat
Black Lace Waist Frill
Crimson Silk Sash
Black Lace Anklet
Black Tail Bow
Crimson Tail Bangle


Accent: light counting


Scene: Remembrance


5.51 m
3.77 m
841.44 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 09, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


"I know I shouldn't love you, but I do."
What can I say to you, in the wake of such ruination?
What can I say, when you have no way to hear my words?
You were bad for me, it should've been obvious

When our first kiss tasted like copper and cigarette smoke.

You were everything I wasn't allowed to have
It shocks me now more than it did you, that day in the garden when
I timidly pushed my raw heart into your trembling hands

How dearly I clung to you for liberation.

I have a confession; I never wanted you
I wanted your swagger and the lilt in your voice
I wanted the confidence that made it so easy

For the others to accept that you belonged.

I wanted you to give me a place to belong.

Instead you gave me a shadow to hide in
Cheap wine on the weekends
The creeping sense that, compared to you

I was nothing.

It feels wrong to think of your death as a betrayal.


Never mind our promise to [redacted]
Sealed with two bloody palms pressed together fondly
But it's useless to be bitter when

I'm glad you didn't [redacted].

Isn't that horrible?

Guilt brings me to your grave on mornings after rain
Bearing fresh roses left with their thorns
You said they were your favorite flower because

They were red like blood and handled with care.

It's unfair how losing you taught me how to live
That we can't meet for the first time again
As people who know who we are without the other

Maybe then we could've been something good.
I'm told they still use her as a cautionary tale to scare first years out of trying to skateboard on the school ground railings, lest they suffer a fall and require thirteen stitches. She's never mentioned by name, but I know she wouldn't have cared anyway, because she never cared about what people said about her, and the scar from it made her feel cool.

She was too young to have a will, but her brother let me keep her old jacket. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mi quis hendrerit dolor magna. Sit amet dictum sit amet justo. Eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis. Integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt. Vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mi quis hendrerit dolor magna. Sit amet dictum sit amet justo. Eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis. Integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt. Vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas.


You've been having recurring dreams.

The first time I spoke to her, she laughed at me. "What are you supposed to be?" she managed to snark through her amusement, stretching out sore joints with a sound like firecrackers that made me wince. I can't remember what I had said, something like, 'are you alright?', perhaps. I asked her that so many times the words all run together now and burn in my throat.

"I- what kind of question is that?!" I snapped, swallowing down the urge to explain myself. I didn't owe her anything back then. She tilted her head in challenge to me, and I felt it then, how her red eyes seared through me; her lopsided smirk told me I was pathetic.

"Sensitive, huh? That's what I thought. You're made for the stage, aren't you? Don't even need eye drops to cry on command. Hah!" She pushed off the wall where she reclined, lazy movements that flaunted her lack of any care. Gods, where did she get the confidence? I hated how I admired her so for it. "Find me when you learn how to introduce yourself proper, squirt!" She crowed. "Then we can be friends."

I watched her go in silence, my mouth dry, my eyes stinging as much as the back of my throat. In that moment, I decided we would never become friends. The only thing we had in common was the theater.


This story is a tragedy.
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I don't know if I ever mourned her properly. Thinking about her never stopped hurting, so I resolved to not think about her at all. Yet even in death, she never could suffer not being the center of attention for long.

"You're one dedicated idiot, you know that?" All I had to do was turn my head, and suddenly she was at my side again, flaunting a fresh leather jacket like she never left. "Look at you now, chasing so many ghosts you've forgotten how to live. You were supposed to be the one who knew better."

"We had a promise." Is all I say back, because I couldn't bring myself to admit that I never knew better. I just hadn't been able to live like I had nothing to loose, until I lost her. "I'm four years late as is."

"[redacted] that noise." She shakes her head. "I don't want you coming over here, you'll cramp my style."

"Just like the old days?"

"Look at that! You're smart enough to understand."

I can't stand the sight of her face anymore, so I look down and watch cars rushing down the road below.

"Hey, Vivi?"

"Out with it, squirt. I'm a busy dead woman."

"Do you think if we had met now as strangers, we could've had something?"

"What, does being your first kiss not count?" I feel her sardonic chuckle more than I hear it.

"Not like that," I sigh. "I mean something real."

"What, like that long-term commitment [redacted]? Not my scene, sorry. You were a nice distraction while it lasted, though."

"So I was just... doomed to fail you from the start."

"Thinking like that will just make you my [redacted] problem again." I see her head shake in my periphery and turn those bloodred eyes on me. "You want the truth? You were too soft for me."

She pauses for a long while. She's savoring whatever expression I'm making right now, I think, until I turn my head and see her properly.

I couldn't help it. I laugh, softly, the sound barely a brush of a dove's wing. But it shocks her, I think, because she dosn't say anything else. Ah, if only I had known the secret to shutting her up sooner. I wouldn't have had the heart to use it against her, anyways.

"You don't have to try so hard," I remark when I catch my breath, "To make it obvious you're not really here. If only you could see yourself now! Virluna, you actually look sorry."

It's her turn to look away. "Who knows, squirt? Maybe I am."

"...You've changed." I say. The revelation feels humbling and cathartic all at once.

"Wake up, kid. Before [redacted]."

I never saw her again after that. Maybe it was for the best; I had forgotten what a pain she was.

You wake with the taste of iron in your mouth. Perhaps you've bitten your tongue while asleep.

*Choice portions of transcript redacted to preserve civility.
Ebon-Edged Spear Expertly-Crafted Spear Sparrow Skull Bloodstone Brilliant Brass Torc Black Rook
When playing chess, she would insist on using the black pieces.
nothing here yet.

froginthebag wrote:
Virluna!! She’s beautiful. Absolutely radiant, but a devilish creature. A lustrous mantle is hard to use, because I think sometimes the head feathers and horns contrast so aggressively with the dragon, but you managed to make her perfect. Blacklace headpiece? Hides the rough feathers and makes those horns look perfectly connected, those bloodshard pieces and their golden chains, the ivory parts of the crimsom silks. A perfect dragon, with a perfect outfit. Bravo. :)
Oliss wrote:
Virluna is just stunning. Red, black, and gold always look so good together, and she is no different. Every apparel piece looks like it was made for her to match her specific genes, so the end result is a dragon who doesn't look like any particular site-made species. Either that or the combination of the bloodshard chains and lustrous mantle makes it looks like it's composed of pieces of shattered stained glass window. It's a very lovely dragon overall.
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