Her Light... It's blinding.
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Energy: 48
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26.97 m
21.89 m
9293.93 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245

Even the flight obsessed with truth and justice can make mistakes, particularly when the tensions of conflict put everyone on edge. Nobody is unsusceptible to bias, especially those who think themselves too unbiased and pure to ever fall to such a thing.
Quiet and reserved, even more so than most imperials, Weald quietly assesses those he is unfamiliar with before he attempts to make any contact. Living among shadow dragons, he learned to be surprisingly stealthy for someone of his size, and his coloration helps him with this. He is somewhat bitter and slow to trust, especially with other light dragons, however he rarely makes his disdain with others known on account of his silence, meaning very few reciprocate or even know that he dislikes them in the first place. He prefers it that way. The most he will do to make his dislike known is minor petty tricks, however these are never traced back to him or even seen as being out of the ordinary due to living in the domain of tricksters.
He still wears a cowl out of habit, despite being in a place where he no longer has to worry about sunburn or being unable to see. He's so used to it that he becomes uncomfortable without it on.
Weald is a strange dragon. Born and raised in the Hewn City, he lived much of his life in darkness. As a result of this, he was not adjusted to the light of his home flight. It was so bad that he grew weak and nearly blind when exposed to it. His scaleless ears and wings would burn. His wings, thin like glass, were especially susceptible. Weald became ostracized as a result of his reactions to the sun. A light dragon who cannot handle the light? It seemed preposterous to them, like a fish who could not breathe water.
Rumors spread, as they tend to do, and due to some recent conflicts with the shadow flight, it got to the point that people were convinced that he was some sort of shadow flight spy. Some suggested he was "corrupted" while still in the egg, and others suggested he was an "imitation" of an imperial, created by The Shadowbinder as a way to infiltrate and take over The Lightweaver's domain. His aversion to light became less of an oddity and instead a form of incrimination. "If the Light of truth disagrees with him, it must be a sign."
Of course, nobody was going to harm him, even though treason was quite a serious issue. Instead, they "sent him home," as they called it. They seemed to think it was very benevolent. "We allow you to return home, so long as you do not try to come back." He gets to go "home," and they don't have to deal with him. So he left for the Tangled Wood, leaving behind his real home, as he had no choice in the matter. In time, he came across a pair of dragons- the progenitors of a new clan. After hearing of his plight, they happily accepted him into their ranks, which Weald found surprising.
Rumors spread, as they tend to do, and due to some recent conflicts with the shadow flight, it got to the point that people were convinced that he was some sort of shadow flight spy. Some suggested he was "corrupted" while still in the egg, and others suggested he was an "imitation" of an imperial, created by The Shadowbinder as a way to infiltrate and take over The Lightweaver's domain. His aversion to light became less of an oddity and instead a form of incrimination. "If the Light of truth disagrees with him, it must be a sign."
Of course, nobody was going to harm him, even though treason was quite a serious issue. Instead, they "sent him home," as they called it. They seemed to think it was very benevolent. "We allow you to return home, so long as you do not try to come back." He gets to go "home," and they don't have to deal with him. So he left for the Tangled Wood, leaving behind his real home, as he had no choice in the matter. In time, he came across a pair of dragons- the progenitors of a new clan. After hearing of his plight, they happily accepted him into their ranks, which Weald found surprising.
Quiet and reserved, even more so than most imperials, Weald quietly assesses those he is unfamiliar with before he attempts to make any contact. Living among shadow dragons, he learned to be surprisingly stealthy for someone of his size, and his coloration helps him with this. He is somewhat bitter and slow to trust, especially with other light dragons, however he rarely makes his disdain with others known on account of his silence, meaning very few reciprocate or even know that he dislikes them in the first place. He prefers it that way. The most he will do to make his dislike known is minor petty tricks, however these are never traced back to him or even seen as being out of the ordinary due to living in the domain of tricksters.
He still wears a cowl out of habit, despite being in a place where he no longer has to worry about sunburn or being unable to see. He's so used to it that he becomes uncomfortable without it on.
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Exalting Weald to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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