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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: obsidian harbinger


Scene: Flamecaller's Domain


12.45 m
9.07 m
10910.38 kg


Primary Gene
Phantom (Gaoler)
Phantom (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Trail (Gaoler)
Trail (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Scorpion (Gaoler)
Scorpion (Gaoler)


Jan 23, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Gaoler
Max Level


75342266.png RHAMNOUSIA
{ ram-NO-see-ah }
Goetia-born King
Nicknames: The Harbinger, Rham
auction house purchase
agender • they/them • demi

A bitter soul who smiles no longer...


» LORE: text here
» CAMEOS: Valekt's bio by Saphira455


"I am Unrelenting and Unmerciful Harbinger of Retribution. State your name and the business you have summoning me, worm."

When one speaks the harbinger's name, Goetia-born tend to return mixed reactions: fear, irritation, anger, and perhaps pity. The harbinger is known for a few main details; they are a King, they are hateful with a short temper, and most of all, their own brother King Mythril was summoned, captured, and murdered by a powerful demon named Atlas. It is said that when Rhamnousia learned their brother and much of their legion had been captured, they abandoned their seat on the spot and crossed into the realm of Sornieth to hunt down the summoner, alone. They single-handedly fought and killed their way through the summoner's lair, only to watch their brother be slaughtered by Atlas before their own eyes. In a fit of rage, they blinded the summoner with a burst of their magic, defeated him, and hauled him along with their brother's corpse back to Suvaalnat.

When Rhamnousia returned, they roared loud enough for even the nearby legions to hear their grieving. They locked themselves within the legion's stronghold for years since. The Goetia King had always been serious about their duties and short-tempered with sparse amounts of humor, and they never were fond of dragons. After their brother's death, they had lost any joy they may have once had. The event, along with the atrocities caused by dragons throughout history, led them to believe dragonkind's souls were inherently tainted. It was a noticeable shift in attitude, and some of their fellow Goetia-born can't help but feel sorry for them whenever they hear Rhamnousia furiously shout at one of their own acolytes for any reason.

They are among the most isolated Kings and are rumored to only appear to others when needed, as long as it's within the stronghold. Much of the legion's knights haven't seen Rhamnousia in years, let alone Goetia-born outside of the legion. Nobody from outside the legion, save for a few exceptions perhaps, has heard from the harbinger in years or seen them outside of their stronghold at all. While this may lead individuals to become curious and seek them out, others are not so inclined because it's likely they'll simply get yelled at and thrown out anyway. Most choose to leave Rhamnousia alone, but there are definitely miscellaneous individuals who attempt to brave the maze. The majority of attempts fail, but those who are successful are often sworn to secrecy.

It wasn't until recently that after accepting a summon for the first time in years, Rhamnousia has begun entering Sornieth again...

The once-decommissioned stronghold has been repurposed by the Legion of Damnation as a base of operations and a prison. It's situated in the Obsidian Firefalls of Suvaalnat and was repaired by Rhamnousia and Mythril when they founded their legion. Rhamnousia's powerful magic strengthened the repaired stronghold and even turned the main building into a maze that changes its layout every midnight. It is filled with traps and is extremely difficult to invade. Rhamnousia's office can be found near the center of the stronghold if one can navigate the maze. If the King wishes to not see visitors, however, they can create bright lights in the maze's hallways and lead intruders astray to prevent them from finding the office. Sometimes the lights will lead in the correct direction, but other times they will get visitors lost.

There is a passage where one can directly enter the King's office, but it can only be opened when it detects the King's magical signature. Rhamnousia created five badges that contain their magic and allow up to five visitors at a time into the passage. These badges are held by the Legion's badgekeeper, Jinhua. However, they are reserved only for emergencies, important Goetia-born individuals, or anyone else Rhamnousia has approved of.

It is said that even from within their office, Rhamnousia can observe the every move of those within the stronghold's labyrinth. And despite the stronghold's daily rearrangements, Rhamnousia seems to always know the correct way through the stronghold and how to get from one point to another, which always confuses their legion's members. It's not uncommon for the Legion of Damnation's own patrols to get lost in the maze themselves, so there is little need to patrol the interior of the stronghold as opposed to the exterior.

Rhamnousia is a stern ruler who inspires vengeance and anger rather than confidence or positivity. As a result, their legion's members are often badly tempered like the harbinger, and the atmosphere is grim. When bad news must be delivered, it's common for the legion's messengers to argue with each other over who should be the one to upset the King further. When Rhamnousia shouts, it causes the rest of a room to fall silent and for the attention to be drawn to the angered King. Even the most stoic warriors of the Legion of Damnation wince when the harbinger raises their voice.

Towards dragonkind, the harbinger treats them with disdain. To Rhamnousia, dragons are all inferior to Goetia-born and must take penance for their sins. They despise summoners because of the actions of despicable individuals like Atlas and Temptress. To them, dragonkind is unworthy of assistance from the Goetia-born. Perhaps their views may one day change, but until then, the King refuses the summons of all dragons with only one exception.

At heart, Rhamnousia wants only the best for their legion and the Goetia-born as a whole. Grief and hate has blinded them of their own goals and values. They believe the best thing for themself is to remain isolated from dragonkind and Goetia society alike, keep the Entity from encroaching on their land, and punish prisoners. One of the only values they continue to uphold is justice and karma, and they are ruthless and cruel in their treatment of sinners. When doing their duties, Rhamnousia is serious and straight-forward, only caring for the facts and prohibiting anything that they see as a waste of time, such as idle chit-chat. When the King visits the legion's Dukes, the Dukes and the Goetia-born they command always make an attempt to be on their best behavior and have everything in order for Rhamnousia's arrival. If anything is less than satisfactory, the harbinger will make their distaste clear, and nobody in the legion wishes to disappoint their King.

After Mythril's death, it has become increasingly clear that Rhamnousia is unable to fill the hole left behind. When Rhamnousia was keeping the legion well-defended and handling its affairs with other legions, Mythril strengthened morale, was charitable, and was well-loved by many Goetia-born. Though Rhamnousia is also respected and loved, they are aware of how they are less than capable of keeping their legion's members happy. A part of them as well as the Legion of Damnation died with Mythril, and the harbinger knows that too well.

Because of Rhamnousia's inability to lift the spirits of those around them, they feel it's best to keep themself inside of their office, away from their own acolytes. If they bring everyone else's mood down with their anger, then perhaps they should not be around them unless necessary. Their temper is only them taking out their guilt on others. They feel that Mythril's death was their fault because they were too negligent, and that they have sinned in their failure. They feel that by deriving satisfaction from Atlas' maiming, they have sinned. But that is a burden they must carry alone, and it is for the best that they do not allow anyone else to share it, else they are also hurt in Rhamnousia's eyes.
Malign Presence
Flame Bolt
Blinding Slash

75513940p.png Mythril | Younger Brother
"When our parents were slain by the Entity, I raised him myself. We founded the Legion of Damnation together. While I defended our home, he was helping those in need, gaining the friendship and loyalty of hundreds. He was not the most cunning, but he was my little brother, and all of us loved him... and even if I was the protector of our home, I could not protect him. Can he hear me calling him, apologizing for not being there in time?"
75839999p.png Aeacus | Boyfriend
"One of my two boyfriends. At first, when I realized I had feelings for him, I was admittedly not pleased with myself. He enjoys chaos, pranks, and being loud, and he tries to convince me to go 'partying' with him. I have better things to do than partying, such as making sure he doesn't get himself into trouble. I understand his intentions, however, but his idea of fun differs from my own..."
63770107p.png Monal | Summoner/Boyfriend
"Monal is also my boyfriend, and he is the one summoner whose calls I answer. I don't know what these feelings are or why I feel them. Normally, I wouldn't take a summon, but... I saw that Valekt was being summoned, and I remembered what happened the last time Mythril ever took a summon. I couldn't let that happen again, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it wouldn't. I for one am glad that Monal is nothing like Atlas."
75488012p.png Valekt | Close Friend
"I have known her since she was a child. She, Mythril, and I would meet regularly when we weren't busy with Kingly duties. Then Mythril received a summons one day, and he... never saw her again. When Mythril died, I didn't even tell her and locked myself within this stronghold's walls. But despite everything I've done to isolate myself from the outside world, despite how I treated her by disappearing without telling her why, she still visits me often. Why...?"
75573122p.png Asche | Acolyte
"Mythril accepted him and his sister Jinhua into our legion when they were mere children on our doorstep. He was captured by Atlas soon after Mythril was summoned, and I regret not being able to rescue them both soon enough from Atlas' clutches. Had I been quicker, Asche would still have his right eye and horn. He is ferocious as one of my enforcers and does his job well. I have never seen a Goetia-born swing a cleaver quite like he does. But he seems to resent me in some way, and I can understand why he would. I suspect he views me as incompetent after what happened with Mythril. He loved Mythril like a father and I failed them both."
75573123p.png Jinhua | Acolyte
"Jinhua is my badgekeeper. She has a... peculiar way of handling threats and sinners. She mostly targets cruel rich nobles, from what I've seen. It's odd, knowing that all of the gold she wears was once a dragon. But I suppose it's appropriate, given their previous status as wealthy highborn scum. I considered having her turn Atlas into gold, but I decided that was too good for that little worm. I'm sure she would love to, though. Mythril was very dear to her. I wish she could know how sorry I am."
75488021p.png Tatsuya | Acolyte
"Tatsuya has been acting very strangely as of late. He has always been dedicated, but lately he has been rather fixated on finding a cure for affliction. It's admirable, but I have doubts that it'll ever be possible. He has been acting recklessly and has been taking an active position in participating in missions to find a cure. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since his last living child is afflicted, but something about him is... not right."
49044119p.png Atlas | Enemy
"There is no punishment in all of Suvaalnat that suits this vermin. His very presence sickens me. Everything went wrong because of him. He took away my brother and he took away many of this legion's members. He deserves to have the suffering he inflicted on all of us returned to him tenfold, and then some."

Rhamnousia is a skilled fighter, having defeated the demon Atlas when he was in his prime. They are not someone to be trifled with, especially on the battlefield where they will use every weapon, physical or magical, at their disposal.
Rhamnousia's skin is tough and their thick fur coat is difficult to get through, but not impenetrable by any means. They also have an intimidating and bulky figure, being approximately twice as large as an average Imperial dragon on Sornieth. Their antlers as well as the black "armor" along their back are the most durable parts of their body, both being made of magically reinforced obsidian.
Rhamnousia is known for having exceptionally powerful magic. They are the reason the stronghold's labyrinth rearranges itself every midnight, and they can navigate it without trouble at all. While their ability is nothing compared to what the Chainbreaker or even the late Lifegiver can accomplish, it is nothing to scoff at.
Rhamnousia was the "brains" behind the Legion of Damnation when Mythril was alive. Their anger can often cloud their judgement and lead them to act recklessly, however.
Rhamnousia primarily gets others to follow through fear and anger as opposed to being genuinely charming. This approach falls apart when they are not feared, however.
526.png Ability: Karmic Hellfire
When facing a guilty opponent, Rhamnousia's mane will burn brighter and hotter and potentially blind the other. The greater the magnitude of one's crimes, the better Rhamnousia's physical strength and magical ability is. While the Harbinger could potentially achieve the same effect against an opponent whose sins are less major, it would require a much greater investment of energy. Against an individual who has committed atrocities, Rhamnousia could use exceedingly powerful and destructive magic against them with little effort needed.

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Coding and stat bars made by Disillusionist. Flight-colored dividers made by osiem. Goetia-born subspecies made by Madrigalism.


- primary gene: phantom (gaoler) applied january 23rd, 2022
- secondary gene: trail (gaoler) applied january 24th, 2022
- tertiary gene: scorpion (gaoler) applied january 26th, 2022
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Exalting Rhamnousia to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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