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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




0.19 m
0.10 m
0.18 kg


Primary Gene
Shell (Veilspun)
Shell (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene
Angler (Veilspun)
Angler (Veilspun)


Jan 15, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



part one - world lore

this part is not written in a formal style, because I wanted to point out the specific differences between the canon world lore and my own lore

the Sornieth of canon and my Sornieth are not actually that dissimilar, except for one major change: it's not centered around dragons at all! in-lore, they're actually all humans living in a magical world!


The world through the First Age follows site lore completely, except that the deities were humanoid rather than draconic in shape:

Sornieth formed as most planets do, but with the addition of magic. This magic resulted in the creation of four elemental deities. The deities spent millennia fighting each other, which prevented the planet from evolving any new life, as the surface was constantly being torn up by the warring siblings. Their fighting also resulted in the creation of more elemental deities, who joined in on the fighting.

The fighting only stopped when the Shade arrived, a corrupting and draining force from outside the solar system, and perhaps even another galaxy. The deities were forced to work together to fight back this force that was threatening to kill them and drain all of the magic from their planet. When the Shade was finally banished, the deities agreed to work together to form a pillar that would act as a shield to prevent the Shade or a similar force from threatening to destroy Sornieth again.


My lore diverges at the start of the Second Age. As humans evolved and developed, the world was not separated into normal civilians and elementalists; Sornieth was a magical planet, and thus all humans had the potential for magic, regardless of whether or not they revered any or all of the deities. On top of this, the Beastclans started emerging at the same time. Conflict arose between different factions of humans and between the humans and the Beastclans, because of course it did, but with all groups possessing some degree of magic it was difficult for any one group to gain control over another.

Another deity emerged during this time, but there was no explosion or particularly devastating event that caused this. It was simply the result of more concentrated energy within the earth that was too vast to be summoned by any of the creatures on the surface, so it naturally converged into another deity, this one being the Arcanist. His endless thirst for knowledge eventually made him discover The Pillar. By far the biggest confluence of magic in Sornieth, he studied it intensely, and eventually decided to climb it in order to learn more about it.

Once he arrived at the top, he noticed some weird magic that confused him. He didn't banish the shield on purpose, but his tinkering ended up pulling it apart anyways, and magic once again began to flood into the cosmos, signally to the Shade the location of the planet it had previously been expelled from.

With the magic gone, the Arcanist next set his focus on the stars. He had no method to mark down the constellations, but for the time being he was content to simply memorize them and remember all that he could, intent on writing them down whenever he decided to descend back to the planet's surface.

Of course, some time later, he saw a dark blot in the cosmos that was the Shade. Like in canon, as it got closer and he realized its destructive force, he realized he could do nothing to stop it and therefore fled to the planet's surface, hoping that the force would attack the Pillar and leave Sornieth alone.

He was mostly right; since it was the most magical thing on the planet, the Shade did attack the Pillar first, shattering it. However, this shattering had the unforeseen side effect of releasing the deities who had trapped themselves within it.

Most of the Shade continued attacking the Pillar and the newly-woken deities. But there was more magic all over the world, woven throughout the human and Beastclan societies that now existed all over the planet. So the Shade stretched thinner and thinner, intent to destroy and corrupt all of the magic all at once.

The deities who had been locked in the Pillar were horrified to emerge to the sight of the Shade attacking their planet once again. Their plan to protect the planet by locking themselves away had failed, and as they saw the new life that had grown on the planet while they had been sleeping, they resolved to not expel or banish the Shade; this time, they were going to destroy it.

But the battle did not last as long as last time. For one, the Arcanist instantly recognized these beings as his kin, and joined the battle without a second thought. Another was that the other eight deities had been resting and accumulating energy and magic for eons, whereas last time the Shade had attacked it had been after millennia of constant infighting. And the third thing was the new human and Beastclan inhabitants of the world, who were nowhere near as magical as the deities but made up for that by virtue of their sheer numbers.

With all of these forces battling against the Shade at once, it couldn't win. But it also didn't fully lose. Because when it was almost destroyed, it realized what was happening, and as a matter of self-preservation scattered itself over the planet to hide and gain power.

The deities weren't totally happy with this conclusion, although the Shade had at least been dispersed enough that it would never be able to destroy the planet. Still, they all agreed that they should spread over the planet in order to protect the whole continent from any parts of the Shade that remained.

But of course there are two deities left that had not been created. This was as a result of the sheer size of Sornieth's continent versus the few deities; they were spread thin among the more populated parts of the world, so one part was left alone. So, much like with the Arcanist, the energy converged and had to go somewhere, and in this case it turned into two separate deities; the Gladekeeper and the Plaguebringer.

The difference this time was that there were already nine deities on the earth who were now largely at peace with each other, so the two new deities barely had any time to fight before they were split apart by the older deities. They too were given parts of the world to watch over and take care of, so that they would stop feuding with each other, the mistake that the older deities had made when they had first come into being.


Eventually, the presence of the Shade lessened enough that the deities were no longer needed to keep it down, the humans and Beastclans being enough to continue the fight. However, the deities had learned their lesson from last time, and did not seal themselves away from the world. Instead they merely started to allow themselves to travel the world, visiting their siblings and spreading their elemental influence around.

Because of this my Sornieth isn't quite as segmented as the canon World Map. Of course, each deity still has their home region which is mostly influenced by their element, but the elements to tend to... blend together more. This is also helped by the fact that the residents of a region are not only able to use the elemental magic of the region they are born in; any human or Beastclan member who wishes to learn magic can learn any or all of the elemental magic, or magic that doesn't adhere to any of the above. Of course, inclinations towards a certain element sometimes exist, but for example a plague harpy living in the Plaguebringer's region could still decide to learn nature magic without any problems.

Another change this brings is that certain groups of individuals started deciding to follow wherever the deities go, bringing new cultures and innovations with them. This lead to a wider-spread culture of trading and sharing that has lead to modern society spreading to every part of the continent.

(To be clear, I mean modern for Sornieth, not modern society like that we have on earth. Technology on my Sornieth is still just as advanced as in canon!)

As technology became more common, magic use has died down to some small degree. As a result, although there is not enough latent magic to create another major deity, sometimes minor deities spawn, especially in less-populated areas. With the guidance of the major deities, most minor deities are also peaceful and contribute to the wellbeing of the continent.

With the now-peaceful influence of the deities and the widespread use of magic mixed with technology, along with a relatively amicable coexistence with the Beastclans, Sornieth is a world of possibility.


part two - clan lore


Narinmere is a small but thriving village located on the outskirts of the Shrieking Wilds. Newcomers are often shocked by the lack of conflict in the village; this is thanks to a minor deity named Maki who makes their home near the village. Their presence helps bring luck and happiness to the village, making it a small haven on the edge of the forest that contains more Shade remnants than almost anywhere else in the continent.

The village was created by Soro, with the help of second clan member Tevos. The village is now lead by Aoki after passing through the leadership of several others.

Since the village is so young, a lot of its inhabitants are similarly young, as nobody has been there long enough to grow old and retire. The exception is, of course, any elders who moved into the village after being old, considering it does make a nice retirement spot!

As it is on the edge of the forest, Narinmere finds itself making a lot of trades with other clans, villages, and travelling parties. Some villagers also choose to travel outside of the clan to make these trades, especially to other more sedate clans and Beastclan members that live in and around the forest.

There is also one small group of travelling fighters that have made their home base in Narinmere but spend a lot of their time outside of the village. These warriors are specifically trained in fighting back the Shade and its influence, and travel to smaller clans and undiscovered parts of the forest to destroy any Shade remnants that may remain in their forest.

But with the exception of those fighters, Narinmere is largely just a small, vibrant village that anyone who joins finds that they don't want to leave!


the end! (for now)

also for obvious reasons I am completely ignoring all BotE lore :)

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