Level 4 Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style
4.14 m
6.1 m
346.32 kg
Eye Type
Level 4 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 531 / 4027

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Uh-oh, looks like this independent traveler wandered a little too far from his home lair (Ithaca, 37298), and now he's off to see the world! If you ever feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off to See the World' thread. If you don't want another traveler in return, you can also drop him off at the Traveling Dragon Rest Hub! |

Iridesce came to the Sunbeam Lanternhouse, where he got to experience a variety of different events - he got to witness performances from the dance troupe and try his claw at different crafts in the artists' commune; he got to explore the Meadow. When he tired of such things, he swapped stories with his fellow travellers.
After a thoroughly satisfactory stay, he decided there was much more to see and bade his hosts a heartfelt farewell.

Iridesce was travelling through the Starwood Strand when he came across a little inn. Inside he told stories to a few Starseeker dragons whom told him they were travelling to the Fullmoon Festival, and invited him to come.
After a night of feasts, telling and hearing stories and learning about Starseekers, Iridesce stayed at the inn for one night before heading off to another part of Sornieth - which part, though, he did not yet know.

Though he had planned to leave the Arcane territory, Iridesce wasn't even able to leave the Starwood Strand before meeting an odd Aberration dragon unlike anything he had seen before. As it was his first time encountering one, he was convinced it was an Emperor Imperial like in the legends, and immediately tried to backtrack to the clan he left.
Getting lost in the starry woods was inevitable, though, and he stumbled upon a new clan. The dragons welcomed him and the soldiers stood on guard at the entrance in case this "emperor" showed up. Shortly after, though, Iridesce had to do a double-take. Wandering the clan was another dragon nearly identical to the one he saw in the woods. Spooked, he ran to the guards to warn them, and, relieved, they went on to explain to him that they were a newly discovered species, and that the individual (or rather, individuals) in the clan was generally harmless... though a little bored and obsessed with finding a hobby to make up for their inability to fly.
Deciding to stay at the clan for a little while because of their hospitality, he learned as much as he could about the new species before heading off again, hoping to avoid any more delays in his adventures.

Until suddenly, Iridesce found himself in wildly familiar territory. At least, it should have been. It was his home clan after all, but it had been years since he had returned...and it had changed greatly. Of course, he was welcomed with open arms and offered to stay permanently if he so chose...and he considered it.
He stayed in the Hibernal Den for a time, and then went back into the main territory. But it really didn't feel like home. He was grateful to spend time with his little brother, Selch, who had never left. But even the brotherly bond was not enough to keep him. So he said goodbye once more to his parents, and set out again!

(Continue his travels here!)

Owners I've Had:

Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Insect stocks are currently depleted.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
Plant stocks are currently depleted.
Exalting Iridesce to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.