
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Plantation Pincher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Pearlcatcher
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5.71 m
4.82 m
642.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 28, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245





Uh-oh, looks like this light mage wandered a little too far from his home lair (570686, LabyrinthianLost), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!


As heir to one of the most influential families in Cragenmire City, to say that Gaelan had high expectations placed on him would be an understatement. Despite Vaedren's best efforts, his son just wasn't suited for magic in the same way he was; barely able to conjure even a single spell and fumbling with each and every specificity in the detailing of magic symbols and potion brewing. Gaelan's dreams, and Vaedren's alongside them, had been effectively crushed.

Nile still had yet to give up hope, though. She sent Gaelan to live in the Lake District with her parents, Oceanus and Tethys, in the hopes that they could unlock his potential. This ploy flopped just like the rest, and overhearing his parents talking to his grandparents about it when they came to take him back home, Gaelan decided there and then to make a run for it. If he couldn't live up to the expectations of being Nile and Vaedren's son, then he wouldn't be their son at all, save them the embarrassment of a screw-up like him.

He made it over to the Dark District, where Gaelan had a fateful run-in with a strange newcomer, Daeva, alongside her apprentice, Shimrio. The two were practitioners of the dark arts, that much Gaelan could gather by the symbols they dressed themselves with and the auras of magic about them. The two offered to unlock Gaelan's dormant potential, which had been pushed down inside him by the magical rocks lining the cavern they called home. Gaelan knew they were shady, but he had no more options, so he agreed. The two took them back to Daeva's home, a dungeon-like place, and began the ritual. At first, nothing happened besides the swirling of dark magic. Then, all at once, the room burst into light.

Gaelan could feel magic flowing through his very veins, looking down to see his blood vessels had turned a faintly glowing white as his magic finally flowed outward for the first time in his life. It no longer hid beneath the surface, running away when beckoned. Now, it was wild and free, and it was amazing. Daeva quickly took Gaelan on as another apprentice, teaching him the basics just like his father had attempted to. Before long, Gaelan stopped considering the desperate pearlcatchers who'd laid and hatched his egg to be his parents; Shimrio and Daeva were his family now.

As time passed and the two got older, Gaelan and Shimrio both grew restless to leave. Daeva advised them to go their separate ways, to learn on their own and develop their individual skills before meeting back up. That way, the two could grow as their own people, and still challenge each other whenever they met up next. Gaelan bid the two an emotional farewell, forcing himself not to cry as he and Shimrio both left under the cover of darkness. The dawn of a new day approached, and Gaelan was ready to be his own dragon as soon as the dawning sun heralded his fresh start.


(- Please Feel Free To Edit this and correct any errors.. I am not the best at Grammar. -)

Looking Down at his map, he Sighs and scratches his head. He could have sworn he made all the correct turns, and yet he still cannot seem to find the sign for "The Almighty Clan".

Gaelan Arrived in the Plague Realm, after he heard from another traveler of a Dragon by the name of IChaya Who takes in those who wish to practice magic and potion making who lives in the Plague Realm.
The Traveler even sent out a message to IChaya informing her of his arrival and for her to have
AtriaKeep her "Eye" open for his presence.

As he Sits and rests he cannot help but feel he is being watched, He glances around but sees nothing but towering mushrooms and boulders. Then he hears it, a noise like a cart being dragged across gravel and that is exactly what it was. In the near distance Gaelan sees a large Ridgeback who seemed to have no skin on his body.
He thinks about getting up and running in the opposite direction and just forgetting about finding IChaya and her clan until he heard a Deep voice Calling out to him " Are You Gaelan?! ".

He stands up and shouts back that he is in fact Gaelan as he begins to walk toward the Ridgeback.
Charon Introduces himself as The Husband
of the dragon who sensed his presence and was told to look out for him, He explains was sent to take him and his belongings back to the clan to meet IChya who has already prepared a room for him while he is staying with the clan.

He was welcomed to the Clan With a Wonderful Dinner and some live music,
He felt like he was already part of the clan. After the festifities he was whown to his room
by IChaya and was told their training starts in the morning.
First Day will Be for IChaya to learn what Gaelan already knows and what his strong
points are when it comes to Magic within. Once he has learned all she can teach him about
Magic she will teach him the Basics on Potion making.


Log Gaelan's Travels Here!


Owners I've Had:



Luggage Was not Sent when arriving at TheAlmightySei's Lair
Peacock Scorpion Woeful Vial Woeful Hood Woeful Gambeson Woeful Footpads Woeful Tools



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