
Level 1 Veilspun
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Shattered Serpent
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Veilspun
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Heritage of Suns



1.07 m
1.09 m
0.66 kg


Primary Gene
Starmap (Veilspun)
Starmap (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Bee (Veilspun)
Bee (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Opal (Veilspun)
Opal (Veilspun)


Nov 29, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245


Although Azabache and Granatethey are not brothers, they came at the same time to the Caln territories following the scent of a female Veilspun (Rea) but when they reached their destination they found themselves amazed by 2 young Veilspun who were frolicking among the flowers.
Unfortunately for them they found themselves squarely with a huge armed and armored Imperial that blocked their way... the silence was the only one heard in the field until the laughter of some young dragons crossed the field.
Beyond the huge male that blocked their path the two females were flying around 4 Mirror cubs and 2 Imperial cubs.Both young dragon wisely decided to wait.

Two weeks passed without a camior in the field, every time there seemed to be no trace of the Imperial and they approached it appeared out of nowhere and blocked them, until Azabache tried his luck and ran towards the female.
Big mistake. He had "managed" to dodge the Imperial male but a Banescale female he didnt saw grabbed him by the neck and knocked him down.

The next thing he remembered is seeing a white Mirror female look at him.
"Lust is not a good advisor, you should thank Azucena because if it weren't for her you would be dead."

The young jet was terrified and disoriented, when he turned around a huge bone mask with red eyes was looking at him, he was so scared that when he backed off he fell from the nest he was in.
A singing laugh sounded from the position of the mask and when he dared to look he realized that behind the mask there was actually a skydancer and on his right shoulder one of the females that he and whom he had come to love like a brother had been watching.

Spellbound as he was, he didn't realize that there were not only 3 dragons in the room (apart from him) but five.
"He has already woken up now it is time for him to leave here, he just wanted to annoy 2 members of our clan, there is no place here for him" it was the female Banescale who had knocked him down, a deep fear began to run through him "I. .. "from the shadows appeared a meandering and sibylline figure" I believe that it can be useful to us, it is fast and agile, it can be of help to recover treasures from the wild territory "that blue tone, those stripes, that armor, there was no doubt who It was, the Imperial who had been blocking his path and the Banescale female who had taken him down seemed to be arguing over what to do with him. The female Skydancer just seemed to be making a weird mix in a mortar by adding herbs and ... was that a beast wing??
Finally he looked at the Veilspun female who had made him lose his mind and get into this mess "Please no, now that I'm so close" the little obsidian-colored male was about to speak when ... " He will stay with us but you must not lose sight of him or his brother and under no circumstances can he approach Azucena or Lirio, let it be Rea and Geb who take care of it, and introduce Shadowguard to Kali and Varden if they approach, let them know what awaits them. "

The white female Mirror had spoken a tense atmosphere was established in the room and all eyes were on her. "As you say" was the unanimous response of all dragons in the room.

Needless to say, the first weeks were not a bed of roses for the two brothers, they were under constant surveillance, they underwent exhaustive military training, they got into the depths of the wild territory, and the worst thing is that they could not see at 2 o'clock. sisters.
The Veilspun female who had been followed by the smell was strict and serious, she did not pass a single one to the two brothers and her partner, although much calmer and more friendly, she only looked at them and painted while they suffered at the hands of their partner.
Both brothers were considering the option of going to the field of flowers and kidnapping the females of their desires while Rea was explaining something to them about I don't know what to hunt, when they heard a noise behind them when they turned around they found a female of mirror that they had not seen yet ero while Yuna, the female they already knew was white this was black and while the white conveyed serenity and authority this conveyed anger and thirst for blood.
"Jet, Granate I present to you Kali as she was telling you she is in the group of the Colosseum to kill members of the beastsclans." No one doubted for a moment the veracity of those words.

But their horror only grew when they saw that behind the female appeared two males an obelisk that gave off contempt and contained fury from his eyes and a Banescale that despite looking like the lider, the only thing that his eyes expressed were cold and a calculating look.

"Gardian has warned us that Yuna has entrusted us with the mission of watching over these guys, it doesn't seem like something Yuna would do like that ..."A fememine voice was heared in taht instant over the banescale voice "BECAUSE YUNA HAS GIVEN US SOMETHING AS LOW AS THAT !!!" Both Jet and Granate were startled by the scream and outburst of the Mirror female, however Rea did not seem slightly surprised and the banescale although angry did not seem angry.
"I'm glad you asked that Kali" Rea was smiling in a way that the brothers swore was the most evil thing they had and would ever see "Because these guys spent a month watching our little Veilspun puppies the ones that arrived two months ago and the very idiots tried to force the situation when they saw that Gardian did not allow them the passage "of course even though Rea had been with them for a couple of weeks she was not going to try to sweeten things, of course not ... A tense atmosphere and cold (Jet and Granate would later swear they could cut the air with their claws) settled on top of both brothers.
Laughter could be heard from behind and Geb, Rea's partner, was cracking up while painting.
Far from calming the environment more irritated the female named Kali "and why are they alive then?" It was not Kali who had spoken but the Banescale who seemed the leader.
"Because Gardian seems to think that they will be useful because of their speed and agility and Yuna decided that you should be the ones to watch over him ShadowGuard" The banescale they already knew how to name seemed to be thoughtful.
"But that doesn't make sense" ShadowGuard replied after a while "Yuna knows perfectly that if they run, Kali will go into hunting
It will kill, also the only way they can kill is if they knock out Kali "Azabache and Granate felt dead when Kali responded to that statement with a grunt, when prey of the meido fell back they collided with the male obelisk" And poor that that he dares to hurt him because Varden would destroy him and make him suffer the unspeakable "They didn't have to be very smart about who Varden was.

Luckily for both brothers, despite the terror that passed that day, Rea decided to leave them alone with only one final warning. hurt you if you comply with the rules but if you run ... well let's say Kali and Varden have permission to start the hunt "Rea had a toothy smile as she said that.
Days later, after an exhausting day with Rhea, the strainer had forced him to travel a thousand meters in the shortest possible time over and over again, he was so tired that he did not realize that he was not alone until after a tinkling sound of metal the ground shook. Beside him a blue imperial male who was extremely familiar by now had dropped to the ground and was looking up at the sky.
His bright eyes showing his attunement and arcane flight mastery.

At first, Azabache had been afraid of him but now she saw that he had no real thirst for blood, he only had one aua of protection.

Jet despite being from another flight that did not have the same obsession with knowledge, he decided for the first time in his short life to see the stars, to only see points of light "I do not understand arcana."
When he turned to see the imperial "Varden" he was looking directly at him.
Little veilspun gave a chill.
"Do you know why I interceded for you?" Azabache was startled when the taciturn imperial spoke to him, he didn't have much money if he expected an answer or not, so he decided to shut up.
"I also had an obsession once" the young man in the obsidian color was about to speak when he heard a deep laugh. "No no, it was not for a female, it was for what all my flight yearns for, knowledge." Gardian was staring at Azabache and the young man had the same feeling that he had when his father spoke with him ... "My obsession was my ruin and my near death, exactly like you" Azabache was startled when hearing those words. "That's why you saved me tha .."
"It was not me who saved you, it was Yuna boy, no matter how much I saw myself in you, a single voice would not have meant anything in this clan, but Yuna is different, she is special, she has seen something in you that no one else has seen."

Gardian looked at the young Veilspun and said "I have come here because despite appearances how disparate we are and how crazy some of us are ..." as if that words was a summon spell two little dragons a young male mirror , that suspiciously looks like too similar to Kali, and a little little leaf-colored Imperial chicks ran past them.

As soon as the cub saw them, she turned around with an air of childish joy "HelloGardian, howareyou? Willyoutakemeonadventures? Daddoesn'twanttotakeme, and Momisverybusylately I'm bored ..." endless words Run over in a few seconds, Azabache was still processing the first question when she looked at him. Deep pink eyes that looked at him as if they were piercing her soul. "Hello, andwhoareyou? AreyoufriendswithGardian? Willyoubemyfriend? Gardianyouhavetotellhimtobemyfriend"

Jet stunned by so many questions, she could only look at the blue Imperial, who laughed "I think Hunter is looking for you little one, it's time to go to bed or I'll tell Jairo that tomorrow you don't deserve to go see the flowers" the little girl puppy made a real horrified face "NOOO I'mgoingtobed, tobed" disappears in a yellowish blur to appear seconds later on the face of the stunned veilspun "Itwasapleasuremeetingyoufriend, seeyou".

When the little cub left Azabache was paralyzed without knowing what to do and only saw how Gardian laughed at his situation.
"It's time for me to go they need me to protect the nests, it's nice to know that soon haru will not be the only cub if you are lucky and work hard you may be lucky enough to see the hatching." Azabache was very surprised "To see a hatching but ... but that can only be seen by parents, not even siblings" Azabache was between horrified and fascinated a law so strongly supported by her previous clan was unheard of she only managed to see Gardian who He was looking and for the first time he saw that he had a small smile on his face, "Here we are a big family we all help and support each other from the loving Damena to the irascible Kali we all play a role but above all we take care of each other." Soon after, Gardian got up and left, leaving the young dragon alone.

A couple of hours later after thinking about what Gardian had told him in the little cub and in his position in the clan he prepared to leave but when he turned around ... Four immovable wise pink eyes seemed to have the knowledge of the world and the future in them. Yuna was behind him. "h-hello ... I-I was going to g-go to b-bed" I was not very clear why if it was because of what gardian had said or because of the sensations that that look transmitted but I felt that Yuna was someone who couldn't be played with.

when the jet-black youth ran out to his little madrigera and turned around at the entrance, Yuna was still staring at him, neither his eyes nor his expression had changed one iota.

Although apparently the lives of the two brothers had not changed much, they both knew each other differently. Granate had had an encounter with someone the same night that Azabache had met haru and since then he was more determined to prove himself, he was standing out in Rea's exercises and every day almost ended in stench, and Jet had seen that Rea was liking that, she was even smiling kindly at Granate. REA WAS SMILING, incredible.

He, on his side, from time to time had seen the puppy Haru a couple of times more always cheerful, happy and playing. Without realizing it, neither jet nor Granate were so obsessed with Lirio nor Azucena, little by little they were adapting.

Ten days from the first (but not last) meeting with Haru a group representing another clan came to establish relations with Yuna's clan. Unfortunately for Granate they were rivals of his old clan and they knew him how strange they did not take long to find out that Granate did not really belong to the clan and they took even less time to try to annoy and humiliate him.

Azabache who had never really cared about anyone other than himself got nervous and furious and tried to drive away the bullies from HIS brother.

Using the workouts that Rea had put them through, he managed to keep them at bay, at least until a little greenish bolt full of energy got in the way. "Hey he's my friend you can't hurt my friend !!!" Everyone present was shocked and those belonging to the other clan did not take long to laugh.
"Hahaha..Do you need a lil cub to protect you ??" the dragon that had spoken a pearlcatcher slapped Haru's tail when she butted his pearl after he laughed at his friend.

At that moment both Jet and Granate attacked them, and although they gave enough blows, they were too many and they fell.

With his last Black forces he covered little Haru before losing consciousness.
The last thing I noticed was a roar like I was under the water and the ground ... was it shaking?

Jet had an intense pain from the tip of his horns to the tip of his tail, the pain was intense and he could not move.

He felt someone open his mouth and put a thick, viscous liquid on him.
I knew it had to taste horrible, I knew it but ... why didn't it taste anything?

When his eyes half-opened he saw an angel, a veilspun female with azure diafanous and mist starmap body was giving him the medicine very carefully.

He heard a moan on his left and knew it was his brother but when he wanted to see him he felt a fresh and refreshing sensation from his stomach to the rest of his body that left him drunk.

Azabache was swimming between consciousness and unconsciousness for several days until finally he woke up, he was in the same nest in which he woke up the first day in the clan but this time there was no one there, "I guess the angel was a dream" .
He looked to his right and his brother was in the nest next to him, but when he went to get up, a whiplash of pain lay him on the bed.

Azabache heard some singing hums and when she turned and saw a Coatl at the door she was surprised, she knew that the clan had a few coatls but she had never seen them up close, and although if the previous clan was not lacking in Coatl she did not quite understand his language, he had never tried to learn it.
"humm I'm sorry but ..", the coatl looked at him and smiled warmly, it was the first time in the clan that they smiled at him like that.

The Coatl offered him a small bowl filled with a blue liquid and handed it to him, at the end for his insistence he accepted it and after several more attempts by the male coatl he drank it, he immediately found himself better, enough to observe the friendly dragon.

It is true that in his previous clan there were other coatls, but not like him.

It looked like a dragon made of crystal, it was not the only one in this clan but if the first one it got so close to, I was sure that its genes were extraordinary: crystalline feathers the color of obsidian, a black but shiny belly and its body the color From the sand in the evening, he was convinced that many females were fighting over him.

"If you don't stop looking at my partner I'll end up getting jealous" Azabache turned towards the door and saw the same dragon that healed him last time, at least this time she wasn't doing any strange mix.

"I'm sorry I just haven't seen any dragon like him before"
"A Coatl? They are not so rare"

"No Coatl no, it looks like it's made of glass"
"There are a few here, you will already know them."

That reminded someone "How is Haru? '"

"Good, thanks to you"

"That's not true, he got into trouble for protecting me"

The female skydancer smiled behind her mask "That's what we do here, we all take care of each other boy"

"I am not really one of you."

"you're sure?" Azabache raised her head that was not the doctor's voice.
Indeed at the foot of his bed was Yuna "How long has she been there?"
Azabache just stared at Yuna, who was smiling at him as if she knew something he didn't.

at that moment in the nest on the right there began to be sounds and shortly after Granate got up half asleep and in pain.

"Well I'll let you rest for now. Demise when do you think they're recovered?"
"Okay, Yuna, I'll take care of it and with the potion that Atgof has made them in forty-eight hours they'll be on their feet."
Yuna nodded her head "Understood Demise, take good care of them, I'll send you help for them" Yuna was smiling in a way that grated the creepy.

Demise meanwhile began to laugh at the same time as her partner, and Azabache found it strange to hear the laugh of a Skydancer at the same time as that of a Coatzl.

Shortly after, Atgof gave them another bowl filled this time with an orange-colored liquid that made them sleep.

The next day early in the morning they found the last thing they could have expected, as soon as they woke up they found Demise explaining to Azucena and Lirio how they should take care of them.

Azabache felt in a nightmare, he had finally been able to "forget" the female of his doom and now they put her to take care of him, it was obviously a hard and tense day.

The next day with the help of Demise, Atgof and both females of their kind were finally able to leave the Infirmary, only to be found fully with the entire clan celebrating a celebration.

It was Granate that could only stammer "What ... How ??", and it was curiously Jairo who answered "Azucena advised us that Haru had left kindergarten and that he had jumped in defense of the two of you and also saw how you took care to our puppy, so we are thanking you and sorry for treating you so badly at first. "Jet and Granate were deeply moved so much that they hardly noticed when a small white and green blaze swooped down on them. "MY FRIENDS ARE OKAY; MY FRIENDS ARE OKAY; YOU CAN ALREADY PLAY WITH ME"
Before the poor could speak, a yellow and green imperial female took her and pushed her away "No darling, they are ill and have to rest" then looking at the young veilspun she said "My name is Kyngja and thank you very much for protecting me. puppy "a white imperial with blue wings, who had seen him in the training camp often also came closer" .

Yuna who was leaving the infrimary at that time said "SILENCE" .... "Jet..Granate ... the first time you came you came with only one goal, what was it?"
Azabache and Granito looked at each other and said at the same time "mate with Azucena and Lirio at any cost" Yuna nodded at his words "I appreciate your sincerity. You have been with us for two months, if I offered to take the females with you, would you accept? "
Both brothers knew it was a trap that they should think about it but in the end Granate answered "No, because they are happy here and that is what matters ... I would like to stay in this clan and serve the clan" Granate I do not doubt I do not stumble, Azabache He saw his growth in two months from being a shy and indecisive young man to a strong and determined warrior and explorer, drawing strength and courage, he said "I agree with my brother and I also want to stay."
The silence grew heavy in the clearing and all the dragons repeated at once shouted "WELCOME TO THE CLAN"

Hours later Gardian met in an area a bit removed from the party and told him that he was proud of him, Azabache who had come to regard Gardian as a teacher or even a father told him "I'm not worth your pride" eyes penetratingly they looked at him "my sin is the same" Shame made him look down.

"Young man, when your obsession is not an obsession but a goal that you can access without sacrificing others then you are worthy, isn't love to some extent an obsession that blinds us and manipulates us? What you have to do is win her young heart, although I don't think it will cost you much "said Gardian mysteriously looking forward Azucena was looking at them shyly.
Suddenly Azabache felt a little push and when he turned Gardian nodded at him, but before really moving forward the young veilspun turned to where Yuna was who was talking to a pair of Wilclaws that he would already know and as if he knew what he was waiting for. his answer Yuna turned to him, he nodded once and returned to their conversation.
Some time later, both brothers became partners in their obsessions that were no longer obsessions.

He is one of the faster esploren in the clan but while Zuanshi is long distance explorer azabache and granate are closer but more precises explorers.

Every time someone outside the clan looks at the two male Veilspun who play and frolic happily and carelessly with cubs even though they are twice their age, Yuna always says "Who gets rid of his obsessions, truly learns what makes him happy and that is when they will truly enjoy life ".

His mate its Azucena
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