
It's not kidnapping <3
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Violet Daredevil Cover
Sanddune Rags
Starlight Guise
Dryad's Guise
White Linen Arm Wraps
White Linen Chest Wrap
White Linen Leg Wraps
White Linen Neck Wrap
White Linen Tail Wrap


Skin: Abyssal Protector


Scene: Foxfire Grove


30.29 m
23.61 m
7834.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 29, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level




  • none


By: FrenzyDaFox

UjUgBFx.png Aragonite Haunt
Disoriented Spirit 0DJVjbv.png
VerticalArtframe.png _____For some reason, digging through this grave was making Charles feel extra sentimental and nostalgic. There were a couple of toys buried alongside these small bones; one an emperor plushie, the other a sack of flour with straw hair designed to look like a doll.
_____It reminded him not of his childhood, but his lack of one. He vividly remembered when he looked upon his father's gaze, the cyan flash, and then how the dragon turned to stone before him. He remembered sensing the fear in his mother. He wanted to look at her, but instead shut his eyes so, so tight. He didn't want to lose her, to be left alone, to petrify the one person who could--who would-- take care of him. He didn't open his eyes. He refused to open them as she went to hug him. He felt her shivering, but it wasn't from the cold. The trembles were from fear.
_____He remembered her later wrapping a blindfold around his face, covering his eyes so that he wouldn't murder anyone else. He was doomed to figure out his surroundings with his whiskers and talons for the rest of his days.
_____Then he was taken away from her. He was taken by an elder dragon who could supposedly see the future. Taken, and never allowed to return. Now he couldn't return. But it was for the best. He had a good life now. He was accepted.
_____Charles thoughtfully caressed the doll's soft, flour-filled head, then set it back into the grave. This tomb wasn't for looting. This child's bones could stay with what it had loved when it was still alive. This child had had the chance to have the things a child should have, and that was something Charles would never take away from it.
_____Charles had asked to walk to the court meeting with Lucian, his only friend since Esten became ill. Since Lucian was checking in on the Wildclaw, Charles had to wait in the main square for him.
_____Esten had been last seen (or at least, in Charles's case, heard) muttering nonsense about the council being an evil organization. He'd obviously lost his mind over the last few weeks. He'd gotten attacked and wounded at one point too, so he was being cared for; the medics and mages were trying to heal him. The Wildclaw was Charles's best friend, and he was worried about him. He really hoped he would get better, come to his senses, and be the awesome dragon he always was.
_____"Yo, Lucian! How's Esten doing? You haven't said anything about him in days." Charles sauntered over to his Imperial friend the moment he heard his voice finishing a conversation with another councilman.
_____Lucian looked towards him uncomfortably. "Uh… Charles… about that…" Lucian's voice took on a sound of dull certainty with a faint hue of sadness, unlike his lively but strong voice when talking with that other dragon. Charles also noticed that the sound moved further ahead of him, signifying that he needed to follow after Lucian.
_____Worriedly, Charles lowered his previously upturned, happy ears.
_____"Charles, I- I killed him," he said quietly.
VerticalArtframe.png _____Charles's chill demeanor shattered to pieces the moment he heard what Lucian said. "You… WHAT?"
_____"Charles, I had no choice. He was convincing others that the council is evil and causing so much unrest..."
_____Shocked, Charles said, "So that's why you weren't saying anything about him? Because you were planning to kill him?"
_____"Maybe. Yes," Lucian said. Charles let out a snarl and stepped away from him. "We're going to the council. Right now. My god, you murdered him- TODAY? they can't let that pass unpunished. What'd you do to him? How the hell did you just kill him then and there, in a building with other dragons? How'd they not hear you? How'd they not come and stop- Our best friend and you just-" It took everything within Charles to suppress the angry fire burning up inside. His muscles started quivering with rage.
_____"Fine. We should, because they'll see that it had to be done. And they'll find his body soon. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll get a proper burial." Charles could hear the wryness in Lucian's voice. After killing their best friend, Lucian was gonna joke about Charles's grave-robbing hobby?
_____"He didn't have to die, Lucian," the dragon growled, shoving his friend--no, this murderer--in the direction of the council room. "They were trying to help him. He could have been saved, but then you go and kill him? Lucian!" Charles spat out his name with surprising ferocity.
_____"We'll argue about this in front of the council," Lucian replied stiffly, lowering his head and heading towards the room that would determine his fate.
_____Charles hung his head, whiskers brushing against the floor. The Council was waiting for its last two members to arrive, then the meeting would begin.
_____His mind was flooded with memories of Esten and Lucian.
_____The three of them laughed together, joking and eating waffle fries at the local restaurant. Charles cracked a joke and Esten nearly blew tea out his nose.
Charles and Esten shouldered each other and play-fought as they walked to the council room, gently cuffing each other over the head.
_____Esten and Lucian argued like brothers over who had cooler wings.
Charles chuckled quietly, drawing a few councilman's eyes.
_____Those two had been the greatest people. The three of them had supported each other when no one else did.
_____Then, the last conversation he and Lucian had replayed in his mind. "Uh… Charles… about that... I killed him."
_____He clenched his fist. Lucian had been friends with Esten, too. And then he just killed him. Just because the Wildclaw was going a little crazy. He could have helped to heal him, could have offered to help the mages. But no. Lucian had said he was gonna help, walked into the building, and murdered him.
_____He'd murdered Charles's partner. Lucian had forever destroyed his relationship with Charles, forever rendered Esten dead.
_____And yet, he expected to walk out of this council room innocent. Unconvicted.
_____Because of him, Esten was never coming back.

Biography by Sparrowe
Editing by FallingUpstairs


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae rhoncus justo. Donec vitae egestas arcu, id euismod nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae rhoncus justo. Donec vitae egestas arcu, id euismod nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Ex-Best Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae rhoncus justo. Donec vitae egestas arcu, id euismod nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

UjUgBFx.png Aragonite Haunt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ultrices orci non tincidunt efficitur.Nullam vel mollis lorem.
By: RebelRai

Disoriented Spirit 0DJVjbv.png
Art by: Temere
by June Westfield

you have to put your feet straight, sweetheart. let the temple call to you, and listen as they bring you to those heights. the starless sky will shed no remorse and fear will eat away at your heart. ascend, but still ground your feet. now place them one ahead of the other, as the landscape of crumbling bricks and decaying statues fade away at your peripherals. now statues morph into gravestones, and their lettering is faded. let this not bother you. the wind is howling and the vines spread over your feet, diseased and rotting. you have to move, do not stay put! again! put your feet straight and run, for that is what you were made to do.

flowers grow at the feet of forgotten graves. thunder rolls and lightning arcs across the twilight sky. stars flicker like candles and you would do well to watch your step, child of the dead - this land hungers for your soul. headstones will crumble into golden dust and shadows will melt back beyond the grave. the ghosts are singing, do you hear their sorrowful cries? their siren songs? they mourn the land and its fall into oblivion, their samsara chains that cage them beneath the earth. you are safe for now. but soon the pillars of stone shall fall and the lights will be snuffed out forever. amidst the flowing sand, the wind is crying. it cries for your doomed soul. run while you can.

the grave flowers bloom into a ghostly universe.

By: Promare
By: kyaniite


Turning up the earth, digging up pasts;
I wonder when these bones saw light last...?
They claim this is a hallowed spot—
There are no ghosts left here, just deathly rot.

A cold, damp morning, fogging breath,
Searching for remnants of life amongst death,
Those fools - who buries gold with their kin?
Those old bones have no use for them.

Beneath all the rot of what couldn't survive,
There's only one thing that can remain alive—
If you forgo the past, turn up the earth,
That buried egg might still beget a new birth.

It's Not Kidnapping: Notes wrote:
Water Egg Dropped: 12/12/21 - Redrock Cove (Given Away)
Shadow Egg Dropped: 12/21/21 - Boreal Wood (Given Away)
Lightning Egg Dropped: 12/21/21 - Boreal Wood (Vaulted)
Arcane Egg Dropped: 12/21/21 - Woodland Path (Given Away)
Arcane Egg Dropped: 1/2/22 - Boreal Wood (Given Away)
Earth Egg Dropped: 1/20/22 - Gathering (Given Away)
Nocturne Egg Gifted: 1/31/22 (Hatched)
Water Egg Dropped: 3/8/22 - Blooming Grove (Given Away)
Nocturne Egg Gifted: 4/1/22 (Hatched)
Ice Egg Dropped: 4/4/22 - Training Fields (Vaulted)

~Temporary Wishlist~

By: brit

By: desertangelic
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Exalting Charles to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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