
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Teal Starsilk Earrings
Fruitful Garden Hat
Gold Glasses
Burnished Filigree Helmet
Marsh Frog Companion
Ornate Gold Bracelet
Bamboo Dried Tea
Bronze Steampunk Wing Armor
Green and White Flair Scarf
Nomad's Sandwastes Sash
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Anklet
Nurturing Healer's Trail
Rose Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble
Maroon Tail Wrap


Skin: Amber-Trapped Fae



0.42 m
1.29 m
1.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 01, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


An amber statue stands in front of you. Locals have come to call the statue Trudie, but it’s true name is unknown, if it even had one. It’s clearly been here for awhile but no-one remembers who built it though and there’s no signature in sight, a shame. It’s been adorned with clothes and trinkets throughout the years, each with their own story

  • [Powgal15] Ornate Gold Bracelet - A bracelet given by a Fae royal.
  • [Mazatl23] Fruitful Garden Hat - A farmer passes by the statue, An old snapper, she's retiring soon. With great melancholy she walks through the crowded streets, she's gonna miss her job, but her bones are too fragile to keep working like she always does. She's planning on moving to a different place to stay with one of her sons, it will be nice to have company for once, and she cant wait to meet her grandchildren.

    She looks at a statue, it looks tiny compared to all the dragons around it, no one seems to pay it any mind, and our Snapper wouldn't have paid attention to it in any other day. But today she was leaving, and today she noticed the statue.

    "Oh dear" She shuffled closer, her voice coarse from age "you're gonna get sick like that with no protection!"

    She lectured the statue, like an old lady trying to take care of a child

    "Here" she takes off her farmer's hat and puts it on the statue's head. It would've completely hid a normal-sized fae under it but this statue is bigger than your average fae, it fits it perfectly, or as perfectly as a hat can fit a statue.

    "Take care when Im gone" She says to the statue, she says to the town she grew up in.

    Its sad to leave, its hard to change when you're as old as she is. But she believes its worth a try to teach her old self new tricks.
  • [TheRedPaladin] Gold Glasses - Time is a wonderful thing. When these glasses were first crafted, they were custom made for a very small fae. That fae would grow up with a passion for reading. They consumed books the way all dragons breath air! They were so engrossed in the stories they read that life almost passed them by without ever showing more than a book, pages, or ink. Of course, life and love don't like that sort of thing. So almost out of the blue it sent a spiral.
    He was wild, fun, and loved to explore everything. He took special interest in the fae. But when it seemed they couldn't even hear due to their minds being so engrossed in books, the spiral came up with a clever idea. He went out into the world, explored, and wrote many simple books romanticizing the places he saw. He wrote down facts, made up stories, made picture books, pressed various flowers into the pages, made the books with scented page, anything he could think of to make reality more enticing. Eventually he even placed himself in the books, explaining to an "anonymous" fae character just how much he wanted to explore the world with them.
    This worked. With every new book came new glances. Extended peeks into reality instead of the page. Until, finally, after a particularly romantic book, the fae shut the covers with a sign and a smile to see the grinning spiral. Realization dawned. Their heart thumped. And when all was said and done, the two did go out to see the world together. The fae never forgot their love of books. But instead of reading, they wrote down the best adventures of their life with that wild, loving spiral. Unfortunately time is cruel. Those books have since been lost or destroyed. But the glasses stand as proof of a fae that loved to read and a spiral who etched their names into the frame in tiny script with a little heart to remind their lover to think of them now and again. The lenses may have since changed, but these frames have withstood the test of time and love.
  • [Reilybug] Marsh Frog Companion - Lilly was a small fae hatchling with a passion for sculpting. One day she made a beautifully crafted sculpture of a frog so well made that at first you would think it was real.
    Lily wasn't really sure what to with it now as the drawer she kept her sculptures in was full and couldn't fit any more.
    Coincidentally the hatchling just happened to be near the statue. It had been there as long as anyone could remember.

    "How lonely he must be standing there year after year unable to talk to anyone." She thought when she had an idea.

    Gently she set the frog down on the sculptures pedestal so that never again would the statue be lonely.
  • [SirBurrito] Green and White Flair Scarf - A long time ago, there was a small family of tundras. And in that family of Tundras was a small, dark blue hatchling named Minty.

    He was a rather shy, quiet tundra who loved to read and write. On his first birthday, he was given a green scarf with white stripes and ever since he wore it everywhere.
    But five years later, poor Minty lost his scarf. A very strong wind blew it away and he couldn't catch it in time, to make matters worse, a powerful storm began to kick up, forcing him to have to return to his home with his family.

    Minty was very upset over it, it was the first time he'd ever lost something that was important to him and at the time, it was the most important thing in the world to him. And his family did all they could to cheer him up, maybe it'll turn up one day.

    A day later, his parents helped him find his scarf but no matter where they looked, they just couldn't find it and eventually, even Minty himself gave up on it. Luckily his family helped cheer him up and he even got a nice new scarf. Eventually Minty moved on and as time went on, would gradually begin to forget about the scarf that he'd lost.

    Years later... A mirror with vibrant green markings was walking along a path, until suddenly, a scarf that smelt a lot like a tundra blew into their face. Grabbing it, they decided to find somewhere to put it. Maybe it's original owner will find it?

    After a little while of walking, they noticed a beautiful fae statue carved out of amber and decided to take a closer look at it. After admiring the details up close, the mirror then wrapped the scarf around it's neck. After making sure the scarf fit nicely, they left and went back to what they were doing. Perhaps one day, even if he has long forgotten about it, Minty too will come across the statue and finally find his childhood scarf.
  • [CitrusSeeds] Bamboo Dried Tea - The night drug a peaceful blanket of darkness over the desolate looking field. Arundel had taken a night off from his duties to reflect on his own personal feelings. It was easy to lose yourself when your job was to counsel other dragons. The autumn air buffets his feathers, causing them to flutter and curl around his neck. There was something in the distance... something shiny. Arundel briskly made his across the meadow and to the strange looking object. It was a Fae statue, adorned with various trinkets.

    He couldn't pass up the opportunity to contribute something of his own. Arundel grabs a small bundle of leaves and berries from his side bag and meticulously strings them along the statues wings, being careful not to move any of the other items. He steps back, and takes a minute to look over his work. Although small, it was something he did all his own, without any influence of others. Arundel turns back in the direction of his clan, holding his fluffy head a little higher.
  • [Sandydragon595] Bronze Steampunk Wing Armor - An inventor wanted to test his wing armor on a dragon, but nobody would agree to trying it on. It might be because he intended to test it by using his experimental heat gun on it, but it will remain a mystery. To solve the problem of lack of test subjects, the inventor had to resort to using statues. The armor sort of worked- the statue is fine, but the armor is melted into the statue!
  • [Novakinn] Maroon Tail Wrap - "Way to go, genius. You broke it!"

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock it over-"

    "Told you to watch that big tail of yours, can't take you anywhere without you breaking something."

    "Fine alright, my fault. I'm sure there's some dragon nearby who can fix-"

    "No, no- we can't tell anyone! We can get in trouble, or worse, pay for it!"

    "Well I don't see you with any bright ideas."

    "Hmm... You still got that tape on you?"
  • [Lesbianpangoro] Nomad's Sandwastes Sash - A lone, immaculately-dressed Pearlcatcher approaches the statue. His presence causes those gathered near the statue to part like the sea. It's not clear who he is, but there's something... off about him. Maybe it's the eerie smile his face rests in, maybe it's the look in his eyes.
    Silently, he offers a length of fabric to the statue, fastening it around its waist with gentle hands. He bows his head. It almost looks like his mouth is forming words. Something like "Forgive me"...?
    Too late to tell. The Pearlcatcher's already raised his head. He politely nods to the passers-by, that quiet smile restored to his muzzle.
  • [SnickerSnack] Nurturing Healer's Trail - A female guardian spots the statue from afar, curious as to what it was that was on it. It appeared that people had been leaving items here and there, either as a good luck charm or perhaps just because they could. She studied it for a moment, head tilted as a strange feeling came over her. With a soft hum, she took out the brightly colored tail covering she had purchased, slipping it over the tail of the statue. It fit rather well even if the color was a little strange. But at the same time, it was all she had to offer. With that completed, she turned around and ventured back to her home, glad to have done something even though she wasn't sure what it was.
  • [Aetherskyes] Burnished Filigree Helmet - The soldier was old and wary. Rare for his kind.

    He came from a poorer family, so when the war started he and his brothers were sent out to fight on the front lines.

    He lost everyone he knew to that war. The ever-hungry maw that is ash and bloodshed consumed everyone he knew.

    Some of them were still alive. But he didn't know them anymore. The war had taken their minds, but left their bodies ragged and faint.

    The day the war ended was the first day in forever he had taken that helmet off. Dented. Battered. Broken. It seemed to be the only thing that remained with him throughout the course of the war.

    and with a heavy sigh, he laid it upon the statue.
  • [MilkshakeTrex] Teal Starsilk Earrings - Tears dripped from the pale ice blue eyes of a young nocturnes' face as he wandered through the thick foliage of the woods, a small box clutched in his talons. Today was not a good day for him. He had just learned that his lover had being seeing another dragon behind his back. It stung, especially when he learned the news as he was getting a present for them. He eventually enters a clearing and comes across a statue of a fae. He stares at the statue for a moment, then looks down at the box he was holding. He gingerly opens the box and approaches the statue. " would probably enjoy these more than I ever would..." He hung the earrings up on the statue, then continued his walk through the woods
  • [chork] Rose Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble - It got dark quickly in the winter, far darker than most were used to at the time. When the evening fog rolled in, so did a young skydancer with particularly bad eyesight and a good heart. She held the lamp in front of her as she strolled through the town on her way back home. When the skydancer passed by the statue, she had mistaken it for a real fae, despite its larger size for a fae. She held it out to it and asked worriedly, 'Aren't you cold? Aren't you lost?' and when the statue seemingly refused to answer, she gently put it in its tail's grasp. With a smile, she told it, "There, now, son. I hope this light may guide you home. Stay warm tonight!"
    She made it home safely, of course, almost as if the statue had helped guide her home, like a good luck charm.
  • [ScrubbybubbleS] Teardrop Pastel Spinel Anklet - You sit at a tavern late at night, most dragons have already gone home. It is mostly quiet, a bartender cleaning glasses behind the counter, a lone elderly Pearlcatcher on what must be his seventh drink of the night sits in the corner, and on the stage two dragons are locked in a musical performance. A tiny fae plays an amateur melody on a viola, and a skydancer plucks away at a harp and sings a soft song about revolution. The skydancer is far more skilled at their work, but there's a spark between the two dragons that makes their music mesmerizing. When the song concludes you applaud, and the skydancer smiles at you. They step off the stage and walk up to you, their companion trailing close behind. They slide off a piece of jewelry off their arm and press it in your talon.

    "You're more powerful then you know." They whisper in your ear. "Change is coming, and when it does, remember the name of the god-slayers."

    Then the two strangers who produced such a beautiful song left. you came back to that tavern every night, but you never did see them again.

    The change that beautiful skydancer had promised never came, but you never did forget the name of the god-slayers.

    Many years later, you walk by a statue, covered in trinkets from previous passerby, and for whatever reason it reminds you of that night, of that fae who seemed so loved, so happy to just be near their companion. With a sigh, you take off the bracelet you have kept ever since and wrap it around the ankle of the statue.

    Maybe one day that change will come.
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Exalting Trudie to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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