
Level 7 Nocturne
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Boneyard Drape
Iron Filigree Helmet




4.38 m
4.88 m
395.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 31, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Nocturne
EXP: 1214 / 11881




  • none



_____________• FERMENT | The Old King
__ Looks like I've wandered a little too far from my homelair, kiyoooo (#693697), and now I'm traveling to see the world. I would be incredibly grateful if you didn't exalt or sell me through the Auction House, but rather sent me on my way through the Dragons Off To See The World thread. You could also send me home to Slaynoir or drop me off at the Traveler Hub if that's easier for you. Thank you for helping me keep traveling!

_ _
The 25th child of Distrust and Revenge, born of malice. Building up within his mind, pending up in pools of ailing memories belonging to aged betrays long beyond his years. Fermenting and broiling to ever sicker bubbling thoughts of cruelty. Greyed fangs permanently marring the side of his face in crude lionfish scars.

His body may be young, even as his tomb lay untouched for many years. But his mind exceeds even his old prison's creation.

"I stand among thousands of lives... most long fallen, some yet to be."

His voice was deep and rough, despite the youth of his years his voice crows like a mountainous titan sitting on eternity. His greyed teeth glinting in the pale torch light as he spoke, a greyed and deep blue tongue curling with his words. Reverbing his words around the walls like the coming of a great calamity.

"I hear the evil they speak, taste the blood they've shed, felt the claws piercing scales as the reaper came to collect his due."

His voice portrayed a almost humorous tone, as if he found amusement in the beginnings and end those he grew from. With a deep seated rumbled he craned his head down towards the stone floor, cracked and coated in dust that got picked up and swirled in the air like fireflies with every exhale. The red spikes that spined down his back like a nettles of veins arched like a great sea serpents spinal fin. Forming around his head in a mockery of a crown born of three spines.


Owners I've Had

Slaynoir (#599702)
TeenyTK (#206487)
kiyoooo (#693697)
goosehasarrived (#671008)
Rarecreature(#660133)(New home and permanent home)

Username (#ID)

Iron Filigree Helmet Boneyard Drape

_ _
"Yet it brings me nothing but grief, the cycle of repentance and betrayal fester in all those walking this circle of what we call life... of those who wander this vast earth."

A rising hum accompanied his voice as a rasping crackle echoed about the stone room as his dusty under kept scales rubbed against his spines. Sounding like a old hyena cackling out its death rattle.

With a great effort he fell to all fours, his once red but now graying neck flab kicking up dust as it dragged along the stone floors. Breaking away from his old wooden throne, where the rot that long settled in the wood peeling from his spines like ripped roots.

He seemed content with the removal from his old wooden prison of a throne, a rasping rattling sight leaving his throat as his scales breathed in the dusty moist air. His throne room must of long been submerged under the erosion of time.

"Let's see if we can change that..."

Above the old room, lost to time. Birds cried their alarms and rodents quickly fled as the madmans crackling laughter shook beneath the ground. The deep seated wrongness echoing through the dirt and gravel.

The old king has awakened.


________ kiyoooo
__ Ferment had been travelling for a while, when he'd come across a little idyllic grove, where the birds sang and the stars sparkled. He scoffed. What a silly, picturesque scene. Pretending everything is perfect in the world.

After gazing at the scene for a little longer, Ferment decided. What fun it would be, if I sowed a bit of distruct and malignance amongst such peace! It would be so much fun to see everything here crash and burn. Having made up his mind, Ferment made his way into the clan.

It had been going well the first few days. Ferment had spread a little lie through the clan, that Sweetheart, the baby of the clan, was vapid and secretly thought himself above everyone else. Cygnus, the patriarch, didn't care about any of the other dragons, and was only in his position due to favouritism. Slowly, but surely, the web of lies grew, until almost everyone in the clan became unsure of each other, slowly growing further and further apart. Ferment cackled silently. These idiot dragons. How dare you try to pretend you all love each other and are a big family, when a few words can so easily turn you against each other? You're all just a bunch of hypocritical liars!

But Ferment hadn't expected his plan to go wrong. Or, he'd underestimated the love that everyone had for each other. After hearing of the rumours of his vapidness, Sweetheart apologised to everyone, and promised to not act like that again. Cygnus, after being told about how he'd been accused of favouritism, had a meeting with all the dragons, where he gave them a chance to air out any grievances or concerns they'd previously held, and talked with them for hours on how he could improve himself and the clan. After everything had been done, dragons went amongst themselves, apologising to and forgiving each other on the rumours they'd previously believed.

It was horribly sappy, and disgustingly sweet and perfect. Ferment knew he'd lost, here. Before everyone had the chance to realise exactly who'd started spreading the rumours in the first place, he left by the shadow of night, hurrying onto the next clan. Perhaps he would have more success there...

__ Ferment likes the Inn. It’s happy and merry atmosphere overshadowed by the overbearing feeling of being watched. He sometimes thinks he can see the shadows move, in the dark corners and hidden places. He relishes in the feeling and thinks this might be a good place to make a home.
The Darkness seems to call to him, but when he calls back it almost recoils. It knows his intentions. He doesn’t want to become a part of it. He wants to conquer it.
He gets thrown out, or rather left behind. He isn’t sure. One moment the Inn is there and in the other it’s gone, leaving him standing alone in a clearing.
Well not alone. A young Skydancer seems to be with him. He looks remarkably like Ferment and looks at him with admiration in his eyes. Ferment lets him join and revels in the worship.

__ As it turns out, having an over-eager follower isn't quite all it's cracked up to be at times. The kid was much more conspicuous than him for starters, not to mention the excitability got old after a while. They did manage to find an interesting city to stay in for a while though.
Zephyrus was large, boasting a great many different breeds and species. What interested Ferment th most, however, was the surprising number of barghests that resided in and around the flying city. If only he'd had more time to have fun with them before the bounty hunters at the Adventurer's Guild figured out he was up to something...

________Continue my adventures here!
__ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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Exalting Ferment to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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