
Level 1 Skydancer
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Celestial Antelope
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Solar Flame Cloak
Solar Flame Tail Jewel
Solar Flame Tail Ribbon
Solar Flame Wing Ribbon
Solar Flame Collar
Solar Flame Headpiece
Solar Flame Candles


Accent: The Black Rose-Gold



5.03 m
4.56 m
838.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 27, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Kashiwazaki Sena (柏崎 星奈) is the female tritagonist of the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai series. She is the third member of the Neighbors Club and the daughter of Tenma Kashiwazaki, headmaster of St. Chronica Academy. Her wealth, beauty, and outstanding academic and athletic performance has made her popular among male students, and likewise, have made her an outcast among girls. Sena is arrogant and prideful by nature and is well aware of this. Sena always tries her best at everything, and is willing to go to great lengths to do something perfectly. It's been shown that Sena genuinely cares for the other members of the club. Sena is also very naive and gullible often falling for Yozora's tricks and lies.
clan advisor
glamorous x
booksmart x
egotistical x
perfectionist x
obsessive x
athletic x

~ • ~

Celestial Antelope familiar
a divine beast bestowed by the sprite of battle

Solar Flame Headpiece keepsake
a sign of everlasting devotion, from yozora, as per ritual

Solar Flame Cloak Solar Flame Wing Ribbon Solar Flame Candles
   Aenean eu sapien facilisis, volutpat nisl vel, viverra nunc. Vestibulum sed turpis imperdiet, semper tellus ut, mattis mauris. Duis a tortor eleifend, placerat libero vestibulum, varius turpis. Suspendisse ac lectus diam. Proin mollis, purus sed euismod ultricies, ex erat dapibus ante, a ultrices turpis lorem sed ex. Aenean luctus, risus non placerat varius, sem mi imperdiet sem, quis fringilla massa tellus et mauris. Proin pulvinar posuere turpis facilisis suscipit. Nam elementum pharetra elit non pellentesque. Praesent tristique malesuada lectus a suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi sed massa cursus, volutpat dolor nec, laoreet tellus. Ut eget efficitur metus.

   Etiam lacinia eros sem, quis rhoncus lacus placerat ut. Donec porttitor ornare aliquet. Aenean fermentum enim mollis, convallis elit ut, iaculis urna. In a auctor turpis. Nullam at libero non tortor tempus malesuada ut quis tellus. Integer in nulla vitae turpis pretium condimentum sed et tortor. Vivamus rhoncus rutrum libero, quis ultricies metus cursus nec.

   Proin quis nibh nisi. Vivamus in mauris sodales, tempus risus eget, feugiat magna. Aliquam in eros varius, pharetra lorem non, pellentesque massa. Nulla at tortor consequat, elementum est vel, sollicitudin arcu. Nam placerat venenatis ex, non viverra diam aliquam at. Nam in volutpat purus, a efficitur velit. Nunc congue risus erat, eget pretium nibh porta non. Sed quis augue porta, tincidunt neque eget, lacinia nisl. Suspendisse aliquet urna vel imperdiet scelerisque. Morbi porta lacus non diam hendrerit sagittis. Proin id orci tincidunt nisi tristique auctor in id diam. Nam ut dignissim tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi enim neque, pulvinar tristique leo et, tempus cursus ante.

   Aliquam malesuada euismod purus, ut accumsan mauris volutpat quis. In fringilla feugiat sollicitudin. Mauris congue eleifend leo quis maximus. Duis rutrum iaculis tellus. Sed rhoncus at mauris non venenatis. Sed in massa accumsan, hendrerit arcu vel, faucibus nibh. Ut ut condimentum turpis, sit amet dignissim ipsum.

   Donec a feugiat ante. Morbi elementum mollis sem. Fusce lobortis lectus eu egestas ornare. Donec tempus semper tincidunt. Quisque a est vitae mauris ultricies malesuada id non mi. Nam mattis bibendum felis fringilla ullamcorper. Quisque dignissim, quam sed suscipit maximus, lorem lacus tempor risus, eu ultricies arcu sapien nec nulla. Ut a volutpat elit. Donec aliquet rhoncus cursus. Phasellus eu erat pellentesque, hendrerit magna vitae, varius nunc. Fusce mi purus, venenatis a auctor quis, vulputate eget dolor. Curabitur dignissim nisi justo, eget accumsan leo vulputate ut. Duis vitae nisl vitae nibh eleifend tristique id ut felis.

   Quisque eleifend nisi eu eros auctor dictum. Curabitur at semper diam. Nunc nec mi ac nisi dictum sagittis a quis nunc. Integer ut velit aliquam, euismod arcu a, sollicitudin dolor. Etiam molestie aliquam elit, in tincidunt eros euismod vel. Suspendisse lacus enim, ornare ut elit ut, aliquam tempor ex. Duis nunc eros, suscipit sed faucibus eget, porta eget lorem. Donec a vestibulum urna. Quisque sit amet ante vel urna sagittis volutpat efficitur at tortor. Fusce elit ipsum, venenatis sit amet dignissim id, interdum in lacus.



KonTheHero wrote:
Sena: Ah. Sena. The most eye-catching dragon from page one (if not all pages). Look at all those solar flames set, wow. This is probably another dragon based off the character Sena from that same anime show that Yozora was from. Did you happen to notice that they’re paired together? You know why? Because they’re probably gay as hell for each other. (Though in FR they’re of opposite sex but you know.) Sena the solar flame dragon everyone. And Yozora’s wife.

Vertical Banner by Madeon, edited from RekaVM.
Icon from Haganai (manga), edited from thisisdredre.
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Haganai, edited by hiratzuka, twice.
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Exalting Sena to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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