Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 50
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7.97 m
9.02 m
955.84 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245

No one, Because he hates names and rather not be called by anything at all. But people gotten so sick of his crap that they've taken up to calling him "Noone" or like most pronouce it as "Noon."
- He hangs around the Black market not because he actually belongs there or are even really interested in buying or selling anything there, but because he thinks it makes him cool.
- Will always claim he has "Inside information" about anything and everything, but in reality he knows jack crap.
- Lives in his grandparent's basement.
- Owns a body pillow.
- Everyone is sick of him, always.
- Looks like he might kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll.
- Could not fight his way out of a plastic bag... He could probably not fight at all... He'd keel over if you'd look at him wrong.
TheGoldDragon wrote on 2023-03-14 14:45:26:
Very impressive that you've managed to make an intimidating looking dragon with not only 7 pieces of apparel, but literally no weapons or scars! Noone's genes really are doing a lot of the heavy lifting here; that blood thylacine layered over his orca giraffe really looks like blood stains. I've also got to complement the way you've worked that bamboo sedge hat into his outfit. Complementing the lighter colors with more orange and yellow apparel centered on his head both helps draw the eye to his covered face while making it mesh well overall. Well done!
Murvax wrote on 2022-12-10 19:23:57:
I don't get why thylacine is so rarely used. It might not look great with bright colors, but with darker, richer ones, you can create some amazing accent colors that cover a good portion of a dragon's body without being too intrusive. No One/Noone/Noon makes great use of this, along with the sedge hat that conceals his eyes. I love the explanation of his name and the slight hint at his personality in his bio: dragons with an attitude (especially the edgy ones that everyone dislikes for their edginess) are my favorites. Emo nerd!!
I don't get why thylacine is so rarely used. It might not look great with bright colors, but with darker, richer ones, you can create some amazing accent colors that cover a good portion of a dragon's body without being too intrusive. No One/Noone/Noon makes great use of this, along with the sedge hat that conceals his eyes. I love the explanation of his name and the slight hint at his personality in his bio: dragons with an attitude (especially the edgy ones that everyone dislikes for their edginess) are my favorites. Emo nerd!!
rdesklamp wrote on 2024-08-19 13:51:59:
Noone is my last choice. I love how he looks like he's covered in blood. The wing fans add so much to his appearance, I think he'd lose so much of his 'scare factor' without them, they're just so menacing!
ImmaBananaSplit wrote on 2024-09-13 04:09:37:
Last but certainly not least is Noone. This was an incredibly tough decision to make, but I think he definitely belongs in your lair’s top five. Originally I was drawn in by his mysterious, spooky appearance, but after reading his lore, I really find him to be one of your funnest dragons. I can’t help but crack a smile at your descriptions of him as an edgelord wannabe. His lore isn’t his only distinctive feature, however, as his apparel works so nicely with his given genes/colors to make him appear very fierce and intimidating!
withoutwords wrote on 2024-11-14 12:57:18:
We'll finish off with this absolute dork commonly known as Noone. He looks so dark and intimidating and then you read his lore and he's just. Stupid edgy. In the best way possible. Gods I love him. I choose to believe his tert is actually Basic and he paints the Thylacine on every morning because he thinks it makes him look cool. His real name is probably Herbert or something. I would commit war crimes for this loser.
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Exalting Noone to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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