
Level 3 Imperial
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Stonewatch Harpy
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Copper Steampunk Gloves
Copper Steampunk Goggles
Copper Steampunk Scarf
Copper Steampunk Spats
Copper Steampunk Wings




28.06 m
17.84 m
7086.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 22, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Imperial
EXP: 105 / 1401








Mate: NA


Uh-oh, looks like this foresty imp wandered a little too far from her lair (85643 - Eowyn), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.

Lairs I've visited:

Eowyn - 85643 (home) (left home on 1/24/15)
Bounjie - 33900 (1/14/2015 - 1/29/2015)
Zikul - 12962 (1/30/2015 - 1/31/2015)
MistressofShadow - 85579 (1/30/2015 - 2/4/2015)
Dragakure - 68391 (2/4/2015 - 7/10/2015)
Back home to Eowyn (7/10/2015 - 7/4/2016)
Deramadus - 231576 (7/4/2016 - 12/10/2017)
feydarling - 335914 (12/10/2017 - 10/26/2020)

Note from Eowyn: This dragon is a lovely darling, and she can take all the time she likes traveling the world! Please keep her familiar (Stonewatch Harpy) and apparel (Copper Steampunk goggles, gloves, wings, scarf and spats) with her. She is very friendly and can make anyone feel appreciated, and she was the first dragon I ever bought, so please take care of her! Feel free to add your own comments about her below, and it would be much appreciated if you would add dates for the time she was at your lair and please do not exalt her. I hope you all enjoy her!

tumblr_inline_muyatvifb21r2ctmi.png Bounjie's Clan tumblr_inline_muyatvifb21r2ctmi.png

Earwen finds herself settled in the Reedcleft Ascent, with a clan that calls them selves "Bounjie's clan." There she meets Muskoka, a pearlcatcher whom she falls in love with. They have a clutch of eggs together, despite Muskoka's mate, Skylia. As much as Earwen loves Muskoka and the breeze of the Ascent, she knows her journey's far from over.

tumblr_inline_muyat6E1Rw1r2ctmi.png Zikul's Clan tumblr_inline_muyat6E1Rw1r2ctmi.png

The Great Bazaar of Clan Huldra met her with scents of food, sounds of music and laughter when she stepped through the cavern archway in. Many were the dragons mingling in this vast grotto, merchants with stands and proper stores strode all over. The Imperial stayed for a while, fascinated by this bustling area, before moving on with one or two fond memories as keepsake.

tumblr_inline_muyatlZuxI1r2ctmi.png Mistress of Shadow's Clan tumblr_inline_muyatlZuxI1r2ctmi.png

Having been to lighter, and brighter clans, Earwen found herself at the entrance of the darker clan of Shadow. Trudging forth, she meant with the Leader of the lesser clan, where she was lead to a rather... beautiful grove with large glowing mushrooms. Not being the one to judge a book by it's cover, or a clan of its dwelling, Earwen decided to settle down here, before her journey took her to other places.

tumblr_inline_muyat6E1Rw1r2ctmi.png Deramadus's Clan tumblr_inline_muyat6E1Rw1r2ctmi.png

Earwen had decided to visit another Fire Clan that called itself 'The Clan of New Beginnings'. Only this one was a little stranger than the last. There were many different dragons and cultures there, everyone allowed to do their own thing and practice or teach others. It was quirky, but it had the warm feeling of a close community. She was welcomed into the Clan with open wings and became close friends with a lot of the dragons there, most prominently the twin entertainers who taught her a few dance moves. She enjoyed the Clan so much that she stayed for over a year! Finally though, her traveling soul knew she had to move on. With a bitter sweet goodbye and a promise to stay in touch, she left with warm memories from a very warm clan.

tumblr_inline_muyatfagST1r2ctmi.png feydarling's Clan tumblr_inline_muyatfagST1r2ctmi.png

Whence she set off from the previous clan, Earwen knew she wanted to find a place very new, very different from the places she had come from. So she traveled, far and wide, and eventually stumbleed into the Halidom of Nymphaea. Intrigued by them, and Rydian, their "Exalt" and leader, she decided to settle down, though she new she would have to take off again in a few months, maybe a year at most. However, her plans changed greatly, as she found herself becoming enamored with the Halidom, and the teachings Rydian provided. She grew very fond of his ideas, and his concept of a perfect, peaceful world. Though, the longer she stayed, the more she became frightened of leaving, and returning to a world she was now convinced was dark, and merciless. But that was okay. She felt safe within these walls, and found friends all around her. She doesn't quite remember what snapped her out of her trance, what made her realize how indoctrinated she had become, but she does remember the aftermath. After she realized she needed to escape Nymphaea, she also noticed how the dragons around her shared the same clouded vision. So she got their attention. She brought light to their cult-like mentality, and how dangerous their Exalt really was. And he didn't like this. She knew he was formulating a plan, so she slipped out quietly before it could be developed, and before anyone could trail her. She never plans to return to the Halidom.

StormWind's Clan of the Black Sun

After the whole ordeal in Halidom, Earwen headed west and made her long journey across the Sea of a Thousand Currents. With tired wings, she settled down to rest once she reached land, which was the very border of the Scarred Wasteland. Through decay and living contagion, she eventually made her way through to the Abiding Boneyard. There, she came across the Clan of the Black Sun, a once peaceful and isolate Clan, that lived away from war on the Starfall Isles, were now stuck in the Boneyard, slowly starving after being invaded by the Shade and driven from their homeland. However, they were generous to take in young Earwen and were happy to see another friendly face in the Plaguebringer's domain. Earwen eventually grew close to the Clan leader, Lugia and her researcher, a young Wildclaw named Raspberry. Raspberry and Earwen became great friends and often worked together to keep the Clan strong and hopeful. They would also spend most of their time studying and inventing small devices and projects that intend on improving Sorneith as a whole. Earwen was fond of the young Wildclaw and was eager to learn the many things from the scrolls, books, inventions, and traditions around her. Then, an idea came to mind, one that would help the Clan greatly. With a small system, Earwen worked with Raspberry to create nets made of strong bone that could catch bugs, fish, and land animals along with small bone-made traps that could catch food as well. From the strange decaying flesh-like substance all over the Plaguebringer's lands, Earwen used circuits and husks and yes, even a little bit of magic, to create a kind of wiring system that would alert sentries or patrols of danger since most of the Clan would be out hunting, leaving the rest unguarded. The Clan leaders, Lugia and Brajah, were grateful for Raspberry and Earwen's help and bid the young Imperial good luck on her journey before she left the Scarred Wasteland.

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