
I know so many last words. But I will never know hers.
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Brilliant Psywurm
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Light Aura
Golden Sage Shawl
Luminous Legguards
Golden Sage Sash
Glowing Gold Clawtips
Butterfly's Arm Guards
Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble
Burnished Gold Boots
Golden Tail Bangle
Haunting Amber Grasp


Accent: Shining Crystalclouds



3.51 m
7.05 m
665.35 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 11, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


kinda cringe might redo lmao wrote:

Rysopos, 'Rys'.
↠ 'holy' commander
"An eye for an eye makes the world go blind."

She's in the barracks with some rookies, sitting on a bunk and cleaning her sword and weapons. As she cleans her scabbard, she mourns, eyes suddenly squeezing shut as she furiously grips her scabbard way too tight. She isn't usually emotional like this; she's a harda** to her troops and never shows much softness, but around Nimiyae it was just different.

She- she doesn't even know why she's mourning Nimiyaes disappearance, people she knows die all the time, and they never- they were never-

Nimiyae is snorting, and it's not the snide or stilted broken one she usually has, not the haughty one -- this one is the oddle genuine pleased one, the one she hasn't used in decades, and hell if Rysopos doesn't think she's gorgeous in the sun like this, dirtied from their training as Rysopos reaches for her outstretched hand meant to help her reinstate herself from where she is on the ground.

Rysopos had had Nimiyaes terrifying sword almost nicking her neck, Nimiyae standing over her and pointing her sword at Rysopos throat. Rysopos had raised a hand and hesitantly -- gently -- pushed the blade from her neck. Nimiyae, surprisingly, let her, and Rysopos took the opportunity to snark, "You gonna let your enemies just push your damn blade away too?" and Nimiyaes face had twisted into strange amusement before she started
chuckling. Nimiyae normally would have bruised her for snarking her like that, but she didn't that time.

Rysopos is slightly startled by the barking noise, but quickly glazes it over with a scowl as she rights herself, dusting off her armor. Nimiyaes wings are burning a fiery ember in the autumn light, and her eyes are crinkled from something other than a slated stare. She for once isn't repeating the pathetic dogma they are told, she's enjoying herself for chrissake, and Rysopos- Rysopos finds she likes it.

Rysopos opens her eyes, staring at the scabbard below her. She convinces herself the burning in her eyes isn't tears. She remembers the last day they saw each other. The Lycaeson -- Nimiyae was expecting something and Ryspopos didn't know what, but something bad was going to happen, and she was even using third parties to avoid seeing their Lycaeson.

Something was horribly wrong, but Ryspopos somewhat ignored it, because she had a duty to bring her... acquaintance to the Lycaeson as he'd asked. She realizes now she was chosen because he knew Nimiyae trusted her. Rysopos remembers how stiff Nimiyae always was, how her shoulders would be less tense around her, and she feels her own shoulders shake minutely.

Rysopos wants to puke as she remembers how scared Nimiyae looked in the throne room. Not outwardly, but Rysopos had seen her normally enough to know when her eyes were open or slitted a little too much, mouth to much of a ever so slightly trembling frown.

Her chest feels like its burning, her heart is beating a little too fast, because what did the Lycaeson do with her?

She's thrown into another memory, she's standing in the hallway, walking past Nimiayes office when she sees Nimiyae -- predictably, and kind of obviously as its her own ffice -- doing paperwork. One of Nimiyaes clawed hands is gripping at her hair as she scribbles a few signatures down. She keeps walking for a moment before she pauses. She realizes that she could totally razz Nimiyae right now, and a small grin comes onto her face.

She backs up to the open door, and leans on the door frame. Nimiyae looks up, bags clearly presnt under her hollow eyes, and Rysopos feels sympathy tug at her. Nightmares hurt all of them, and Nimiyaes workload clearly wasn't helping either. Nimiyae, realizing its her, groans, letting out a low hiss. Rysopos smiles a bit, "What, you didn't miss me, your favorite commander and living sunshine?" and Nimiyae lets out an aggravated noise -- she doesn't deny it, though, as she usually does and Rysopos wants to grin at that.

Nimiyae runs a hand through her tangled, braided hair that she clearly slept in and grumbles, "Rys, I'm working on two hours of sleep, I need to finish these reports. Shoo." the nickname just-- slipped out, and Nimiyae didn't even notice, but Rysopos did. And okay, Nimiyae may have used language harsher than 'shoo', but it had the same effect. Rysopos, however, pushed off the doorframe and walked over to where Nimiyae was sitting. She didn't go behind the desk, Nimiyae hated it when poeple were behind her most of the time because she couldnt see them, but she walked up to it.

"You want me to do anything? I've got a board meeting witha couple other officers at 16:00, but I'm pretty much free 'till thenn." and she knew how much Nimiyae hated asking for help, but maybe- "That. The- the blue one. I," she aused, gesturong vaguely to a blue sheet. "...it's from Him. The Lycaeson. I can't read it. Can you, oh," she said something explicit, "it, can you read it to me?"

Rysopos freezes for a second, genuinely surprised her fellow commander -- friend? -- let up, and Nimiyae minutely winces and scrubs her free hand over her face, eyes shut, taking the silence as judgement and humiliation. Nimiyae begins a slight ramble, "It's fine, I can do it, I apologize. You- have other things-" but before she can freak out too much more Rysopos quickly interjects, "I can do it; it's okay, Nim, I got you."

When Rysopos reads it to her, Nimiyae becomes much more relaxed, clearly the letter not being whatever she thought it was. It was just a command to move a few troops around, and Rysopos is kind of worried about how strung up she was over something from a leader they'd had for decades. She soon forgets, because Nimiyae takes on her stony mask soon after, barking orders at some rookies she sees pass them, almost desperate to escape the soft environment Rysposos kindness had made.

She's snapped out of the memory when a rookie clumsily drops her blade, and the rookie scrambles to pick it up, expecting a punishment, but Rysopos is too caught up in her own spiraling thoughts to yell at a rookie for an obvious mistake.

Where did you go, Nim?

Nimiyae abhorred when she called that, always slapped her real hard on the head and Rysopos would laugh at her.

Where did you go?


Celestial Horn Antique Oil Lamp Celestial Horn
code & assets by archaic #19153

hunter - they/him

Donec auctor posuere vulputate. In in scelerisque libero, ut ullamcorper leo. Ut viverra pharetra nisl sit amet pretium. Cras non lacinia nisl. Suspendisse nec rutrum odio, id semper purus. Phasellus sed purus pulvinar augue ornare elementum a sit amet tortor.

Aliquam sollicitudin, ligula nec viverra accumsan, dui nisl fringilla eros, id pulvinar leo neque blandit diam. Integer faucibus purus sed neque vehicula, id vestibulum elit consectetur. Integer et commodo lorem, eget consequat libero.

Donec auctor posuere vulputate. In in scelerisque libero, ut ullamcorper leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed tempor nec elit vel iaculis. Ut vitae ipsum sit amet sapien condimentum pulvinar. Integer quis dolor est. Nullam nulla ligula, dignissim vel ante pharetra, elementum cursus felis. Aliquam ac urna eget tortor molestie consectetur nec ac orci.

- Mavlak is the translator, Maliphi is the 'main' head
- jointly called Mavliphi, but most just refer to them as Maliphi
- this is due to Maliphi being perceived as the 'better'/stronger head
- Maliphis' breath is a noxious gas, so Mavlak speaks for him
- equally sentient, high intelligence
- Maliphi is quite aggressive, Mavlak is the more timid of the two
- despite outer appearances, they are (semi) emotionally close and comfort each other


so many gene and breed possibilities help

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