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Personal Style


Navy Plaid Cabbie
Advisor Rings
Simple Pearly Wing Bangles
Navy Wing Wraps
Well-to-do Sable Tailtaille


Accent: Sorrow Song



2.88 m
2.07 m
71.57 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 03, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 13 Spiral
EXP: 602 / 45676




  • none


to do: bio, art

defs not a self insert

holder of all the primal fae bios!!!!
"The future, a terrible thing... A joyous thing..."

The traditional mystic; a prodigy since a hatchling, her power a legend long after her line had fallen and name had faded. Easily the most sought after of the oracles, and easily the hardest to find. But rest assured, she's always watching those who search for her, to see who will be worthy.

She's probably right behind you.


- art by QueenPersephone

cliff notes wrote:
- Dim is a legend, and she knows this very well indeed.

- In her time, Dim served lords and kings and generals. She has never been wrong with a prediction, though some have taken centuries to pass. Dim is satisfied in being a ghost, because now she may watch her predictions come to pass, no matter how long it takes.

- Dim made a number of predictions concerning the clan centuries before she passed, and they have since come to pass. For this reason, the clan reveres Dim above all the other Fae.

- Dim is the opposite of Draught, which is probably why they fight so often. Dim is a powerful dragon who needs no props or presentation; she is dignified and stately. Draught's full of hot air!

- Dim's chamber is almost completely empty, except for a small futon and a tea-set. Some don't even realize there's a dragon in there.

- The name 'Dim' comes from her chamber being very poorly lit (again, she sees no need for presentation). Dim feels no need to give out her full name, which she sees as a powerword. Others recognize Dim by her distinctive appearance alone.

- Dim speaks with a very old tongue, and may come off as old-fashioned. She's an ancient legend, what did you expect?

- Dim respects titles, and will typically decline to aid anyone who she sees as a 'peasant'. Only those who are worthy will receive her aid. And they must have already proved themselves - Dim does not do tests.

- Dim enjoys jasmine tea.

- Dim is quite aloof and considers all the other Fae her 'subjects'. She gets on surprisingly well with Rock, though this may be because Rock is her only source of tea.

"Only when we understand others can we understand ourselves. We must find ourselves in others!"

Alapha traded her old name to another dragon, in exchange for his own name. It was a ceremonial affair - a trading of powerwords for a protective spell that turned out most potent.

Just, well, not quite enough. One name was lost, the other bolstered. Alapha was the lucky one.

She uses her telescope to peer into the hearts of other ghosts, however distant or non-sentient they might be, searching in vain for Him. Surely... surely...

cliff notes wrote:
- Alapha had an arranged marriage with another dragon, who she gave her own name to as part of a protective ritual pre-marriage.

- This other dragon then vanished - Alapha was told he had perished in battle. She died pining for him, and believed that she was the one at fault - she hadn't believed enough in herself, so the protective spell had come apart.

- She now spends her days looking desperately for a ghost of this dragon, who bears her name - a name that she has forgotten. She is sure they had many eggs, but they disappeared the day he did; she hopes perhaps she has some children, somewhere.

- Alapha is not on speaking terms with Aaja, because Aaja told her that actually, the groom-to-be left Alapha on the altar and is still very much alive - he's a sworn enemy of the clan she's ended up with, even.

- Honey - even a mention of the stuff - makes Alapha swoon, though she does not understand why.

- Tome also claims this is the case, that Honey is still 100% alive as of this second, but Alapha thinks Tome's just a joke. What useful information could possibly come of the present?

- Alapha is still grieving for this dragon she thinks she's lost, and blaming herself for it too, so she's quite the pit of sadness. She finds it difficult to care about the problems of other dragons, which all seem to pale in comparison to Him. Overall, quite a sad, desperate character, who simply won't listen to any other answer besides the one she's decided upon.

- Alapha answers questions about 'others' - usually relationship questions, or friendship questions, or diplomatic stuff. She often seems quite detached in talking about these things, but this is a bit of an advantage; no emotions cloud her judgments when it comes to dragons other than herself and her husband to be.

- She becomes very wistful and then very upset when talking about love, because she really believes it was Meant To Be and then horribly ruined.

- Aaja is desperate for Alapha to understand the truth about her husband-to-be, in part because she really wants to be friends with Alapha. Alapha wants nothing to do with it.
SilverRipple wrote:
She took a deep breath. Stay calm. She told herself. You can do this. Her wings trembled nervously. The other part of her mind was screeching at her- she tried to block it out, but it was no use. How can you be calm?! If anything happens to him, it’ll be your fault! What if the spell malfunctioned? What if it broke? Worry and doubts about herself streamed into her mind endlessly.

She closed her eyes, her breathing constricted. You have to do this. For him. She told herself.

“Ready?” She asked in a small voice. There was a glint in her soon-to-be husband’s eyes that she couldn’t understand, but he nodded, a small smug grin on his snout.

Taking in a ragged breath, she began the process her parents had taught her. Slowly, she created lines across the ground with her talons, making sure that her talons didn’t shake the slightest. A runic symbol began to form on the ground. Her heart was thumping in her chest, threatening to jump out of her throat. Please, Arcanist, Stormcatcher, anyone, let me do this right… She prayed to the deities as she finally finished her work.

She could still hear her heart beating rapidly. A flash of panic came across her mind, momentarily forgetting what to do next. What was the next step again? It immediately turned to relief when she remembered. “I swear on everything I love and all of the Deities that I will protect you with my life until the marriage begins.” No, I will protect you all my life. Her voice shook slightly and was a bit hoarse. She hoped that wouldn’t effect the spell, but it was too late to change the past now. Dipping her head to the handsome Skydancer in front of her, she stepped back.

Her groom-to-be stepped up, the grin on his face now spread wide. His eyes shone in greed, but she was too lost in staring at him to see it. “I swear on everything I love and all of the Deities that I will protect you with my life until the marriage begins.” The Skydancer said in a tone that she couldn’t quite recognize.

Deciding to ignore it, she spread out the renaming scroll they’d bought with the few treasure they owned, the Skydancer opposite to her copying her actions. She dipped her talons into ink and wrote down his name… What a beautiful name it was, fitting him perfectly.

As soon as they both finished writing, the scrolls disappeared into thin air, and a pink force surrounded them, bounding them together, protecting them from any harm until the day they married. The pink shield lingered there for a moment, before it fell away, dispersing into the air. Finally, she let out the breath she’d been holding for the entire ceremony. It worked! She realized, giddy with relief and happiness. She was so happy and excited for the future marriage and the plans they would have, the eggs, dragonets, that she failed to notice the almost maniacal grin on her future husband’s handsome face.

But just when she thought everything would be alright, they would be happy for forever, together with each other… Everything fell down in her world. Her dreams, her plans of the future shattered, exploded into dust.

It was the next morning- She woke up in her nest, feeling coldness and emptiness instead of the warmth of her mate’s feathery wings. There also seemed to be something glowing bright pink, the same pink as the protection shield had done around her head. She twisted and turned, but it just copied her actions, and no matter how she tried, she couldn’t see it completely. At once, she couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong. A chill ran down her spine, and she ran outside, straight into a dragon who she had forgotten the name of coming towards her, a worried expression on her face. His worried expression seemed to intensify when he saw her.

“Your mate…” The dragon hesitated, as if thinking about what to say, “H-He died on the battlefield yesterday night. We, um, we had a small clash with one of the neighboring Clans.” He informed her.

She let out a anguished cry. Why, why him, out of all dragons?! Her mind was wailing in anger and grief. We already did everything that could’ve been done! The protection spell, why didn’t it work? A rush of anger filled her mind. All she could see was red, bright red. But her anger, it wasn’t at the Clan who killed his mate, it wasn’t at the Clan Leader for letting her mate to fight, it was at herself. If only I could’ve been more confident, then maybe the spell would’ve worked. And he would still be here. He wouldn’t be dead. At that thought, reality hit her hard. He was gone. Gone. All of her plans with him, her world, just gone, vanished into nothing. She couldn’t be happy anymore, she couldn’t be with him.

Crying out in frustration and pain, she whisked around into the nest, breathing in the lingering scent of her mate, already fading. His nest was completely cold, empty. For a while, all she could do was sit there, trying to process the information. It was too much for her to handle. Silent tears streamed out of her eyes, sliding down her snout and dripping onto the ice cold floor. Its your fault, your fault, all your fault! If you did the spell properly, if you just made sure that it would work, if you stopped doubting yourself from the moment you started the ritual then he would be okay! Her mind screamed at her. And she knew it was right. It was her fault. It was because of her the spell didn’t work properly.

For the next few days, she refused to eat, drink, or sleep. She curled herself into a ball, in the den she and her mate used to share, blaming herself for her future husbands death. She isolated herself, grieving for him everyday. No dragon could get her out of the den, or convince her to do anything except for crying herself sick and hating herself. As days passed, she grew thinner, her ribs showing through her skin, her face sallow. She grew so weak she couldn’t even move, not that she wanted to. Death is probably better than a life of grief anyways. She thought to herself. And perhaps I’ll see him again…At least, that was what she hoped for. I’ll find him, and we’ll be together. The thought was so sweet she gave up any thoughts of continuing her life. To her, there was no point in living anyways.

But even after she died, she only got half of what she had wished for. Yes, she did become a ghost, but she didn’t find him, she couldn’t.

She didn’t even remember her old name anymore. After all, it didn’t seem to matter- what was her importance compared to him? But after that night, the night when they had created the protection spell, the night when he disappeared… He traded her his name, and she still remembered it well. He was called Alpaha- such a fine name it was.

That was the only thing she could remember about him. Perhaps it was because that was the name she owned now.

She searched through the spirits of the dead with her telescope, peering into other dragon’s soul, trying to find the one she had lost. She led herself on, believing that he was still there, somewhere, waiting for her, searching for her. She knew she had no lead and no idea where on Sornieth could he be, but she still hoped. She hoped that one day she would find him.

Days, weeks, months, years passed, and she made no progress in her search. Dragons came and went, asking her about relationship problems, problems about love, but what was that compared to him? He was her life, her everything, and yet he was gone.

A Fae like her, Aaja, her name was, even came up to her once, with the crazy dragon Tome, who was some obsessed about the present. “Your husband to-be is alive,” Aaja had told her. Alapha still remembered the delight upon hearing that, but the sentence Aaja said next threw her into a stormy mood. “He abandoned you and left you for another Clan.” Angry, Alapha threw the Fae out, not wanting to talk to her again, thinking she was just taunting her. And when she turned to Tome, the Fae just repeated what Aaja had said. Of course, Alapha didn’t believe her, what a joke the dragon was! How in the name of the Stormcatcher do dragons even get any information out of the present? She remembered thinking. No, she wouldn’t believe them. She was sure that he was here, among the spirits of the dead, waiting, still waiting.

Surely he would be there, surely…
"Work. Work. Work."

She wanted to be a fierce mage, firing bolts of lighting everywhere. Ended up instead a magicless waiter, her magic trapped inside her, brimming at her eyes - occasionally bolting. Some would be sad, and ghost was, very sad. But it's kind of hard to cry when you have lightning coming out of your eyeballs, and so all ghost could do was work. work. work.

The clan needed food. Always. Every dragon, every plate filled. The waitressing staff dwindled, as she took on more and more plates, running food out to the various parts of the clan at the speed of lightning itself. Eventually, she was the only one needed; every plate would go out to the clan in a snap.

Despite the name, ghost has yet to notice she is dead. ghost must never know. That would be bad.
cliff notes wrote:
- Ghost has served the clan since her hatching. As it says there, she was set to work in the kitchens due to her being the first primal the clan had ever seen, but she ended up driving away all the kitchen staff with her fierce work ethic.

- Ghost was then involved in an incident where she was supposed to be feeding some prisoners (imprisoned for trying to bring back the clan leader, if you were wondering), and instead she did what they asked and started digging a tunnel to help them get out. She got sent to the caves after this.

- Ghost needs a task to do at all times. Rock brings her legos or toy kits, and she will reassemble and dissemble them for hours and even days at a time.

- She's extremely eager to please, but her advice is always 100% honest - often brutally so - and delivered in an absolute rush! Ghost prides herself on speed above all other things, and looks to help people as efficiently and as quickly as possible.

- Ghost often comes off as monotone, because she just doesn't have time for emotions. Don't you want to just get to the point already?!?

- Ghost's preferred topic is of course work - from policies to what work would be ideal for a dragon to finding one's passion to just, you know, making lots and lots of money. Ghost can always see the most ideal, most efficient ways.

- Ghost has no clue that she's dead, and a decent amount of effort has been made to hide the fact from her.

- Most of the Fae ghosts aren't keen on leaving their chambers, so Ghost is used as a messenger. She doesn't mind at all! Rock generally minds this because Ghost can be very annoying to deal with, and on top of that, Ghost is often told by Oxygen and Draught to send rude messages to Dim and some of the others.
ICE REP wrote:
"The past? But... that would not be kind."

Aaja used to be a Skydancer of a now long-dead lineage. She remembers this, and many lives besides - but the remembering is not easy. She would rather not remember, to be honest. The regrets of one are more than enough for Aaja; the regrets of all form a weight she can hardly bear for long.

It is cold, in Aaja's corner. It is cold for a reason: explosions are rarely temperate, and they are frequent here.

- A quiet, shy dragon, Aaja stumbles over her words and has a terrible stammer.

- Aaja was the last heir to her lineage, and she was their last hope, too. She was sent off to try and get a supply line open in the middle of the worst snowstorm their clan had seen, but she died to the cold.

- The snowstorm in question was caused by the cataclysmic battle between Gary Stu and Mary Sue. Aaja knows that she was effectively killed by the actions of this clan, and she feels bound to them as a result of that.

- Because of how she died trying to help her family, Aaja has a serious complex where she believes she is not worthy of helping other dragons, however much she would like to help - because she believes she destroyed her own family with her failure. Getting a prediction out of her may be quite difficult as a result.

- Aaja's chamber is full of cushions, and it's quite cool. This is because sometimes Aaja will spontaneously combust with the effort of her readings. Aaja reads the past by trying to see relevant memories of other dragons, but these can pile up and she can hardly handle it all!

- The cushions also provide her with a good hiding place, and Aaja hides a lot.

- Aaja's advice relates to the past; past lives, past events, and past memories are all covered by her, if you can only get her to help out.

- All Aaja wants is to know that her family has somehow survived and the lineage has continued elsewhere, but so far, she has heard no answers at all. Perhaps she doesn't want to know, or at least doesn't want to hear that they might all be dead.

- Aaja tends to try and help Tome out with things, but her anxiety can make it worse on both of them.
"You can't light a g*ddamned lightbulb without some kinda power, can ya?"

*** speaks roughly, and she wears a mocking parody of a king's crown and robe, but there's intelligence in her many eyes, and a royalness in how she stands and moves. Every motion seems deliberate, practiced, every swear a calculated f-bomb. The skulls of much larger dragons clank at her waist, a constant reminder of something she did, at some point. One has to wonder how she could have managed it with her tiny size, but of course, nobody's been brave enough to ask.

Or maybe that's more like 'nobody's been brave to ask and live'. Who f*cking knows, says ***.

cliff notes wrote:
- Oxygen is a shortening of her full title: Chief Starlit Oxygen, Life of Our Flame. *** will sometimes ask to be called Your F*ckin' Highness or similar as a result. Few dragons comply with this.

- *** speaks extremely roughly, with a lot of swearing and threats peppering her dialogue. This is a strategy; in order to lead a tough gang of scavenger (and later, mercenary) dragons, she had to learn to act like one. In truth, *** would rather not, thinking herself much more intelligent than that, but she sees it as a strategy that works.

- *** is a cruel dragon, and enjoys pranking others as long as it ends in pain for them. She likes to toy with dragons, and will drag out answers to questions if whoever's asking looks at all desperate. Rock will not bring her live prey, however many times she asks.

- Unsurprisingly, *** enjoys games and even riddles, but only if she thinks she can get the upper hand. She does not play honourably, ever.

- At the centre of *** and her actions is a terrible loneliness, and a need for negative attention that's not unlike that of Draught's. *** was abandoned as a hatchling and had to earn her 'family' through bullying - she took over a group of scavengers by humiliating their leader into submission. She's never known anything different, but she has seen unconditional love in families, and it infuriates and confuses her.

- *** likes to tell tall tales about her group's adventures, particularly the one where she humiliated their leader and became the new queen. She speaks longingly about ambushing trade caravans and the thrill of monster hunts, but she seems ashamed about 'where it went wrong' - when she met the dragons looking to bring back the old clan leader.

- When *** is upset or angry, she starts trying to tie her tail in a knot. Aaja thinks this might be because *** was a Spiral at some point, but *** flies off the handle at anyone who dares say that to her.

- *** likes to adorn her chamber with grisly trophies such as dragon skulls. This is ironic, because *** herself is a kind of trophy; she and her group caused the clan a lot of trouble by supporting the resurrection of the old leader and forming an alliance with his relatives to make it happen.

- According to ***, if everyone had just followed her plans, it would have 'worked out.' She believes she had the correct strategy and she was just not trusted at the right moment - and she is right. McBro's strategy for dealing with *** actually involved undermining her colleagues' trust in her.

- *** sometimes refers to her multitude of eyes as 'the eyes of a general' or 'a real grown-up gaze'. She's not a Primal-eyed dragon, but it seems like her association with necromancy-practicing dragons and all the other weirdness of the old leader's resurrection has impacted on her. One of her buddies, The Unusual, has similar eyes.

- ***'s advice concerns power; questions of strategy, where one might find great power, and how a clan should spend money or otherwise wield their power. However, this dragon's advice is usually a double-edged sword, for all power can be mismanaged - and she delights in telling others of the risks.

- *** is the troublemaker in the group, and often tries to make fights worse. She's particularly influential with Alapha, and she seems to really despise Dim for being a cool legend like *** always wanted to be.

"You come to ask me questions? But there is only one question. Life."

Nobody's quite sure what wood is. wood is wood? No. Wood is a dragon. With trees growing from her. Perhaps, then, wood is wood. No, a dragon-

Whatever wood is, she does not quite breathe, but she lives, and she looks upon those who come upon her, and she speaks. Her words are like twisting vines; sometimes they reach for the sun, to live by, and sometimes they reach only to strangle. She is full of double meanings, but to interpret her prophecy wrongly would be a grave mistake indeed.

cliff notes wrote:
- Wood is a ghost, but she is actually the ghost of a tree. The tree itself is quite special to the clan; it was an ancient tree and got killed after my old clan leader drunkenly flew into it (which yes, killed him, but he got revived later by a cult that included some of his in-game relatives and I'm not getting into the whole thing here.).

- Wood often comes across as unfeeling. However, she is never brutally honest, or even honest at all - as said above, her words are always full of double meanings. Living your life the way Wood tells you to could be very bad for you, or very good; it just depends on how you take her advice.

- Wood genuinely dislikes dragons (one killed her, after all), and tends to keep to herself. She does not like younger dragons at all, but has a little more respect for older dragons and Nature dragons.

- Wood generally comes across as an emotionless creature (trees aren't really known for having big hearts, you know), but she is outright angered by anyone who calls her a dragon.

- Wood typically answers questions about 'life' - things like life routines, new life (hatchlings, new clan arrivals), life decisions, and life purposes. Her thoughts always concern the long term, since she's quite old herself.

- Wood lives in almost complete isolation and does not talk with any of the others. She dislikes dragons, after all. She typically advises to not listen to anything any of the others said.
WATER REP wrote:
"Hey, hey. Wanna play? I'm pretty good!"

The thing at the bottom of puddles is, only vaguely, in the form of a dragon. And yet it counts, according to McBro.

--lore under construction--
LIGHT REP wrote:
"The present is timeless! Take it! Take it now, and go! Before- no! No! No, no, it is too late, no, no- now is the present! Take it, then! Take it now! "
Tome is frantic. Books litter the floor; she discards the pages as fast as she writes. Everything must be updated, and updated, and updated! Anything but the right now is useless information. Something beams into Tome's head, and she is full to the brim with all the latest - only the latest. The latest is now the past. It's time for the latest!

There's surely some information here worth something, if a dragon was brave enough to sift through. But perhaps asking her would be quicker-?
galaxychilde wrote:
Tome doesn’t remember a time where things were slow.

But she doesn’t remember anything-- the bedraggled cloth over her eyes preventing such a luxury. Perhaps a blessing in disguise? Ask any dragon, and they will supply mixed correspondence. Within the fae’s claws is clutched a quill and parchment, held with conviction, a burning desire. But that’s just it. She never asked for this, did she? No… but no one does, in the end. They are simply handed what scraps fate can muster.

Her fingertips, laden with cuts and gouges, search desperately, feeling the roughened surface of yellowed paper. She begins to write. Her eternal punishment, though she fails to see it that way. It just is what it is, to be quite plain. Tome scrabbles to get her thoughts down before it is too late, before-- she is seized by the power that surges, rips through her like lightning to a rod. She spasms, dropping her work, and from her stupor she comes frantic, sprawling over her desk to fetch fresh materials for her musings.

Roc asks her how she is faring. Tome tells her they haven’t the time for such idle pleasantries, not when there is work to be done, when there is information, precious and spilling like riches from an overflowing chest. Tome doesn’t even spare the coatl a second glance as she darts to and fro, writing, abandoning, then writing more. Such busywork is tiresome, but there is no rest for the wicked, nor the useful. Such is life.

10 irresistible traits that males can’t get enough of


No. That’s already old news. Start again, from the beginning, at the top. New parchment!

Others come to bother her. Ghost, looking for a playmate, something to do. Tome begrudgingly spares her some writing supplies for all of their sakes. No doubt, that paper will be covered in the time it takes Tome to blink behind the blindfold that obscures her troubled gaze. She turns her head as the fellow fae leaves, watching sightlessly until the footsteps fade into distant echoes through the catacombs. Oh, look at her, slacking off!

Soap in your bathtub? It actually works, here’s how!

Outbreak of Gembond reported in western Sornieth

Well that’s not good. Oh! But it's already been quarantined. She scribbles that down.

Tome seizes again. Then once more. Knowledge is power, they say, and she has been afflicted terribly. Dim tells her to look ahead, to see what is so clearly before her, but Tome responds that the present is already within arms reach, and to swallow those words before they cause her more trouble. Dim predicts darkness in the bright Tome’s future.

Tome does not listen. Tome only cares about the now. As they all should.

Aaja comes to collect what once was. She gently lifts the scraps of paper, folding them one by one, soft in demeanor as she is in spoken dulcet. Tome does not dislike Aaja. Rather, that is Dim, who always seems ahead of the curve. Calm, so certain of all she does. Tome envies such a relaxed state of being. Tome is a contradictory mess herself.

But she doesn’t think much about it. Her innermost thoughts are consumed by a lust for information, buried low beneath scraps of old paper. Her hand aches, even so she does not stop, does not exchange the quill to the hand opposite. That would only slow her down. Aaja and Dim remain near, chatting quietly amongst themselves as their overzealous compatriot writes. Good company would be an understatement, as both speak their truths of the inefficiency that is Tome’s technique. Tome ignores them.

Past, present, and future congregate in a disorganized cluster of hushed voices.

A skydancer comes to seek her wisdom. Her wisdom is a recipe for peach pie.

Aaja shies away in discomfort. Dim turns up her nose, sending them off with nothing for their troubles. The skydancer leaves, escorted personally by Roc, who refuses when Dim requests tea be made and delivered. She huffs, and claims she will make it herself.

So she does. Aaja departs shortly after without so much as “goodbye,” leaving Tome to her own musings once more. The ramblings of a mad dragon, a fae possessed. Crazed.

But it all makes sense to her. Of course it does, she understands perfectly what she is writing. How unfortunate that when she lifts the blindfold, a majority of the letters are scrawled lopsidedly, unaligned infuriatingly. But that matters not in her rush to claim these thoughts, grasp them before they elude her. No one understands. No one knows her. All they know is nonsense, the desperation with which she tries to bring herself to light, but to no avail. Even Tome cannot decipher her own inner machinations anymore.

Tome is just Tome. And will never be anything more. And that scares her, deep down.

Who was she? What did she want? Was she good, bad? Tome cannot remember.

Tome does not care. Yes she does. She shouldn’t. Nothing is more important than her job. She knows everything, every possible thing as it happens, and she must tell everyone, make them understand. Her head aches. She remembers when the ache started. A brilliant beam of light, so bright it nearly blinded. A kaleidoscope of a dragon.

Or rather, the silhouette of a dragon. What once may have been dragonkind.

Thinking about it brings a tremor to her throat. A tightness like that of a corset being strung. Strange, she doesn’t quite remember what happened next… almost as if…

Flamecaller wages war with Tidelord

20 pictures of familiars that’ll brighten your day

… There is work to be done. Best to get to it, for perhaps someday, she can take a break. But that day is far, far away, and she isn’t holding out hope. After all, hope had never gotten anyone anywhere, had it? Work did. Work, and more work. She can do it.

No one else will.
Written by @galaxychilde ?

cliff notes wrote:
- Tome was hatched to two Wildclaws, who were incredibly disappointed about hatching a Fae. Tome wasn't even the colours they were looking for! Tome wears this early disappointment on her sleeve; she believes she is an accident and should always be apologizing for something.

- Tome became an accountant with the clan, but still felt like she needed to prove her worth. She did the sensible thing and got involved with the abomination known as BROVILLADOTCOM, who basically tried to beam the whole entire internet into her brain.

- The effort killed Tome, but the ghost Tome managed to retain all the information, all the time. So... success?

- Tome is now obsessed with the present and keeping everything up to date. She's extremely energetic, and doesn't even sleep; she's always writing down everything that comes to mind.

- Rock has blindfolded Tome, so that she can forget as soon as she's written things down. It cuts down on the number of spontaneous combustions taking place in the cave system.

- Tome will answer questions about the present, but only the very immediate present, like, right this second. The best means of getting an answer out of her is to just read all those bits of paper she's got scattered across the floor - but there's a myriad of those, and none of them are dated.

- BROVILLA still tries to visit Tome every week, wanting to 'log into my Neopets account'. He's one of the few dragons outright banned from the cave, and Rock greatly enjoys chasing him off.

- Tome and Rock share a special connection, in that Rock seems to be able to handle Tome better than anyone. Some wonder if perhaps Rock has taken on some of Tome's power, and that's why she's now blind herself.

WIND REP wrote:
"Life is fleeting. Death is eternal."

Bad air. Rotting smell. Dead, glowing canaries. Few are brave enough to venture further into Draught's world, but those who do, may learn something about an end of some kind. A great drought, their own death, the answer to a long unsolved case; all endings are to be found with the Draught, and the toneless shrieks she calls her songs.

cliff notes wrote:
- Draught is a showy, pompous dragon who believes it's all about PRESENTATION and being as loud and awesome as possible. She was a theatre dragon, don't you know?

- Draught was hatched to a travelling theatre troupe, and depending on who's talking, either she was murdered in a hugely famous and dramatic event complete with a big last supper before hand, or she just fell through a trapdoor at a particularly unfortunate moment.

- Draught is the only one of the Faes not to be inherently connected to the clan by some big event; it's said she just blew in one day. Geddit, blew in, wind rep

- Each of the Faes has their own cave chamber. Draught's chamber is noteworthy, because it's clogged with piles of 'atmospheric' theatrical junk and scented candles.

- Draught likes to sing loudly as dragons approach her chamber, but she's tone-deaf. Some say it's less singing and more shrieking, really.

- Draught is as tasteless as she is tonedeaf, yet she insists she's a perfect performer. Overly dramatic and constantly referencing crass media, Draught's about as lowbrow as they come, and yet she insists she's 'won awards', whatever that means.

- Draught has a strange craving for salty foods, to the point where she will take salty foods as payment for her words... and when she gets desperate enough, she will try to lick the rocks in other parts of the cave. This has caused fights, especially when Draught wakes up *** or Rock just because she wanted to come in while they were sleeping to lick some salt.

- Rock-related scuffles aside, Draught doesn't get on at all well with Dim; the two have had a few outright battles and have had to be separated by Rock. This has only partly worked, as Draught has opted to start singing very rude songs about Dim at the top of her lungs.

- Generally, Draught can't stand Dim's quiet confidence despite her status - how come she's so quiet about being cool? What's she got to hide, huh? This is definitely not jealousy at all!

- Draught can't actually read, and has to ask other dragons to read things for her (therefore why she always quotes wrong and isn't a good actor). She's quite embarrassed about it - the letters on the page just don't really make sense to her.

- Draught's advice is, according to her, about death, but any clever dragon can see she'll give advice about endings - and more importantly, what might lead to those endings. How one might commit the perfect crime, or have the perfect family, or how one might salvage something good of their tragic existence, for instance.

- Draught is despised by almost all of the Fae, except for Ghost and Tome, who don't seem to really understand Draught. Draught loves the negative attention, which is unfortunate.
FIRE REP wrote:
"Every building's got a weakness, don't you know? Just like everything has."

Dust's chamber is less fortune teller, more design workshop. An old computer sputters in the corner, keyboard groaning under the weight of a large metallic iguana. Dust draws carefully on her large workbench, with ruler and protractor and compass, then adds the result to an elegant folder. It's manilla, this month; before that it was cream, then white. The folders line an enormous bookcase, each bearing an astronomical price tag.

There's nothing rushed about the process, as with Tome, but there is nothing relaxed, either. A few metallic creatures, much smaller than the iguana, line up in neat rank and file on the bench. It's not neatness for neatness's sake, either, for each item has a price.

Dust's smile never, ever fades.

cliff notes wrote:
- Dust has been avoided by other dragons for having flaming eyesockets, ever since she hatched. It's not because they hate her or because she's evil, it's just because when you're on fire, nobody really wants you in their house. She smiles, and tries to keep her eyes closed or behind goggles as often as possible.

- Her parents always did tell her to smile, so smile she does. She's always chipper, casual, friendly - smiling, smiling, smiling. Dust never shows sadness, nor anger, unless you know her very well and can tell by the way her eyes flicker. Few know Dust that well.

- Dust has always been a lonely wanderer, after all. Left her original clan after only a few months; not because she was forced to, but because she forced herself. She felt the possible risk of burning some hatchling or new traveller to the clan was simply too great.

- She moved out to the desert mostly because it wouldn't catch fire, hoping that perhaps this might earn her the respect she craved. But she soon found herself trying to solve the problem of shelter, practically. And the end result was a series of incredible designs - mines that wouldn't fill in with the sandstorms, wells that never ran dry. Dust was a natural genius when it came to solving problems, able to easily see the flaws and thus come to ingenious solutions.

- Her grandest project, however, was a design for an enormous hibernal den that housed hundreds of dragons, which she intended to sell to a large clan she could see over the dunes. Her hope was that if only others could see all the problems she could solve, she might be respected despite her eyes. She might not have to live all alone.

- Wearing dark glasses to try and hide her condition, Dust slowly worked her way closer to McBro and his team, selling little mechanical puppets and trinkets from a distance to try and curry favour. Eventually, the great dragon himself came to her, and purchased her largest den design for a princely number of gems.

- But he did not give credit. And so Dust remained a nobody, and so she became more desperate. A great many strange things sprang up all over the desert; random giant legs, enormous sewing needles, each wilder and larger than the last. Dust worked day and night on her plans, spent the money from McBro on a task force of bear builders (colloquially known as the "Build A Bears") that would later run amok and cause the clan no end of problems.

- Still, no credit. Not even so much as an arrest! Thanks to her desperation, she now had no money - and this hurt her more than anyone could imagine. Having had a taste of money, Dust's desire for respect slipped to a desire for wealth. Before long, it had consumed her, and for the first time, she was angry. For the first time, she made a decision fuelled by emotion alone.

- Dust left the desert in a huff, determined to earn money elsewhere, no matter the cost to others - but going back on that decision she'd made before was what did her in. A group of bright green dragons were waiting for her, and they were only interested in her eyes. Only her eyes.

- Dust is very aware she's a ghost, but she is grateful for a second chance at earning the respect (and especially money) of others. She will often ask for opinions on new designs, or will try to sell them to newcomers. There's a steely undercurrent to her selling, though - it's hard to tell her no, and she often fails to be respectful of boundaries herself. Often, her desire for money gets the best of her.

- When asked for advice, Dust typically covers the weaknesses that might put a project to a grinding halt - sometimes structural, sometimes financial, sometimes personal. There's usually a special emphasis on fear, because Dust has studied many fears - at first to try and understand why other dragons might fear her (and therefore not respect her), but eventually fear became an interest of hers.

- Her 'pet' iguana is a gift from her parents, filled with amusing facts about Sornieth's wildlife and many biomes. It was originally supposed to defend the dragon as a hatchling and lead her to water in the desert as a teen, but has long served its purpose, and now sits on Dust's lap as she scribbles down some awesome new design. At night, it sings lullabies to Dust, reminding her that she will always be loved, even if she can't be with them.

- Dust despises the colour Radioactive, and will become very angry at any dragon who has it. This is a reaction reserved only for Radioactive dragons.

- These days, Dust generally tries to get along well with all her 'pals', and is pleased to meet others with eyes similar to her own. She loves the respect Dim commands, and often tries to follow Din around, much to Dim's annoyance.

- Dust, being incredibly friendly under all circumstances, is one of the few Fae who has befriended Wood.

- Dust's caused some issues due to trying to doodle new ideas on the paper Tome is supposed to be using, so Rock tries to make sure Dust never quite runs out of scrap paper.

- Dust talks casually, but she can talk quite a lot, especially about her own creations and ongoing projects (particularly the ones she wants to sell). Some whisper that the list of designs is an eternity in length!

EARTH REP wrote:
"I am not like them. Are you alone, also?"

Guardian of the Seers. Blind, and yet judging. Said to be the last seer, in the odd abscence of any Earth Fae, but describes herself as the first, since she is the first dragon one may meet on arriving at the cave. Her predictions are less predictions and more accurate assessments of character - often, these are unheeded as insults.

Whether or not she is alive or dead is unknown, but she claims her heart is stone.

It is rumoured that she rides an actual bear.

cliff notes wrote:
Rock's name is sometimes said or written down as 'Roc'. Rock doesn't mind either one, for both fit.

- Rock is a very aggressive dragon, who owned the cave before McBro bought it out. She refused to move out even in the face of his whole army of masculine men, and impressed with her courage, McBro allowed her to stay.

- In the days following, Rock's gone blind and gained the ability to make weirdly accurate character assessments of other dragons, often shouting their own dark secrets right at them.

- Rock's heart seems to be in the right place, but she's still very snarky and quite combative, fluffing up and pacing around. She is blind, so she will generally try to make sure she has cover above her; she cannot fly, so she's always at risk of a dragon attacking from above.

- Rock will snap at anything, even the desert flies. Especially the desert flies! She will often swipe or flap at things with her wings, to try and create the impression that she can still fly.

- Rock is under orders to let other dragons into the cave, regardless of their intentions, though she often doesn't like doing so. It's HER cave, dammit!

- Rock manages the Fae, separating them if they fight, bringing Ghost toys to play with, delivering gifts, and so on. She can be surprisingly affectionate about it, if a bit gruff.

- Her secret passion is hairdressing, and she can be won over with hairdressing or hair care products. Her bear is often subject to... interesting hair treatments.

- Generally, Rock is seen as the provider for the group, and the Fae generally rely on her. Even the ones that don't particularly like her, like Draught, will tolerate her presence. The only exception to this is ***, because *** wants chaos and Rock is the opposite of that.
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