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Current Catch




0.52 m
1.25 m
1.87 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jul 14, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Home is where the heart is, I just happened to bring the range from home with me. Fish?

Song Here

Role Goes Here



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque neque dolor, accumsan sed lorem vel, cursus blandit ex. Integer vel consectetur orci, eu varius libero. Nulla tempus risus non tellus euismod, id molestie est ornare. Aenean vulputate at nulla eu dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris imperdiet vitae leo a mattis. Aenean non semper orci, non finibus massa. Maecenas pharetra massa a congue fermentum. Morbi odio lorem, eleifend et ipsum a, laoreet lobortis nulla. Maecenas odio odio, tincidunt id commodo in, facilisis egestas quam. Aenean eu auctor tortor. Donec eu mauris id ligula tristique maximus nec vel nibh. Praesent in sapien diam. Fusce pharetra convallis massa, a eleifend nibh accumsan nec. Proin sit amet pellentesque nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Integer non nulla tortor. Fusce in tortor nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in diam ac nulla ornare consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce ut lectus efficitur, laoreet ligula a, egestas enim. Phasellus gravida tempor nunc, sed lobortis elit lacinia vitae. Vestibulum fermentum lorem sodales neque cursus lacinia. Mauris porttitor rhoncus ante id sollicitudin. Mauris semper tristique maximus. Quisque sed nibh magna. Vestibulum a porta lacus, nec iaculis ex.

Quisque sed blandit orci. Maecenas non lacus maximus, eleifend lectus non, imperdiet lorem. Cras viverra ipsum sed ipsum iaculis condimentum. Vivamus condimentum porttitor nulla, a eleifend quam. Proin sit amet felis vitae mauris tempus volutpat. Curabitur ornare sapien nisi, eget facilisis mauris ornare vel. Phasellus posuere nisl vitae facilisis varius. Nulla sit amet mi et lacus scelerisque condimentum. Curabitur elementum justo luctus sapien mollis vestibulum.

Donec in justo a mi gravida condimentum. Nam nibh leo, feugiat nec scelerisque at, pharetra eget orci. Sed vitae mauris massa. Vestibulum lobortis imperdiet elit ut facilisis. Aenean vestibulum augue magna, ut gravida ligula tempor id. In eget purus non justo hendrerit lobortis. Praesent iaculis arcu quis dapibus pretium. Nam in lobortis turpis. Morbi a leo tempor, faucibus sapien at, laoreet mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam tempus est non odio mattis mollis. Duis quis faucibus arcu. Ut porta vehicula eros. Aliquam viverra enim nec metus tempus, vitae placerat augue sagittis. Curabitur condimentum pellentesque magna, vitae pulvinar ipsum tincidunt at. Suspendisse dapibus in neque vel vulputate.

Duis lacinia commodo turpis, ac auctor justo. Aliquam et rhoncus lorem, eget rutrum sapien. In non justo eleifend, euismod tellus id, congue velit. Fusce vitae facilisis odio. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi elementum turpis id ipsum accumsan, id placerat mi sodales. Donec id lacinia nisi.



Outfit Plan:

Great-great-great-granddaughter of Naomi
Innis - Isaye - Gadget - Erroneous - Willow - Naomi

Are you interested in owning a descendant of Naomi, gatekeeper, Queen of the exalted?
Don't Know who or what Naomi is, read this for the bug report post, or this for a user-made blog post giving you slightly more coherent information.

So why is this Naomi person so special? Well a little while back, 1/25/16 to be exact, a glitch occurred on flight rising where the couriers (those three little dragons that bring you things whenever you buy/sell things on the auction house) were replaced by a mysterious female fae by the name of Naomi. Many confused users that received these glitched messages clicked on this newfound profile and found it was filled with other 15 million dragons, housing every single exalted dragon on the site at the time. This glitch was quickly found out and fixed by the people that run this site but the damage had already been done. Users who had found this rather morbid glitch lair obviously started telling of what they'd found and the community started coming up with all sorts of ideas for what in the name of the deities had happened.

The technical and more logical explanation most people came up with was that this Naomi account was an old player's account that the mods on the site had taken over and used as a sort of place holder for all the exalted dragons on the site. Makes sense. The actual Naomi account disappeared for a short time after the glitch had been discovered and fixed and was later put back up as an empty dead account with a single dragon in it; Naomi

There was of course some more creative explanations people came up with for this strange occurrence. Many took the idea of Naomi housing the entirety of the sites exalted dragons and ran with it, pronouncing her the Glitch Queen, the GateKeeper to another realm, and the Shade-touched among other things. A huge portion of the site began to regard Naomi as this sort of dark ruling entity, a powerful master not to be reckoned with. Seeing as it was also the Ice festival while this whole fiasco happened, some people guessed that Naomi was the thing the Icewarden kept sealed away in the Fortress of Ends and that she had somehow escaped and caused the havoc she did. All and all, a hella cool dragon with some awesome lore made for her. So of course, many people wanted a part of the action for ourselves.

Naomi had one, count em, ONE surviving child by the name of Willow. (Her first born might I add but that's unimportant). The owner of Willow auctioned her off for a massive profit (enough gems and other items to be worth over $2000!). The person who bought Willow then auctioned off only twelve of her children, thus keeping the value high. Descendants of Naomi are still highly valued, Innis here is one of them.
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Exalting Innis to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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