
"The world changes, but I do not. Forever I rot."
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Spotted Faun
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Veilspun
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: We Carrion


Scene: Autumn


0.9 m
0.68 m
1.71 kg


Primary Gene
Clown (Veilspun)
Clown (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Web (Veilspun)
Web (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Opal (Veilspun)
Opal (Veilspun)


Jun 27, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


The Emptied

lonesome • pessimistic • apathetic

Noxious Colony Third Wheel
Pressed Flower Fungus-Covered Branch
Aesthetic: Forests bathed in gold and orange foliage, rotted logs with fungus growing on the bark, the scent of rich earth and leaf litter
Likes: Watching spiders weave their webs, crafting small decorations out of sticks and acorns, the taste of fresh meat
Dislikes: Being stuck all alone, the smell of death and decay, other dragons finding them
Notes: My first ever primal and scatterscroll. Worth it though, I love them so much <3 And they're the only dragon with these colors on site!
Monarch is a solitary dragon who keeps to themself on a small island on the outskirts of the Viridian Labyrinth. They rarely show themself to others despite being incredibly lonely. Though they may appear at first to be intimidating and unfriendly, Monarch does care about others. They try to foster life around them even though their condition makes that all but impossible, and they actively try to avoid harming other beings. They feel as if their existence alone causes enough harm to the world, and try to undo as much damage as possible.

They are very quiet and reclusive, and though their island is fairly isolated and hard to find, a few unlucky adventurers still manage to find a way in. Monarch is quick to send any and all dragons back the way they came, with mixed results. Their condition means that none who encounter Monarch come back the same, and this has led to many tales from surrounding clans about the supposed malevolent spirit that steals away spry young dragons and drains them of their vitality, only to release them once they have had their fill. Such stories are often dismissed by younger dragons as fairytales and nothing more, though older dragons often blame their lost youth and foggy memories on the monster no one can seem to recall.

In reality, Monarch does not actively search out dragons to prey on, and neither do they steal memories from others. They simply utilize the defense mechanisms common to all Veilspun to sway dragons into a state of suggestion, before convincing them that they do not know what it is they encountered on that misty autumn isle off the verdant coast and sending them on their way.

Monarch was born with incredible power. As soon as they crawled from their egg and their flowery eyes took in the light around them, the whole clan knew Monarch was gifted beyond any other dragon in the lair. Monarch was the first Primal born into Clan Astera and was recieved very warmly; they were showered in attention and hailed as a blessing straight from the Gladekeeper herself.

Monarch's very presence imbued their surroundings with abundant Nature energy; if they sat in the grass, flowers would spring up around them. If they touched a sick dragon, they would be healed. Even some of the clan elders said that being near Monarch made them feel younger and more spry. Monarch enjoyed all the attention and was always ready to help their clanmates however they could.

However, such abundant gifts are not without their costs. Monarch's magic was taking a toll on their small body, causing them to become feeble and frail as their innate Nature magic left them to flow into their surroundings. The gift that helped the clan was hurting Monarch, and even the most experienced healers could not seem to fix the damage.

Over the next few months, Monarch's gift became a curse. Every dragon needs their own internal magic supply to survive, and Monarch was dying slowly without theirs. Until one day, things seemed to reverse: the flora near Monarch would wither, and dragons would report feeling sluggish and tired if they spent too long near them. But to everyone's surprise, Monarch themself was appearing to recover. They were siphoning off the life energy from the world around them to make up for the lack of their own.

Eventually, Monarch's condition would become so severe that many dragons in the clan began to age rapidly, and some would fall very ill. Monarch was appalled and ashamed. They could not control the flow of their magic, and seeing their clanmates suffer hurt them far more than a lack of magic ever did. They took to hiding away in the shadows and avoided contact with other dragons whenever possible, only sneaking out for food and water at night when everyone was asleep.

Dragons that once praised them as a divine blessing now cursed their name and made a point of ignoring them. Monarch was hurt, but convinced themself that this was what they deserved for bringing so much harm to their loved ones, even if it was on accident. One night, Whisperwind brought them aside and suggested that they leave. The clan was not safe for them or the other dragons near them, and the only solution Whisperwind could think of was exile. That way, at least Monarch would have some chance of surviving, and the rest of the clan would not be in harm's way any longer. Monarch, though brokenhearted at the thought of leaving the only home they'd ever had, agreed to this, and silently slipped away into the night, leaving a trail of rot and decay in their wake.

They did not wish to harm anyone or anything else if it could be helped, so joining a new clan was out of the question. In their mind, they were an abomination, a scar on the lush life of the Labyrinth, and a mistake that the Gladekeeper would want nothing to do with. So they headed to the very outskirts of the jungle, where thick forest made way to sandy shorelines, and sought out the most secluded island that they could.

They eventually settled on an island far to the north, where no clan (dragon or otherwise) had laid claim. The shore there was full of pointed rocks and a thick fog hung low over the churning waters; it was not a place many would willingly visit. As Monarch scratched out a small den for themself in the center of the island, the land around them reacted to their presence, making the scenery even more inhospitable. Trees that once stood tall and proud began to lurch over as their leaves turned from green to brown; fauna aged rapidly, leaving the area devoid of much food. Vivid flowers that dotted the ground wilted. Monarch had plunged the once lively island into a state of eternal autumn.

It was a fitting home for such a mistake of a Nature dragon, they thought to themself. This was what they deserved; to wilt away in silence, forever sitting in their slowly decaying realm... a lonely Monarch, ruler of none.
Art by forcedcoma!
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Exalting Monarch to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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