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Regenerating Reedjumper
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Swallow's Helmet
Woeful Gloves




13.43 m
14.8 m
6386.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 13, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level
Blinding Slash



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  • none


Crowntail Wanderer
Weird Purple Skink
Dark Creeper
o ʊ k · t ɔ n
Clan Leader & Chosen Progenitor

Color Rarity: 1/6 unexalted dragons (09/12/2023)

Reticent, Enigmatic, Decisive, Powerful

As an egg she was swept from the cliffsides into the sea (by a typhoon) and presumed lost.

She survived.

Ochtan's formative years were shaped in the belly of the Leviathan Trenches, deep within the Tidelord's domain. This perilous upbringing drove her to value results above most all else, means be damned. Though instinctively driven by her native element to seek and divulge truth, she learned to skirt the impulse with relativity and "light lies".

Following Haud's descent, she fled Luhur's offer of sanctuary, venturing instead to the Sunbeam Ruins. So prepared to find a clan thriving in her absence, Ochtan was unnerved to find no ruins, no records, no trace. The land was still and silent save for the rustling of the plains against the sea.

For months she journeyed across the prairielands making her way ever inward. With the rising sun she walked and with its setting she slept and dreamt of death. She drank not and eat not; the sun sustained her. As time passed her dreams of death grew first into whispers, weaving with time into rapturous songs. They called her far beyond the endless fields.

After days uncounted a hazy splinter breached the silhouette of a now familiar horizon. As she neared the towering spire it seemed to dispel all sense of time. Waking and dreaming wove together until the hymn - mutating, swelled into a cacophonous haze. Dominating all else, it filled every fiber and sense, no longer beckoning but demanding. Manic and delirious Ochtan galloped day and night until all at once claw met stone - and the dirge was gone. Assaulted with the singular sound of the wind swirling through the ruined city Ochtan called out for anyone. Her cry hung unanswered in the dusty air. Breath heaving and limbs shaking she walked numbly through the labyrinthine city. Daylight fading, the setting sun cast spectrous shadows from each looming archway and for the first time in days Ochtan became acutely aware of the passage of time. Looking up she found herself before the giant spire that had drawn her from so far away - an ancient, faded sundial ripe with twisting ivy and archaic runes. Dappled in the last rays of dusklight the runes pulse rhythmically as if to match her breathing. Her pupils dilate as the the pillar flashes.

Then—nothing. A gap.

and darkness
the clang of metal on scales

and the gush of wetness on stone.

What happened next neither Ochtan nor Luhur will openly discuss. The most trusted parties have gotten is that she was taken by "the runners" and made to do "irrevocable things". Years were lost before Ochtan fought her way out and found her way back to the Hewn City. There she was reunited with Luhur who, plagued with worry and troubling precognitive visions, had finally come looking. Luhur in turn nursed Ochtan back to strength and together they systematically cleansed portions of the ruins in so much as such ruins can be dispelled. In doing they discovered the key to releasing the glamour that had long warded life from entering the plains, trapping what lived there within its borders, invisible to nearly all.

Emerging from the ruins for the first time since the dispulsion Luhur and Ochtan heard birdsong and crickets and life. Shoulder to shoulder, claws gripped together despite themselves they cried messily in relief long denied to them. In that moment and the months of traveling, battling, and study that followed the two found a peace they could never have imagined in the once desolate plains. Demons of the past remained yet they lay beyond the horizon, and for now that was enough.

Primary Gene: Iridescent Secondary Gene: Trail

Swallow's Helmet Shadowscale Bracers
Nightfall Starsilk Shawl Nebula Starsilk Shawl [i Crimson Wing Silks Sky Blue Wing Silks


She / Her


















When the full moon falls a glassy eye,

Upon the placid lake,

From slumbers shall the currents rise,

Razing fools awake.

[The Haud who raised her is dead. Yet he remains. And wherever there is water aplenty he can rise from the depths, hungry.]


Clan Iron Pent was never formally founded and has no official governing system. However it's unquestionably ruled...led...by Ochtan, a reticent guardian with a strangely magnetic presence, and her outwardly warm, inwardly world-weary "second in command" Luhur - a pearlcatcher with a hundred stories for every layer of her boulder-sized pearl (most of them true and all wild enough to make you wonder).

It begins - in a way - with a typhoon that rips a coastal light egg from its nest. The dragon that hatches on impact with the churning waters, before sinking deep into the Leviathan Trench is Ochtan. A turbulent start.

Her life is saved that night by Luhur, who leaves her to an old friend with only a recipe, a recipe that if followed to the letter grants her ocean breath for a single cycle. Each day Ochtan fights for it but not quite alone. From the moment Haud sees her, she's kin. They face a thrilling, if perilous life, often working alone—yet trust in each other echoing in each sure step. Until one day Haud's scant stories piece a puzzle older than his years and Ochtan stumbles on her like-father in a place he shouldn't be...looking like a hatchling—while he's still back at camp and neither are the guardian she thought she knew. Suddenly Ochtan's cultivated skill at side-stepping her elemental compulsion to seek and divulge truth get her nowhere. Her "Light lies" and deft claws bear no answers, let alone a solution as "Haud" razes their occasional-allies-but-definitely-still-scoundrels and enemies alike.

When the taverns go quiet and the kelp is still he finds her; she allows it. Deliberate footsteps nearing she meets his pale unfamiliar eyes, closes her own, and subdues him. It's fast and physical. Haud's moves: weighty swings, expert precision are so familiar in a rush she almost feels proud as she pins him before she catches herself in eyes she no longer knows. By all accounts the dragon below her is Haud—must be—but the vacant gaze beneath her halts her claws, a primal terror anchoring her core too deep into the seabed. In that instant Haud goes from pliant to vicious. All teeth and claws and flailing limbs, blood, and aches and silence. He's escapes into the dark of the trench where no light can follow.


How'd your clan get founded?

After Haud's descent turned Ochtan's life upside down she journeys to Light to try and make sense of herself and what's happened. However the Light she finds is not what she expects, thought she won't fully understand why until later. The land is glamoured, both shielding and trapping what lives there within; to her it is empty and silent. Unprepared she's snared by the Hewn City Spire trap and pulled into an life of violent espionage and gladiatorial servitude under [REDACTED]. It takes years but she gets out, reuniting with Luhur who nurses her back to health, saving her life for a second time. Still barely more than strangers with a trust forged on the edge they work together to dispel the glamour trapping Light under [REDACTED]'s hand. From there, their deeds slowly draw an odd bunch. Those who stay vary widely in their goals and philosophies but all trust in Ochtan and will follow her anywhere. Also some are simply forces of nature who happen to be aligned-ish-if-you-stay-on-their-good-sides.

Meanwhile, all those years Haud was raising Ochtan, Luhur was caught up being a spy for the beastkin and free dragonkind under the Tidelord (previously the Icewarden—it's honestly a miracle she roams free and only does because others agreed to take the fall to cover all their tracks). Still, Haud had been her closest friend and almost son removed from all the political intrigue and despite that she's seen far, far worse, it shakes her deeply when she loses him. Her time has been running out anyway and when she pieces together what's truly happened, where Ochtan's gone—she resolves that now has to be her exit or she'll never make it out alive. It's then that she resolves—swears to do right by Ochtan in Haud's memory, though that heavy obligation morphs with time into genuine love for her (albeit imperfect / morally flawed) adopted granddaughter Ochtan.

Who are its leaders?

Ochtan (and Luhur)

Catacomb, Morgana, and Lecanis also hold informal sway as elders, some of whom also have past ties to [REDACTED].

What does your lair look like?

Nomadic (thus variable) but the clan sticks primarily to Light, mostly toward the Hewn City and Shadow. Not all dragons are together at all times but there are more permanent settlements on the outskirts of the Hewn City on both sides. Trade, scholarly discussion, and nest rearing tend to stick to these areas.

Some tend magicked land that shift locations, some live in the marsh, others take on personal missions far beyond the boarders of Light but (by choice) all will return if Ochtan has need of them. Allegiance is never sworn but none who are not loyal stay. Those who betray are made to regret it unless their reasons are deemed justified by Ochtan but what the clan knows about such instances is at her discretion (which the clan both expects and accepts).

Has it always looked this way?

For a brief time in the early days (when Ochtan and Luhur where reclaiming the Hewn City - in so much as such a place can be) a pale snake-oil sales/showdragon tried to ingratiate himself into their little group. Ochtan was not impressed and was not having it. Few know of it, no one speaks of it. [THE TALE OF A DRAGON NAMED BULLE...IS ONE FOR ANOTHER TIME]

What kind of ruling system does it use- is there a monarchy, presidency, oligarchy, council, or some other form of ruling class?

Ehhh it's kinda of a dictatorship but with fewer restrictions and consequences? That sounds bad. Essentially members are a clan by nature of calling themselves one and following Ochtan. She never formally founded a clan, it exists by nature of people being loyal to her and trusting in her judgement (which ehhh should they? they all owe her something, though she never takes any action to make it feel like a debt). Each and every dragon in the clan respect her deeply; for the most part it's genuinely that simple. Do they respect each other? A good portion do. There's certainly comraderie but more of a mutual understanding that Iron Pent is...in a way...a safe space to pursue ones own path. No one need ever stay longer than they feel they need but if Ochtan calls all of Pent with answer.

Basically...all members can live their lives as they see fit so long as Ochtan doesn't deem their actions a threat - which for the most part would only happen if their actions endangered the clan or had VOLUNTARY ties to [REDACTED].

Luhur's extensive knowledge, particularly surrounding poisons, antidotes, and history are also a major draw for independent researchers and enthusiasts - and a culture surrounding it has definitely become a major part of clan culture. Research and experimentation, even pilgrims / travelers (temporary allegiance with no foul intent) are welcome, though the clan as a whole tries to maintain a low but never mess with us profile. Also, just a general note: political / forced bonding does not fly here. Ever. Hard stop. In fact most hatchlings are communally raised, more often born from parents with strongs bonds of trust rather than romantic pairings (though the certainly do exist - they're just the minority by far). Essentially there are definitely kids in the clan but by and large it's not a family raising place. It's a secure / research / expedition place.






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