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Personal Style


Fathomsearch Halo
Sky Blue Tail Bangle
Buccaneer's Seaspray Kerchief
Lagoon Starsilk Scarf
Lagoon Starsilk Wingdrapes
Teal Starsilk Wingdrapes
Fathomsearch Spirit Jug
Meadow Towel
Water's Charm



Scene: Rocky Refuge


19 m
14.21 m
7653.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 14, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Simera's Hot Springs

High above the beach, the roaring festivities of the family reunion dim to a distant echo. Simera emerges from a shallow cave near the top of the cliff and floats down to the tidepools below, arms full of mismatched towels. Clan members mingle with visitors in the steaming baths, all luxuriating in the escape from the sensory overload that is the family reunion.

Simera stacks a fresh pile of towels beside a bucket of ice that holds bottled drinks she fetched from the clan's kitchen early this morning. The condensation makes the glass bottles gleam in the sunlight, highlighting the colorful, clear liquids inside. Bouquets of fresh-smelling roses line the rocky walkways between the pools, effusing a fresh and floral scent into the air. A number of different colored petals have been scattered by the wind to float atop the warm water - Simera knows she should probably skim the pools clean, but the effect is pretty...she decides to leave it be for now.

Snippets of quiet conversation bounce off the still waters of the springs; Begonia has found this quiet refuge a perfect place to reconnect with his family members away from the noisy, crowded beach. A number of other dragons converse or lounge in the comfortably warm water, relaxing from busy days past and busier days ahead. Laguna is completely submerged at the bottom of one of the pools, likely asleep.

Casting a glance around at her guests, it seems everyone's all set for the time being - without waiting a second longer, Simera casts off her apron and takes to the skies! She twists and floats as gracefully in the sky as if she were underwater, luxuriating in the cool, thin air above the cliffs. Work must be balanced with play, after all! As soon as she sees someone new approaching the hot springs, she'll fly down to greet them...


Simera | she/her | hot springs attendant | young adult

Playful little Simera "discovered" a hot spring high upon the rocky wall of the cliff that serves as Sunbeam Grotto's home. All it took was a few strong young dragons to level a section of the cliff and surround the area with rocks - now, the clan boasts its own trio of hot spring baths!

As a growing juvenile, Simera channeled her boundless energy into tending the hot springs. Her daily duties include skimming the baths clean of debris and providing amenities to the dragons soaking. After a long day of stocking towels and salts, Simera is more than ready to cast off her apron and join her relatives to dance over the ocean's sunset!

Since Sunbeam Grotto's return to the waking world, the magic present in new generations is in abundance relative to the abilities of the elder dragons of the clan. Seers and mages are born in great number, indicative of the powerful magic surrounding the area. Simera was one such hatchling - her raw power in Water magic was so strong that, at birth, she could conjure tremendous waves strong enough to shatter rock (babysitting her was a great effort, requiring at least 3 proficient Water magic users present at all times, just in case).

In fact, it was her unmatched power that resulted in the creation of Sunbeam Grotto's hot springs. Frustrated with her flying lessons, the hatchling had released a burst of magic, which sent water surging from far below the clan to burst out of its solid rock foundation. All great power carries the burden of responsibility, though, and Simera's continued work at the hot springs is a daily lesson in discipline. The juvenile's power has grown, as well as her control. Still, the council of elders has agreed it's best for her to continue to grow and learn close to home...for now.

While her magical ability sets her apart, Simera still enjoys activities typical for her age - she enjoys hanging out and traveling with her best-friend-slash-cousin Aida, though only ever so far as the Windswept Plateau, and only ever using the buddy system. Simera is eager to build on her experiences, though, and likes to grill travelers and elders alike on the lands beyond her seaside home.


Simera was overjoyed to hear about the planned reunion! As one of the youngest members of the family, there's an insurmountable number of faces and names she has yet to meet - a fact that might scare other dragons, but only serves to excite Simera! Once her chores were finished, she immediately began scheming with her cousin Aida to develop an event for the family members to enjoy.

While the cousins' idea was easy to come by,the preparations needed were a heavy task for just two dragons. Still, they wanted their event to be a surprise, so Simera and Aida spent hours crafting canvases and pestling paint of all colors late at night and early each morning.

The painting class turned out to be a rousing success! While Aida sketched some portraits of the dragons in attendance, Simera went around and passed out some excess paint for the guests to take home and practice some more. What the cousins hadn't anticipated were all the other new friends and surprises they'd encounter in the days preceding and following their painting class!

Red Goo Orange Ooze Yellow Sludge Green Goo Blue Ooze Purple Sludge

forging connections at the reunion wrote:
WolfyKnutz wrote on 2021-10-18 11:50:36:
Avrio though happily gallops to the hot springs as she hears that Simera a sibling of hers was the attendant there, making Avrio so excited she drags Seaside to come along to the hot springs with her!!
Seaside comes along not sure where to even begin looking seeing so many dragon come but quickly gets dragged by the arm from Avrio to visit the hot springs...guess she's going with her!!
perfectoranges wrote on 2021-10-19 13:12:59:
Simera is beyond excited to reunite with her nestmate! As Avrio and Seaside sink into the deep hot spring, Simera uncorks a citrusy smelling oil to add to the bath. A flourish of flower petals flutter down around the trio to float on the surface of the steaming water. Simera joins them in the bath and begins to tell the story of how she discovered the hot spring, high on the mountain as the cool sea winds swirl around them.
WolfyKnutz wrote on 2021-10-19 17:18:02:
Avrio's eyes widen hearing what Simera was up to and was absolutely amazed with the other two imps of how Simera found the hot springs and excitedly tells here that she was glad her nestmate has found a wonderful place!! in a few moments Avrio goes o0o and tells Simera she and Seaside have hatched some kids before the reunion and says that she hopes to see them here at some point!!

Seaside chuckles and listens along happy that her friend got to meet her nestmate and wonders if she'll meet anyone she knows

Kabocha smiles widely and says to Simera that the nice lemony smell and such in the springs was fantastic!!
perfectoranges wrote on 2021-10-20 15:10:52:
Belea strolls along the beach, in awe of the bustle of busy dragons surrounding her. She's so busy staring she nearly bumps right into two Imperials about her age! Simera and her cousin Aida peer at the unfamiliar dragon...
"Hi! Who are you here with?" questions the elder cousin Aida, not impolitely.
"Well, I came to see my mother," Belea says, suddenly shy, "but I'm not related to anyone else here!"
"Come on, then! We'll introduce you!" Simera smiles, throwing an arm around Belea's shoulders. "Most of us younger dragons have been hanging out by the tidepools..."
Storygeek wrote on 2021-10-22 20:44:53:


Simera and Aida had left no room for shyness. Grabbing food randomly off the barbecue, the cousins whisked Belea off to a bonfire at the furthest edge of the beach, where other young dragons were already gathered. There Belea was able to relax and enjoy herself. She was amazed at some of the antics of the more daredevilish dragons, she gasped at the air acrobatics and was entertained by the water pranks by the shore. She laughed until she cried.

As darkness fell, she thought of rejoining her mother to view the constellations, but Simera pulled her with a handful of the others up into the cliffs. When Belea protested, "...but the constellation viewing on the beach is starting..." Simera whispered, "The view is better up here. Trust me."

Where Simera took them all was up to the hot spring pools! The other guests had cleared out for the Great Feast, so there was plenty of room for the young dragons to spread out. Soaking in a pool near the rim, Belea had a beautiful view of the stars. When Simera padded up to see how she fared, Belea thanked her enthusiastically.

"...though I do sort of wish..." Belea hesitated.

"Go on, spit it out, girl!" Simera settled into the waters beside her new friend.

"I bet all the legends of the stars are wonderful to hear," she finished wistfully.

"Oh, we can do better!" Simera stretched out her neck to spy her cousin in the opposite pool. "Aida! Belea wants a story!"

There began a Round Robin of storytelling that jumped from pool to pool. There were tales of daring-doo as well as botched conspiracies that left Belea giggling. She noticed that not everyone took a turn, so she didn't feel awkward for her silence.

She felt the stars watching her from over her shoulder, winking their approval. The breeze made tiny wavelets across the hot springs and she was content.
perfectoranges wrote on 2021-10-20 15:10:52:
Aracea's performance earns her a hearty round of applause - the dragons are excited to hear the story of one of their own, but her water magic certainly enhanced the show! Near the front of the crowd, Simera is struggling to discreetly copy Aracea's technique. A little more practice might be necessary for the juvenile to master such a skill...
StormLobby wrote on 2021-10-21 05:04:34:
During the Storytelling Event

After leaving the stage, Aracea takes notice of of Simera’s attempts to copy her, and sits down next to her with a gentle grin. “The key is to try and clear your mind, and let the magic attune to your will naturally. A friend of mine from back home taught me that~” She says with a slight laugh.

During the Constellation Event

Being an aviator who travels across the skies, Aracea was quite familiar with just about all the various constellations mentioned throughout the story — after all, they were important in helping her navigate through the night sky when the sun had disappeared beneath the horizon. Upon seeing everyone else start exchanging gifts, Aracea happily joins in, but also throws in a few other odds and ends that she had collected on her travels, hoping to inspire her other relatives to take interest in possibly traveling the continent like she had.
perfectoranges wrote on 2021-10-21 09:13:45:
After the storytelling event ends, Simera bounds up to Aracea. "Could you please help me practice my water magic a little more?" Her elder cousin agrees, and the two spend some time by the tidepools, manipulating the water together. This quickly dissolves into Simera giving Aracea a personal tour of the Grotto, and Aracea marvels at all that's changed here since she left as a juvenile. They swim in the sea, observing the new nesting grounds, and roam through the sea caves, which are much smaller than Aracea remembers them being... When the stargazing event wraps up, Aracea happily totes a silk-wrapped bundle of trinkets down from the cliff towards her temporary lodgings. Wingbeats at her back cause her to turn - it's Simera! The breathless Imperial holds out a closed paw, then opens it to reveal an enchanted origami dragon. "One of the elders helped me make it," Simera says. "It's to say thanks for helping me!"
Origami Steward
painting class with Simera and Aida wrote:
Early the next morning, the sounds of laughter can be heard from up on the clifftop. Aida and Simera are working to rearrange the seating area from the previous night of stargazing to fit the event they've planned! Gone is the fire pit, and the seats are now more spaced out - each with an easel in front.

While Aida prepares her own easel, Simera fetches some guests from the beach. Once each seat is occupied, Simera passes out some simple paint palettes made from polished driftwood. With that, it's time for Aida to begin her painting lesson!

Aida begins to block out the sky and sea in varying shades of blue and green, noting the values and hues to the class. It's clear she's in her element, and eventually her voice trails off and she begins to paint faster, with splashes of paint flying off her brush! Simera tries to continue the lesson, but her amateur commentary only serves to confuse the dragons following along.

Finally, Aida wipes her brow and reveals her completed piece - and her face covered in paint - to the dragons assembled. Someone giggles, and at that, the whole group breaks out in laughter. Simera rushes forth with a towel for her cousin, who grins sheepishly.

“Good thing I brought an extra canvas!” she calls, replacing the one on her easel. “Now, where were we…”

Once again, Aida guides her students in painting the beautiful beach view of Sunbeam Grotto, then Simera gives them more canvases on which to paint whatever they wish! The dragons spend the morning painting portraits of their family members, and showing the finished portraits off to the others! Meanwhile, Aida makes some sketches of the dragons she’s met through the week, and surprises each of them with the gift!

reuniting at the second family reunion wrote:
perfectoranges wrote:
A pair of dragons - Simera and her younger cousin Tecumbo - are struggling to set up some heavy canvas tents on the beach. Treavor and Dazzlecloud share a glance, then rush in to help where they're needed.

Once the structure is standing securely, Simera excitedly thanks the pair of siblings and introduces herself and her cousin. Tecumbo peppers Treavor and Dazzlecloud with questions about themselves, Buddugoliaeth, and their home clan, which seems to be a trademark for her. Simera is shocked to hear Treavor's story of how he'd ended up in the Scarred Wasteland, and she sheds a tear when the Snappers tell the tale of their reunion.

"It's like a fairy tale!" Simera sniffles. "With a happy ending and everything..."

Tecumbo isn't quite so moved. ", have either of you visited Sunbeam Grotto before, or is this the first time?"
LaureltheSapWing wrote:
Treavor and Dazzlecloud laugh at the very different reactions of Simera and Tecumbo to their story.

“I suppose it does sound somewhat like a fairytale,” Dazzlcloud said. Treavor simply grunted in agreement. A small pink and blue form barreled towards them.

“Treavor! Dazzlecloud! I’m here! Look! I heard you calling me, and I came,” Buddugoliaeth yelled, interrupting the moment. “I delivered the money, and then I was really tired after all that flying to get here, so I took a long nap. Then when I woke up, I went exploring,” he explained, climbing up to perch on Dazzlecloud’s back.

“Now, to answer your question, I often visited Sunbeam Grotto as a hatchling. Dazzlecloud sometimes came with me,” Treavor told Tecumbo. He added, “Though it has been a while.”
perfectoranges wrote:
Simera seems startled by Buddugoliaeth's sudden entrance - or maybe she's just surprised such a loud voice can come out of such a tiny dragon. Tecumbo is unfazed, looking over the new arrival curiously. She directs her next question to Buddugoliaeth - "And who might you be?"

Simera's reply is much more open-ended. "I'm glad you both got a chance to come back after so long!" she says to the Snapper siblings. "I bet everything around here looks so much smaller now that you've traveled across the world..." A wistful look clouds the young dragon's face.
at the feast wrote:
He doesn't notice until he's on his second plate of cobbler, but Bastion ended up sitting next to Simera at the feast. It makes sense that he didn't recognize her right away, seeing as she was only a hatchling when he'd last visited Sunbeam Grotto. She spots him reaching for the blueberry cobbler again and smiles. "I can't blame you - it's one of my favorites, too!"

~ years in the future ~

In a Water clan, Simera mused, there really isn't much use for a Water mage. Manipulating water underwater is something any dragon can do with a swish of a tail, and water is never too far from the beach. The most exciting use of magic Simera had ever participated in was when one of the subterranean caves experienced a cave-in, and brought seawater rushing in...while Thalassa focused her magic on fusing the rock back together, Simera worked alongside Sunshower and Circadi to funnel the water up and out of the cave entrance.

This sentiment echoed in her mind as she flew north on the day of her ceremony - typically, the maturity ceremony was held for a group of dragons near the same age, after which point the now-adults would take off from Sunbeam Grotto's shores. Such was not the case for Simera - she had no clanborn peers near her age who still lived at home. While they were near enough in age to be mistaken for twins, Aida was exempt from the rule - she was originally from a Wind clan not far from Sunbeam Grotto, and had since made a place for herself amongst the working artisans of the clan.

Alone for the first time, Simera flew north to where she had planned to fly for years, to where she imagined a Water mage might find herself most useful - to Dragonhome.

**in this look to the future, Simera will settle in a budding clan amidst the Parched Canyonwalks, where she structures a humble bathhouse in the outskirts of town. with support from her new companions, she soon expands her services to include spa treatment, massages, and refreshing drinks! Simera's bathhouse eventually becomes a renowned oasis amongst the desiccated plain...**

Sunset -> Delphina -> Simera
Liquid Fiendcat Guardian Foo Sabrespine Hunter Pisces Bearded Pupowl Broadfin Hippocampus
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