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Personal Style


Ice Tome



Scene: Icewarden's Domain


5.49 m
6.82 m
568.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 08, 2021
(3 years)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 57 / 245



Yen's avatar

Based upon / inspired by Kingdomlocke 2.0 and using all the lore of the HIVEMIND subspecies. I will take a few artistic liberties with adapting the lore to the 'locke, especially in regards to tertiary genes and drone roles, but you can ignore or adapt any of it.
Humdrum wrote on 2022-02-08 12:32:46:
Kingdomlocke is an unforgiving pinkerlocke / fodderlocke inspired hybrid with infinite lore possibilities and an end goal.

This challenge is meant to be really hard. Your dragons can die really easily because it follows coolkid's pinkerlocke pulling and combines squidragon's fodderlocke events mixed with the very cruel added kingdomlocke rules.


You'll be starting with 4 adult drones (at least 1 breeding pair). Choose one of your breeding pair to be the CONSCIOUSNESS of your new hive.

Traditional hives are Obsidian/Obsidian/any with Wasp/Bee/Basic genes. If you want your hive to be a unique color, pick an XXX or XXY color. You probably want it to be found in more than one bloodline via the AH to get started. Copper, orca, white, metals, cerulean, etc are common enough.

If you choose a non-Obsidian hive color, get an adult breeding pair. During HIVELOCKE, you can always get standard Obsidian drones from the AH when you need to expand your hive - they represent scavenging or hijacking drones from another hive.

For dragon breeds that don't have Wasp and Bee as options, there are mostly-lore-supported alternatives. Aethers, Auraboas, and Banescales can sport Metallic/Alloy instead, and Banescales can have Marble/Mottle as well.


You can modify, add, or remove any rules that make the game less fun. Yes, including making the game less lethal. The point is enjoying yourself!

1. Every day, the type of item you get from Pinkerton will determine what fortune has in store for your hive.

Your hive's CONSCIOUSNESS has specific rules and is not affected by any rule that specifies "drone."
-- Your CONSCIOUSNESS must be safe. Until and unless your hive has a SOLDIER drone or a WARD drone, your CONSCIOUSNESS will not leave the hive and will remain at level 1.
-- Your CONSCIOUSNESS can reproduce at any time it desires with any compatible drone.
-- Your CONSCIOUSNESS' power and connection to its drones is represented numerically by its level. At level 1, it has only 1 link to each drone. A glitch removes 1 link to a drone, and with 0 link, a drone will go berserk. At CONSCIOUSNESS level 2, a drone must glitch twice before it can reach 0 link and rampage; at CONSCIOUSNESS level 3, a drone will rampage after 3 glitches, etc.


1a. If a drone dies during the prompt or mandated Coliseum matches from Pinkerton's item, it is Exalted.

1b. Drones can earn extra lives when they reach levels 10, 15, and 20. Certain events and abilities can also give drones extra lives.

1c. Drones that reach level 25 become PRAETORIANS and are fully immune to Coliseum deaths.


2a. Drones that reach level 5 gain a specialized role based on their tertiary gene (or lack thereof). Roll a d10 for drones with a Basic tertiary gene or a d20 otherwise to determine the drone's new role.

2b. Drones are named DRONE, but you can use a renaming scroll on them when they gain a role if you desire. It is recommended to have an alphanumerical way of identifying your drones, like DRONE1 or DRONE_A or DR01.

2c. Most drone roles have actions you can take daily, but you are not required to do so, with the exception of EXPERIMENTS and HIJACKERS.


3a. You can freely assign and redistribute attribute points to your drones at any time.

3b. You must have an ARMORER in your hive to add or change battle stones on your drones.

3c. You must have an ARMORER in your hive to add or change apparel on your drones.


4a. The CONSCIOUSNESS may reproduce with any drone it chooses at any time. Two drones can only reproduce when prompted by a Pinkerton drop.

4b. Upon hatching a clutch, flip a coin for each egg. On Heads, the larva lives; on Tails, it is stillborn or hatches too mutated or damaged to survive, and is Exalted. This rule is modified if you have an EGG-NURSE in your hive.

4c. For each larva each day, roll a d6. On a 1, the larva dies and is Exalted. On a 6, the larva does not have to roll for its survival the following day. This rule is modified if you have an EGG-NURSE in your hive.


First, incubate any nests. Hatch any ready clutches (flip a coin for larva survival). For each larva your hive already has, roll for its survival Roll for each larva's survival.

Secondly, roll for damage control any HIJACKERS or EXPERIMENTS in your hive.

Next, collect your daily gift from Pinkerton and follow the game instructions for whatever type of item you get.

Then, check all level 5+ drones - some roles have optional activities you can do per day.


-- Coliseum matches.
Plants: 10-20 matches
Insects: 20-30 matches
Seafood: 30-40 matches
Meat: 40-50 matches

Coliseum rules for this droptype:
-- Use a random number generator to choose the three adult drones for the challenge.
---- (If you have a WARD drone in your hive, you can choose the trio.)
-- Choose the Coliseum venue appropriate to the lowest-level drone in the group.
---- (If you have a SENTINEL drone in your hive, you can choose the venue.)
---- If your lowest-level drone levels up during this set of matches, you can choose to stay in this venue or graduate to the next one.
-- You can quit your battle streak at any time and/or flee to regain health.
---- (If you have an ALCHEMIST drone in your hive, you can also use health potions in battle.)
-- Any deaths result in the drone permanently dying and being Exalted.

-- Breed any two compatible adult drones. If all drones are on breeding cooldown or your hive doesn't have any remaining breeding pairs, flip a coin. With Heads, you can get a compatible adult drone from the AH and breed it. With Tails, you acquire a hatchling-aged drone from the AH.
-- You can choose to breed a drone to a non-hive dragon if they have compatible genes. All hatchlings will be considered larvae and belong to the hive. This coupling can be considered in-lore or out-of-character as you prefer.
-- If you don't have any nests open on the day you receive this drop, you can either choose to acquire a hatchling from the AH or reserve the next open nest for breeding your compatible genes.

-- Add one new drone (of any age) to your hive from the AH.
-- Optional: Write or make note of lore as to how the hive acquired this new drone in the drone's bio.

-- Bloodshed! Flip a coin.
-- On Heads, a nearby Beast Clan raids your hive with shocking force. Roll a d12 for each drone and for your CONSCIOUSNESS. On a 1, the drone or CONSCIOUSNESS is slain (Exalted) or loses a life (if they have extra).
-- On Tails, it's a death streak in the Coliseum!

Coliseum rules for this droptype:
-- Use a random number generator to choose three adult drones. (WARD drones do not let you choose.)
-- Choose the Coliseum venue appropriate to the highest-level drone in the group. (SENTINEL drones do not let you choose.)
-- Fight for 10 matches or until a drone dies. You may not flee or break the battle streak.
---- (If you have an ALCHEMIST in your hive, you can use health potions.)

-- Challenge! Roll a d20 to see what happens.

1. x
2. Death Bond between two drones.
3. Hunting Trip.
4. x
5. Acquire a rare pre-leveled drone.
6. x
7. x
8. Static wave. Roll a d10 for each adult drone in your hive. On a 1, they begin glitching.
9. x
10. Training. Level up to 3 drones to level 5. If no drones are below level 5, reroll.
11. x
12. x
13. Glitch rampage.
14. Emperor devastation.
15. x
16. Tithe to the HIVEMOTHER.
17. Hijacker betrayal.
18. CONSCIOUSNESS expedition.
19. x
20. x


When a drone reaches level 5, roll a d20 for its long-term role in the hive. On a 1-10, it takes that role. On 11-20, it can choose a tertiary-specific role, but if it doesn't have an applicable tertiary gene, roll a d10 instead.

-- Once a day, this drone can repair a damaged drone.
-- If the FIXER is in the Coliseum and a drone is slain, the Fixer can repair them IF the remaining team members defeat the enemies in that battle. Otherwise, the drone is terminated.
-- If the FIXER is in the nest and a larva or drone would die, the Fixer can prevent that death (again, only once per day).

-- This drone's sole duty is to protect the eggs and larvae of the hive. If it leaves the hive at any point (to fight in the Coliseum, for example), its benefits are suspended for the day.
-- While this drone is in the nest, roll a d4 instead of flipping a coin for each egg hatched; on a 1, the larva dies and must be Exalted. Roll a d12 instead of a d6 for every subadult larva; on a 1, the larva dies and must be Exalted.

-- This drone helps organize and store the data gathered by the hive in their explorations of the land and meat-creatures around them.
-- If you have both a DATABANK and a SENTINEL in your hive, your drones have worked out the safest and most efficient path through the first three Coliseum venues. Deaths in those venues no longer count against your drones.

-- This drone can reprogram drones in limited ways while overseen by the CONSCIOUSNESS. With a HACKER in your hive, you can choose the role for new drones when they reach level 5. The HACKER can choose a role only once per day, so if multiple drones reach level 5 on the same day, the others will roll as normal for their roles. If your hive has multiple HACKERS, they can each choose one role for a new level 5 per day.

-- This drone provides combat enhancements and defenses to your drones. Having one in your hive allows you to freely add and change both battle stones and apparel to any of your drones.

-- You must roll a d20 every day for each EXPERIMENT drone in your hive. On a 1, the drone has catalyzed a terrible accident, and you must roll a d4 to see what happens.
---- 1: The drone destroys itself and is Exalted (or loses a life).
---- 2: The drone causes a localized eruption of chemicals or wild magic. Roll a d12 for every drone and larva in your hive; on a 1, that drone or larva is killed or loses a life.
---- 3: The drone causes a major outbreak of conflagration or lethal virus. Roll a d6 for every drone and a d4 for every larva in the hive; on a 1, that drone or larva is killed or loses a life.
---- 4: The drone directly endangers the CONSCIOUSNESS. Flip a coin. On Heads, the CONSCIOUSNESS survives and the EXPERIMENT drone is killed (regardless of lives left). On Tails, the CONSCIOUSNESS is physically slain (regardless of lives left) and the EXPERIMENT drone survives. (If you have a BACKUP drone in your hive, that drone becomes the new CONSCIOUSNESS.)
-- You may also flip a coin once a day for each EXPERIMENT drone in your hive. On Heads, a random adult drone in your hive gains an extra life. On Tails, nothing extra happens.

-- Having an ALCHEMIST drone in your hive enables you to use health potions in the Coliseum.
-- This drone also enables you to use breed or gene changes. If you do, roll a d6. On a 1, the recipient dies or loses a life. On a 2, the recipient glitches. On a 3-6, the transmutation is successful and the recipient gains an extra life.

-- This drone is bestowed with a copy of your CONSCIOUSNESS. While this drone is alive, your CONSCIOUSNESS cannot permanently die.
-- If your CONSCIOUSNESS's body is physically slain, the BACKUP drone becomes the new vessel for the CONSCIOUSNESS; its functionality and role is overwritten.
-- You may have multiple BACKUPS in your hive. If you do, the oldest BACKUP is overwritten first if the CONSCIOUSNESS needs a new vessel.

-- This drone extends the reach and power of your CONSCIOUSNESS' intangible control over all drones, like a relay point for the hivemind frequency. It has one action per day.
-- Action Option: A TRANSISTOR can repair one glitch per drone per day. If no glitches exist and a new one would occur, the FIXER can prevent it (again, only one per day).
-- Action Option: If a drone glitches and would go berserk, flip a coin. On Heads, the TRANSISTOR overpowers the glitch and binds that drone to itself like a satellite. The bound drone must be labeled with its TRANSISTOR, as its fate is now determined by its new nucleus.
---- If a satellite drone would glitch, flip a coin. On Heads, it does not glitch. On Tails, it does.
-- Action Option: If a satellite drone would go berserk from glitching, flip a coin again to see if a TRANSISTOR can regain control. On Heads, the satellite drone is re-bound. On Tails, it breaks free of both CONSCIOUSNESS and TRANSISTOR, going violently berserk.

-- This drone can attempt to find the patterns in random chance to optimize the near future. It has one action per day.
-- Action Option: This drone chooses to negate the Pinkerton drop of the day, resulting in nothing happening. If it chooses this option, flip a coin. On Tails, this drone is Exalted or loses a life.
-- Action Option: This drone chooses to analyze and predict future possibilities. Roll a d20. On a 20, you get one Luck, which allows you to negate the consequence of a drop, roll, Coliseum death, or other consequence. On a 1, the drone is Exalted or loses a life.
---- You can have up to 3 Luck at a time and can use them whenever you choose.

The below tertiary options are inspired by, but not identical to, many of the Hivemind's lore options.

-- Requires Circuit or Runes or Augment.
-- A HIJACKER drone is the only semi-autonomous drone outside of the CONSCIOUSNESS itself. Its origin will determine its true loyalty:
---- Born to the hive: the HIJACKER is loyal to the CONSCIOUSNESS.
---- Assimilated as an egg (hatchling bought from the AH): the HIJACKER is subconsciously loyal to a local species of Beastclan, due to some alchemical or magical interference from said Beastclan.
---- Assimilated as a dragon (adult bought from the AH): the HIJACKER is loyal to its former dragon clan.
-- Loyalist HIJACKERS are valuable tools of a hive and can perform duties normally reserved for the CONSCIOUSNESS. Notably, it can attempt to repair glitching drones once per day. Roll a d4.
---- 1. The HIJACKER makes things worse. The glitching drone gains 1 additional glitch.
---- 2. The HIJACKER fails. Nothing changes.
---- 3-4. The HIJACKER succeeds in clearing one glitch from one drone.
-- Betrayer HIJACKERS are one of the most dangerous enemies a hive can face, as their motives are usually undiscovered until considerable damage has been done. Each day, for each betrayer in your hive, roll a d4.
---- 1. The betrayer causes a random drone to glitch and go berserk.
---- 2. The betrayer kills a random drone or larva.
---- 3. The betrayer takes no obvious action against the hive.
---- 4. The CONSCIOUSNESS realizes the HIJACKER'S betrayal and forcefully reformats its mind. Flip a coin. On Heads, the HIJACKER is now loyal to the CONSCIOUSNESS. On Tails, it fools the CONSCIOUSNESS into believing it's loyal now, but will continue acting as a betrayer until killed.

-- Requires Capsule or Dewlap or Pufferfish.
-- This drone is able to convert a dragon, hatchling, or even an unhatched egg into a drone. Roll a d4 to see if it is successful at finding and acquiring a target.
---- 1: This drone is violently repelled from its target. Flip a coin. On Tails, this drone dies or loses a life.
---- 2: This drone cannot locate a suitable target. Nothing happens.
---- 3: This drone successfully finds a target, but assimilation is imperfect. Buy a cheap, glitched drone (per Hive lore for genes, or just an off-brand XXX/XXY) from the AH.
---- 4: This drone succeeds in finding and assimilating a target. Buy a perfect drone (tertiary gene optional) from the AH.

-- Requires a distracting or hypnotizing tert, like Glowtail, Peacock, Angler, Lure, or Firefly.
-- When this drone is in the Coliseum or otherwise present during a dangerous situation, it can flip a coin to distract a dangerous moment (a drone's death in battle, a glitching drone's rampage, etc). On Heads, the drone successfully distracts the threat and no one is harmed. On Tails, this drone takes the damage instead and may be slain in place of the original target.

-- Requires Filigree or Mucus.

-- Requires a camouflaging tert, like Koi, Okapi, Thylacine, Stained, Crackle, Flecks, Blossom, Branches, Polypore, etc.
-- This drone is equipped with natural camouflage in the form of silhouette-breaking patterns on its exterior. It can safely navigate previously-explored wilderness without being detected, and it can explore new places with lower risk.
-- Having a SENTINEL in your hive allows you to choose your Coliseum venue.

-- Requires an armoring or defensive tert, like Gembond, Opal, Spines, Scorpion, Gnarlhorns, Skeletal, Pachy, Keel, Scales, etc.
-- This drone is an armored tank that serves to protect the weaker members of the hive. It gains 3 extra lives upon taking this role, and it gains an extra life (a total of 2 instead of just 1) when it reaches levels 10, 15, and 20.
-- A WARD drone allows you to choose the drones that fight in the Coliseum during the matches required from a food drop.

-- Requires an offensive or dangerous tert, like Mandible, Carnivore, Stinger, or Porcupine.
-- This drone can voluntarily train itself and/or lower-leveled drones at any time and for any number of matches in the Coliseum, using the venue appropriate for the lowest level in the group.
-- (If your hive has a SENTINEL, you can choose the venue freely.)
-- During this voluntary training, Coliseum deaths for non-SOLDIER drones don't count. If your SOLDIER dies in the Coliseum, it loses a life or is Exalted and the training ends for the day.
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Exalting Yen to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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