
Level 1 Imperial
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Crystal Collector
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Crystal Berry Harvest
Crystal Censer
Black Candle Cascade
Starlight Guise


Accent: Starwood Glass


Scene: Crystal Shop


21.16 m
21.55 m
7538.58 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 20, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


ejSCHYh.png ___________________________________________________________


"Cool quote under portrait comes here"


______ Sylvain woke with a stir. Something was in the cave...he could hear it. The little cave he has called home since he hatched, the safest place he knew, and something was in here. It wasn't very big, but then again neither was he. Imperials may be large, but he is still only a young dragonet. His heart pounds in his ears, his mind races. He hardly knows anything outside of this cave.

This cave.

His mind wanders back to his earliest memories. Pushing aside his eggshell, calling out to parents that would never answer. Calling out for a family that would never answer. His lonely calls echoed through nearly empty cave.

His mind comes back to him and he lays in the corner of the cave, curled up with his heard under his wing to try and combat the cool night air. Now, his wing is his shield. Protecting him from whatever lurks in his cave. What does he do? Should he jump up and try to scare it off? What if its another dragon?! No, to small. What if its a hurt critter, what if it needs help? No, Sylvain is sure he doesn't smell any blood. What if its a Strangler on the hunt? Oh, by the Archanist what if its-

His thoughts grind to a halt. Its getting closer. He can feel the creatures breath on his scales as it sniff him. This is it, this is Sylvain's final moments, his final breath! He can feel the color drain from his face as the mystery beast places a paw on his wing to get a better look at him. He knows its only seconds away now, seconds away from feeling this creatures huge, razor sharp teeth sink into his throat. Oh good bye cruel world!


Sylvain refuses to go down without a fight. Yeah, if this beast wants a piece of him fine! He will give it one. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for the absolute horror is is about to face. Finally, he leaps to his feet, using his wing to shove the creature away to get a good look at it.

This was no beast. This was no Strangler in search of a meal. The little critter stares up at him, far more afraid of him than he was of it (which he didn't think was possible). Its little wings fold tightly to its body as it hunkers to the ground shaking. Its little striped tail wrapped as much as it can around its back legs. This was no monster, this was another scared little creature, just like him.

The two stare at each other for a moment, waiting for the other to attack, but they don't. Sylvain can't help but chuckle softly to himself, "Oh my little things, you scared me. But seems I returned the favor. Wheres your family?" he asks, sitting down to try and make the creature a bit more at ease, which seems to work. The creature stares at him for a moment before sitting down as well. "Thats alright. I'm by myself too. Hey who needs 'em? We're a couple of rugged, tough survivors!" He smiles at the little creature, who responds with a series of clicking and chittering noises.

The two sat and talked much of the night before dozing off. Sylvain wakes up to the morning light, and also to find this creature curled up tight under his wing. As much of a tough survivor as he was, it was nice to not be alone anymore.

As Sylvain grew, he come to learn that this strange creature is a Crystal Collector, much to his pleasure. He has always had a bit of a fascination with anything crystal or gem related. Even taught himself a thing or two on how to use them to help those around him. From removing hexes or curses, to being able to absorb the worst of nightmares, whatever is needed.

His collection of gems and crystals shrinks and grows often, and the Crystal Collector is sure to help with that. The two are often found through out Sornieth on the hunt for new crystals and gems to add to their collection. Occasionally stopping in towns or clans to aid them with whatever ails them. Often accepting new gems/crystals or the permission to hunt for new gems/crystals in their territory as payment.

This was the case with Sylvain coming across the Umbra Sanguis. Sylvain is able to almost sense those who need his abilities. A sixth sense of sort, and he is often happy to use it to help, for a price of course. One night, he was about ready to find a place to settle for the night when the Crystal Collector took off all of a sudden, chirping loudly. He scrambles to catch up to the small but surprisingly fast creature, and when he does mange to catch up, he is surprised to see him digging through a bag. However this bag was still very much attached to a less than pleased dragon. Two Guardians stand before him, one with the bag and the other a jagged scar across his eye. The guardian with the bag, glares down at the creature with a low growl before noticing Sylvain. Once she sees Sylvain, her crests flair and she growls again. "My deepest apologies, the little guy has a mind of his own." Sylvain slowly lowers his head, a sign of respect he has learned when in another territory. Its often used as a way to express they mean no harm. However, the scarred Guardian doesn't seem to care. Sylvain catches himself staring at the jagged scar along the other Guardians eye, but quickly breaks the eye contact to call for the Crystal Collector again. Finally, the creature picks its head up out of the Guardians bag and jumps down, making its way back to Sylvain, however it clearly has something stashed under its wing. Sylvain quietly scolds the creature for taking from another dragon as he careful takes the small gem and steps forward to hand it back to the Guardian. "I do apologize again for my feathered-friend here. He just gets a bit excited about new gems. Here, I am truly sor-" His voice is cut off by the Guardian lunging forward grabbing Sylvain's claws tightly in his own. Sylvain is still young, and not that much bigger than the Guardian. This Guardian easily out weighs him, and just by the looks, could out fight him with ease. Pain shoots through his claws and wrist, but theres something else...

That sixth sense, this dragon is haunted by awful nightmares. "Ah..I-apologies again, perhaps I can...perhaps we can make it up to you? Please??" Sylvain pleads. "Your nightmares, I can rid you of them, given you don't crush my claws." He forces out an awkward laugh. The Crystal Collector stands on Sylvain's back, flaring his feathers to try and seem big and scary to help. The Guardian stares for a moment. "You try to steal from our clan, and think you can just talk your way out of it?" The Guardian holding him snarls. However the female Guardian seems interested. "Perhaps we hear the stranger out. We let him try, if come morning you don't have any nightmares, we know he speaks the truth." She says, reaching a claw forward and pulling Sylvain's wrist from his grasp. "Oh thank you! I would be happy to help-" He stops as speaks again, "However, if you are lying and it doesn't work. We eat it." She says, glaring at the Crystal Collector on his back. "Oh...I, well on uh- on second thought. Ill just, WE will just be on our way, yes?" Sylvain smiles, trying to step away from them. "Or, we eat it now. Your choice." She smiles.

They show Sylvain back to their lair, excited to see if it works. The scarred Guardian, who he now knows as King, and the terrifying leader, who he now knows as Shale, whisper back and forth. While he could only hear bits and pieces, it seemed to boil down to 'it either works or you get a snack. Win-win.', which they seemed to laugh about as if it was some kind of sick joke.

Finally the time comes, King drifts off to sleep and soon enough, the nightmares begin. He takes out a deep purple amethyst gem. He holds it in his palm a moment, focusing on the energy of the nightmare, before placing the stone carefully on the top of King's head. While Sylvian can't see them, he can feel them while he is working. Fear. Humiliation. Sylvian feels claws rake across his eyes as King relives the worst night of his life. However, in just a matter of seconds, Kings face seems to relax, and the gem glows softly. "Incredible." Shale whispers, Sylvian nearly dropped the stone, not realizing she was still awake, let alone standing in the entrance to the cave watching them. "I haven't seen him sleep that peacefully since...well I haven't ever seem him sleep that peacefully." She whispers thank you to Sylvian as she shows him to a place for him to rest tonight, also assuring him they will not eat his friend.

While Sylvian never planned on staying, there was something about this place. This clan. At first he was just asked to hang around a couple days to help with this or that, but soon, he found himself not wanting to leave. He laughed and told stories around a meal with this clan after a having been there helping a few days. In this moment he realizes, he found his place. The family he had been looking for his entire life, he found them.

Lore done by TinkerBee



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