
Level 1 Nocturne
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Vigorous Goblet
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Nocturne
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Raven Sylvan Lattice
Raven Sylvan Twist
Teardrop Ruby Earrings
Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Malign Tools



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


3.53 m
6.38 m
520.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 19, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none




Name: Chalice

Gender: Feminine... ish?

Pronouns: She/They

Profession: Potioneer & Poisoner

Interests: Potions, antagonising Bilberrios, teasing siblings.

Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Her first birthday gift from Bilberrios, Chalice has never thrown it away despite all the times she's wanted to. It's too useful.
Malign Tools
Her first birthday gift from Porcelain, Chalice may sometimes go around without this, but takes immaculate care of it.
Book of Eldritch Horror
Self-protecting Book of Potions. What better way to keep others from reading her most precious recipes?
Obsidian Gryphon Staff
Is it technically a magic staff? Yes. Does she primarily use it as her favourite stirring rod? Also yes!
It doesn't melt in anything. It's perfect.

Ruby Brooch Enchanted Candle
Haunted Stone Orb Tales of Terror
Mushroom Oil Ant Acid
Sticky Pollen Leopard Coralclimber Toxin

Tokay Gecko Acid Widow
Venomous Pillbug Dreamwaker
Bluebite Rattler Banded Dart Frog
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar Redclaw Scorpion



Familiar: Vigorous Goblet

Name: Vessel

Personality: Curious, creative, clever, and spiteful. Adores Chalice above all else. Enjoys plotting a great deal.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.


Some would call Chalice spiteful. They'd not be wrong. They'd probably also call her fickle, or capricious, or mercurial and they'd not be wrong there either. Chalice is herself, and she can be mean and cruel, resentful and spiteful and absolutely antagonistic and malicious at times - but for all that she does love her siblings and has respect for people who'll treat with her directly and fairly and without snapping.

It's just... there aren't really many of those, outside of her mother. She tends to push everyone away eventually.


One of Bilberrios' favoured creations - one of his goals to create a dragon from nothing - Chalice is an entity made from Bilberrios' various cauldron experiments. Silent and eerie, watchful and far more aware than people think, she helps to mind Panoptes and Brea but otherwise manages her own experiments, brewing who knows what...

Well, she knows what and, frankly, it's whatever catches her fancy. Sometimes it's medicine, sometimes it's useful potions, sometimes it's non-useful potions and sometimes it's poison.

Sometimes it's just a nice (maybe magical) cup of tea. But no one knows, and she likes to wind people up about what she's brewing. Most of the clan is certain she's up to something nefarious, all of Bilberrios' unethical experiments result, obviously enough, in an unethical dragon.

Chalice wouldn't say that's the case. Amoral, perhaps, but not unethical. She'll always give someone what she's brewed to their face, no sneaking or subterfuge necessary, and the clan knows to be wary of her.

Besides, she wouldn't poison someone and leave them to suffer. Porcelain would be disappointed and while she loves to wind up the clan, and her sisters, and her father... Chalice does love her mother. Porcelain, in the end, is the one who has most consistently shown her kindness, who has put up with her antagonism without ever snapping - only ever being firm.

It has been Porcelain, after all, who has fought hardest for Chalice and her siblings to be treated well, not just by the clan as a whole, but by Bilberrios too. How can she not love the mother that fights so keenly for their wellbeing? She's just... awkward about showing it, maybe. Unsure how to react to so complete a show of affection when everyone else always... holds something back. Remains ready to snap. Porcelain is firm sometimes, but Chalice can't recall a time her mother's ever snapped at her or any of her siblings.

Unlike ever-impatient, easy-to-disappoint Father. Chalice didn't even do anything to disappoint Bilberrios - oh no, he did that himself, creating Fauna and deciding he had surpassed his past success... the past success which had been Chalice herself.

Chalice knows, had she told Porcelain, that her mother would have comforted her. Would have let her cry and wiped her tears, held her if she needed it and given her a cosy blanket and a cup of tea. Porcelain has always taken pains to let her children know that they are loved. Even Verbana would have set aside their slight animosity (largely Chalice's own fault, she will admit) to comfort her in the face of that - and knowing Verbana, would have antagonised Bilberrios further in indignation at Chalice's hurt.

But Chalice doesn't care to show her vulnerabilities to others. Not even to her mother. Not even to her eldest sister.

To Panoptes, maybe, but who knows how much Panoptes really understands? Not Chalice, that's for sure.

No. Chalice took herself off to her lab, on her own, and sat there with just herself and Vessel, and lit the fire under a fresh cauldron.

Fauna didn't ask to exist. She might resent her new sister for surpassing her in Bil's eyes, but that was hardly Fauna's fault and while she might snap and be snide and be- well. Herself, she's not about to place the actual brunt of the blame anywhere but where it is meant to go.

On Bil, and his lab, and his gods-damned research.


20425368p.png Porcelain | Mother

No one understands Chalice in all her capriciousness as well as Porcelain does. There from Chalice's earliest days, and the one to remind Bilberrios that Chalice was their child more than just his experiment, Porcelain is the one person Chalice would never dare to hurt or disappoint.

62581983p.png Bilberrios | ...Father

Bilberrios, on the other hand, Chalice is happy to disappoint, these days. She'd been good and done all she was asked, sat down for examinations and proved her personhood - and then he made her sister and now she's nothing. Chalice doesn't like her father.

Panoptes, Verbana, Cenotaph, Brea | Cauldron Siblings

Chalice does like to antagonise her siblings, and generally has the most success doing so with Verbana and Brea. Cenotaph is too rarely fully there - and too rarely not pulling at least somewhat from Chalice's own emotions which rather defeats the point - while Panoptes... Panoptes, like Porcelain, loves her as she is. She's not about to ruin that.
76736771p.png Fauna | ...Sister

Objectively, Chalice knows it's Bilberrios' fault that Fauna exists and she was ousted from the (to her) coveted spot of favourite child. Porcelain had warned her this might happen, and Verbana and Brea. Cenotaph rarely had the words and Pan is... well, Pan. But there's a part of her that resents Fauna all the same.

Coded by EssayOfThoughts. Lore by EssayOfThoughts. Graphics are hyperlinked.
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