
"The Brigade Lead Flight Engineer"
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Contaminated Ambassador
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Energy: 43/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Sepia Woodbasket
Rose Gold Steampunk Wings
Rose Gold Steampunk Goggles
Leather Aviator Coat
Rose Gold Steampunk Gloves
Rose Gold Steampunk Spats




7.73 m
4.71 m
507.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 15, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Iron Wrench Black Iron Segment Lumen Wiring Sentry Squawker
Lore Quote
"Born of nature with a set road of evergreen....Ever changing so why not stray to a path beyond what nature can do? Extend to the reaches of Science & Engineering. Cast away the former ways of the past for a technological rich future!"

Torrent had been born very frail and weak while also being from a time in which hunting and gathering was very much prominent... he did not mind participating as from the very day he was hatched he was destined to a position of his clan to be nothing more than another hunter or simple guard as his abilities were not very special... and asides that he never really wanted either so he found himself lost most the time because of it, he often wondered what it would be of him if he could not fulfill what others wanted alongside his purpose in this world & so called "clan" in reality it was a pack of well blood thirsty mirrors and a spiral/whomever had the guts to intermingle with them and his mother...

He spent most his hatchling hood disappointed with himself for not wanting what his "clan" wanted for him a set out road in the way of primality & brute ability to protect & kill on site for there own gain no questions asked.

Torrent is an extremely great strategy based fighter though when it comes to straight savagery, he cant do it he is super frail and could never fully depend on strength alone. He is grateful though for the pack there to back him up even if they are pretty blood thirsty. Torrent feels the reason they do this is pity for how weak he is while being a mirror and who his mother is seen as ; an extremely violent guard who would probably tear into anyone who mistreated her offspring as it was the equivalent of disrespecting her & the generations of teachings she's passed on to them.

Torrent had always been overshadowed by many of his siblings which he did not mind he knew why and accepted it so instead he supported them to the best of his abilities, they were his family bound by a strong force "blood" which connected the mirror species & descents of a mirror bloodline even if they somehow disapprove its part of there natural instinct.

Quirks & Facts
Torrent has amazing flying skills and is great in Aerial Combat & Strategy which is thought to come from his spiral ancestry as mirrors are primarily kept bound to the ground when fighting with flaws when fighting in the air.

Torrent loves everything technology and wishes to use it to help others and himself by becoming stronger with it and just letting his creativity flow including creating his own mechanical familiars/friends improved with cosmetics & prosthetics.

Torrent has a slight magical ability when is comes to his connection to the nature flight being that of a green claw in growing plants and herbalism.

Torrents created the majority of his own flight gear but was helped to design it with a steampunk aesthetic by Magenta a wildclaw tailor & fashionist.

Torrent may be afflicted by some sort of inherited immune system disorder as he always seems sickly & frail since hatchling hood but it does not stop him from what he wants to achieve he just has to be sure to take care of himself as most should in general.

Torrents Calling
Torrent eventually found his calling, It was on a day like many others out hunting with his family on the edges of the territory a light armored Nocturne fell from the sky foreign to the lands, crashing down right in front of them covered in scars and bruising...they were surprised and like usual were about to pounce on this nocturne intruder without thinking but torrent jumped in front of the strange dragon flaring his wings he did not know why and yelled out "Stop!" his family seemed surprised at his outburst and his mother stepped forward to speak "Torrent you will step aside and this intruder will be dealt with accordingly, now stop messing around what is with you today?" she growled in annoyance with a snort at how out of all her offspring Torrent would be the one to step up to question there usual patrol which he has been on many times so why is it different now she thought eyeing the nocturne curiously. Torrent did not back down and his mother just stared at him before scowling and sighing she knew this day would eventually come like for many of her other offspring but why and intruder to spark curiosity not another finely claw picked clan..."Alright Torrent since you've taken and interest to this tsk intruder I'll give you a choice in dealing with them one you kill them on the spot and stay or two take them in as a project and do with them what you will but you must leave the clan afterwards like many of your other siblings... I will not be disappointed in what ever you choose you are of the age to choose for yourself as you cannot depend on the clan forever anyways" Torrent was surprised at how well his mother took what he said and felt as if he was being recognized for the first time as an independent dragon not a weakling to be dragged along and defended though was terrified at the thought of leaving home. Torrent froze before taking a breath "I will take this intruder in as a project" Torrents mother grinned at him "interesting choice" she felt proud as Torrent had taken a step outside her authority and was breaking free from the nest metaphorically she had stepped towards the nocturne glaring down perhaps they will be a fine patron for my son to guard she though before hauling the slumped nocturne over her shoulder do not make me regret my decision nocturne she quickly thought before flicking her tail to the rest of the family and torrent to follow her back to camp...

It had been a few moons since Torrents decision... he had healed the nocturne to which he later learned was named Orrin a forge master something he never heard of from a clan united under the arcane flight which immediately sparked his interest and a bombardment of questions for Orrin of advancing technology which differed very much from his clans primal tools & ways which Orrin happily answered he was surprised that a group of mirrors took him in he had heard many stories of them be terrifying beasts outside of the ones in his clan. Torrents mother had watched this progress before deciding she was ok with this nocturnes presence and boldly asked that in turn for sparing his life that he take her son into his clan under his wing as an apprentice to guard the clan after explaining how she raised her offspring to be great guards and sent away to clans usually picked beforehand. Orrin was hesitant at first but thought it was pretty fair trade and he actually warmed up to Torrent as he helped heal his wounds over the few moons being there and just spoke of there dreams, goal, & life. Torrent was enthusiastic with this ideal once the news hit him and his fears of leaving home alone drifted away he was going to make his mother proud and go to a new place with new things a purpose in which he dreamed of for so long. Torrent packed away his things and stayed for one more moon in which his pack & family threw a grand party and feast before leaving on his travels with Orrin back to the new clan were he resided and learned to eventually become apart of there small guard as there lead flight engineer with teachings from Orrin.

Iron Wrench Black Iron Segment Lumen Wiring Sentry Squawker
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Exalting Torrent to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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