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Personal Style


Aqua Birdskull Armband
Studious Healer's Calling
Studious Healer's Slippers
Studious Healer's Trail
Greenskeeper Treeshroud
Fig Plumed Headdress
Scottish Fold




5.31 m
5.59 m
561.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 08, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 921 / 27676




  • none


Herbal Plantain Bastet
(n. Ancient Egyptian, speculative) - she of the ointment jar

You come across a rare, quiet corner of the Order's campsite where a tent stands. The smell of freshly cut and crushed herbs emanates from within, along with a voice, speaking aloud to herself it seems. "Peppermint, we're going to need more peppermint. And tachinid flies. Always more tachinid flies... how do we go through the carapaces so fast? Do we need any more hippocampus spines? I think we're running low." Her questioning is received with only a loud mwrow of a cat.



______Bastet is a gentle, but stern dragon that prides herself on keeping her head under pressure -- even if she's not as great at it as she wishes she was. She's very responsible and dutiful, and the fear of failing those that depend on her for these traits is more constant than many dragons realize. She does her best to keep her wits about her and channel that energy into problem-solving and action, which works to mask the majority of her worries from most other dragons. It's significantly less effective on either of her two sisters, Sahara and Sekhmet, and even less so on her cat, Tibbs.
______She is smart and observant, but has difficulty with memorization and has worked for a long time to be better at keeping tabs of her ever expanding knowledge of plants and herbs. Bastet is very connected with nature and the natural world, much like her mother, but has never successfully been able to communicate with the spirits of the Shifting Expanse.


______Bastet and her sister Sekhmet were hatched in the Outpost, under the watchful and caring eyes of their mother and father, Lifa and Einar. Growing up, Bastet and Sekhmet were inseparable, but each intently focused on very different subjects. Bastet quickly became fascinated with gardening and the uses of plants in medicines. She'd always had a green thumb, and spent much of her time working with her mother in the gardens. Though Sekhmet was less interested in the healing properties of plants, she helped her sister study them night after night.
______Their older sister Sara had left in a time before they were around, but when they were young she started sending letters back from the Shifting Expanse, telling the tales of her newfound place in a Mirror clan known as the Tempest Order. When it came time to decide where their place should be in the world, Bastet and Sekhmet agreed. Though they both loved the Outpost, they set their hearts on going to live with Sara (now Sahara) in the desert.
______The journey was grueling and anything but fun, but they managed it well enough to make it to the Order and join its number. Sahara was overjoyed and more than happy to have them there, and though life has not been easy since joining the Order, the sisters all having each other has taken more than a little stress off each of their shoulders.
______Upon her entry into the clan, Bastet was very surprised to hear of the clan's lack of a proper set of healers. Amongst four hundred or so dragons, there were only two healers, neither of which travelled with the nomadic branch of the Order. Many had never even met an herbalist in person. Though worried that she was unqualified for the position, it quickly became apparent that her knowledge of plants, though not complete, was leagues above anything the Order had access to at the moment. With a dutiful nod, she accepted the responsibility of being the clan's herbalist.
______And oh boy is it a responsibility. Injuries are incredibly common, to the point that she's not sure how any of them managed before she got here. Much of her work is also with expecting parents, as in the Order the threat of the deadly Breath Rot is always looming. She's considered moving to the Agriden, where the majority of the clan's hatchlings are kept, but refuses to leave her sisters here without her. Bastet suspects there may be a more magical cause to the disease, but is not certain at this time, and even if she was she'd hardly have the necessary tools to do anything about it. She's constantly needing for supplies, most of which needs to be scavenged or grown at the Agriden and then ran to her. She's proposed keeping a small travelling garden with the supplies, but there's no current room to carry such a thing. In the meantime, she's doing her best to familiarize herself with the local flora and fauna, as well as anything the Order's trade partners might bring in from their respective biomes.
______With both her sisters in such harrowing jobs, making sure they're in tip top shape accounts for both half her worries and half the reason she loves being here. There's nothing better than knowing you're in a position to make sure your loved ones are well cared for, and nothing worse than the thought that you might also be the one to let them down.
A R T / O T H E R

Sketch by me:
Art by the wonderful Outpost (#72679)!:
Written by me! Check out Sekhmet's version in her bio!
Arrival wrote:
______“You’re sure Sahara won’t mind us showing up unannounced?” Bastet’s words echoed off the mesa walls, following the well-worn path towards the Tempest Order’s current encampment. It’d been rough getting here, but the trip was nearing its end -- assuming the traders that’d given them directions were telling the truth. The echo did not go unheard, and not only by her twin sister.
______Beside her, Sekhmet eyed the dark cracks in the walls, so thin compared to the overall cliffside and yet large enough for a dragon to lurk within. Though they made Bastet’s skin crawl, Sekhmet did not seem to mind them so much. “Sara? Mind? Nah. That’s part of the surprise! She loves surprises.”
______The ground began to slope down beneath their feet, leading under a large arch. A few pebbles fell somewhere behind them, but looking back Bastet didn’t see anyone there. A flock of death seekers perched atop the rock, peering down at them.
______“She didn’t mention this place would be so creepy.”
______“I mean… did you think she’d want to live somewhere cozy?”
______“Fair point.”
______The lowered terrain curved around, finally opening out into what must be the Tempest Order’s campsite. The space between the mesas was filled wall to wall with haphazardly constructed tents, walkways, buzzing blue lights on strings, and most of all, Mirrors. They’d already been breedchanged in preparation for the surprise, but they’d never seen so many Mirrors all in one place. There were a few other dragons making their way through the first set of tents, but they did not look to be a part of the clan so much as just more travelling traders.
______“I guess they don’t have a set of guards at the front?”
______“I think… we may have already passed them.” Bastet’s tail flicked back towards the canyon, at this angle now able to make out the silhouettes of dragons atop the mesa switching shifts. As empty as it looked, the path here had not been unguarded.
______Bastet’s eyes flicked across the busy pathways through the tents. “I didn’t expect it’d be this expansive. Where do you think Sahara would be in all this mess?”
______“Only one way to find out! How about you start looking around at ground level, and I’ll stay above you and scan from there?”
______It was as good a plan as any. Sekhmet took to the skies, still unsteady on her new wings. She rose into the air as Bastet made her way into the crowd.
______She didn’t get far at all before she noticed a young, oilslick colored male Mirror bounding through the masses, calling out wildly, “Runner on me! Runner on me! I need --” He stopped mid-shout as he nearly ran into her, backing up and shaking his head. Relief washed over his features. “Runner Eight, thank the deities! I didn’t think you’d be back from that water run with Five so soon, I--” He shook his head, resolving that it didn’t matter and not letting her get a word in. “I’m wasting time -- Runner 6 got attacked on her way back from the delta, she’s been poisoned!”
______“Poisoned?” Bastet’s eyes were wide, thrust headfirst into a situation she didn’t know how to back out of. She quickly began looking in her bag, sure that she’d found something earlier that might be able to help. Her eyes turned to the skies for Sekhmet’s help, but her sister was nowhere above her.
______He turned, indicating her to follow him. “She was able to make it back here, but she can’t walk anymore! We need to get her loaded on a sled and get her back to the Agriden as fast as we can! C’mon!”
______As much as this was definitely not the plan, Bastet couldn’t refuse a call to action. They both took off, weaving through the tents and past several defined districts amidst the crooks and crannies of the canyon. She strained to keep up with him, asking, “Aren’t there any healers here? Or herbalists?”
______The Runner glanced back at her with an odd look. “Res, Sastruga, and Rhapsodic are all back at the Agriden, you know that. What’s an herbalist?”
______Bastet nearly stopped in her tracks. “You have THREE healers in this entire clan? And none of them work with plants?? What do you do when one of you gets injured?”
______“What everyone does, Eight. Wrap some linen around it and let it scar over, which DOES NOT work for poison!”
______Another dragon called out to them from nearby, a brown and grey male Mirror in tattered fabric that hugged his form and sheltered his eyes from the sun. “Runner 7, Runner 8! She’s over here!” They took a sharp turn, half-careening into a tent where the sight of a half-loaded sled greeted them. Taking up most of the room on the glorified slab of wood was a beige Mirror in red, groaning in pain. A clear wound marked her side, bleeding into the gambeson. Bastet was startled to recognize the same set of armor her father had sent to Sahara not too long ago. It might have been a fatal blow without the extra protection, but such a fate might still await the young runner if Bastet didn’t think fast.
______Runner 7 had already started to get harnessed up as Bastet dumped the contents of her pack onto the sandy ground, sifting through it. “Sahara, what’re you doing?? We need to go!”
______Bastet shook her head, mumbling as she recited the names of various plants she’d memorized, finally recognizing the one she was looking for. She picked a large green leaf from the pile, using her tail to point to the two supply runners. “Get that gambeson off of her. Now!” She tried not to notice the shake in her voice. For as much as she’d studied the medicinal uses of plants, she’d never actually been in charge of this kind of thing. Nevertheless, Runner 6 wasn’t going to make it far if Bastet didn’t do something.
______“Wh--” Seven stared at her, shifting gears to look at the other male instead. “C’mon Two, harness up, we’re taking her to the Agriden NOW!” Two glanced sharply between them before shaking his head and hurriedly getting to work at pulling the armor off of Six. “Two! What--”
______“I trust Eight, Sly. Do you?” Two snapped, not pausing another moment in his work. Begrudgingly, Sly complied. Bastet put the leaf in her mouth, cringing at the bitter taste but chewing it into a pulp. When the others had gotten the wound clear of fabric, she spit the mush out into her hand and applied it directly to the wound.
______With more poultice and linen, Bastet was able to effectively cover the area and bandage it as best she knew how, and within minutes Six’s condition appeared to be improving. Bastet breathed a sigh of great relief as her patient returned to coherence, faint but very much alive.
______Sly stared at her. “ did you do that?”
______“Herbal plantains,” she explained. “They’re an effective anti-toxin. all really need an herbalist here.”
______Runner Two was similarly astonished, though appeared to have been affirmed that he put his trust in her. “I didn’t realize you knew how to do any of that, Sahara. Where’d you pick that up?”
______The heat of the moment passing, Bastet paused at the mention of her sister’s name once again. “...about that…”
______The flaps of the tent flung open with a flurry of rushing air and motion, a tall, lanky runner skidding to a stop just within. She was coated in dirt and drenched in sweat, but recognizable all the same. “Sly! I heard Ven--” Sahara, the real Sahara, didn’t even finish the sentence. “...Bastet?”
______Runners 2 and 7 looked quickly between both of them, bewilderment in their eyes.
______The young herbalist gave her best smile. “Surprise…?”
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