
The Undertaker
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Gaoler
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: InkLocke


Scene: Arcanist's Domain


11.6 m
8.53 m
7912.13 kg


Primary Gene
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Shaggy (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Streak (Gaoler)
Streak (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Blossom (Gaoler)
Blossom (Gaoler)


Apr 06, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Gaoler
EXP: 1477 / 8380






Nickname: death, gooey
x. greek: related to the river Styx

β€’ transformation by pain

🎡theme 🎢
Tomb of Raithwall
by Hitoshi Sakimoto
1138.png 1137.png
16449.png 16490.png
Coding made by Disillusionist.

the stygian

From the cold floor you rise. He is hanging above you, four posts of his legs reaching around you to trap you. A thick, dark liquid drips from him... or does it absorb into him? You cannot tell. You can tell something is wrong.

"You have passed," he utters in cold chimes. He barely moves his lips to speak, his jaws only clench as he observes you.

You don't understand, but it comes to you slowly. A forest tree, a lumberjack, a misheard call, the chilled embrace of the dirt. It is so, so cold. You don't move. You hear nothing. Then your neck snaps.

His jaws clench around your throat, shattering the imaginary bone in your soul. He drags you. You fight against it, the smell of acrid rot filling your nose as the black liquid slips off him onto your skin. You peer at his path.

A vortex of pure, cold abyss swirls in a place where light should be. You fear it for some reason. Something about it feels like the end. It feels like a nothingness. And the massive beast is tearing you down the forested ground toward it.

You scream but you don't. His jaws are over your entire head now, muffling your cries, seeping decay down into your very being.

Suddenly you are moving through the air. You vision breaks and you can see him in front of you, growing smaller. You are flung into the abyss, and pure white pain takes every inch of you as you recede into it until there is nothing of you left.

He did his job.

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Please don't exalt this dragon! If you no longer want them, please feel free to send them back to Pearl's exalt rescue lair, linked in the button!

Button made by the lovely Jyxxie!

In Another Realm I Was The Helper wrote:
Keeping up with him is not difficult, for he walks as if he's taking a stroll with a long lost friend despite you two meeting a mere half an hour ago. He keeps on talking but you're not absorbing the conversation in the slightest; too busy observing this strange fellow you've happened to stumble upon.

His hair is long yet unevenly cut, giving it quite a messy look although it seems clean and odorless. Kind of strange for someone who, supposedly, wanders through the woods day in-day out. It's teeming with picked flowers and dried out petals. His eyes are unnaturally green and seem nearly pupiless unless you get really, really close and realize there is a wide pupil in the middle, barely a few shades darker than the iris.

The way he speaks, though...

"...and so, you see, I always wanted to help with nursing others back to health. I mean, my parents, they, they'd be too proud have I succeeded, for they were both healers, and pretty well-known as well. Surely you have heard of them? FarDeep and Grap- Oh, no? Well do not fret, I'm sure you would have heard of them had they lived a bit longer, hahah! Right? Yet they do say words travel faster when you die than when you're alive, and I'm sorry to say that it surely seems to be true, seeing as they were quite famous beforehand but when the sickness took them both, the news spread so fast I..."

And so on, and so on. His enunciation is marvellous for someone speaking so fast yet you are more attracted to his looks than his words.

A silent murmur reaches your ears; a stream is nearby and you seem to be heading towards it. You know that you need to take the right path just after you cross it for there is a town you need to reach but you wonder if your chatty partner will follow or is he continuing his nature walk. You're not sure which outcome you'd prefer.

Upon reaching the stream, he ends his life story with a quiet "...but someone had other plans for me..." and stops to observe your surroundings. To be honest, that's about the only thing you heard after "my parents were healers" as you got lost in your own thoughts along the way. All of a sudden, you feel uneasy. Having someone tag along on your lonesome journey seemed like a harmless idea at the time but only now you realize you actually know nothing about this man (what if that whole story was a lie?).

"Ah yes, he should be here somewhere...", he mutters after giving you a signal to stay put with his hand. If you're planning on running, now might be your chance, but you're also interested; "who" should be here? His partner in crime? A friend? Lover? Travelling merchant? And why did he signal you?

"Tomb? Tomb! ...Come on, Tomb, you know I cannot do this on my own..." Who is this "Tomb," you wonder. The name suggests someone scary or a history of wrongdoings.

You wish you had already started running.

He returns, accompanied by a small dragon perched atop his shoulder. She has dark, leathery wings folded on her back and her giant eyes and ears give her a slightly unsettling look. Your nervousness doesn't pass off unnoticed yet he smiles at you gently. "Do not worry, all the pain you felt is long over. You're merely passing on." In his arms rests a pale white dragon skull sporting small pointy horns and few bones smudged with dirt in which they laid or were dug out from.

"All the pain you felt"? Me?

Yet something similar to a shudder runs down your spine, a tingling feeling in the back of your mind of something long forgotten or long supressed.
You are drawn to those bones and when you see them, you suddenly feel like crying although you cannot understand why, or can, but don't want to.
Not yet.

"Go. Tomb will make sure you reach it safely. I will make sure you get a proper burial this time around." A small pause. "You can cry if you want to. Some say it makes them feel better."

And so you do.

lore by Strukla
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Exalting Stygian to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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