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Personal Style


Canvas Bandana
Meadow Towel
Frostfinder's Arctic Bags
White Wooly Antennae
Gold Steampunk Vest
White Linen Chest Wrap
White Linen Wing Wraps


Accent: Goldfin River Flight


Scene: Sandswept Delta


7.32 m
7.57 m
568.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level




  • none


Sparrow Skull
Sahara "Sara"
(n. derived from Arabic) - desert.
Supply Runner / Runner 8

You catch sight of this tall, athletic Mirror on the outskirts of the clan just as she straps a bag around her torso and prepares to leave. She stretches, flexing her claws into the loose sand, bright eyes noting your presence with a grin. "Love to talk, but I've got a long run ahead of me, comrade. Catch you next time?" Another Mirror trots up beside her, and they give a nod to each other before taking off at a fast but steady jog into the open desert. Their silhouettes grow smaller and smaller before they eventually vanish over the horizon line.

______Sahara was never a particularly bubbly or excitable dragon, her demeanor lending itself to being more levelheaded and dutiful. Any job she starts, she sees through to the end no matter the difficulty -- and at times, due to the difficulty. She has never been a dragon to turn down a challenge and, in fact, is more likely to seek them out if they exist.
______She loves running more than anything, and she's really never happier than when it's called for in her line of work. She finds it freeing and rewardingly grueling to have to push herself to her limits. You surprise yourself with the things you're capable of when you're put in a situation where others are counting on you.
______She gets along well with many of the other Mirrors in the clan due to her great work ethic and willingness to protect those around her as much as she can. While not excessively energetic, Sara does enjoy hanging out with the others and has a wonderfully teasing sense of humor in the right company. Some consider her to be intense, or do not interact well with her desire for challenge, but they can't deny that she's a good dragon to have as a clanmate.


______Though you wouldn't know it from looking or speaking with her, Sahara was not always a Mirror. Her life began in a stronghold run by the Outpost Clan as a small Spiral named Sara. She grew up tending to the Outpost's gardens with her mother, while excursions with her father were more combat-focused. Regrettably, she never had quite the same green thumb her mother did, nor did she ever rise to the same martial prowess as her father, but the combination of both gave her an appreciation for multiple facets of life and duty.
______There was nothing wrong with Sara's upbringing in the Outpost. She was well-loved by her parents and her clan as a whole. Most dragons would have thought she had nothing to complain about, and she felt bad for wanting anything more than she had. It was the sense of warmth, hope, and love at the Outpost that had once convinced her father to join. It was true, these things were satisfying, but life here didn't make her happy.
______As much as it bothered her, she resolved that there was nothing for it but to press on and see where her gut led her. If happiness wasn't here, it must be somewhere else. With a small bag of rations and her father's stories in mind, she bid her family and clan farewell and set off towards the desert. If worst came to worst, she could always just go home.
______Her water ration ran out quicker than she expected, and the further she traveled into the Shifting Expanse, the less available environmental ammenities became. Her father had given her survival tips for how to get water and food here, but overall it was a time of much trial and error. As luck would have it though, the unforgiving wastes of the Charged Barrens contained one point of solace. With the light of the setting sun behind her and a storm moving in, Sara's eyes fell upon a haphazard collection of tents and electric blue lanterns freshly set up for the night.
______This, of course, was nomadic branch of The Tempest Order. Though a rough and tumble group with no true lodgings for guests, they agreed to let her stay the night to rest and recover for a small fee. She had nothing of monetary value to give, so instead volunteered to work for her food, water, and rest. They agreed, putting her to work before the sun rose the next morning and keeping her busy until the next sundown. The Order was an oddity. It had hundreds of dragons in its number both here and away in a sedentary outpost, and yet there were never enough dragons for the work that needed to be done -- not even nearly. Water rations constantly needed to be distributed, supplies always needed to get from one dragon to another, hatchlings needed to be cared for until they could be transported back to the Agriden, the generators needed maintenance, which meant they needed parts, which meant getting the right scrap and tools to the right dragons -- there was always something urgent that needed doing to keep the clan functioning at any level. It was far from an efficient machine. Really, it was lucky to be anything above mayhem incarnate.
______For as sore as she was by the day's end, she was surprised to find herself asking to stay another day. Another day turned into another week, then another few weeks. The Order's Mirrors were standoffish at first, but they valued her willingness to pull more than her own weight while she stayed in their company, and that value soon evolved into camaraderie. The Order's members, ever drawn to word-based names as they are, nicknamed her Sahara and referred to her as such so often that she eventually would take it as her new name.
______Nothing about this life was easy. There were very few days she ended without aching muscles coupled with fresh cuts or bruises, but the sting of each day was tempered by being surrounded by friends that had suffered the same. Raging storms that threatened to sweep her away were scary, but these Mirrors were adept at keeping each other safe and were happy to extend that help to her as well. Rival clans wouldn't hesitate to attack their smaller patrols if they thought they could get away with it, and all other manners of environmental or wild threats were seldom not a concern... and yet the danger was almost nice. Every close call reminded her she was still alive, still fighting with the others at her back.
______The struggle gave everything she did meaning. Sahara realized she'd stumbled upon exactly what she'd been missing in her home clan: She felt needed here. There was a tangible sense that her presence was making life easier for her prospective clanmates. This felt like home.
______Sara officially joined the clan and became a supply runner. Her job consists of three very different types of work: 1) Getting supplies around to other members in the clan, 2) Getting supplies to/from the Agriden, and 3) Retrieving supplies from scouted locations. She was one of the fastest runners they had, but the clan was majority Mirror-based, so interacting with their gear and provisions was difficult for a small Spiral as she was. For this reason, and thanks in no small part to picking up on the Mirror-centric culture of the clan, she decided to become a Mirror herself.
______All in all, life is good. With the warmth of sunlight, the smell of a storm on the breeze, and a long future of runs ahead of her, Sahara's never been happier.

A R T / O T H E R

Art by me:
AMAZING art by DethJackal (#508913)!
WONDERFUL art by StarSpeckledInk (#430823)!
BEAUTIFUL art by Outpost (#72679)!
"Wind and water formed monuments out of dust
Were you formed like this?
Angles and edges revealed by time
What if my erosion reveals nothing at all?
Just sand
And dust
And time?"
-- Losing to Alexis Lee, a CalArts Thesis film I love to death
Written by me:
The Water Run wrote:
______Sahara awoke to a loud whistling note, a dragon’s heavy footfalls making their way through the supply runners’ corner of the camp. Their tail thwapped against her tent before moving on to the next and next and next, calling out into the morning air. It was still dark outside, the only light coming from a few dimly lit lanterns buzzing with blue electricity. The storm that had been raging last night had finally passed, but she could still smell the rain and ozone in the air.
______ “You’re up, day shift! You’ve got an hour before sunrise and a lot of water to carry, so get moving!”
______She emerged from her tent onto rain-pocked ground, still moist and malleable beneath her. It wouldn’t be this way for long. It would all be dry soon after the sun’s rise, along with any water the others had managed to catch last night. They needed to get the rations distributed and stored before that happened, or there’d be Shade to pay. There was already a mad scramble to get to work.
______Their morning alarm came in the form of Hidebound, a small but burly old Mirror that’d been with the Order for a long time. The others had told her his parents were some of its founding members. His head was in another Mirror’s tent at the moment, bellowing. “We don’t pay you to sleep in, comrade! We pay you to RUN!” A clanmate came bursting out of the tent, stumbling over themselves and their (clearly inside-out) vest.
______Another Mirror bumped her in the shoulder, nodding good morning to her as they both picked up into a jog and started making their way to the bucket field. Sahara liked Moxie. Mox didn’t talk much, but she’d be dead in the ground before she left a job unfinished, and Sara respected that.
______There was very little about the Order that couldn’t be described as somewhat “piecemeal” -- from their armor to their tents -- but the bucket field had to be one of the jankiest bits she’d seen so far. The clan’s only official blacksmith was at the Agriden taking on more important work than making buckets, so “bucket” in this case referred to any object that was 1) capable of catching water within itself and 2) didn’t leak (excessively). A few fire flight clanmates had banged some scrap metal into several vaguely bucket-shaped objects, but the grand majority of the bucket field was full of things like overturned helmets, various sizes of turtle shells, jars, bottles, baskets lined with depin hide, and rocks that were more porous than usual.
______The day shift runners took over where their comrades had left off, several of them separating to different corners of the fields to begin filling waterskins, at which point others would swoop in to transport them to the clan’s mobile food and water stores in the hunter’s district.
______It took nearly the full hour to get all the water packaged and moved, at which point shots began to call from everywhere.
______”Someone load me up -- I’m taking the shipment to the hatchling tent!”
______”Hey! Hey! I need two runners to get a crate of skins to the Boreal hunting team before they leave!”
______”Black Moth Syndicate wants their ration now, I need a runner --”
______”Ay, ay! The Moths can wait their turn like everybody else -- I’d better not see any runner taking them their rations until AFTER we supply the General and Captains!”
______Through the chaos, another voice broke through. “Sahara! Moxie!” She turned quickly, catching sight of a small brown and sapphire Mirror named Nightshade. They’d only interacted sparingly before, if for no other reason than that Nightshade was stationed at the Agriden.
______”Woah -- what are you doing here? I thought you only came to the drop point --”
______Nightshade waved her off quickly, still catching her breath between words. “Not important. Hidebound authorized you and Moxie to be my runners -- we’ve got a problem.” Sara and Moxie’s heads tilted in tandem, curious and concerned. Nightshade took a deep breath, raising her voice to speak over the crowd. “I NEED A SLED STACKED WITH RATION CRATES FOR THE AGRIDEN, STAT!”
______General unrest spread through the crowd, but a few dragons split off to start fulfilling the request.
______She explained, “Sandstorm a few days ago broke our water system at the Agriden -- we need a few more days to get it working, but we can’t support that many dragons without it. Especially with the influx of hatchlings. They can’t last as long as the adults.” She flicked her tail towards the sled. “Hidebound says you two are the fastest they’ve got here. I’m counting on you both to get this sled to the Agriden as soon as possible, or else we’ll lose more than the harvest. You got it?”
______Sara and Mox shared a glance and a knowing look and grin. Now this was their kind of work.

Lore Correspondence with Outpost:
Letter 1, Sahara's arrival to the clan
Letter 2, Bastet and Sekhmet join Sahara
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 and Follow-Up
Response to Letter 1
Response to Letters 3 and 4
The Final Response pt. 1
The Final Response pt. 2

Written by me, following the final letter and the Outpost's annihilation:
Sahara had never been an incredibly emotional dragon.
That wasn't to say she never felt anything -- she did.
But in comparison to some -- most, even -- her responses to such things always felt... lesser.

Bastet had taken it all the hardest.
(She always did, poor thing.)
She hid her tears in piles of herbs and salves
behind the wounded and dead in need of tending to
and buried them beneath mountains of work left to do.

Some dragons were just made that way.
As though there were pits and grooves in their bones than held sorrow longer and deeper than others.
It was easy for her to grieve for parents she didn't remember.

Sekhmet was not fragile in that way,
but neither was she safe.
She took the full brunt of all her emotions
with no barriers to protect her.
Like strikes that passed through armor,
everything she felt, she felt entirely unmitigated.
Each was a colossus compared to the last, felt with full force.
Her immense capacity for love was matched pound for pound with a capacity for violence, and the same was true for tears.
Feelings were like flus -- something that just had to run their course in her before she would be alright again.

The knowledge that what the letters said was true was all it took
to conjure all of these within her.
She spoke in depth of a plan
to search the Hewn City for any sign of them
Or anything that might be left behind.
It interfered with her concentration.
So many feelings, such complex blends of shock and sorrow, pain and confusion.
She got very little done
those first few days
after they'd gotten the news.

She was a romantic.
It was easy
for her
To picture them
as the heroes
they wanted to be remembered as
And miss them as such too.

It was easy
for her
to grieve.

Sahara, though.
The eldest sister;
Guide. Rock. Center.
Falling apart wasn’t an option.
It had never been an option.
For the sake of her sisters, and her clan.

Someone was always counting on her.

She had grieved with her sisters --
They needed it.
More than she did, she thought.
It was hard to grieve for dragons she felt she had lost before even getting to meet them.
The picture felt incomplete in her mind
having only their responses to letters
she didn't remember writing.
She cared for them, undoubtedly.
She mourned them, too.
But knowing only half the conversation left her...
At a time when she couldn't be.
There was work to do.
A home to rebuild.
There was no time to linger.
Part of her was ruthless like that. It had to be.

But something caught her eye that morning.
She'd been gathering water and caught a glimpse of her own face
in the glassy surface
when it struck her
Without provocation
That she didn't know
what her mother looked like.

Her eyes traced over each curve
and angle
the shapes
and patterns
and colors
that defined her visage.
It was one she shared with her sisters.
Like triplets, they'd always been almost
Her mother must have looked something like her, she reasoned. Her father too.
They must have inherited their colors, after all.

But was that all? It couldn't be.

She saw pieces of both of them in her sisters
Through their letters
Through their words
Through what little information the three had left

Lifa. The mage. The gardener. The mother.
Einar. The wanderer. The warrior. The father.

Bastet had inherited her mother's gift for plants, if not her magic.
she seemed to have inherited their father's sentimentality
in equal measure
At least by how often he was mentioned crying
over their letters.

She wondered if her mother's tail flicked around
when she was nervous
the way Bastet's did.
If her father rarely wrote to them himself
Because he poured so deeply over each word
trying to make it sound right
The way Bastet did.

Sekhmet seemed to take more after their father --
A warrior. If not much of a wanderer.
She wondered if he had been like her. If his brow scrunched
the way hers did
when she fought.
If his warcry rallied his allies
the way hers did.
If his heart broke so easily and often
as hers did
At least
before immortality began to wear away at him.

Wanderer was a good word for Sahara.
She supposed she got that from him too.
But she wondered if she took after her mother more.
If she had her mother's eyes
Or smile.
Or something else entirely.

The words of the final letter had stuck with her.
that their parents did not love them
the way they should have.
that they couldn't.

An amusing distraction.
An ease to boredom.
Deserving of better.
Of an apology. Of guilt.
But not remorse.

And yet, she understood
in some sort of way, at least.
The pride.
The spite.
The sacrifice.
The burden of the duty-bound.
Knowing it had to end there, with all of them.
The capacity in them to give everything they had to end it all.
The capacity for total annihilation
to achieve something living could not.

Part of her was ruthless. It had to be. And that part understood.

She wondered if she got that from her mother.
If she too was ruthless
Because she had to be
Or if callousness was a byproduct of the Shade's nature
and corrupting
a pair of dragons that could have loved her and her sisters more fully
in a different life.

If Sahara's own cruelty was symptomatic
Of the toll it had taken on her parents
Passed down indirectly to her
And lingering
Even after the memories had been taken from her.

If what remained most prominently of them
In her
Was the manifestation of thousands of years
Of duty
and damage.

She lingered in this moment for some time,
staring down at the face in the water
that must have bore some resemblance
to the familiar strangers that had written those letters,
but it wasn't long
before she knew she had to carry on
with her duties,
leaving the reflection behind
And the questions it brought with it.

Part of her was ruthless like that.
It just had to be.
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