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Mottled Sea Serpent
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Trailing Storm
Lightning's Charm
Dour Sailor's Belt
Mage's Midnight Tunic
Brown Breeches
Leather Aviator Boots
Leather Aviator Gloves
White Renaissance Shirt
Golden Hoard
Fancy Compass


Skin: Sword of the Ocean


Scene: Port Town


19.7 m
17.16 m
9387.04 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 18, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Langhâl Blackarrow

"And I'll give all I have, I'll give my blood, give my sweat
An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken."



Pirate Captain


Chaotic Neutral


This has got to be one of the worst people you've ever met. He thinks he's hot ****, with his plethora of tales to tell about how he's escaped danger. He should be dead, as he's absolutely the kind of person to **** off the wrong kinds of people just by personality alone. But, even though one could hardly stand to be around him, he's one loyal *******. Once you form an alliance with him, he'll never betray you-- it's not in his nature to go against his word. However, he always expects it to be a two-way street. If you betray him, you'll forever be on his hit-list. (sorry for all the swearing hehe)

Personality Traits:
  • Smarmy arsehole; Egotistical and prideful
  • Will never pass up a friendly wager
  • Works hard so he can play hard when the work is done
  • Will always embrace a storm with open arms
  • He reads the crowd’s reactions on how to respond to certain situations. He always gives in to peer pressure, but will follow the vibes of the people he cares about first and foremost before giving into a crowd.
  • He naturally speaks in a quasi-British accent littered with pirate lingo. He avoids speaking like a pirate while away from his element, but it leaks out when he’s drunk.
  • He has never been on any official dates and doesn’t know where to begin with handling romantic feelings, should he ever begin to develop them.
  • He’s all about having fun. Serious moments are incredibly awkward for him.

  • Committed to freedom- Not once has he settled down, nor does he ever plan on doing so. Perhaps something can change that?
  • Committed to those he cares about- which are few and far between. However, he will not risk his life to save someone if the odds are low that both of them will get out alive.

  • Family- He will always remember his first ship and his parents who raised him to be who he is today. He believes that they think he made the right choice in escaping the capture of Artemis.
  • Friends- He is loyal to his friends and will never betray them: Femir, Arryll, Novos

  • Greatest fear: Dying alone. He will avoid going off on his own. Overreacts to situations which may lead to this outcome.
  • Finds it incredibly hard to see things from others’ perspectives, but respects his friends' decisions.
  • Pride is likely to lead to his destruction. He has an overconfidence in everything he does and is always the first one to step up to a leadership position, even if others are more qualified for the position. When someone questions his abilities, he won’t back down from proving them wrong.
  • Greed distracts him from following through with objectives. He will try to make coin or cheese his way out of spending money any chance he gets.
  • Trust issues. He uses forgive and forget in situations where his life hasn’t been endangered on purpose by someone he trusts. If someone he trusts willingly turns on him, he will kill them.


Langhâl Blackarrow is the son of the infamous pirate captain Aerandir Pilin and her first-mate Conrad Blackvale. He loved the two of them dearly and had a good relationship with both of them. They told him that should anything happen to them, they have confidence in his ability to lead on his own.

He had been captured many times by enemies out on the seas and has many scars and tattoos to prove his stories.

Kraken- Symbolizes his respect for the beast that controls the weather he loves so much.
Sailfish- The figurehead of his ship and totem of his family; his name is derived from the elvish words of “sword” and “fish”
Gills- Symbolizes that he has sea-elf in his blood, though his physical traits do not reveal this. These are the locations in which gills sprout when he has aquatic adaptation cast on him.
Treasure Map- A drunken idea that is still hilarious to this day. He uses it as a conversation point when flirting.
Scales- One of his first tattoos, again relating to his totem of a sailfish- “It’s just cool.”

The national guard of Dodeik managed to capture Artemis and the crew on board after a brief exchange (boarding of the enemy ship had turned south). Aerandir summoned a storm, violent enough to throw both Artemis and the guard’s ship out of commission, but keep In Húronya at an advantage. Langhâl made the decision to escape from the fight after being told by Novos that he saw Conrad get incapacitated and captured. Looking back at the chaos ensuing on his family’s ship, he saw Aerandir wild shape into a porpoise and disappear below the surf. What happened to them after he turned back around to sail away remains a mystery to him. Are they both alive? Are any of the crew of creatures alive?

Langhâl believes that his father and any other crew member had been killed whilst still on board their own ship after he sailed away on In Húronya. That, or they had been publicly hanged for piracy in the mainland. Dead men tell no tales, why would they be kept alive?
If they are still alive, are they held as ransom to lure Aerandir?

Langhâl wants to believe that his mom is still alive, but those hopes dwindle as he realizes how she most likely went back to try and save Conrad after wild shaping into a porpoise to escape into the ocean.

The rigging of In Húronya and the crew’s proficiency in cutting through storms allowed their timely escape as they traveled far enough into the high seas to consider themselves safe. Langhâl and the crew traveled to Heka, looking for work and crew members to join their company.

Langhâl received the letter from the Hekan Guard, wary about their true intentions for inviting him to join. His family had been captured by another national guard, so his trust was absent at first. As he earned money and magical items, and met new acquaintances, he began to think that he could use his position in this guard to build up an arsenal that he could use to discover the truth about his parents.

Dryicicle wrote:
Morrodal the Fallen Aasimar was a lone sailing hire hand who stopped at a pirate port for a nights rest and came across the crew of creatures (i.e. Langhâl and his mother’s crew). Langhâl flirted with him, intending on just spending one night together but Morrodal felt like he wanted to learn more about Langhâl. Morrodal joined their fleet and grew very close to Langhâl, and they even considered themselves lovers. This is the first person that Langhâl had ever felt this way about; there wasn’t much room for love out on the ocean. This went on for 7-8 months, during which time Langhâl had trusted Morrodal with his life and secrets. One day, when the fleet under Aerandir had raided a town on the banks of Dodeik, Morrodal had been late to regroup out on the seas afterwards. Thinking that Morrodal had gotten captured, a crew member on Artemis sent a message to him asking about his current state. He responded that he had managed to escape the Dodeik guard and was on his way back to the fleet. When he returned, the night had grown dark under an overcast layer of clouds. Langhâl could tell from the deck of Artemis that Morrodal looked visibly worn out and boarded his sloop alone, intending on comforting him that night. After the crew on Artemis had gone to bed (aside from lookout Novos at the time), Morrodal and Langhâl retired to the captain's quarters on Morrodal’s ship. As Langhâl was pouring a drink out for the two of them, Morrodal plunged a dagger into Langhâl’s back, right beneath his left shoulder blade. Without hesitation, Langhâl turned around and shot a bolt clean through to Morrodal’s heart, a broken look washing over his face as he began to process what had just happened. Langhâl felt no regret in this action, but felt overall regret in letting someone get this close to him in the first place. Langhâl watched him fall, took his valuables without asking a single question to this man he had once loved, and exited the quarters onto the deck of the ship where he called out to Novos for aid. The crew burned Morrodal’s ship and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean without any trace.

Morrodal is now the head of the Dodekan Guard, NOT dead, explaining the rise in Langhâl’s bounty to 10k gold



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