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Personal Style



Skin: Spiraling Supernova



4.09 m
2.26 m
53.17 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 12, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



《《 You're still in the wood, and to all apperances, it really would seem that you haven't moved at all. No wonder folks get lost in here. 》》
A pair of eyes blinks lazily out of of the dark at you - rather disconcertingly close to your face, for never having seen anyone approach. "And who might you be?" a voice, supposedly belonging to the eyes and now set of sharp teeth in the mist, asks in a syrupy voice. You quickly fill the ghost in, just as you have the others. "Hylis, you say? Well, ain't this the devil." The ghost slowly becomes more corperal, twisting in place in front of you into a ribbon of stars, grinning at you with too many teeth the whole time. "I suppose you're wanting a story then..." and suddenly, it dives straight into you, and though you don't feel the impact, your mind is taken somewhere else...


“So, question,” Hylis said as he and Renegade were walking in the supposed direction of the haunted house (Hylis couldn’t tell north from south in these woods), “If all your ghost friends live in that glade, what is it that haunts the haunted house?”

“Well, they used to live there,” Renegade said, “Until it got too old and decrepit even for them. It’s made of wood, so it’s all rotting and overgrown… mostly everyone still stays away from it though because it’s full of traps, and whatever weightless creatures decide to live in there.”

“So like Auras and Spirits…”

“Phantoms and Spectres…”

“You do know I’m not trained as a warrior, right?” Hylis said, beginning to doubt himself.

“You actually never mentioned that, but I kind of suspected it.”

Hylis decided to ignore the insult for the time being. “So how am I gonna survive this?”

Renegade shrugged. “You may not.”

Hylis watched him for a long moment, but he seemed to regret nothing.

“You know I’m trying to save your skin, right?”

“I don’t have skin.”

Hylis sighed.

Renegade growled, “No, the truth is, you want to defeat It, and become a hero. Worshiped by your clan, loved and respected… and in the process, yeah, ‘set me free.’ But have you ever wondered? Maybe I don’t want to be set free.”






“You were complaining about being undead from the moment I met you,” Hylis reminded him, unmoved.

Renegade shifted uncomfortably, and said, “Well, maybe I just like complaining.”

“Maybe… you’re thinking you could actually become powerful? Cuz that’s laughable. It controls you. One day, when you are no longer useful, it will destroy you. It could cut your energy at any moment. It can make you do and say whatever it wants. How do I even know who I’m talking to, moment to moment, huh? No, I’m not interested in being a hero. Nobody’s gonna be watching, and nobody, beyond my own family at least, is going to believe I had a run in with the Sh-”

“Shhhh!” Renegade said, tensing to jump at him.

“Fine. ‘It.’ Anyway, yes I am doing this because I feel bad for you, but also yes, I’m doing this for a bigger reason. I don’t want It to take over the world. Fair?”

“Not fair,” Renegade mumbled.

“What part of that is not fair?”

“That I’m here, with you.”

“You wouldn’t have to be.”

“Yes,” Renegade said miserably, “I do.”

A chill ran up Hylis’ spine. “Oh,” he said.

“Oh,” Renegade echoed.

They walked the rest of the way in silence.

When they finally got to the house, Hylis would have walked right past it, if not for Renegade. When he had said decrepit, he had meant, the forest is running it over and there’s hardly anything left, decrepit. Hylis wasn’t even sure how he was going to get inside, let alone the much larger form of Renegade.

“Too bad you can’t change forms,” Hylis said, peering through a hole in the wall. The doorway was taken up by a tree.

“I say that every day,” Renegade said dismally.

Something moaned inside.

“I really don’t want to go in there,” Renegade shivered.



“Why? It’s not like anything can hurt you, you can’t even die.”

“There are worse things that dying,” Renegade said, with another shiver.

“Well, you’re already there mate, so honestly I’m more worried about me,” Hylis said, stepping gingerly through the hole. He pulled a few boards loose as he squeezed his hips through. Well, they more just… crumbled. Renegade made himself as flat as possible, and slid in after him.

It was pitch black inside, except for a few eerie flickers of light now and again from the upstairs. Probably from Auras and Phantoms.

“Where should we look?” Hylis hissed.

Probably all the treasures are in a central area that’s harder to get to, furthest in.

“You know, I really hate it when you do the telepathy thing.”

It’s quieter, Renegade smirked.

Hylis sighed. “Whatever. Let’s go.”

Wait. Renegade slunk forward, trying not to demolish the house as he squeezed through it. Not that it wouldn’t have been big enough for Imperials in its original state, but it was so sunk in now… I’ll go first, he said. Like you said, the traps won’t kill me.

Hylis let him move ahead of him, but kept a wary eye on him, remembering that he could turn on him any moment. What should he be watching for? How subtle could the Shade be? Hylis shook his head. He had to stay focused on the present. He had to-

Renegade froze.

“What?” Hylis hissed.

“Not booby traps,” Renegade whispered back, sounding almost… afraid? “Not like I thought. Worse.”

“What? What worse?” Hylis demanded.

“Mind traps,” Renegade groaned, hunkering down to the ground. “Can’t- get out-”

The floor started pulsing. Hylis looked around quickly, and noticed that instead of there being four walls around them, there were five. No… six… why hadn’t the ghosts mentioned this? Surely they knew. What kind of game was this?

“My game,” Renegade growled.






“What?” Hylis asked, distracted.

“MY GAME!” Renegade roared; but his eyes looked frantic, and his body was still hunkered against the ground.

It was the Shade. This place wasn’t what it used to be. Either it hadn’t been for awhile, or Renegade coming here had made it so. Either way, the Shade was here. Which meant it had the sword and the stone.

Hylis thought dismally to himself, I’m going to die here. Then he grit his teeth. He looked hard into those creepy, big, glowing eyes, that were, for now, pleading for his help.

Renegade was right.

Time to be a hero.

Hylis steeled his mind, thinking of big steel walls, thinking loud, strong thoughts. He looked hard around him, telling himself over and over what reality was. There are four walls here, he told himself. There is a floor beneath your feet. There is a broken stairway in the corner, you saw it earlier.

The attic was practically a part of the forest; he’d been able to see that from the outside. The sword wouldn’t be in the attic. So that meant, there had to be a basement, or else the treasures would have been just lying here on the floor.

He needed to find a trapdoor. Of course, finding something in the floor is pretty hard when you look down, and the floor looks like glass, reflecting back horrible visions which are supposed to be your face. Finding a trapdoor is pretty hard when with every step, the floor seems to sink beneath you. And it’s pretty hard to focus, and remember what it is that you’re looking for, when there’s a chanting voice trying to break it’s way into your head, and there are Phantoms and Spirits flying at you and tearing into you with their magics and their bone talons… He wanted to scream, scream at it to all stop, but he knew that would break his focus completely, and that it wouldn’t bother his various attackers one bit.

He’d gotten to the center of the house. At least, he thought it was the center of the house. He was pretty sure it was the center of the house… but maybe it wasn’t. Maybe he wasn’t even in the house anymore, maybe he wasn’t even himself anymore, maybe the world had ended, and he should just give into this new-

He shook his head. Stop, he told himself, Think!

He looked up. Renegade was suddenly in front of him, standing at full height, head pushed through what had been left of the ceiling. I can’t let you, he said with a thousand voices. Then, with a last grasp at sanity, he said in a very raspy, very real voice, “I’m sorry.”

But Hylis had seen it. He’d seen the sword. Renegade lashed out with open, stinking, rotting jaws, but Hylis ran between his legs, fighting off energy barriers, leaping over pits that opened before him, sliding out of the way as Renegade slammed his body to the floor, trying to crush him. He dodged branches that snaked out towards him, yelled out against the voices that tried to tell him to stop, telling him it was over, it was all over, nothing was real… He jumped, diving through a hole that Renegade had inadvertently broken in the floor.

The sword was real. It tasted like metal as he grasped it in his mouth, pulling it from where it'd been plunged in the top of a pile of treasures. The stone was real; it clicked against his claws as he dug it out from near the bottom, recognizable by its changing color.

He had them. He had both of them. And now, to use them.


Just as suddenly as it started, your vision is over, and you're left blinking at the woods again. You whirl around, and find the ghost making lazy loops through the air, slowly disappearing, until only the eyes and teeth remain again. "Hurry along, then," the syrupy voice says, and then the eyes and teeth are gone too. You look around, panicking a bit when you don't see a book, until it comes flying out of the air and hits you in the head. You frown into the gloom, rubbing your head, as laughter echoes as it grows farther and farther away from you.
Open the book?

bio code by @littletoes101. other bits can be found here and here.
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