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Personal Style


Fire Aura
Eerie Cyan Taildecor
Ghost Flame Headpiece
Bone Antlers
Navy Aviator Boots
Mage's Sapphire Tunic



Scene: Armory


4.26 m
4.15 m
801.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 05, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 13 Skydancer
EXP: 7365 / 45676




  • none



  • Ahsoka was born an orphan; the only thing she has left of her true parents is the name that they gave her. She was taken in by the Order of Lumeni and trained from a young age to join their ranks.
  • After her Hatchlinghood, she was given to Anakin Skywalker as his first apprentice. Since he was a new teacher, she was given to him because due to her intelligence and giftedness in the martial arts, the Order believed that she would be relatively low-maintenance as a student. They were wrong—but honestly, that was Anakin’s favorite part.
  • Ahsoka learned many good things from her master. She learned his sense of loyalty, his courage, and his willingness to do the right thing. The two of them became so close that Anakin and Padmé adopted her—and she added the last name Skywalker to her existing last name Tano. But much to the Order’s chagrin, she also learned his stubbornness, his distaste for following orders, and his lack of reverence for the sometimes obscure (albeit objectively kind of unhelpful) advice given by his elders. Soon, the two of them became double the trouble for the Order’s High Council. They definitely delivered results fighting Emperors and other threats that faced the Tiandi Xueyuan, but at what cost?
  • She also had trouble getting along with Anakin’s other apprentices. As Anakin proved himself an effective teacher of Ahsoka (but before it became clear that she was learning some of his undesirable habits), he was given more younglings to teach—none of whom were as gifted as Ahsoka was, and none of whom he got along with quite so well. Though he claimed to play no favorites, Ahsoka was clearly his most favored one—she was the most like him and the one who clicked most with him, and he actively began to resent having to train the others as though they were just baggage. She started mirroring Anakin’s behavior toward these less gifted students, showing the same sharpness and impatience toward them as he did. She was disciplined many times for getting into fights with them.
  • By the skin of her teeth, she managed to graduate. Her marks were among the highest ever received, second only to her master’s, but her long history of disciplinary issues drew questions as to whether she was fit to serve. She did mature quite a bit though thanks to her mother Padmé’s influence, shaping up once she realized that her admission to the Order was on the line. (It was thanks to Padmé, too, that Anakin realized he’d been a bad influence on her, that he really was no good at teaching children, and that he himself had to shape up if Padmé were ever to have kids with him.) She became one of the Order’s best and most prominent warriors, standing proud alongside her father who had been the best and the brightest before her.
  • One of Anakin’s more unsavory beliefs remained with her, though, and it was his unwavering belief in the terrible functions of the Order of Lumeni’s military court. You can read more about why they’re so terrible in Yuanhai’s bio and in the main clan lore document, but given that Anakin always had an authoritarian streak in Star Wars canon, it’s no wonder that FR!Anakin would support such an awful court system. Ahsoka was much nicer about this belief than Anakin ever was, though that did not change the fact she held it. She and Anakin would have their beliefs shattered, however, in the worst possible way—when she was to experience herself just what her father supported.
  • See, Yuanhai never liked her—and he never liked Anakin, either. Both Anakin and Ahsoka had come face-to-face with Yuanhai in the past over Ahsoka’s disciplinary issues, and oh boy did sparks fly. So one night, when Yalsehelepthah’s minions broke into a Tiandi Xueyuan university archive containing their vast knowledge of the arcane sciences, Yuanhai seized his opportunity. Ahsoka was in the wrong place at the wrong time—she had been lured into a trap by said minions, leaving the archive vulnerable. She was accused of having knowingly deserted her post, the punishment being that she would not only be expelled from the Order, she would also be cast down to the level of Stoppager in shame.
  • The hell rained down upon her was exquisitely horrific. Yuanhai and his wife Hahera designed every step of the process simply to torment and humiliate her. They arrested her and wouldn’t let her see her family. Her deposition lasted 16 hours, 8 of which were spent needling her about past disciplinary issues which the court had already ruled on and 8 of which were spent nitpicking on the slightest details of her “dereliction of duty” that night Yal broke in. Yuanhai and Hahera dwelt unnecessarily on her past transgressions on purpose so that they could 1) “prove” she had a bad moral character and 2) tire her out so that she would be more likely to mess up due to exhaustion or frustration when she was to provide testimony that actually mattered, and thus they could nail her for being “deliberately dishonest.” They also subpoenaed her entire correspondence for the past 50 years, going through all the letters she had ever sent or received just to look for any slight hint that she might be disloyal to the Order or to the Tiandi Xueyuan—and at trial, they would use all the times she complained about Yuanhai and Hahera as evidence. And then, there was the wait: Ahsoka remained in jail for 20 long years as she awaited trial while the judges processed other cases in front of hers, just to crush her spirit even further. (Not so long if you're a dragon, but still, oh my god.)
  • The trial itself was basically the deposition but even longer and more torturous, now with pages and pages of correspondence to interrogate Ahsoka about as well. When she took the stand they needled her for 36 hours, the prosecutor-judges never seeming to tire with their firing-squad tactics as they constantly shouted down her defense lawyer’s objections just to torment her even more; she was allowed one hour of sleep before the verbal bludgeoning continued. The whole charade would have gone on even longer and ended in Ahsoka being stripped of her rank and her adulthood, if not for the fact that Anakin broke into the courtroom and demanded that Yuanhai let her go, otherwise he was going to fight the entire judge's bench right then and there. Yuanhai knew Anakin could probably take them all at once (though he might not be so lucky against the court's staunch supporters), and told Anakin that if he were to let his daughter go, he had to promise never to speak out against him again. Anakin agreed, but he really has no intention of following through on that promise and is helping to organize a coup against the military court as we speak.
  • Needless to say, she doesn’t believe in the strictness of the military court anymore. After that whole horrifying ordeal, she left the Order (and at least half the Skywalker family left with her).
  • Thank the gods for dragon therapy, am I right?

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