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Personal Style


Nebula Starsilk Earrings
Solar Flame Candles
Sunrise Unicorn Mane
Crimson Fillet
Nebula Starsilk Shawl
River Royalist Tail Rings
Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes
Golden Silk Sash
Crimson Silk Sash
Dusky Rose Thorn Gloves
Golden Leg Silks
Dusky Rose Thorn Stockings
Lovebirds Dried Tea


Accent: Gifts from Above



5.78 m
6.16 m
536.91 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 24, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Lawn Decoration

Headliner at
The Velvet Fang






GOGO "Hi! Omg you're like, super cute!"

Born with dual-flight eyes, the left sweet and pink Arcane and the right bright electric blue Lightning, Gogo’s parents gave him up when he was just a baby. As such he grew up in an orphanage in Neo Necropolis surrounded by boys and girls who viewed him with the same superstition as his parents. Being dual-flight is a rare thing indeed and thought to be bad luck in the Expanse.

Because one eye is Arcane and the other Lightning and these are conflicting flights, Gogo’s brain works much differently from other dragons, short circuiting constantly due to the conflicting magic inside his body. This also means that he cannot use magic himself as they cancel one another out.

To put it bluntly, this causes him to be a complete and total ditz.

As you might expect, Gogo is no stranger to the cruelty of ignorant people who think that he’s stupid and ‘cursed’. But whatever he lacks in book smarts he makes up for in kindness and emotional intelligence.

Shunned by most of the other children, Gogo was initially very excited when he was told that a foster family had been found for him. No doubt the people running the facility were glad to have him out of their hair. But Gogo didn’t care nor did he really take notice. Finally, he would have a family to call his own, people who wanted him despite his dual-flight eyes and ditzy nature.

Sadly that excitement wouldn’t last long.

The people he was placed with turned out to be the cruelest people of all, treating him like a maid and servant rather than a child who they were supposed to care for and protect. At first, Gogo was expected to do everything. All of the chores in the house including the cooking, but after nearly burning the house down that was quickly changed.

“Stupid!” they shouted, “How can you be so stupid?!”

There are things that happened under that roof that Gogo refuses to talk about even now and those that do know are the lucky few he trusts enough to share. A teenager now and unable to bear the abuse any longer, he ran far away from his foster home. Where he was going and where he would stay didn’t matter at the time and he never was one to think that far ahead.

Without a plan, Gogo made a living doing whatever he had to do in order to feed himself or have a bed for the night. For years he bounced from place to place, doing what he had to to survive. Sometimes, if a guy took a liking to him (which they always tended to), he’d stay in one place for a few days; other times he’d have to find a ‘safe’ place under a bridge or, if he was lucky and they had space, a shelter.

Eventually, one of the guys he was staying with suggested that he try out for Cloud Nine, a local establishment that Neo Necropolis big shot Chaka owned and ran.

“You’d be perfect there,” the man had purred, “Popular too, I bet.”

With his spirits lifted, Gogo set off for Cloud Nine the very next day. He’d heard of the place before, heard of Chaka too but never thought to actually try out. Was he good enough to work at a place that? Pretty enough? Talented enough?

… Smart enough?

Standing outside he looked up at the flashing Neon sign. “CLOUD NINE!” it screamed in big letters, the wet concrete bathed in technicolor. While he pondered if he should really go inside a commotion in the alley beside the building caught his attention. Craning his neck he could see two men cornering a much smaller man between them.

He was pretty and scantily clad so it was reasonable to assume that he probably worked at Cloud Nine. Without any thought for his own safety, Gogo walked over, his high heels clicking loudly on the sidewalk.

“Hey! Leave him alone!” he shouted, reaching down to take a heel off should he need to throw it in their direction.

But as soon as the men turned to look at him, the smaller man took them by surprise, stabbing one of them in the leg before running to grab Gogo’s hand and dragging him inside.

“You really saved my bacon, babe,” the pretty man said, “What’s your name?”

Gogo introduced himself, the gears in his head slowly turning before remembering that the man in the alley was still injured. But as soon as he voiced his concerns they were quickly waved away.

“He’ll be fine. So… you got a place to go?”

As luck would have it this strange encounter with Azizi would be the one to change his life. For the first time in years he had a roof over his head and someone he could call a true friend. More than that the two became like brothers, the protective Azizi telling everyone exactly where they could go if they didn’t treat him right.

No one had ever done that for him, no one had ever been in his corner with his best interest at heart before.

Gogo’s relationship with Chaka was complicated. He didn’t loathe the man but he certainly didn’t like the way he treated Azizi either. But no matter how many times he told Azizi that he could do better, nothing ever stuck. Not like Gogo could blame him really, love can blind you to just how badly someone is treating you and the two were most definitely locked in a toxic relationship.

It wouldn’t be long after he started working for Chaka that he formed a romantic relationship of his own. There were times when he and Azizi were expected to go out and drum up business on the street. It was a rainy night during one of these evenings when local cop Morgan Pierce stopped him. There was one rule that Chaka expected everyone to follow above all else and that was to never trust or talk to a cop about his businesses.

Morgan was the only cop in the city that brought them in just to make sure that they were okay and taken care of. But he was still a cop and Azizi trusted him just about as far as he could throw him- whatever that meant. Gogo liked him though. He liked the conversations they would have and he liked the way Morgan genuinely cared about people.

It was nice, nice to not be treated like an object.

“You gonna bring me in again?” Gogo asked sweetly, twirling his hair and chewing his bubble gum as he leaned in the car window. “Cause like, I didn’t do anything. At least I don’t think so?”

There was a pause as he blew a big bubble, popping it loudly with a giggle.

“Or are you stopping me for something else, officer Pierce?”

As always, Morgan simply offered him a ride home out of the rain. Rather than go home, however, the two talked and talked for hours before Gogo finally realized he was past his curfew. Hours late.

“Oh gosh!” Gogo whined, “Chaka is gonna be like, so so mad at me!”

Pulling up in front of Cloud Nine he was shocked to see Azizi waiting outside for him in the rain.

“Zi? What are you doing out?” he asked, voice full of concern, “You’re gonna catch a cold, silly!”

“The better question is what are you doing with him?”

“Oh, you mean Morgan?” came Gogo’s bashful reply, “Um, he offered me a ride home and we got to talking. That’s all.”

“Talking huh?” Azizi sighed, flicking the ash from his cigarette, “Well, let’s get you inside before Chaka gets suspicious.”

“One sec!” Gogo squeaked, rushing back over to lean in and blow Morgan a kiss goodnight, “Thanks for the ride, sweetheart! See ya later.”

Over time, the two ended up getting closer and closer and it wasn’t long before Morgan officially asked Gogo out. He said yes, much to Azizi’s chagrin, and that was that. Chaka didn’t like it, not at first, but up until that point he had every cop in the city in his pocket- all except for officer Morgan. Now he had this to hang over the goody-two-shoes cop.

“Turn the other way or something bad might happen to him.”

And it worked, Gogo none the wiser to their little agreement.

Even without the blackmail, Gogo’s relationship with Chaka was always strained. Mostly due, again, to the way he treated Azizi. Still, Gogo never expected Azizi to leave Chaka, or for Chaka to ever leave Azizi for more than twelve hours. This is why it was a huge surprise when one hot and muggy night he was awoken to Azizi’s hand clamped over his mouth.

“Gogo, get your things. We’re leaving.”

“Leaving?” he asked, dazed and confused, “Why Zi? What’s wrong?”

“We can talk about that later,” Azizi had answered seriously, “Take only what you can carry. Hurry.”

That night Gogo packed what he could carry and followed Azizi out of town, but not before meeting the enigmatic Big Boss.

His biggest regret is that he didn’t get a chance to tell Morgan goodbye.

So, tearfully, together the three of them traveled far away to Wasteland, a place Gogo didn’t even know existed until then.

Now he and Azizi are the headliners at The Velvet Fang. Business is good and Gogo is just as popular here as he was back home in Neo Necropolis. He’s even met another guy, one of the sub rosa hired as extra muscle to protect them named Mauahara.

Even if he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, Gogo is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. Just the mere hint at violence causes him to become a little queasy and cover his eyes like a child. His airheadedness is incredibly endearing to those around him, even if everyone does have to explain things to him a couple of times.

He misses home just as much as Azizi does and thinks of Morgan often. It’s humid here, humid and muddy and the land itself is violent. But it would be a lie to say he isn’t happy regardless. He’s met so many wonderful people and Azizi’s new boyfriend Gus, while a little unhinged, is better for him than Chaka ever was. Big Boss also treats them right and the boys in The Fang all get along for the most part.

If you’re looking for your next best friend, look no further! You’d be hardpressed to find anyone as loyal and trustworthy as Gogo.

• Gogo’s dual-flight eyes are a major selling point for him.

• His style is bright neon, animal print, big hair, spandex leotards, off the shoulder crop tops, headbands, and leg warmers. Think totally 80's fashion icon.

• He collects cassette tapes and records but finds it much harder to come by them since moving to the Wasteland. "Like, total bummer!"

• Gogo still can’t be trusted in a kitchen alone. Since he enjoys baking (horribly, mind you) he’s able to do so as long as Sugar or Mauahara are there to help him out.

• Gogo, like Azizi, is also trans.

• He always has gum or lollipops on his person. Yes, he shares.

• Gogo is incredibly boy crazy and catches feelings fairly easily.


Art by: me
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