
cloudbending dancer
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Ponder Orb
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Woeful Vial


Accent: Prismatic Sunrise


Scene: Tropical Cove


26.7 m
19.83 m
7533.47 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 15, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Wavespun Cloth Fluted Conch Corycat Sunspot Sparrow Vibrant Flutterer Iridescent Cloth Shed Cobalt Scale

Sunshower | he/him | dancer | young adult

Sunshower's graceful dances in the sky envy his mother's. While Sunset twists the clouds to frame the sky, however, Sunshower has the ability to pull rain from the sky on the fairest of days. Daybreak is his adopted brother, and the two spend much of their time in the sky or as close to it as possible.

As the second-youngest of his immediate family, Sunshower is understandably dwarfed by his parents and elder siblings. Even among other Imperials his age, he's noticeably more slender and sinuous, which suits well his practice of dance. Still, his vivid colors and confident persona make Sunshower a rather memorable figure.

In the tradition of his clan and his family's legacy, Sunshower was prepared since birth for the eventuality of leaving the clan. The young Imperial plotted with his Fae brother, Daybreak, to find apprenticeships that would help shape their talent in the air. While Daybreak chose to intern in the Oculus of the Eleven to train his magic, Sunshower embarked toward the Twisting Crescendo - the juvenile wished to train his body against the harshest currents Sornieth had to offer. Not to mention, traveling troupes of dancers often passed through the vivacious or two times, Sunshower was even invited along on a tour!

Even so, it was never a question in the brothers' minds whether or not they'd return to their coastal home. Without a speck of prior planning, Sunshower and Daybreak arrived on the same day to Sunbeam Grotto, where their homecoming was celebrated with a feast - and, of course, a dance!


Sunshower has been practicing day and night with a performance he's choreographed to awe his family members! As the most adept flyer of Sunset's direct offspring, Sunshower combines his aeronautic ability with his Water magic to create some truly amazing cloud-bending displays. He's confident in his ability - and he should be! - but his preference for training has overshadowed the time he's spent socializing in his young life. Spending some time with his cousins, whether or not they share interests, will do him some good.

Of course he was aware Sunbeam Grotto would be crowded, but Sunshower was shocked when his usual flying practice spots were all already occupied by his relatives on the morning of the family reunion! Sunshower found himself roped into socializing instead of flying, and by the afternoon his wings ached from underuse. Still, he and his family were surprised by how enthusiastic and outgoing he became in front of the guests, even offering personal tours to a select few to showcase a birds-eye view of the clan's territory.

Even though he'd gotten less practice than he might've liked, the dance Sunshower had choreographed for the reunion's final day was met with amazement and awe from the crowd on the beach. He emptied his mind and just let the flow take over his body as he performed a solo and then duet with his mother Sunset. When the two touched down, exhausted from their display in the sky, they watched in silent wonder the radiant beauty of their near and distant relatives all united in the sunset's glow.
perfectoranges wrote on 2021-10-22:

As the sun begins to sink in the cloudless sky, the dragons mill about on the beach below. The first to jump to the sky is Sunshower, who begins a dance routine he’s been working on for some time. He twists in the sky in a manner quite reminiscent of Sunset herself. But his distinct style soon reveals itself - with a flare of his wings, Sunshower dips down right above the sea and pulls mist from the water’s surface. He twirls straight up, and the mist condenses into small, wispy clouds that frame his body against the color-changing sky.

One cloud begins to drizzle, and soon all are raining - but the unusual behavior of the droplets proves they’re moved by magic. Each cloud’s rain feeds into the next, surrounding Sunshower with a veil of flowing water as he dances. The water condenses again, into a singular mass of clouds - and Sunset leaps into the sky.

With a single beat of a wing, Sunset spreads the cumulus into pieces that drift away from Sunshower’s body. The two enter a duet, twisting their long forms in perfect symmetry, each an echo of the other’s orange hide and blue wings. The clouds dissipate into vapor, and the angle of the setting sun illuminates a pale rainbow in the mist.


Newtinmpls wrote on 2023-10-17 08:40:25:
“Come and have your fortune told!” A smiling spiral calls to the newcomers,“We already know that our darling Sunset is having a very lucky day! Maybe it’s going to be good luck for you too!” He is hefting a crystal sphere with a teal wisp giggling inside it. He looks up to see more dragons arriving and his expression lights up as he recognizes the rest of his family. Lesser Wisp
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-17 10:52:59:
A disjointed ring of guests forms around the fortune-telling/dance plaza, but the first dragon to step forth is Sunbeam Grotto's own Sunshower. He dodges the squealing youngsters and approaches RealgarEcho.

"I could do with a little extra luck," he says. His voice is a soft monotone, but his eyes are smiling - he's clearly excited, even if he carries it differently from most dragons. "What do I have to do?"
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-17 11:08:43:
89708930.png Sunblaze has once again gotten ahead of himself in the excitement of the fortune telling and runs straight into Sunshower he ends up rudely staring at him seeming to be in awe of his bright coloration and outfit and the sun like patterns in his wings, he squeaks out a apology for running into him , having at least learned a bit of manners from Bastion.
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-17 15:06:37:
Sunshower is startled by Sunblaze bumping into him. He accepts the youngling's apology and asks his name.

"Sunblaze!" he states proudly.

Sunshower turns to the fortune teller's stand. "If you were going to tell me I would cross paths with the blazing sun, it's too late!" he calls, and laughs.
Newtinmpls wrote on 2023-10-17 15:00:14:
“Welcome seeker” Hazel’s eyes twinkled with friendliness. “I sense that there will come a time when all eyes will be upon you.” She passed one of her talons over her pearl, and a shimmer of light passed across it somewhat akin to moonrise on a sea. “Just.” She paused for emphasis. “Have. Fun.” Despite the jovial phrase, her expression had a seriousness to it.
A skydancer, who had been practicing some whirling steps of a dance extended a talon to Sunshower. “Unlike some, we dragons don’t need to keep to the ground to celebrate – I’ll fly you through the steps if you are willing – Dance with me?” 83288851p.png
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-17 20:17:03:
Sunshower's eyes were glued to the pearl as he responded, "I'll keep that in mind." His dictation matched Hazel's in intensity, but as soon as KaguraBoliday offered him a hand to dance, the moment broke. Sunshower accepted without a word, falling into a practiced, effortless grace in the air that only those who'd tried to replicate knew was far from easy. Some of the dragons dancing below on the sand stopped to watch the pair above; others stepped up the ante in competition.


1/1 active with his colors and hopefully will be for a long time :D

Sunspot Clouddancer Golden Featherfin Velvet Buttersnake Folded Friend Ponder Orb Bluejay Gryphon
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