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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Oxidation


Scene: Strange Chests


1.35 m
0.64 m
1.42 kg


Primary Gene
Stitched (Veilspun)
Stitched (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Web (Veilspun)
Web (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Stained (Veilspun)
Stained (Veilspun)


Dec 04, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245



The Shadow
If one were to encounter Thimble out of the blue on a dark night, it would be entirely understandable for that person to recoil. There is a certain atmosphere that surrounds her, that leaves those that meet her with a certain sense of disquiet. A feeling like they need to move away or make themselves as unnoticable as possible. It's a feeling that creeps into a persons mind when they least expect it, sinks into the feet and tells you to move.

This is not, necessarily, something that Thimble does on purpose. Nor is it, necessarily something that she wants to happen. Rather, like the instinct that others find drives them away from her prescence, that tells them that this is something that doesn't want to be and that shouldn't be disturbed, it is something that occurs quite out of her control.

Some in the clan have theorised that her prescence is a natural extension of a Veilspun dragons talent with illusions, one that is largely uncontrolled and unmanaged, and though there is some truth in that, the prescence that she carries with her is more intrinsic than that.

Hailing from deep within The Tangled Wood, Thimble spent much of her time in her youth nearby the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, attuned towards the powerful prescence of the Shadowbinder. Skittering across the piles of miscellaneous items and collections that fouled the pool and laughing at and with the other hatchlings in the manner of those dragons attuned to the Shadow. Playing complex games of hide and seek, of capture and keep, and of pretend.

It was one of these such games that would eventually lead to disaster. In a particularly underhanded move, a fellow playmate pushed Thimble from her perch in an attempt to claim the hiding spot for themselves, sending her spiraling directly into the murky waters of the Obscured Crescent below.

This fall into the waters of such an ancient, powerful and now corrupted pool almost killed her. The powerful energies of the Obscured Crescent pulled and pricked at the seams of what made Thimble who she was. Had she stayed any longer in the waters it is likely she would have dissolved entirely, just one more mote of dust in the murk that clouded the Crescent.

Fortunately for Thimble, this was not to be.

Having been drawn to the sound of her playmates panicked shouting and splashing as they tried to draw her from the pool, she was plucked from it's waters by one of the only dragons able to withstand the powerful waters of the Cresent. Thimble doesn't know why the Shadowbinder deigned to help her, and though she remains grateful for her intervention to this day, her timely intervention was not enough to prevent the waters of the Cresent from having a distinct impact upon her.

The acidic nature of the pool stained some of her scales a deep steel grey whilst it bleached others into far lighter shades. This damage was compounded by the rubbish miring the Cresent, scraps of fabric and linen fusing into the already damaged scales to create an almost patchwork pattern. There was little that could be done in regards to healing her injuries, and the best that could be hoped was to stitch the most damaged parts of her back together. Creating the scars and patterns that Thimble still bears today.

Her injuries, combined with the newly fragile state of her scales, now became prone to tearing or ripping at even the slightest of pressure. This was hard on both Thimble, and on the community around her. Her playmates blaming themselves for the nature of her injuries.

This would eventually lead towards Thimble's decision to leave her original clan, as the growing impact of her scars became clear, she found that she couldn't deal with the general sense of unease and guilt that surrounded her prescence; partly due to the very physical reminder of the trauma that she had gone through, and partly the lingering sense of disquiet that had clung to her since her submersion in the Cresent. Something that would only grow stronger and more deeply entrenched within her prescence as time went on.

As Thimble grew older, and as the time she spent away from her clan with each trip away grew longer, she discovered that this disquiet that she created had become almost intrinsic to her being. Like an illusion that she could not stop casting. One that created severe difficulties for her in creating and maintaining long lasting close relationships. A dangerous state of being for a Veilspun that was almost always on the move, and creating in Thimble a fair amount of anxiety and nervousness whenever she met, or had to be in close proximity with anyone. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop and for the other to decide that her prescence had become too difficult to handle.

Had she not visited Dragonhome, and specifically the clan lands of The Nameless, it is likely that her situation would never have changed. However, during one of her travels, she found herself intrigued by an unusual scent that came along the wind, and decided to investigate.

Upon investigating she discovered a network of caverns with an intricately tiled floor, warm furs to keep the cold at bay and the smell of incense burning in the air. Her curiosity overriding her usual caution, Thimble made her way towards where the smell of incense was strongest. Discovering as she went the unique and unusual architecture commonly found with multi-species lairs.

On reaching the source of the smell, she found a relatively small snapper, hard at work, mixing the ingredients for his newest batch of inscense. Her discovery abruptly brought Thimble back to the reality of her situation. Infiltrating into another clan's lair, accidentally or not could be a serious offence and in her sudden panic at her situation, and in her haste to get away, she knocked over one of his jars of perfume. Sending it to the floor of the cavern with a great clatter, smashing it upon the tiles and sending a wave of perfume across the floor, attracting the attention of the larger dragon in the room.

Expecting the worst, Thimble immediately tried to explain her prescence to the other dragon, assuming as she did that the uncomfortable nature of her prescence would, as it had on several other occasions, discredit what she said, making the other dragon less likely to trust her. So it came as something of a surprise to her when not only did the surprised dragon take everything that she said at face value, not only cheerfully introducing himself, as Wren, but also inviting her to stay and help him in his experiment.

Though initially disbelieving of Wren's sincerity, it quickly became apparent that he was immune to the negative aspects of her prescence, even to the extent of defending her and her prescence to his confused and agitated clanmates when they finally responded to the intruder in their midst. (Aylwin, for his part would later admit to being intrigued by the uninvited guest and his stubborn nature would later be intrinsic towards he and Thimble's lasting relationship, as he simply refused to acknowledge any sense of unease.) Something that Hester would later hypothesize to being connected to the way that as blind dragons cannot be hypnotized, perhaps Wren's blindness also made him immune to the effects of Thimble's prescence.

At Wren's insistance, Thimble began to spend more and more time with the Nameless Clan, often helping Wren with his projects or spending time in Kestrel's quiet prescence. Over time, the other members of the clan became more used to Thimble's prescence, helped along by the way that the clan already had some members (Innogen in particular) that were fairly disquieting for outsiders to deal with. With so many different and oftentimes loud personalities in the clan, welcoming one more quiet member, no matter their unusal nature, proved to be no hardship. Thimble finally having a lasting place to call home as a integral part of the clan.


Art by Luminamorte

Likes & Dislikes===Character Traits===Relationships
Glowing Mushroom Cap
A Reminder of Before

Murky Scales
Collected Carefully

Shadowbinder's Tears
An Omen? Or Something Else?
  • Skittish
  • Quiet
  • Gentle
  • Disquieting
  • Reserved
  • Anxious
  • Curious
  • Meticulous
  • Perfectionist
  • Considerate
  • Nervous

Closest Friend

Good Listener




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