
Nothing is easy. Especially what should be easiest of all.
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Narwin Fisher
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Energy: 44/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Orange Tabby
Current Catch
Dustrunner's Arctic Bags
Dustrunner's Arctic Gloves
Dustrunner's Arctic Coat
Dustrunner's Arctic Boots
Dustrunner's Arctic Tail Cozy
Dustrunner's Arctic Pants



Scene: Frigidfin Expedition


13.92 m
20.2 m
6458.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 27, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245



The Traitor
Despite both his parents close ties to the clan, Isa's links are fairly tenuous. During his youth Isa often accompanied his mother on her visits to neighboring clans, Anastasia having found that traveling with a hatchling made her appear more trustworthy, and thus her work for the clan significatly easier.

This travel had an unintended side effect of exposing Isa to some of the luxuries that other clans had in abundance, luxuries that had been obtained by tireless work over many years spent improving their homes. Isa was in awe of the complex architecture, beautiful and well maintained gardens and exotic spices and foods, all things that had taken these clans decades to create. He saw great, elaborate cities and small cozy towns and each time he and his mother returned to the Nameless Clan he became more and more disillusioned with their way of life.

With the Nameless' largely nomadic population and loose, unorganised structure, such grand luxuries were often significantly harder to come by. The clan prefering smaller more temporary settlements to those that might require decades of time to maintain. Even those sites that the clan had used for years were often decorated more ecclectically than with any sense of cohesive style, with those members of the clan who could donating to an ever growing mishmash of tile, silk, lace and other oddities.

It was far from the organised beauty that these neighboring clans had.

Isa began to spend more and more time with the other youths in these clans. Straying further and further from his mothers side on these excursions, he found himself learning more about the surprisingly different cultures that existed between dragon clans. Coming to view the more traditional hierarchies of these other clans as the key to their wealth and power, Isa began to hold the loose structure of the Nameless in contempt. Feeling as though the temporary nature of the clan structure also translated to a temporary nature in the bonds of the clan.

Like they weren't built to last.

This was likely made worse by the way that his primary companion was his mother who, comfortable with her work, would befriend and betray within moments of meeting other dragons. Who could insinuate herself so thoroghly into a community that they would never see it coming when she finally showed her true colours.

After several years of travelling in this manner eventually Isa had had enough.

Turning on his mother, he revealed her true purpose to the city guard of the clan that they were visiting, forcing her to flee the city in order to preserve her life from the mob of angry dragons she was in the process of betraying. His act of honesty earned himself a home with the clan, and his experience with underhanded tactics and information gathering soon earned him a place within the city guard. For several years, Isa worked hard at maintaining the peace and prosperity of the clan he now called home.

Despite his hard work, Isa found that his and his mother's original purpose within the clan often worked against him.

The older Isa grew, he found that the more he noticed the cautious looks, and careful turns of conversation when he approached. Whilst he trusted his collegues within the city guard, it appeared that many of them, including many of his superiors, didn't trust him or his origins in the same way. He found it very difficult to move up the social ladder, with much of the hard, menial tasks being deligated to him.

As time went on, he found himself being asked to do more and more tasks that he was uncomfortable with in order to prove his loyalty to his new clan. Often having to fall back on the skills that his mother had taught him on their travels.

The final straw was when he discovered that Shingle, on an excursion to trade some of his carefully crafted lace, had been captured and then detained without evidence of wrongdoing. Purely because of his association with the Nameless Clan.

Deciding that enough was enough, Isa used his position to gain access to Shingles cell, ostensibly in order to interrogate him. Instead, Isa used the opportunity in order to break Shingle free from his captivity, intending to use the chaos of Shingle's escape in order to flee the city himself.

It was to his surprise when instead of insisting that they part ways once thay had escaped the city walls, Shingle asked Isa to return with him to the Nameless. Stating that whilst it wouldn't be easy, with Shingles backing Isa might be able to once again call the clan home. Sparing him from a hard life as a wanderer, forever untrustworthy due to his betrayal of not one but two notable clans.

Nowadays whilst Isa has been accepted into the clan, he is often left on the fringes, as some of his actions have proved harder to forget then others. He spends his time wandering the clan lands, keeping a careful eye on goings on, stepping in to resolve disputes and arguments and trying to maintain a small modicum of peace.

He gets on well with Shingle, who has proved to be a strong advocate for his position in the clan, as well as with Jonah, who understands the regrets that past actions can bring. Despite his efforts however, his relationship with his parents can still be considered complicated at best, even with his older sister Clematis making an effort to include him in family affairs.

When he has the time, he enjoys fishing and can often be seen diving in the oceans North of Dragonhome. Unusually for an Earth aligned Ridgeback, both the water and the work provides him a solace he has difficulty finding elsewhere. Perhaps being able to face his fear as a Ridgeback provides a counterpoint to his difficulties facing his family.

Whatever he catches is shared with not just rest of the clan, but perhaps from a sense of fellow feeling, with any strays that might have been drawn to the smell of his catch. With some regulars taking to following him whenever they see him start to head in the direction of the coast.

Providing a consistent form of companionship Isa can't help but adore.


Likes & Dislikes===Character Traits===Relationships
Orange Tabby
The Best Listener a Dragon Could Have

Broadback Pleco
If Paprika Can't Make it Taste Good, No One Can

Bountiful Fishnet
Good to Share
  • Remote
  • Withdrawn
  • Reserved
  • Inconsistent
  • Graceful
  • Delicate
  • Contradictory
  • Reticent
  • Private
  • Self-Contained
  • Watchful

Faithful Ally, Reliable Friend

Just What is Driving you? Why Won't You Learn?

Missed Opportunities




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