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Personal Style


Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Unearthly Onyx Taildecor
Unearthly Onyx Nightshroud
Unearthly Onyx Clawrings
Unearthly Onyx Forejewels
Unearthly Onyx Pendants


Accent: Turbulence


Scene: Strange Chests


3.68 m
5.34 m
566.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 20, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Skydancer
EXP: 1282 / 27676





Something to do with storms??
naturev4.png MARVO:The dragon whose life started with a bang
It was a threatening storm on that fateful night. Her parents, both now lost to the wind, made the decision that instead of keeping their nest safe on the ground they would keep it safe in the trees. Gladekeeper would surely keep their children safe. Indeed, the nest and hatchlings were safe, but the sky has a mind of its own.

On that fateful, stormy night, her parents were away. Probably hiding away from the dreadful, cold, pounding rain. It was unusual for this season to have such a summer-like storm, but it came and made its presence known. Very known.

Thunder rolled across the sky and lightning cracked down following its loud friend. It lit up the sky in dazzling speed. It was a sight to see. Dragons watched far in the comfort of their homes, wrapped in blankets, hiding from the rain. There was always a tensity in the air when living in these trees, lightning was a nasty fellow. In a clan not far from the nest of our unnamed parents, dragons gathered on the decks to enjoy the sight the storm brought. And they were all witnesses to the lightning bolt that strayed.

It drew a crack in the sky and every dragon eye followed it along as it made its mark. Though they could not see it, the lightning bolt struck one of the sapling eggs. It cracked and along those cracks lightning blue raced around. Those dragons watching from a distance gasped in horror as the tree went up in flames. None of them knew what that tree bare, but the reality that their tree could be next brought a hush and quick shuffling over the crowd.

Now sapling egg with lightning cracks, began to pulse. The glow of the lightning rotated around the cracks, as if it was finding a way to escape. The speed of the glow running along these tracks increased and increased and increased until...the egg shattered. There was a bright flash and a small hatchling lay in the middle of this explosion. She was feathered and small, and with an extra gray pair of wings. The lightning from the shell melted from the shells and made its way to the hatchling like the way blood works through the veins. It jumped to her and her second pair of wings became alive with a mini storm. Her eyes jumped open and she gasped for air.

It was on that fateful, stormy night, that Marvo was born.

LjYZIKL.gif Marvo was found by Jade, a sorcerer skydancer of the Clan of the forgotten secrets. It was in the time that this clan called nature it's home. Here she found comfort with who she was, though a bitterness grew towards her parents. She was still seen as an outcast by many dragons. A dragon, with an extra set of wings, and talons that could electrify anything she touched. It was not the fate she would have wished for. Though she does love the power it gives her.

The clan of the Forgotten Secrets decided it was time to move, nature was no longer holding them, but Marvo was not ready to move out of nature. Jade pointed her to the Clan of the Hibiscus. Marvo was reluctant because the clan name seemed like something a little too..."Soft" but Jade reassured her that there was a place for her.

Indeed there was. She found more dragons like her, others whether they got along or not, who also shared her magic powers. Though its an interesting place, she loves that here she can really do whatever she likes.

Sorcerer Skydancer
Marvo's magic is obviously lightning, but that doesn't give the details. She can control lightning and bring lightning storms around (which sometimes entails thunder and sometimes not, its not always a perfect magic). She can also shock things. In addition to that she has lightning kind of swirling around her arms and the extra pair of wings. It also lights up some parts of her feathers and her antenna will also glow.

tumblr_p575ucab9X1wvvm88o2_100.png Relationships
(thoughts from Marvo)
tumblr_inline_ooriz6Pekp1u5ynwc_540.pngNorth: Oh North, He's pretty cool. He is still newer to the clan but we get along really well, its also nice to see other guys walking around the forest and not just Starlet. I love spending time with him.
tumblr_inline_ooriz6Pekp1u5ynwc_540.pngTerra: Have you seen her? She's so cool! I love hanging out with her. I know everyone is like "aah a monster!" but when you give her a chance she is a super wicked dragon. In a good way of course. She's incredibly strong as well.
tumblr_inline_ooriz6Aal41u5ynwc_540.pngSaturn: She's a really cool Sorcerer, incredible power too. Like I can have a stove as a familiar, absolutely ridiculous but also amazing! She's also kind of like the mom of our group, not like everyone go to bed on time but more like "don't do anything stupid."
tumblr_inline_ooriz6Aal41u5ynwc_540.pngStarlet: A great leader! He's easy to respect and I can see why he's in charge, also knows a lot about magic. He said he could probably rid me of my wings, and though I don't doubt him I'm not sure I would want to leave the island. Also why would I rid of something when it seems like I was chosen.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5sj3R1u5ynwc_540.pngMazer: She really doesn't like talking much but she's got an incredible power, not to mention she created a whole freaking species?? A species that can be mildly annoying but nonetheless. I don't think she considers me a friend but I consider her one. I think she's let me watch her practice her magic while I hide in the shadows.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5sj3R1u5ynwc_540.pngBeebo: One of the fluxes, I like him the most. He doesn't cause problems and honestly if I was flux I'd want to lay about on flowers all day too.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5sj3R1u5ynwc_540.pngJareth: He's a newer sorcerer as well. He's not really told me about his powers yet but he actually wants to play board games with me so I'll take it.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5sj3R1u5ynwc_540.pngAstroemeria: Mildly crazy but whose to say i'm not either? I don't think I am but I have no reason to judge her, she's good at what she does anyway. She's rather interesting and I love hearing her stories (and also her ideas in general).
tumblr_inline_ooriz5sj3R1u5ynwc_540.pngUralimpiel: My gosh the poor thing, she's the oldest out of all of us and the saddest. I like spending time with her though, I hope she enjoys the company. I know for her being one of us is hard but I hope she's learning beauty through spending time with us.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5JmXw1u5ynwc_540.pngCerise: I think the youngest flux? Hard to say though cause they all kind of came into existence at once. I'm fairly neutral on her, not had many encounters and those that I did have were very brief. She's always spinning too, how does she not get dizzy?
tumblr_inline_ooriz5JmXw1u5ynwc_540.pngAelfdene: If I remember correct he's the only one that can talk because of Mazer? So that is pretty cool, we've only ever had brief conversations and its always been questions about my magic. I feel like he might be scared of me but hard to tell on those tiny faces.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5JmXw1u5ynwc_540.pngArtemis: Again very neutral, the only thing I know of her is that she has hatchlings some how?? Which is so confusing because fluxes aren't supposed to have hatchlings, but she does? And they aren't even fluxes, they are normal dragons (from what I know, but that is just rumors)
tumblr_inline_ooriz5JmXw1u5ynwc_540.pngJax: Whose Jax?? I've never heard of them before.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5JmXw1u5ynwc_540.pngAdan: HAVE YOU SEEN THAT DRAGON? He's HUGE. Never talked with him, but he does talk. I'm not even sure what he's doing on this island, he could be living elsewhere.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5DyaL1u5ynwc_540.pngTorben: I've only talked to him once and it wasn't a nice conversation. He wanted me to come be an engineer (whatever that is??) and use my magic for his plans, but he wasn't telling me what his plans are and I felt very uneasy around him. It seemed like he had something up his sleeve. I declined but he didn't seem happy about that.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5DyaL1u5ynwc_540.pngSkipp: She appeared one day and was just like "you shall not pass!" She never moves from her spot and never smiles. Starlet told me she's some sort of guard but we don't know what for.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5146C1u5ynwc_540.pngMetallis: OOGH, this flux is the BANE of my existence. He's constantly stealing my things and is too tiny to catch.
tumblr_inline_ooriz5146C1u5ynwc_540.pngSacred: She's too stuck up, things her magic is so much better than the rest of ours. Sure you were here first (second if were counting Starlet) but that doesn't make you any more special. I don't care to spend time around her.

(Story written down by (blank), but told from Marvo).

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