
"I Run From The Hunters Who try to Slay me"
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Black Wooly Coat
Black Wolf Cape
Skulking Tail Segments
Skulking Mandible Helmet




1.2 m
1.44 m
2.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Oct 14, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Fae
EXP: 4546 / 5545


Journal, day 1

He was in pain when I found him. Scratches, Blood, and bruises. He said he was running, running from something. Something that was bred to kill. He said he was bred to be something called The Prey, or the Hunted. Something seems wrong. He will have to stay until further notice. If his "Hunter" comes to my lair I won't know what to do. This hunter is described as strong and powerful. Whoever it is or whatever it is. It is doing what it wants to do or order. Kills the Prey.

Journal, day 2

He was able to move but unable to fly. He walked around the den and found a spot to lay down. He seems to frighten every time he hears something, so I decided to leave him with Benjamin. Benjamin seems happy to be with The Hunted. The Hunted seem to feel come comfortable with Benjamin around, so I let them stay together more often. After a while, Benjamin was able to tell me what The Hunted name is. His name is Harry and he was born a few days from two other Hunted in the wild. I told Benjamin to learn more from our new friend Harry while I began to find more information online.

Journal, day 3

I have been successful in finding more information, it turns out our new friend Harry is bred to be killed by another dragon called the Hunter. There were at least five Hunted and two Hunters. The Hunted were bred to be quick and intelligent, while the Hunters were bred to be strong with the ability to swim fast and climb fast. These Hunted and Hunters were created by a Dragon owner who wanted to make dragon entertainment. Little did the dragon owner know, he was doing something illegal, genetic enhancement. He was later arrested after creating 15 Hunted and 4 Hunters. The terrible part was that the police were unable to get any of the Hunted or the Hunters. At least three police people died trying to contain one Hunter. I watched as Benjamin helped Harry try to fly again. His wolf head had a smile has Benjamin laughed. So far everything seemed fine, I will continue to find more information.

Journal, day 4

Harry seems to be able to glide, but still unable. He says it hurts his wings whenever he flaps them. I had gotten a little more information from the website before it got deleted. I found out that more police died every day after they tried to contain that one Hunter. It says that the Hunter had bitten through the iron bars like it was a branch. This made me feel unsettled. I then read one of the earlier news about the Hunted and Hunters. It shows that they heard weird sounds coming from the forest. A forest that seems too big to explore, I quickly search where it was and found it was the forest near me. I suddenly looked at harry who was eating a deer leg. I moved toward him and asked him, "Is this you?" I played the audio and watched Harry's eyes widen. He said it wasn't him. It was another Hunted, a female one. He looked at me and said He would like to go and find her, but I refused and told him in his condition he wouldn't be able to do anything. He looked down at the floor, I felt bad. I told Venu to prepare the supplies.

Journal, day 5

We have been walking around for about a good two hours, we still didn't come across another Hunted nor were we attacked by any mobs. It was weird. This forest was full of mobs, but now it is quiet, the only sound we hear is the sound of the wind and the crumbling sound of the dead leaves I stepped on. Today I will end the journal early.

Journal, day 6

Venu decided to fly ahead to see if there was any sign of the Hunted. Unfortunately, she saw nothing besides more trees. We continued to look as our hope for finding this hunted slowly dissipated. The wind began to become stronger after about an hour. We decided to make a camp and wait for the wind to weaken. Two days of unsuccessful search. I decided that we will go back to the lair after the wind weakens.

Journal, day 7

The wind finally weaken. We began to go back to the lair, but we were interrupted by the sound of something. I turned around and waited for the sound again. Another high pitch sound. Was that a bug? Or was that a mob? What could it be? I saw Venu in her battle stance and looking behind. I saw it was a mob. It was Storm seeker, what was it doing in the forest, they usually stay near beaches! The Storm seeker flew right above us, then another, and another. Before we knew it there was a flock flying above us. I looked at Venu to ask her what she thinks, but she too was confused. Why were they here? Suddenly we heard another sound, it wasn't a Storm seeker. It was a Zalis, but it was much bigger, when I say much bigger, I mean the size was half the height of one of the trees! It began to shake the trees and slapping some of the Storm seekers to the ground and stomping on them. Venu and I began to run, the Zalis saw us and began to run toward us. I heard its roar as it got closer and closer toward us. I looked toward Venu and said "Venu!
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Exalting Hunted to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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