
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Pearlcatcher
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5.35 m
4.77 m
688.9 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Oct 04, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


Uh-oh, looks like this argumentative little creature wandered a little too far from her home lair (Zikul, 12962), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, the hub if you don't want a traveler in return, the game dragon swap or the LOST swap thread. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!

Jar wants to be a politician when she grows up, and is off to see the world to study how other clans are run. She's hoping to see efficient as well as flawed systems!

Owners I've Had:
1. Zikul, 12962
2. CountingGalaxies, 545702
3. dragonnling, 536814
4. Doggoz, 362762
5. Lightsun68,
6. CelesticLeo, 208844
7. WurldPeaz 220519
8. KnightOfAres, 367955 x 2
9. Mintutopia, 490874
10. grxndsxn, 437722
11. GrinningWolf24, 212075 (the hub)
12. Silverbolt1159, 434590
13. Gilraenn, 90682

Ti'lo unan Yael'lo

CountingGalaxies wrote:
This clan is still quite new and has no stabile organization or leadership yet. I feel like I have nothing else to gain from here, I better move on quickly.
dragonnling wrote:
Odin's memoirs, October sixth in the two thousand and twentieth year
The search for Ultramarine has turned up nothing, but imagine my surprise when a sassy little pearlcatcher sauntered into camp like she owned the place. For a moment we thought she was Ijou's missing son, but upon closer inspection she is anything but. She sat herself down next to Sativa and me and brazenly asked us what our clan's political system was like with no regard whatsoever for introductions. She has impolite audacity, perhaps, but certainly possesses bravery.
Sativa, with her infinite patience born of her thousands of years of life, was calm with her and gave her a tour of our positively tiny clan before telling her that the Imperials have a much more interesting system of government and shooing her on her way.
I asked her later why on earth she would send such a small little one to a place as dangerous as the City, and she gave me the long-suffering look she always gives me when I ask something dumb. Six hundred years we've been together and I still forget she can see the future.
dragonnling wrote:
Excerpt from Tourmaline's voice-recorded journal on October ninth
Jasper, that idiot, has showed up with a child. Excuse me?? Clearly, it's nae 'is own, 'e's not half attractive enough to 'ave gotten a mate, and besides that, it looks hardly anything like him. This little maggot-brain of a dragon - the child, not my brother, although 'e's a maggot-brain too come to think of it - pranced on into the field with the authority of that overblown prince and started quizzin' Mica on politics. Mica was so startled she went mute as Tanzie, and Jasper stammered out some ridiculous half-baked explanation as ta why she was there. Told 'im that he'd better get that pest out of there right quick afore Lute showed up and killed her, but this soft-hearted outcast started explainin' things to 'er!
Told 'er all about how the Sought keep order among the numbers, about my lady's army, and the unrest among the peasantry classes. She had the sheer aplomb to say ta 'im that this system of government was ineffective! Blasted little thing. It's quite effective thank you kindly, an' that's what I told 'er when I scooped her up and tossed her outta the training grounds. She glared at me like I'd proved a point or summat. I said I hoped Lute caught her and shut the door on her face. Hope that little worm gets under the claws of someone important an' gets 'er head off.
Doggoz wrote:
I've come across a painfully cold area of the southern ice fields in my travels. Despite this, most dragons here seem unbothered by the weather. They must have adapted to it. Ive been trudging through the snow for days, as snowstorms often cloud the air and make it difficult to see below. Surely the dragons here have found a way to overcome these things too. While moving across a large stretch of tundra, I spotted a large dark purple blob, which was easily visible on the pure white coats of snow that covered the land. It was a dragon, who called himself Braven. His aura was horribly creepy, and when he invited me back to the clan he lived with I almost declined before remembering what my job here was. I can also recall being pretty tired, its not easy to find shelter in all this snow. His clan was more of a mini monarchy, although it took me a while to figure it out. While the more “favored” dragons with uncommon jobs were living around the entirety of the territory and sleeping in well-tended to caves in the side of a rather steep looking mountain, the majority lived in the ice caves and were responsible for gathering and basic clan needs. And for the queen? While I can’t be sure, I was informed by a small friendly-looking dragon that she stayed in a hidden cave with a few other dragons. I find it stupid that she thinks she can run an entire clan efficiently from the shadows of her cave. She can’t possibly know whats going on if she's always in hiding. And from the looks of it, there was a lack of space, food, and other basic things that were used in everyday life. I didn’t think to ask much more to the blue and white dragon, and quite honestly I just wanted to leave. The aura this clan gave me was extremely uncomfortable. After resting for some time and eating a bit, I left and am currently flying to a different area while writing this. Let's hope my next stop is a lot better.
lightsun68 wrote:
After leaving the freezing tundra Jar came to a much hotter place the Everbloom Gardens. Seeing a clan when she came in she decided to stay for a day or 2 she met the clan's temporary leader Periwinkle and was told by some dragons around her age that many dragons came to her in their times of need. After awhile Jar got bored of not traveling so she went on to her next adventure.
Driftwood Criers wrote:
Jar found their way into an unknown land of the Driftwood Criers. They were a very settled clan with a well-organized Inn where many travelers have once ventured. It was intriguing to see and view how the whole town was organized and set up. Quickly Jar wrote down all of her new findings and decided it was to fly off again!
WurldPeaz wrote:
I visited with a clan that was staying in the ShadowBinder’s territory for a few months. Originally they said they had come from the ice continent where the fortress of ends sat. They are a warrior clan that once traveled across Sorneith but, had settled down in the IceWardens domain. They would return after they had stayed in this region for awhile but it was unlikely that they would ever travel from it again once they returned home. I have a feeling there was more to the story then they were willing to share with me. They had secrets and I knew better then to try and pry into what ever it was. I wanted to learn more about them. They seemed like friendly folks, I thought that maybe they might share more the longer that I stayed. I was right! I learned that the clan leader was the former matriarch’s son. The clan was kept in order by a group wildclaw known as the Elite twelve that answered to the clan leader named Xanaver. Under them the warrior class ranked next, followed by the higher working class then the lower. In spite of this though everyone seemed to live in perfect harmony with each other.
Tilo unan Yaello wrote:
I've made my way north to the plains of Dragonhome. The area isn't as barren as I expected; it's largely savannah rather than a dry, lifeless slab. However it is generally empty. It seems most of the clans that make their home in Earth territories live clumped together in the Breach and the Cairn or as small nomadic groups on the Plain. The area around the World Pillar is the most populated, where the various clans and travels meet to trade and set up businesses. I stayed with a clan calling themselves Ti'lo unan Yael'lo, a name which means "clan of the glittering lake". The clan is well-established and runs surprisingly smoothly for its simplistic, outdated "politics" - or lake thereof, more accurately. It operates under perhaps the most old-fashioned system I have ever encountered, best resembling the family clan units of the ancient era. The clan was established as a family unit of a mated pair and their offspring, and grew over time as they adopted young dragons and opened their doors to travelers and those seeking sanctuary. The pair, Kenii'er and Bayer, still run the clan from a high level, delegating tasks, overseeing major projects, and acting as arbiters. The various members have their own assignments and are left to complete them at their own pace. These vary wildly from necessary, such as hunting or lair maintenance, to wildly useless; I can't understand why a clan living in a canyon in one of the least bountiful regions of Sornieth would spend so much time and magic to maintain a verdant garden. It continues to baffle me that not only does their system work in our modern era, but that this clan is so well-integrated with their neighbors and the socioeconomic landscape of Dragonhome. Does the Earth proclivity towards the past help them to see how to integrate such outdated philosophies into the present landscape? If so that could make a valuable political skill... something for me to ponder on during my continued travels.
Clan Name wrote:

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Exalting Jar to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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