
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Imperial
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24.95 m
16.13 m
6472.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 23, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245






3rd Generation Temporal Rifter

Warning- The following lore contains dark and semi twisted themes such as hints of cannibalism, death and twisted manipulation. Please avoid reading if these subjects discomfort you!
Time Tot - Prototype - Evolved
She was tired, always so tired, so very tired of all the work and the stress and the fear. Their constant experiments were beginning to weigh on her and while she normally didn't mind the needles piercing her skin or the samples of flesh removed from her limbs on a day to day basis... She did miss spending time at the playground with her loving friends and family. Not that they didn't treat her well here, she got a bed and good food and the basic necessities for life. As long as she behaved for them they would let her play games or participate in the training room's activities, such as their boxing matches or races.

Those were always the best, always a way to improve herself and to test her abilities against others of a similar caliber. She never questioned the guards who constantly monitored her, she didn't mind how the hospital controlled every aspect of her life from the time she awoke to the time she slept. She was well cared for, and her good behavior always led to fun activities like karate or parkour... If somebody told her she was being trained all this time, for something other then the next set of games, she wouldn't believe them. How could they be training her when all she was doing was playing games and having fun? Hide and seek to improve her stealth, tag to improve her agility and stamina, laser tag to improve her aiming capabilities, hide and seek tag in the dark to improve her night vision and combat tournaments to test her abilities. No, this wasn't training to her, it was a well regulated playground with rules and schedules to keep her and her siblings safe.

That's what they always told her and the other kids, that they were a family, and that family protected each other. Who needed blood when they had one another? They were all connected through the experiences they shared and that made their lack of genetic connection irrelevant to them. They didn't need to be connected by a genetic line, they only needed to accept each other and they would be tied by a bond which was stronger than blood.

Not all of their experiences were pleasant though, when one of them suddenly disappeared from time to time, they would share in their grief. The staff never seemed to be affected by these disappearances and they rarely grieved with the children, if Fiona didn't know any better, she would say they had planned it themselves... No, that couldn't be, not with how well they were treating them.

Besides, anytime this would happen the staff would always bring something back like oil for their night lamps or meat for their meals. Sometimes they even brought back toys for them... like those creepy little oracle bones that Fiona didn't like. Something was always off about the bone dice or the oracle bones or that one new set of leather books. She didn't like most of those gifts, except for the bacon... or the oil. Both of them were useful and good and at least the staff was trying to comfort them with these new things.

Sometimes she would catch a murmur about something else, about something special, something like her... whatever her was. The nurses and scientists were always murmuring about some way to re-create what had already been created and what had escaped before she ever arrived. She didn't really care, she never cared about any of it or what any of it meant.

She didn't know what they meant when they talked about someone being too weak or too dangerous before the next disappearance of a kid she knew well. She certainly didn't know what being terminated meant, they wouldn't tell her when she asked. They would only smile and tell her not to worry about it, it wasn't important since it concerned people she didn't know.

If only she knew how they were lying through their teeth, if only she knew that Timmy knew too much, that Michael was too powerful or that Laura refused to obey their orders. If only she knew that Lydia was too weak to be the next her, that Orlando didn't have the right genes or that Penelope was too slow to learn the skills from their games. Maybe if she knew about Pedro and why he was terminated for being too nosy or how Carly was "taken care of" since she was too clumsy in the obstacle course. If she knew these were reasons for terminations, if she knew what being terminated meant, if she knew how these things were connected to the disappearances of her family then she would think again.

But she didn't know about this, all she knew was that the losers of tournaments would disappear and sometimes a kid would be "transferred" to go where people go. She never knew about their horrible fates, or the torture, or the repossession of cells and oils and skin and bones to light their lamps and feed their children and entertain the group of grieving kids.

All she could do was think back on her life back then, with the other kids, as the scientists rambled on and on about what they would do next and the nurses fretted over her health. If she was being honest, she felt spoiled here with everyone constantly fretting over her and attending to her every need. Yet at the same time, she felt trapped, she couldn't see any of it but all of those shouts and screams coming from beyond the hospital doors. She knew there had to be more, had to be more to this then what they would let her see.

Her disgruntled playmates in the training rooms were evidence enough, they were always trying to hide things from her. It could be anything, a little scratch here or a little bruise there. Some of them would even get these new toys and gadgets, like a new arm made of titanium or an eye with a laser. It was kind of unfair, really, the nurses would never give her anything like that. They were too worried about taking off her arm or mixing up her procedures with another kid's.

The children would never talk about their experiences though, sometimes Fiona wondered if they even wanted their new toys with how upset some of them would get. Alexander hated his laser eye, kept burning his hand, but at least Fiona could get him to laugh when she offered to trade her own eye for it. She didn't know there would be pain or trauma or despair... she didn't know about any of it. How it could make her feel.... like a monster, a monster for not knowing more, for not listening, for not knowing better.

At other times, she would wonder why close friends suddenly turned distant and fearful. Often avoiding her like the plague or treating her as though she were the cause of all their woes. She didn't know why, she never knew why. Maybe if she just listened to what the nurses and scientists would say about her. What the implications must have meant, the process of her training, how she was the reason her friends would... disappear. She was always unwitting to all of it, never ill intentioned and always confused.

She was always the one working while everyone else was stressed out, nervous or afraid. They always seemed to know something she didn't and... well... it upset her. What if she knew that the nurses threatened their lives if they told her, what if she knew that they didn't want the toys their scientists so "benevolently" gave to them? What if she knew what they knew, what being terminated meant? Maybe then she would understand why they tried so hard to win against her all the time. Maybe then she would understand why they fought as though their lives depended on it. Maybe then she would understand why Filip acted like the meat was poisoned or Renny fled from the bone made dice. Fiona always thought they were just weird, but no, it was far more than that. If only she knew that the other children had been right to be afraid and to hate the people around them as they only found solace in each other... for the little time that they were still there.

Never good enough, never strong enough, never enough like her. They didn't have her genes or her powers or her this or her that. What Fiona couldn't figure out is what they meant when they kept saying her. There were the nurses talking again, yammering on about what her was and how she was going to be more like her. How could they enhance her further, how would her powers grow and evolve, would she survive the next few steps? Then they would question if Fiona could survive, of course she would survive, she always did. Nobody could beat her in their little games.

In time Fiona settled on the concept of respawning as an explanation for the terminations and the disappearances, everyone was just being a sore loser when she won since whenever they were eliminated in a game of laser tag they would have to sit down before respawning again. Whenever someone was eliminated they would only respawn so it wouldn't be long until Timmy and Lydia and all of the others could come back again. Right? The nurses promised her that if she cooperated they would let her see them again. So why was she still sitting here when she had progressed so far?

"Alright Miss Fiona-" her head swiveled a bit, causing the nurse to pause for a brief moment at the child's questioning gaze. The nurse spoke in a clear, semi commanding tone as her gloved hands removed some sort of plastic device from the pocket of her lab coat "This next part is the physical, can you open your mouth?" she cooperated, just like she always did to see her old friends. "Good."

After the nurse had taken her temperature and shined a light down her throat the device she had was set down. "You're healthy enough for the next step, are you ready to become something more than human?" Now what on earth did they mean when they asked that? This was something they hadn't told her outside of their weird mumblings about the hospital... and before she could question it, before fear could enter her mind and make her heart race, the nurse had knocked her out.

Her head was throbbing when she next awoke, hooked up to a machine of some kind and stretched out on a table in a room she did not know. "Wh-what's going on?" she managed to croak to herself in a weak and feeble tone as her gaze moved about the room and she slowly sat up to see two scientists in grade A pure white hazmat suits complete with a solid black mask, black boots and black gloves.

"Now don't make the same mistake as last time, remember what happened to Bob and George when Allison broke out!?" an individual in the back of the room barked out as one of the scientists whirled around in his giant hazmat suit and punched Fiona right in the face. She had just woken up and this treatment was unusual, she didn't understand why it had happened or what was going on.

Before passing out she heard them mumbling once again about a prototype, the blacklight, Alex Mercer and a girl called Allison. It had taken awhile for her to pass out but she only got a bit of this or a bit of that during this time. "New prototype....the blacklight virus.... not a new Mercer.... Allison's escape... shot scientists." What was the big deal about getting shot? They would only feel a buzz before standing up again right? Simple elimination before being respawned? "Doesn't know.... can't be terminated." Then she was out.

When she next awoke her body was burning like a million suns and her throat felt like the desert moved in. It hurt, hurt so bad, and her arms were glowing with these black and red tendrils inside of her veins. What was happening to her? What had happened to the people in the room? Chunks of meat covered the walls and blood painted the ceiling as her thirst and hunger grew within her. She needed more, but more of what? Certainly not... this red stuff. Something had startled her before she was out and now she was all alone... aside from a computer nearby with a fun looking game on the front.


That's when she learned what scientific documents were. She learned all about it, all about Alex and blacklight and what her had been. Whenever they mentioned her they meant a girl named Allison... somebody who Fiona was connected to by blood. Then she learned about terminations, how unlike being eliminated in a game of laser tag people didn't come back. She deduced the information and learned about what blood was and how a significant loss of it could kill anyone. She learned how all of these years weren't a game, how everything she had done had unwittingly made her an agent of death.

Everything about her world, everything about her life, had been turned upside down. She learned about what happened to Timmy, Jake, Lydia and Ramond, she learned where the meat and the oil came from. She learned about her family outside of the hospital, she found out she had been kidnapped when she was young.

It was enough to drive anyone mad, to learn that your whole life had been a lie, that you were used to kill the people you loved and enjoy every moment of it. Thinking it was nothing more than a game all of this time. It was debilitating, it was abhorrent, she was a monster.

Even worse was the monster she had become, she read all about the Mercer virus and how her grandmother and one of her step fathers were connected to it. She learned about her powers and she finally felt what true fear was. This wasn't what she wanted to become, she didn't know how to get back and most of all... she wanted her revenge against this horrible hospital which was connected to a place called The Organization. She was lucky to get this one according to the data, it was the most humane of their facilities and the most hospitable.

She thought about what they had fed her, who they had fed to her all of these years and how they would comfort them with their friend's corpses. If anything else she needed to destroy them, but their games had made her smarter than that. She would need allies first, and what better place to start than with her own grandmother and step dad? She wasn't using them if they wanted the same thing as her... but she wasn't fighting for them either, she hated them just as much, if it wasn't for who they were then this would have never been done, she would have never been kidnapped and created into what she was now.

They had turned her into a monster... no she didn't become a monster, she had always been one. If anything, they were all monsters in the end... and how did they handle people like that? Easy, they terminated them, but not before terminating their shared enemy like any game of hide and seek or tag. Work together, to take down your shared foe, then turn on each other if loyalties aren't there.

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