
Night Guard
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Energy: 50
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Plague icon
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Male Imperial
Male Imperial
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31.72 m
17.28 m
8774.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 21, 2020
(4 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Night Guard
Male | He / Him | Bisexual
Taver was born to an opposing colony of Rebus's, he was trained as an attacker in that colony, and was one of the more well known members of the attack force there. Out on a task one day he ran across a group of other Imperials, all of them seemed to know who he was, and started to back away, except for one, who stared at him in questioning confusion. Taver stepped towards the dragon, looking up at the sun to see how much time he had left before looking back down. The Dragon proceeded to step up toward him as well and the others that were part of it's group started to warn and plead the one Imperial to back off. Taver was amused by the Imperials seemingly stand off-ish approach to him.

Taver spoke first exclaiming who he was and what he was there for, his voice was bold and strong, sending a wave of intimidation to the other imperials, except, the one who stood before him. The one Imperial's eyes lit up in fascination, and interest. They started to talk to him, introducing themselves, and what they did for a living. A Gatherer they were, the opposite of him. Bottom of the chain when it came to jobs, and titles. Their name was Kydoimos, Kydo for short. They talked for a while, before Taver announced that he was starting to run out of time, and needed to go. To his surprise Kydo stopped him before he up and left, and ask them if they could talk some other time. Taver took a slight pause before explaining how they could, sundown of the next day they agreed on, at the border between Scarred Wastelands and Tangled Woods.

They ended up meeting there, as they had planned, Taver was free for the night, Kydo was excused to go. They started talking, introducing themselves more, talking about their experiences, good and bad. Their favorite places to handout at, their friends, seeing if they knew each other in any way. They both thought they didn't until Kydo's mentioning of his Brothers death. How one day while they were sleeping, a dragon was said to kidnap and then murder him. That the dragon was part of an opposing team, that was ordered to do the task. Taver had a shock of realization as he played back all his orders in his head, and found one that matched the story he was being told. He was the one behind it, he all of the sudden became flustered, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long while. Kydo seemed to noticed, as he stopped talking and has a confused and concerned look spread across his face. Kydo asked him if he was okay, he went to say yes, but decided before he exploded that he would just up and admit to it.

He Told Kydo that he thinks he was the one who did it, and immediately Kydo's expression changed to horror and concerned fear. Taver quickly reassured him that he wouldn't hurt him, but Kydo stopped him and told asked him, if he was ordered to do so would he then. Taver blankly stared, he took a long pause before sighing and looking away almost in shame. He slowly nodded, and stated that he would, and that he would highly bad about it, considering how well they knew each other at that point. Kydo let out a nervous laugh, not sure how to take to him admitting it. Taver went to say something but Kydo talked before him. Asking him why he wouldn't just come with him. Taver coughed stating that what he did was part of his life, and that he was grown to be what he is. Kydo then explained how he was he was once a protector for another colony, before he found someone that he liked, and went with them to his currently colony. Then he explained how since then they've passed away. Taver explained how she must've been a good dragon, and how he was sorry for his lose. Before Kydo corrected him, saying it was a he, Taver blankly stared at him, and watched Kydo fluster at his reaction. ich bin- Taver went to say before he coughed and said he was sorry for assuming. Kydo assured him that it was fine, and then asked him if he was bilingual, to which Taver nodded. Taver explained further how his parents spoke german, and that with becoming part of the attack force became bilingual.

They talked more about Taver joining Kydo, Taver was very, very, hesitate to even consider it an option. Thoughts were running through his head about leaving the attack force, and joining an opposing colony. He was scared he'd start a war. Kydo reassured him that nothing like that would happen, to which Taver argued that he didn't know the attack force like he did, and that it was very much a possibility. They had a moment of silence before Kydo started to explain that they would let him go if he wanted to be let go, right? To which Taver replied he wasn't sure, and was one of his fears. Kydo continued reassuring him, and that if he was let go he could immediately come in with his current colony, as they accepted anyone who was looking for a colony, as long as they followed rules and respected the others. Taver was surprised of how easy being in hat colony sounded compared to the strict rules and guidelines his colony had. Taver sighed, and finally agreed that he would do it, or try too atleast. Kydo smiled at him, and wished him luck. Taver warily smiled back, Thanking him, saying he would back with him there, the next night. Kydo nodded at him, and Taver went on his way.

He went back to his colony, and went straight to the leader, ignoring everyone else asking him where he had been. The leader looked at him, and before they could said anything he stated that he wanted to leave the colony. The Leader laughed at him, before looking at him, and seeing his was serious, and shut his mouth. The Leader stared at him with amused amazement, before asking him if he was being serious. Taver replied that he was, and that he was going to leave no matter what he told him, just thought he would say it to his face out of respect. He had gained the attention of the others, who stared at him in disbelief, and started to laugh at him, stating why in the world would he would want to leave, and why so sudden. The leader shushed the others, who were getting louder and louder, they went silent. He asked Taver where exactly he would be going, to which Taver refused to tell him. The leader sighed, taking a moment to think, before looking him dead in his eye and warning him if he dared turn agains't him they would take charge. Taver nodded stating how he knew that, the leader hmpfed at him, before telling him to leave then. Taver nodded before turning around and bolting his way out of the colony, the leader watching him run until he could no longer see him.

He was almost late reaching the border, and once Kydo spotted him and he jumped and the two of them almost collided into each other, they pressed their noses together which sent a shock down both of them, Kydo backed up with a nervous laugh and apologized. Taver smiled at him, telling him it was fine, and that he was ready to come with him. Kydo smiled at him, telling him to follow him. He flapped his wings before lifting off the ground, about to go before he realized Taver was just staring at him, and not coming with him. Taver stared at him slightly in shame, spreading his right wing to show a large rip and missing pieces down his wing, before folding his wing back to hide it. Kydo flustered some and landed, stating he apologized and that he knew a path to the colony that wouldn't take so long to travel by foot. Taver nodded and Kydo proceed to run off, Taver followed him. They entered a clear area, that was clearly a path, but to his surprise he didn't see any other dragons travelling on it. Then Kydo came a complete halt, Taver ran straight into him, both of them about to fall over, Taver caught Kydo before he could fall over and he looked at what Kydo was intensely staring at. A Female skydancer stood before them, wearing a fancy tophat and holding a cane, they looked confused, yet upset at them. Kydo stood up fully again and the skydancer wacked him in the head with their cane. Exclaiming about what did they say about travelling on the path unauthorized. Before turning their attention to him. Their eyes lit up some before narrowing, they called him by his named, and asked him what he was doing in their territory. Taver warily smiled at them, exclaiming how he left his job as an attacker and how he left the colony as a whole. The Skydancer snarled at him, yelling that he was a lair. Kydo exclaimed how he wasn't lying, and how he left to come with him, to their colony. The Skydancer sighed, explaining how she would have to immediately bring them to the royals, as if it was true he would still need the approval of them. Both of them nodded, The Skydancer nodded, telling them to follow her. She went to take off but Kydo coughed and she turned around to look at him. He pointed at Taver, who opened his wing to show her the injury. The Skydancer stared at it in almost disbelief, before nodded and turning around to run along the trail instead.

The Skydancer took them into a colony, where Taver got many looks, and attention from other higher ups of the colony. They walked up a small hill where the royals met them. First the skydancer chuckled exclaiming how Kydo was travelling on the trail unauthorized again to which, who he assumed was the Queen laughed and jokingly threatened Kydo about it. Taver just watched, completely silent, seeing another female walk up chuckling, they looked at Kydo, then looked at him and yelped, backing up. The Queen immediately went silent turning around and panicking asking them if they were okay. They stared at him, and pointed him out. The Queen turned to look at him and her expression immediately changed, she glanced at the Skydancer who shook her head and stated how he 'claimed' he left his colony, and wanted to join theirs. Taver heard a noise and he looked over to see a dark tmale tundra come running full force at him, he spread his wings and started to growl at the tundra, to which the tundra did the same. Apparently it caught the attention of who he assumed was the king who came flying over to them and yelling at them to back off each other. The tundra backed off first and he followed folding his wings once more. The King was about to say something but the Queen said something first, exclaiming to the tundra how randomly attacking or standing off to dragons was not okay. The Tundra went to argue but both the King and Queen shushed him.

The Queen coughed, and called him by name. Asking him if what he said was true, and to be honest. He went to speak but Kydo, who seemingly was holding back form saying anything blurted out how it was true, and that he knew him. To which the Tundra laughed at, exclaiming how in the world would he know him, part of the Attack force of one of their biggest threats. Kydo explained in a panic how he knew him well, and that he wasn't as cold as everyone thought he was. The Tundra yelled at Kydo about how would he know what he was up too, it's a manipulation tactic. Taver could see the fire starting to burn in the Tundra's eyes. Kydo looked at him, Taver knew what he wanted to do, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. Kydo looked back at the tundra and made one last attempt to prove how well he actually knew him. The Tundra continued back firing, the verge of exploding Taver noticed. Kydo inhaled deeply, Taver realized what he was about to do, and may or may not have flustered, but it wasn't enough for them to notice, before they noticed He and Kydo kiss. The Tundra completely froze, all of them froze he realized, Kydo in a embarrassed panic stepped slightly away from him, he watched his face turn bright red, pretty sure they watched each others face turn bright red. He felt like he was on fire, that his skin would have steam coming off of it if he put his hand to it.

The Queen coughed, breaking the what seemed like forever silence there was. She nervously laughed, before exclaiming, exactly what Kydo told him. That he was allowed in, as long as he followed rules, and respected everyone. The King snarled and looked away, the Tundra looked like he was about to explode again. Both of them not liking the decision apparently. The Princess, stared at Kydo and him with a smile. They looked at the King, who was glaring at them over his shoulder, and their smile faded, and they looked away in shame. The Queen asked that he was one of the nocturnal attackers, he nodded. She exclaimed how there was a new family of nocturnal dragons who has recently came there, two pearlcatchers and two mirrors, three males and a female. That would need protection during the night. She was implying if he would be like their Guardians, a Night Guard. To which he nodded in agreement, that he'd happily do it. He looked at Kydo, and asked about him. The Queen was about to explain how there was too little of them to need two guards, but he cut in saying it's always good to have two people, in case something happens to the first. To which the Queen took a pause, before agreeing He, and Kydo, could both be Night Guards. He looked over a Kydo and smiled at him, Kydo, just having calmed down from being flustered, blushed slightly and smiled back at him.

Now, He, and Kydo, share the role of being nightguards, their relationship became official, as they are boyfriends to each other. Everyone has gotten over the fact of what Taver was before he came. Now he is a well respected member of the colony.


Facts | Taver cannot fly, the injury on his wing, a rip going about 3 / 4 down his right wing, and missing chunks, doesn't allow him flight. - -

Taver had always felt he had been attracted to males, but was never allowed to express as such in his previous colony. - -

Taver had to get used to not being on such a strict schedule and rules, for the longest time when he first was there he expressed old habits, reporting to the royals daily about his status, Making himself a map in his head of the places and moving to different areas at very specific times. Coming off as intimidating and powerful 24 / 7 if he was 'on the job'. Eventually after some time being there he started to slowly leave his old habits, still, even now, he acts completely different 'on the job' then he does 'off the job'.

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Exalting Taver to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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