
Can I get you something, young person?
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Aurora Pangolin
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Spiral
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Personal Style


Spring Antlers
Wise Bonecarver's Claws
Blossoming Sash
Lilypad Legion
Frog's Tail Guard
Enchanted Stag Necklace
Shackled Book of Mysteries



Scene: Thunder Lizards


3.18 m
2.61 m
95.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 21, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245



Suffers from excess cheer and needs to share it all.

Visiting @Doggoz clan for 5 days! Please write me a bio about what's going on in your lair!

Journal From Doggoz clan:

icev4.png First day in Clan Caneus! Always fun visiting a flight neighbor, yeah? This place is located just on the other side of the Snowsquall Tundra, or at least compared to where my home clan sits. If I’m being honest, it was a little hard to find. It’s not exactly the most extravagant place, nor the most modern. Or that’s what I thought at least. From above, the place just looks like a normal patch of forest inhabited by dragons, but after talking to someone and being lead down a steep icy path in the ground, I was surprised to see an assortment of gleaming claw-crafted banisters and high Icicle covered ceilings above me. I guess this clan lives mostly down in the caves! To be specific, very, very large caves. I mean, this place was huge! Dragons zipped left and right through the air above, and in front of me was a large open hang-out area, where many dragons were gathered. Some were chatting, others doing tasks or grabbing a bite to eat. Before I got to do much more then scan over the place, a little blue and white pearlcatcher approached me, a friendly smile across her face. I could immediately tell she wasn’t shy when it came to approaching strangers. “I’d assume your the visitor we heard about earlier, yes? Well welcome to Clan Caneus! I’m Phyress! I can show you around and get you settled in! And if you have any questions I’ll happily answer”. She showed me around for a little bit, motioning to the carefully crafted apartments above that were only accessible by flying, a beautiful flower garden that somehow survived in the harsh winter climate, and the few little shops that stood outside the caves where dragons traded and sold trinkets and food to each other and other travelers. On the other side of the tundra was another cave passageway, except this one led to much bigger living areas, and it seemed fewer dragons were here. Clearly they were valued however, as most wore nice clothing or jewelry. I was given a large room in this part of the territory to stay in, so I suppose the clan liked visitors. After awhile, she gave me some time to explore on my own, and while I wanted to go meet some new friends, my journey had me quite tired, and I ended up napping in my room instead.

When I awoke from my sleep, I took the time to get to know some of the other dragons, first throughout the open Tundra, then down to the large cave I first went into. Most of them were sociable, however a select few cast me dirty looks, while the few others seemed to enjoy spending time alone. Not that it bothered me though, everyone is different and I had a good time getting to know the ones who put effort into talking with me! The first few days went pretty much like that, I won’t put the little details in here as to bore you out of your mind though. Me and Phyress have pretty similar personalities, so she was pretty easy to get along with. I think it’s safe to say I’ve made a friend here! That’s a goal checked off my list. We ended up going around and helping out the other dragons with their jobs for a bit too, such as helping Asili care for familiars and doing little tasks for Reaper. Although, we can both agree she can be bossy, and quite frankly a little scary! Anyways, I’m glad I got to lend a hand around here, it seemed to put a smile on their faces.
Oh! And I should also mention the pretty garden I got to see! This wildclaw named Moonfire has a stunning assortment of flowers tucked into the safe space of another ice cave. It’s rather impressive, especially because of the harsh winter climate around here. It was fun to walk through and look at the large range of colors and flowers in there.
Late at night when the stars were out Munin let me use his telescope, which was quite interesting as well. Although he talked a lot of scientificy nonsense about astrology and outer space, he was nice to let me use his things and I thought it was really cool to look at the stars so close!
Also, apparently Clan Caneus has a queen? I’ve been here for five days and I had no idea they were ruled by a queen. I guess this isn’t common info for anyone outside the dragons living here. Guess she doesn’t like talking much either, I’m just surprised at how well a dragon can unintentionally stay under the radar.

Anyways, I’m getting off track! I would write more, but there’s just so many different dragons here, who all seem to have their own thing going. I don’t have nearly enough time to dive deeper into what this clan is much about, but I’d say my stay was enjoyable, and it was interesting to see how another clan besides my own lives in day to day life! Before I left, my pearlcatcher friend gave me a new familiar, mentioning it was a gift from her and Asili for helping out. How nice! I’ll definitely have to show it off to my clan mates later. This is where I think I’ll stop writing-Pickles signing off!

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Visiting CrazyAKApanda for five days! Please write me a bio about whats going on in your lair!

(I may or may not have cause some trauma. I have a scary clan.)

Day 1: I was excited, really! So many new dragons to see and many tales to hear and tell. I flew off, ready to say hello. They lives under a forest apparently, so it took a moment to find the entrance. I entered the lair, thankfully on a sunny day, and was met with silence and ignorance. But it didn't stop me! I went up to two twin faes and asked their names. Isolt and Divinity were an interesting duo, Divinity seemed very protective of Isolt. I can understand though, they just need to get used to me! Joy-o-joy, they were nice enough to show me where the food and my room was. The food was grand and quite different. All sorts of cooked foods of many varieties were assorted on a table for anyone to eat anytime, anywhere. I definitely plan on exploring more tomorrow, but for now I shall rest and get used to this place. There's so many different things to do in here, and I'm impatient to explore. I even got a gift from the leaders today! It was a finely made mask. Many others wore these, so I feel more like I'm accepted here.
Items obtained: Green Birdskull Headdress

Day 2: I found the library, there's so many books here! I greeted myself to this strange looking skydancer, though they mostly ignored me. For some reason her vibes were different, but it was the morning, I don't think she'd fully waken up. I got a book from the shelf, it told of epic tales of the adventures some of these people went on. Must have been scary fighting some of the Shade-touched, whatever they are. Two other travellers came in, but they didn't notice me nor did I approach, they must've been scared or the blizzard going on outside. They made a scene of themselves, though I'm not sure how, they were just talking and suddenly ice shards surrounded them. The two were let go, so I'm not quite sure what happened to cause that. Maybe they said something wrong?

Day 3: One of those travellers from yesterday went missing for some reason. I think they were hurt. I continued on my day though, no one seemed too terribly worried. I've gotten used to seeing new creatures dragged in everyday into the kitchen. Mist be how they get food. Either way, it's tasty. I'm beginning to realize how scary this clan is when I found the arena. They literally fight to the death, where's their mercy? And the bones that decorate the clan, I still don't know where such bones came from. In the crossroads with that big bonfire, an imperial lashed out at me. It had chains surrounding it and holding it down, I felt bad! I couldn't help them though, for I'd be burnt to a crisp if I went into the fire. The imperial looks hungry too. I don't really want to die here.

Day 4: I don't like it much here, it's too scary. A shade-touched skydancer escaped their prison! Dragons from everywhere came out with chains and lead a chase through the clan. They even gave me a chain, but I just laid it on the floor because I didn't want to get involved. They were able to catch them though. The dragons dragged it away in chains, it looked rather sad. Someone particular then caught my eye, it was a light blue fae. I hadn't seen them before. They don't look like a traveler at all, either. Maybe my eyes were tricking me, for I blinked and suddenly they were gone. I went off the library, found another book, this time about a tale in another clan. It didn't help the moment it mentioned murder in the title, so I quickly put it back. I found that same book from the second day, so I just read another tale from it.

Day 5: I saw that fae again. My eyes really weren't playing tricks on me! I went up to them and said hi, but they seemed terrified of me as they back up. I felt sorry, but instead of them going away, they came up to me and gave me some wrappings to put on my head. I indeed put it on, though they disappeared while so. Maybe they're shy. These head wrappings really helped with the mask, it was more comfy. I continued on with my day until someone approached me. It was that same skydancer I tried to interact with, but just ignored me. They didn't give me anything, only said that it was time to leave. I'd forgotten how many days it had been. Her voice sounded a bit creepy. I went and grabbed my stuff before leaving through the horrible blizzard passing over. I finally retreated back to my clan, I didn't want to ever go back. That was a scary place. I don't like scary places.
Items obtained: White Linen Head Wrap.

Visiting BladeMorality for a little bit

In between towns pit-stop:

I was excited to get to my next location, I have a lot to do! I’m still in the Icewarden territory, but somehow it’s even colder here than it is back at home. I didn’t have any warm outfit because I’m pretty used to the cold- but the snow hitting my scales as I flew were just too much. It kept snowing... and snowing... and snowing more. How does any dragon live here?
I spotted a few lights in the distance, so I decided to stop until I warmed up again. I may as well grab something to eat, too, I figured. As I grew closer, a small village of some sorts came into view. It was a busy place, so many dragons were out and about! They were covered in fur though, so they were probably enjoying the snow. Tundras.
I landed on the outskirts of the village and a tundra hatchling came running up to me.
“Hi!! Who are you?” The little dude seemed happy. This place already seemed far more friendly than the other place I’d been to.
“Ah, I’m Pickles. Nice to meet you. Can you take me to your mama?” I had asked them.
“I’m Pumpkin! I’ll take you to my mama.” They took off through the snow, and I had to fly quickly to keep up with them. As I entered, I realized that all of these tundras have ... wolf pelts on. Those poor wolves...
The hatchling turned quickly and burst into one of the buildings. I had to curl myself around in order to follow.
The room that Pumpkin lead to was a very brightly colored room. There were toys strewn across the floor, and there was a chair in the front. Sitting in the chair was an older tundra dragon with a grey wolf pelt on their head. In their lap was a big book, and they were reading out loud to another small hatchling.
Hearing our commotion, the tundra looked up.
“Now, Pumpkin, what did I say about bringing new friends in during story time?”
The tiny tundra plopped down in front of her. “Wait until the story’s over. But mama, they’re cold!”
Finally looking at me, she smiled. “Welcome to my hatchling daycare, how may I assist you?”
I felt strange, just standing there... but she gave off such warm feelings. “Uh.. Well, I was looking for a place to spend the night before I went on with my messages for a clan.”
“Ah, you chosen the perfect place!” She beamed. “I’m Ayndierth, but you can just call me Mama Ayn. It’s story time right now, but dinner will be soon. Settle in, I was telling the tale of the Gale Wolf Princess.“
I love stories! I curled myself up next to Pumpkin, ready to listen. I’ll be sure to tell this one to my clan when I get back!

The next day came too soon. I was getting comfortable here. Mama Ayn treats me well. But, alas, my job calls! Maybe soon I’ll carry messages for this clan!
“Goodbye, new friends! I hope to see you again soon!” I called, my head lost in thought of the Gale Wolf Princess.
Pumpkin, Ayndierth, and Flash (the other hatchling’s name that I found out after story time) waved goodbye as I took off into the sky.
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Exalting Pickles to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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