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Ash Logs TRVE Construct,

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Average price for hatchlings from this pair:

Aliquam varius massa vitae lectus convallis tempor. Quisque sit amet tellus ultrices, vulputate sapien eget, dignissim libero. Maecenas augue dui, venenatis vitae tellus eget, pharetra faucibus nulla. Quisque convallis, leo ac faucibus vehicula, leo lorem ullamcorper leo, vel elementum massa risus in odio. Sed a ligula eu dui bibendum dictum vitae sit amet erat. In efficitur urna eu diam vestibulum gravida. Mauris massa ex, finibus ac volutpat et, iaculis ac dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum nec imperdiet urna. Aliquam vestibulum id lectus ac fringilla. Sed convallis dui nec odio vehicula pharetra. Curabitur tincidunt est vitae mattis laoreet. Mauris in eros dolor. Phasellus ornare mauris non molestie malesuada. Praesent consectetur hendrerit nunc, pretium imperdiet ipsum mattis ut. Curabitur auctor, turpis eu bibendum egestas, elit massa hendrerit augue, in placerat orci purus nec risus. Cras fermentum tortor est, sit amet lacinia ante consequat id. Mauris nisl diam, porttitor et aliquam vitae, euismod non diam. Pellentesque non justo magna. Nam eget convallis nunc.

Inventory wrote:
Empty Inkwell x

A simple quill and jar of ink, perfect for scrawling a quick note or writing a grand poem.
Woven Cloth x

A sturdy draconic bedroll for camping outdoors, or simply on the floor.
Glass Knife x

A knife; one must always be prepared.
Waterskin x

A waterskin full of fresh, drinkable water.
Relevant Lore wrote:
Unlikely Savior Vaz helps aid a town devastated by unholy disaster.
Original Bio wrote:
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Exalting Vaz to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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