
The Fallen Leader
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Energy: 50
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Female Fae
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Feathery Fallout
Conjurer's Staff
Paradise Starsilk Earrings
Grim Healer's Mantle
Mysterious Cowl
Grim Healer's Vestments


Skin: Caelum Stratus



Scene: Strange Chests


1.61 m
1.6 m
2.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 03, 2020
(4 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 10 Fae
EXP: 12282 / 27676




  • none


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Lyra of the Stars

Clan Leader

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LLyra is a calm and collected dragon, with a kind heart. Many many years ago, she lost her parents in the Arcane mountains, and never found her way back to them. Despite the loss of her parents, Lyra never lost hope and continued onwards, forging a life for herself among the mountains as a merchant. After many years of wandering, Lyra ran into the Clan of Forgotten dreams, and to both their surprise and hers, the Fae was capable of remembering who they were, even going as far as naming their preferences.

Something which has not happened since the shade cursed them many generations before.
Shocked and troubled at this discovery, the clan kidnapped Lyra and held her hostage while demanding how she could remember them due to their curse. As the fae had no idea, the Clan members refused to release her.
But, one day, tragedy struck.
During a particularly nasty skirmish with the Beastclans, their current leader was fatally wounded. Given the fact that the clan had no healers, they were fully prepared to watch their leader die. Despite the circumstances, Lyra refused to watch another dragon die in front of her and begged them to let her out of her cell so that she could help. Deeming it a lost cause, the Clan dragons granted her request and let the healer see their dying leader. To the Clan's surprise, the Fae managed to save the leader's life - earning both the Clan and the Leader's trust as well as her freedom.
But even though she was free to go as she pleased, Lyra decided instead to remain with the Clan, where she felt that she belonged.
After many years, the leader died peacefully in their sleep and named Lyra their successor, granting Lyra the unwavering loyalty and control of the Clan for many years.
That was, until Erkan came.

Erkan challenged Lyra's peaceful and monotone ways, wishing for battle and glory.
Lyra didn't have the heart to banish a dragon that she so willingly took under her wing, and instead gave Erkan a den on the other side of the mountain to dwell in. As her clan splits apart, Lyra begins breaking apart as well. Her kind smile, once used to reassure dragons, has become a mask for her to hide behind.
And as for her...
She is naught but a shell of her former self.

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There is more to her than meets the eye...

How long could she keep this up? This facade? This mask? She had been happy once, happy and content in her clan, but now she felt as if she did not belong. Her clan, the Clan of Forgotten Dreams, did not know this, of course. She didn't want them to think of her as a liar, she wanted them to be able to trust her. She wanted to help them. She wanted them to be happy.

So why did it feel so wrong?

She stared out over rocky, crystalline spikes to the distant sea, letting the gentle breeze wash over her like cool water. Her dark purple scales blended with the dusk and the shadows of the alcove she was huddled in. This was a place she came to when she needed to be alone, when she could no longer keep her mask in place. It was so peaceful here, so much so that she vaguely wondered why no one else had found it.

Why was she like this? Lyra wondered. She knew she was touched in some way, a way she didn't want to admit. It was hard for her to accept how much she had changed in so little time, and not all of it for good. She should accept herself for who she was now, but that, too, felt utterly wrong.

The breeze strengthened a little, yet it had also dropped to a whisper in some unexplainable way. She raised her head enough to see that the waves in the ocean had calmed to an almost flat surface, but the sound of them crashing against the rocks continued. Curious now, she looked to the sky, where purple clouds twisted against the darkening heavens. They weren't just drifting as normal, obedient cumuli did, but swirling themselves into a frenzy. It was as if the ground had stopped what it was doing to watch the show above.

Out of those clouds formed a shape, a huge figure with enveloping wings. Eyes that she could only describe as the purest of magic gazed down at her, no pupils to give away which way they were looking. There seemed to be a bright glow behind the head of this being, but every time she looked directly at it it vanished from her mind but not her sight.

She knew who this was, and she bowed low to him. Even though her hearing picked not a single syllable up, she heard him tell her "no bowing". Lyra quickly sat upright again and met his gaze. She felt sure, no, unbelievably certain, that he was staring right into her tainted soul, picking apart threads that had been tightly woven together. If she did not think about it, she could almost feel those strands being examined. Her life was unfolded in all its terrible glory of a tapestry around her.

It was fully dark now. Those purple, swirling, drifting clouds had ganged together to block out the beautiful sky. Lyra had sat there, in her alcove, for so long that her tail had fallen asleep a while back. Something had happened here, but what? Just like a dream, the memory scampered away before she could get a look at it. She knew it had been important, impressive, but for the life of her she could not remember it.

Maybe it had been a dream, a lucid dream that had vanished with the dying light.

Sighing, she stretched her aching wings and uncurled from her stiff position. Her clan needed her, or at least the part that they saw. The facade she wore in there.

Story by Flitt.

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Bio template by @Mibella, find it here.
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Exalting Lyra to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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