
A creature of the abyss... **More lore planned!
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Garden Watcher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Skydancer
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Bleak Birdskull Armband




4.03 m
4.71 m
776.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 01, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Unnamed – nicknamed "Abyss" by Clanmates
Creature of the Abyss
Familiar: Scuttle the Garden Watcher
Pronouns: They/Them, it/its (I haven't gotten around to adding the bit of lore where they discover they/them pronouns yet though.)

Bullet points of info because I am not in the mood to write paragraphs at the moment
- Has a very basic understanding of Draconic. Speaks in slightly broken sentences and phrases. Sometimes strings together a bunch of words without connectors to get general idea across. When emotions are running high they tend to revert to using a bunch of Abyss creature noises instead of Draconic words. Kinda like Vaxel tbh
- Found Scuttle lurking around in one of Nova's gardens and they've been friends ever since
- Sometimes asks Nova and Tony for help on taking care of Scuttle
- Lurks in the shadows with Ying sometimes. They like the darkness and finds it calming. They also like nighttime more than daytime.
- They could literally vibe check someone using their antennae, like other Skydancers. However, this ability is enhanced due to their nature as an Abyss creature. They tend to rely less on the typical 5 senses (Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, Smell) and more on this vibe-check ability. It helps them stay away from dangerous things.
- Likes music! Once they stumbled upon Jasmin singing while they were vibing in the shadows and they were instantly captivated
- Even though they like night more than day they also really like warmth so they take little naps on warm rocks during the early afternoon like a cat :)
- Doesn't like loud noises. Quiet is nice. But not loud. They're still quite new to Sornieth so too many things going on at once can overwhelm them.
- When they first joined the Clan, they tried to communicate with music. Like they would hum melodies and flap their wings to the beat and their tail would go swish swish and all that. It was a bit hard for the other Clan members to understand exactly what they're trying to say, but it's a good way of conveying emotion. They still do this sometimes.
- Is fascinated by pretty much everything they see. Especially the things that makes cool noises, like wind chimes.
- Very gentle. Smooth movements. Kinda liquid, like cats. Can and will somehow end up in strange places and nobody would be able to figure out how they got there.
- Extremely good at music. Can harmonize with almost anything, and has a very good sense of rhythm, pitch, etc.
- Shy.
- co-adopted by Typhon, Rivarctica and Runesong

It has no name. A creature of the abyss, it waits patiently for something to bring it out of its slumber.
Perhaps “slumber” is the wrong word here. It is by no means asleep. It is simply resting. Waiting.
Waiting for what? It doesn’t know.
As it waits, slivers of life from the outside world makes their way into its cocoon. Random snippets of sound and colors, each one a brief surprise, full of curiosity and wonder.
But none of them ever gave it the urge to leave its little cocoon, floating in the vast Void.
As time passes, it learned some things about the strange world out there.
In the world, there are many living beings – like itself, it supposes – of all shape and sizes.
There are also things that are not alive, like the Void outside of its cocoon. Is the Void alive? It doesn’t know. Sometimes it talks to the Void – and the Void talks back – so perhaps the Void is alive after all.
Once, it asked the Void, “Are you alive?”
It felt strange to refer to the Void as a “You”. That implies that the Void has an identity, that the Void is something concrete, that it is somehow possible for one to one day, understand what is the Void.
The Void is none of these things. The Void is simply there.
It also feels strange to refer itself as “I” or “Me”, but for different reasons.
It doesn’t know what it is. What is it? It doesn’t know.
For now, its perfectly content just being an “it”. Not an “I” or a “Me” or a “You”.
To answer its question, the Void said that it doesn’t know. The Void didn’t say “I don’t know”. The Void didn’t use the words “I” or “Me” or “You”. The Void just said that it didn’t know.
How does the Void do that? It doesn’t know. Every time it asks the Void a question, it couldn’t find a way to ask it without at least using the word “You”.
Is it okay to call the Void a “You”, it wonders. Does the Void like being a “You”, despite very obviously being something that is not a “You” or an “I” or a “Me”?
Perhaps that could be its next question.

Being stuck in a cocoon floating in the middle of the Void tends to give one a lot of spare time, which is exactly what’s happening now.

And there’s absolutely nothing the abyss creature could do about it.

It tried to talk to the Void, but it seemed like the Void was busy doing other things.

Are there other creatures like itself? Maybe the Void was talking to them. But then again, couldn’t the Void just talk to both of them at the same time? The Void had previously mentioned that it was more than capable of multi-tasking, so why can’t it just do so now?

This must be what “boredom” means.

The abyss creature is very, very bored.

Shifting around in its cocoon, it tried to reposition itself into a more comfortable position. Strange. It had never felt the need to do so before.

As it did so, it felt a familiar ripple form in the edge of its cocoon, and it twisted around to face it. It watched as the rift formed in the middle of nowhere, and it wondered briefly which part of the outside world had managed to make its way into the Void this time.

There was… a lot of green. But it’s not exactly the lush green color that it saw in some of its previous rifts. This green color is more… mild? Less overwhelming, it supposes. On top of the green was a pleasant dark blue, with some wispy white stuff mixed in and a glowing white-ish-yellow circle.

Then came the sounds. There was something that sounds like a … a whoosh? Yeah, that’s definitely a whoosh. Oh, and voices. There’s also some voices. Maybe. It’s not really sure.

But the most intriguing was the many colored shapes moving around. They were red and green and blue – there’s even this giant, furry mound on the edge of its vision that’s a bright, neon amalgamation of all three.

Since when has its vocabulary become so…big? It wondered.

It tried to comprehend what the colored shapes are saying. At least, it assumed that they are saying things, because they appeared to be communicating.
Unfortunately, the abyss creature has not managed to understand their language yet.

The shapes – creatures – are gathered around a glowy, crackly thing that’s so bright that it hurts to look directly at it. Even through the Void, it can feel the warmth radiating from it. It feels… nice.

There was a large, pink-and-green thing next to the glowy thing, and it was making some loud and boisterous but still melodic noises. Music, it’s called. It’s not bad, it supposes, but the notes are a bit too loud for its liking.

The rift wobbled, for a lack of a better word. It yawned, – since when can it yawn? – preparing to go to sleep. Isn’t that something living creatures do? They sleep?

The scene beyond the rift this time was interesting enough, but observing things for so long can really tire it out. Some sleep sounds really good just about now.

Snuggling up into a comfortable ball, it waited for the loud, too-happy music to leave.

Instead, it heard a soft, clear melody, drifting dreamily into the cocoon, almost entirely overriden by the loud sounds still coming from the pink blob. But it was still audible.

And it was like nothing the abyss creature had ever heard before.

The music weaved in and out of the air, surrounding it in a silken cloak. The notes soared up, up up, through the Void in a mesmerizing crescendo, and as the melody fell, it felt the song settle gently into its soul, sending shivers through its entire being.

It was glorious.

But just as it was basking in the music, the rift shook. Violently.

Then the rift began to close, taking the music with it.


The rift can’t close now– not yet, not when the song isn’t complete –

It wanted more. It wanted to hear the mystery singer finish the song. Suddenly, its cocoon felt empty, the Void felt empty, everything felt empty –

It wanted to join in. Become one with the music.

Reaching out, it clawed at the closing rift, not even taking the time to acknowledge the fact that apparently, it has claws now.

One claw caught on the edge of the rift. The rift stopped closing. The music stopped dying.

Emboldened, the abyss creature shoved its other claws in the rift as well, and then it pushed.

Slowly, the rift reopened as it used more and more of its strength, large enough for it to stick its snout through – it has a snout now!

It pushed and it pulled, trying its best to wriggle through the small rift. As it stuck its head through the hole, all the activity and noise suddenly ground to a halt. Even that quiet, soul-filling song had ceased.

It kept going anyways. It felt the various gazes of the colored shapes on it, and it didn’t care. It just wanted to get out.

A long, elegant neck emerged from the cocoon, followed by a foreleg.
The abyss creature gingerly picked up its other foreleg, and then pushed that through the rift as well.

Halfway there.

Whoosh. A pair of large, feathery wings exploded into the air for the first time, letting the breeze ruffle its new feathers. It felt nice.

With one last leap, the hind legs slid out, followed by a long, tapering tail. As it did so, it felt the familiar presence of the Void curl around it for the last time, and then the rift closed behind it.

All that’s left was one abyss-colored Skydancer, with one final whisper from the Void still echoing inside its mind.

Welcome to the world, little one.

Their wind chime would probably be made from a lot of things. Shards of sea glass, pieces of bamboo, feathers, anything that they find visually or musically appealing. And of course they found a cool black bead to add on for the Void that they grew up in.
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Exalting Unnamed to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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