
Level 1 Imperial
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Vivid Wavehopper
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Energy: 0
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Nature icon
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Female Imperial
Female Imperial
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Witch's Staff
Witch's Herb Pouch
Witch's Cobwebs
Glowing Green Clawtips




29.18 m
15.25 m
7743.46 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 21, 2020
(4 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Witch's Apprentice
A young dragon just entering adulthood
Learning about herbalism and witchcraft, desperately wants to prove herself

Hot-headed | Indecisive | Mystical | Brave | Impatient


>> Rocks, rocks, and more rocks... This hadn't been what Iva had been picturing when she had made the decision to set off into the world on her own. Born to clan in the heart of the Shrieking Wilds, Iva had recently left her birth clan striking out on her own to try to make something of herself. The young dragon could have stayed, but she had wanted adventure, to test her limits and to learn of new and exciting places beyond the confines of her forest home. It had all felt very grand at the time. But her homeland was far behind her now and now she was surrounded, as far as the eye could see, by arid and seemingly unending plains. "Not off to a great start." She sighed to herself looking off to the horizon that seemed impossibly far away, it was amazing how far one could see out here and how much sky there was. This place did have a decidedly alien feel to it, only the rare sunken and shrived tree to be found out here amongst the stone and dust and tall spiked grass. Completely and utterly unlike home.

She hoped that she would find whatever it was she had set out for soon, for her own sake.

>> It had been weeks now. She curled herself around the fire she had managed to build as the temperature dropped rather suddenly at night she had discovered. She tried not to think of her ever dwindling supplies and she tried not to think of how utterly and truly lost she had become at some point on her journey. But most of all she tried not to think of home. This had all been a mistake, why hadn't she stayed? Or at least gone off to the safer land to the west like some of her siblings had before her when it had been their turn to go forth into the world.

Iva was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the Beastclan warriors until they were already upon her. She shrieked and took off running, she was no warrior and what little magic she had wasn't enough to defend herself with at least not alone. She extended her wings ready to launch herself into the air when something wrapped itself around her wing pulling her violently to the ground. She lashed out with teeth and claws and tail, struggling against her attackers. How many were there? She couldn't even tell amongst the frenzy.

With a thud and a roar she suddenly felt her attackers pulled from her and just as abruptly as it had began the attack was over. An enormous dragon loomed over Iva, a bemused expression visible beneath its helmet. The dragon regarded her for a long minute before speaking, and Iva saw that she was a large Ridgeback wearing rough and mismatched armor. The same dappled grey-brown as her surroundings, Iva was certain that as large as she was her rescuer could become near invisible amongst the rocky plains if she felt like it. Iva began to stammer out a thank you when her rescuer cut her off gruffly.

"What do think you're doing alone out here child?"

"I... I am just a traveler trying to make my way through to the west." Iva replied, biting back a retort at being referred to as a child. The Ridgeback regarded her coldly again, taking longer than was comfortable to reply. "You do realize most travelers manage to stay on the roads." Iva didn't have a good answer to that so she just glared. The Ridgeback sighed and shook her enormous head.

"I suppose you're going to want someone to have a look at your injuries, aren't you?" the Ridgeback said gruffly, not waiting for Iva to respond before as she turned and began to stride off further into the plains. Iva scrambled to her feet, wincing in pain as she folded her injured wing and began to hurried limp after her rescuer. It was just her luck that the first dragon she's come across in weeks made for such terrible company Iva thought to herself as she struggled to keep pace.



>> MENTOR: Ozma
A grumpy and enigmatic herbalist and witch who makes her home in the woods outside the clan. She has recently and with great exasperation agreed to tutor Iva in the in the arts of healing and magic.


A fellow newcomer and kindred spirit. Something of a recluse, Fenn is content to spend the majority of his time alone and left to his own devices but values Iva's occasional company.

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