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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Epitaph


Scene: Flamecaller's Domain


5.09 m
6.15 m
443.95 kg


Primary Gene
Petals (Banescale)
Petals (Banescale)
Secondary Gene
Butterfly (Banescale)
Butterfly (Banescale)
Tertiary Gene
Wraith (Banescale)
Wraith (Banescale)


May 15, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Banescale
EXP: 0 / 245



{ kay·oh }
Nicknames: Flowerboy, Ghost
• Mixed Blood
Gladegift Ambassador Everbloom Gem Guardian
Sprouting Gemini Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet
Ant Acid Seaweed Silk
(written by Stormy)
Yuki's Death


Mate: Hiro

Kao is quiet, passive, and deeply insecure of himself. Afraid to do anything even remotely daring in fear that it may end up harming someone else. The thought of causing pain to another dragon, even unintentionally, prevents Kao from providing even the most basic assistance to the hunters or fighters of the Flock. He attempted to hunt once, back when he was one of the newest additions to the Flock, but was overcome with intrusive thoughts about how his actions could end up in tragedy. How could he ever be truly sure that it was only prey he chased in those eternal hunting grounds? Many dragon species are known for their camouflage. What if he ended up inadvertently causing harm to another while hunting? The paranoia is just too much for him to bare. The Flock respects Kao's boundaries, and not wanting him to relive his trauma in order for him to become useful to them, allows him to work as Aodh's assistant. A second healer for the Flock to depend upon.

As it turns out, Kao is naturally gifted in the act of healing. Not only is he naturally compassionate and nurturing, his status as a natural Nature dragon allows him innate knowledge on the many medicinal uses of plants. It's a combination of being taught as a child the many uses plants, as is tradition for Nature dragons, and simply being able to tell if a plant is good or not from a sniff. He's stopped some of the more curious dragons of the Flock, and those outside of it, from eating deadly nightshade on more than one occasion. Mauler in particular took some pretty good convincing to back down. Because of his abilities, Kao is most widely known as the herbalist in the Flock, as to not steal Aodh's title of "official healer". Almost everyone has requested his services from time to time, from Mauler having him help her pick out the best plant-based dyes for her escapades in taxidermy, to Menacing consulting him on what herbs taste best in certain meals. No matter the situation, Kao is always thrilled to be of use to the Flock.

Though the Flock is very kind and accommodating to Kao, the only dragons he feels truly close to are Hiro and Xyrzo. They're part of his inner circle, and he doesn't know where he'd be without them. Hiro in particular is quite important to him, for not only is she his mate and the absolute love of his life, she's also the one dragon he feels he can truly depend on. He knows he can tell her anything, even things he wouldn't share with Xyrzo. Deep down, Kao knows that this isn't a good thing. It's healthy for dragons to only have a few close companions that they can spill their guts to, but to have no other friends or close contacts? Kao knows his trauma has caused him to become emotionally stunted, but he refuses to acknowledge the issue, no matter how much Elysian presses it upon him. He needs to come to terms with it some day, Elysian insists, needs to stop running and open up to others, perhaps even make amends with the family he left behind... but Kao is incapable of seeing that as an option. All he can do is hope that nothing happens to Hiro while he is still alive... and if something does, that he is not too late to save her.


Kao was born in a quiet wooded area somewhere deep within the Viridian Labyrinth, secluded enough so that it never gained any attention from predators or the warring and battles of expanding clans. His family was nothing special, two parents and five children, himself included. It may have been boring at times-- well, as boring as living deep within a forest that never sleeps can be-- but it was nice. Quiet. Serene. Kao was free to spend his days frolicking and roughhousing with his siblings. He wasn't the oldest, nor was he the youngest, and thus didn't have any special responsibilities or restrictions. As long as he told his parents when he was leaving and where he was going, and caught his fair share of prey, he was allowed to live in peace. He was never forced to return home after dark once he became of age, or forbidden from going past a certain point. Though his parents were happy to settle down, they refused to force that belief upon their children. Kao, like his siblings, loved them dearly for it. Life in Nature's domain was good.

As he matured, Kao began to feel the itch of competition crawling up his spine. He was not ready to leave his cozy life, but he couldn't simply sit around and idly flick his tail. He needed excitement. He needed competition. He challenged his older brother in feats of flight and target practice, and his brother would eagerly accept. At the crack of dawn, the two would head out to a secluded area in the woods, and participate in mock battles against each other. They'd train their aerial maneuvers and perfect their aim, hooting and hollering and laughing. It was all in good fun, neither ever had any intention of harming the other, but they improved nonetheless. Neither ever expected that anything bad could come out of it, as they always chose the places in the woods that no one else frequented. Then one day, Kao shot off a blast of powerful Nature energy that caused a rockslide on a nearby cliff-face. Their mother just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Kao realized what had happened before anyone else could, and fled his home before anyone could confront him about it. At the time, he hadn't been thinking, wasn't paying attention to the consequences that this would have on his idyllic family. He was simply overcome with guilt and fear, so much so that it prevented him from taking responsibility for the accident. He didn't fly until he needed to eat or sleep, rather, he flew until he quite literally collapsed from exhaustion. By that point, he'd managed to make it to the Tidelord's realm, and fell unconscious on the sandy beaches it had to offer. Kao expected to die there, and at that time wouldn't had minded if he did, but it seemed that fate had another plan for him. For rather than succumbing to fatigue and dehydration, Kao was rescued by none other than Hiro. She saw his limp body while flying over the beach, and though her medical knowledge was shoddy at best, she refused to let him die on her. Hiro took Kao back to a cave and slowly nursed him back to health, even during the long nights where Kao was pleading for her to just let him die, that he didn't deserve to live. Were it not for Hiro's staunch determination, Kao most definitely would have died. But as time passed, Kao began to heal and grow stronger-- and it was then that he shared what had caused him to run in the first place.

Hiro made him feel well in a way that no one else ever could. She sat through his long ramblings, his weeping and self-deprecation. And at the end of it all, she repeated the same facts over and over again. It was just a bad accident. He loved his family; he would never wish them harm. Bad things happen every day, and it just happened to be his family that was to suffer on that fateful day. Slowly but surely, Hiro helped Kao to heal, even though she had every right to leave him be. When the Flock turned up on the sandy beds of the Tidelord's domain one day, and Hiro wished to join them, Kao felt that tagging along was just a small form of repayment for all Hiro had done for him. He hated flying by then, never took any leisurely journeys that couldn't be made on foot, but he'd never seen Hiro so excited for the future. Even in the present, she's still helping him get over his aversion to flying. But he's improving, little by little. All for Hiro. All for the love of his life.

  • There are only two dragons Kao feels truly comfortable around, one of them being his mate, Hiro. The seafaring Banescale is the epitome of strength and beauty in Kao's eyes, with leadership capabilities rivaling that of Tsarae herself. Hiro makes him feel safe in a way that no dragon ever could, and ever day Kao counts his blessings that Hiro allows him to remain by her side. Another dragon Kao finds company in, and the only other dragon that brings him comfort, is the unlikely friend Xyrzo. Though the pale purple Banescale is often grumpy and unwelcoming, he's always held a soft spot for the deeply insecure Kao. They enjoy spending quiet afternoons together, sometimes breaking the silence to rant about whatever troubles them. Elysian is often the topic of Xyrzo's ramblings; although Kao tolerates and finds no issue with the timid therapist, Xyrzo considers him to be the biggest thorn in his side.
  • Has an everlasting curiosity for the uses of plants. Though his speciality is to bring out their medicinal properties, he's also experimented with various other talents that plants may have. Be it for dyes, nutrition, relaxation, or simply decoration, Kao is convinced that every living thing on the face of Sornieth has a use, even if no one else has found it yet. He has a special affinity for flowers, beyond using them to catch insects. This has given him the affectionate nickname of "Flowerboy", something Kao always takes in stride. There's much worse things to be called, in his eyes-- he shudders to think of the nicknames the others call the battle-hungry Mauler, even if they are completely out of adoration.
  • Flying to different places is Kao's least favorite part of living in the Flock. He'd much rather settle down in a cozy wooded area with Hiro at his side, preferably a wetlands area to accommodate both their needs. However, he knows Hiro could never bare to leave the skies for long, even if her preferred location is the sea. For her sake, he stays in the Flock by her side.

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Okay. This is it. This is the last time we are ever going to talk about... the issue, alright? Okay? That's the deal? Yes, yes?

Good. Okay. Thank you.

I didn't mean to. I really didn't mean to. I'm different from Xyrzo, okay? It wasn't out of self-defense or a bitter acknowledgment of "there can only be one" or anything. It was just... an accident.

I loved her, you hear me? I loved her. Of course I did! She was the one who took care of me! I swear, no matter what else you may hear about me, I never bore any ill-will to my mother. She was a good dragon. She always did her best for us...

No, no, I don't need a moment. I-- I can continue.

Target practice. That's it. That's all we were doing. My brother and I-- sure, we were being a bit reckless with it, but it wasn't our first time. Nothing like that had ever happened before, you know? In hindsight, we were never very smart for doing something like that. We should have-- we should have stopped. I know that now. We should have stopped before someone got hurt.

We were always so agile. Didn't think that others wouldn't be able to perform the same feats at us, wouldn't be able to be as evasive as us if something went wrong. I was the one that shot the fatal blast. A bolt of Nature magic aimed at my brother, he dodged of course... and it crashed into a cliff-face. Sure, it had been a bit more powerful than I had intended, but for all we knew we were alone. We always took our sessions off elsewhere, you know? Just... just in case.....

We knew something was wrong as soon as we got home and mother wasn't there. I was the first to piece together that the weird noise we had heard wasn't just some animal screeching.

I never told anyone. I'm sure my brother did though. I checked the fallen rocks before anyone else could even think to, and I... I........ I just ran. I couldn't bear to face my siblings, my father. I paid my respects right there, quickly as if I were being followed, and then hurried away never to return.

Oh... oh gosh, I feel so sick-- I've, uh, I've never really recounted the whole story in one sitting before... I- I think I need to go-- tell the missus I've just gone off to clear my head, al-alright?

And, please, never speak of this ever again.
Bio parts by Mibella, find it here.

Awakened Familiars:
Smoke Gyre Gladegift Ambassador Everbloom Gem Guardian Heckling Hydrena Sprouting Gemini Emerald Webwing Swamp Wolf Bewildered Broom Malachite Gladekeeper Spring Glade Lord Melon Marzal
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