
Love-struck Historian
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Energy: 35/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Glamorous Scarlet Ovalcrown
Glamorous Scarlet Gloves
Glamorous Scarlet Spats
Scarlet Wooly Antennae
Red Rose Flowerfall
Red Mantle




26.14 m
17.87 m
6846.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 30, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245



Hopeless Romantic

Willful • Kind • Fool

Places I've Been:
Lair Name / Username
Nightlight Inn / PantheraScience (Place of origin)
Serenus City / apiarius
The Scattered Clan/Zikul

Alligator Clan/Alligatorsight
Emerald Skies Caravan/Sekine (Permanent home)
"Travelers are always welcomed here."

Occupation: Caravan Historian

Details: Audra became the caravans historian in March 2021. Kindhearted and talkative, she greets every new traveler with a smile. She's tasked with keeping track of who comes and goes within the caravan, logging names and any information she finds worthy of noting down.

Her pair, Denpo, is the caravan's librarian. In her downtime, she assists him with his massive collection of books, scrolls, and texts. She is madly in love and it shows. She's referred to as the "Love-struck Historian" among those veterans in the group.

Pair: Denpo

Artist: Sablekey #244357

Travelers Log

ENTRY 1: May 14, 2020 (#330253, PantheraScience)

I'm finally leaving the Inn today. It seems almost painful but I know I won't be gone forever. I was given a few gifts from Uncia and her staff to help in my travels and now I don my ovalcrown in search of the love of my life. Some dared call me a Fool and that my mission was silly. Well I'll show them! Oh how I hope they are kind and handsome and everything I've dreamed they would be. Well. I guess now I'm off. Til my next stop, Diary.

ENTRY 2: May 20, 2020 (521647, apiarius)

I arrived in the Sunbeam ruins a few days ago, and now I'm staying at a small inn in Serenus City. The inn is called "the Tipsy Eagle", and it's run by a kind skydancer named Aurum. His wife is here too, her name is Sidra. She offered to do a tea reading for me, and when I declined, she suggested a seance. She's quite weird, I think she's a witch. The city is beautiful and huge, I've seen so many interesting things, and quite a few interesting dragons! One is named Apollo, he works at the Eagle. He's been very nice. Well, I'm going to be leaving the city soon. I’ll miss Aurum and Sidra, but I’m excited to see new places! Til my next stop, Diary.

ENTRY 3: June 3, 2020 (#525389, SongofSummer)

I stayed for some time in the Windswept Plateau, as this clan is known for being friendly to travellers. But, after two weeks without meeting any potential mates, I've decided it's time to move on. While I was here, though, a tigerblood foo kept me company. The clan elders say I can take her with me! She and I are going to have grand adventures. Til my next stop, Diary.

ENTRY 4: June 12, 2020 (#118679, Alligatorsight)

My next stop was a Lightning Flight clan in Shifting Expanse. I stayed in the Lightning Flight Embassy in their territory. Near the Embassy was a ruined castle which there were rumors was haunted by a ghost name Stone. I believed to have talked to Stone and he told me he was a guardian and wanted to be my mate. The thing that I cannot explain is that I had five hatchlings in Alligator Clan and I do not have any memory of their father.

ENTRY 5: September 20, 2020 (#387323, MysteryGyn)
(note: bred her by accident as i forgot she was part of the off to see the world thread, SORRY!)
For the longest time I wandered the territories of sorienth, before i came across a strange little clan within the ice domain. They referred to themselves as the clan of dancing lights due to the northern lights that twinkled across the sky at night, which was definitely something worth watching. I spent a long time in this clan, learning how they communicated with the beast clans to secure trading systems, how they caught food, and more importantly, how they survived the blistering colds the ice tended to throw at them. It was a good experience I must admit, though a few in the clan sent chills down my spine. Something is brewing there, and i truly hope that they will be able to fend it off, but its time to spread my wings and continue my search for love.

ENTRY 6: March 29, 2021 (#567762, Sekine)
It's been a while since the last time I wrote in my diary. I've just been a little discouraged. It's been almost a year and I have yet to find a lasting love I can call my own. Sigh.

I just joined up with a lovely group of traveling merchants from Windswept Plateau. They call themselves the Emerald Skies Caravan, and they are no strangers to travel or to traveling dragons. In fact, I ended up joining them around the same time as a few other traveling dragons. There are a lot of dragons coming and going from this clan. More than any other clan I've visited. Who knows, maybe I'll stay awhile and find my storybook romance. I'm going to try not to get my hopes up though, given my history...

ENTRY 7: A few days later...
Speaking of storybooks, I've recently been acquainted with a very handsome (albeit a bit intimidating) librarian named Denpo. Our chance meeting happened along the way from the Windsingers domain into the Flamecallers domain. We were moving along when the wheel on his wagon full of books got stuck in a pothole he didn't see coming. What a silly dragon. He said he wasn't paying attention because he was thinking about the books he wanted to collect in this domain.

Anyway, the entire caravan was held up while we tried to move his wagon out of the hole. In the end, the ordeal took about 3 hours because we needed to gently unload and reload his entire collection of books from the wagon because they were weighing it down too much for us to push the wagon out of the hole. Of course, I jumped on the chance to help with the effort.

After that, I decided to ride with him to make sure the wagon doesn't get stuck again in this rocky terrain. He's a little difficult to read. Denpo seems like the strong, silent type. Talking to him isn't hard per se, just a little more challenging than with some of the other eccentric characters in this caravan. It surprises me that he's traveling with this group. It's almost a bit refreshing actually.

ENTRY 8: A few weeks later...
I've been traveling along with Denpo for a few weeks now. I'm kind of his assistant of sorts at the moment. I think he is opening up to me? I still can't tell, but I don't care. He's receptive to what I have to say and the stories I tell him. He speaks when he wants to speak, which is starting to become more frequent around me. He mostly talks about the books he's read that he thinks I might like. In fact, he gave me a book to read this morning! I still haven't opened it but I'll get to it after I finish this entry.

DIARY, I FOUND A PRESSED FLOWER IN THE BOOK DENPO LENT ME!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! My heart is fluttering, I need to calm down. This can't possibly be from him for me, right? I mean, he is a librarian, maybe this flower belonged to the last person he lent the book out to. The flower looks fresh though...

ENTRY 9: A few days after that...
Hi again Diary, I'm still unsure about that pressed flower. Its been a bit difficult for me to look Denpo in the eyes. Every time he asks me something, I blush and look at the floor. What's wrong with me? I haven't worked up the courage to talk to him about the flower upfront. This normally doesn't happen. I feel like I'm a child again having difficultly talking to a crush. I thought I grew out of that!

I ended up finishing the book he lent me. I'm going to give him the book back with a note about the flower. I'll ask him if knows who the last borrower was so I can return the flower to them. If he gives me a name, then I'll know I was wrong. But if he tells me it was for me...

No! I can't get my hopes up! I'm sure nothing will come out of it. This has to be a big misunderstanding on my part. The sooner this is cleared up, the better.

ENTRY 10: The next day...
The caravan recently stopped in a city just outside of the border of the Shifting Expanse. We've set up shop here for the next few days. Denpo hasn't brought up the note at all today. My heart races every time I get near him.

This might be crazy, but today I think I saw him blush for the first time. We were setting up all the books in the morning when I accidentally brushed by him with a stack of books. That's when I saw the small amount of red on his face. He said sorry quickly then moved away. Of course, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. It might be my imagination though.

That's it. I'm going to bring it up if he isn't. I think he might be shy, maybe that's why he hasn't said anything to me. It makes sense though! He did give me a book with a flower in it. He basically indirectly confessed to me, right?

I can't believe it. The flower was meant for me. The flower. Was meant. For. Me.

Mustering all my courage, I brought it up to him after dinner. We were like two blushing hatchlings discovering love for the first time. He said that he read the note I sent him. He thought the flower was enough to get his feelings across initially (silly dragon) but after the note I gave him, he was worried that he might have caused a rift between us. "Why else would you give me a note rather than ask me directly?" he said. He didn't know how to bring it up. Said he's never had any experience with romance before. He's rather cute when he doesn't know what to do.

He asked me to stay with him, traveling from place to place with the caravan. And I'm going to. I told him that. I decided that I'll work beside him as the caravan's historian.

This isn't the end of the story-book romance I've been seeking all this time. No, this is only the beginning. I've decided I want to continue filling the rest of my life's chapters with Denpo, and Denpo alone.

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