
An avid collector of foxes.
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Vulpine Lamp
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Wildclaw
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Starlight Unicorn Horn
Shadow Aura
Lavender Carousel Bridle
Lavender Carousel Wing Decor
Lavender Carousel Saddle
Lavender Carousel Tail Twirl
Lavender Carousel Bracelet
Lavender Carousel Sandal



Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


6.46 m
5.58 m
472.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 16, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245






Sweets wrote:
Sweets the Red Fox
Master of Cookies

They say "Come to Shadow, we have cookies." Where do you think those cookies come from? Someone needs to feed all these dragons! And who better for game night snacks than Sweets, Master of Cookies. Sweets is a very nice fox, but is known to be a little salty. Better to stay on her good side.
JYm7wVO.pngn2szUgv.pngLWbJhPr.pngjPbEXxA.pngG38fdMA.png Completed December 29, 2020Sweets.png
Pip wrote:
Pip the Silver Pinstripe
Pip Pip Cheerio!

Pip is a fine and dandy fox, he likes to live like the great foxes of the past, Pip loves to chill with a cup of tea and to talk with an accent sometimes. Don't make fun of his monocle or thou shall meet his ire. Pip enjoys curling up and watching British sci-fi, quoting obscure facts, and may occasionally yell slanderous insults in Klingon. Mind the scarf. Doo wee ooo.
KWWj8eg.pnghh89MOZ.pnguGxkt5e.png1sCzqqk.pnggsc1K4w.png Completed October 22, 2020Pip.png
Pickles wrote:
Pickles the Marble Fox
The Secret Garden

Pickles doesn't like visitors or strangers; she likes silent nights and quiet gardens and try to nibble the bat sometimes however, Pickles can feel very lonely and would love to have a friend to play with. Pickles is the queen of snarky come backs. You can find her at the greenhouse and try to befriend her if you dare.
7jt2GA2.pngFn8X4Rx.pngsphhro4.pngCvtjFvU.pngRcVqhAz.pngCompleted April 29, 2021Pickles.png
Georgia wrote:
Georgia the Georgian Red
The Bestest Friend

Unlike her cousin, Pickles, Georgia doesn’t mind socializing. You could almost say she’s *too* friendly. Why waste your time alone reading a book or baking when you could spend your time meeting new friends? Pickles may find her annoying, and you may too, but how could you resist that sweet, dopey smile and endearing friendship that seems to blossom out of nothing?
yyMfzEr.pngUAAEyjW.png1Nt69Rs.pngh5vVWCv.pngBYBdMqh.png Completed May 25, 2021Georgia.png
Aspen wrote:
Aspen the Glowshroom Fox
A Glowing Green Thumb

Aspen loves gardening! The Tangled Woods may seem like a bleak and barren place, but he knows how to make the brambles bend to his will, and everywhere he goes beautiful mushrooms and the occasional flower pop up. Some rumours say that Aspen's affinity comes from him being a mushroom disguised as a fox, but we're sure that he planted them on himself just because he thought it was cool. Well, it kinda is!
jQsuA0z.png3hODimW.png2JAIthH.pngKiIy24J.png6JB8InK.png Completed October 2, 2020Aspen.png
Ember wrote:
Ember the Will o' Wisp
Protector of Wisps

A shy fire fox responsible for the wil o wisps in Wispwillow Grove. Her name is Ember, thought she never speaks aloud, it's more of a whisper carried by the wind. She tends to the wisps, cares after them, and makes sure their ethereal needs are met. What exactly that means is anyone's guess. It's said when the moon is full, and on the nights of Friday the 13th, she glows with blue flames to match her wispy friends and dances through the Shadowrealm.
JAW7M9c.png8uCcfGV.pngkhuEoIN.pngHGBbcbc.pngFlCR7xE.pngCompleted August 1, 2021Ember.png
Sprinkles wrote:
Sprinkles the Toasty Fox
Soft and Warm

Sprinkles is a little bundle of joy and cuteness. They love all things warm and toasty. You'll often find them huddled up with a blanket sipping on some hot cocoa or a nice cup of steaming hot tea. Their favorite time of the year is winter in the Tangled Wood. That’s the time where you’ll see Sprinkles be the busiest little fox; they’ll be making hot cocoa and dragging warm fuzzy blankets behind them. So toasty and warm!
PbkPGGI.pngS9cKgNw.png2nM3lZs.pngaiVr1pf.pngSpL.pngCompleted October 31, 2021Sprinkles.png
Macha wrote:
Macha the Red Panda Fox
Drinker of Tea

Matcha is the Laird and Master of traditional Tea Rites taking place in the Tangled Wood. Their discerning eye, and nose are un-matcha-d by any in the Wood, and perhaps even farther! They have a very strict attitude when it comes to how the Rites must be preformed, down to the very placement of tableware! However they’re loving and sweet as a perfectly paired pastry once you bloom into friendship with them!
Skellington wrote:
Skellington the Skeleton Fox
Accident Prone

We had an accident. But never fear! Skelliton is mostly alive, and seems to have bounced right back! Everything is totally fine! ... oh, uh whoops, we can totally stitch that back on.
Make sure to keep an eye on them around busy places, especially if there's imperials around!
AFBYjAA.pngeSLurz7.pngq2298op.png4H50wIL.pngSkU.pngCompleted October 29,2021 Skellinton.png
Glowstick wrote:
Glowstick the Rave Fox
A Flicker in the Night

Glowstick didn't mean to eat all those glowshrooms, they just tasted so good. It wasn't their fault. Aspen said it was safe and Glowstick thought it would make a good prank. Turns out they were the one who got tricked! That's not to say they're not enjoying their new, illuminated life. If they're not lighting up the dance floor, you can find them flickering through the Tangled Woods, leading lost dragons in a game of chase.
edJyWw9.pngUvNDuem.png9MM5zFI.pngFQdQ1QA.pngGlL.pngCompleted October 13 2021Glowstick.png
Sachi wrote:
Sachi the Playful Fox

Sachi is a playful little fox, who has kleptomaniac tendencies. She never has empty paws, and constantly has to be checked on if left alone. Sachi is known to her friends to always have something to give them. It is their job to give it back to the worrying owners.
MDeymdB.png6zr93O5.pngtndLOEN.png0CXDiPo.pngyfVNIee.pngCompleted April 29, 2021Sachi.png
Tim wrote:
Tim the Glitch Fox?

Something strange and interesting has started happening in parts of the Tangled Wood, and it began when foxes started spotting parts of the forest... glitching? Hopping in and out of computerized debris, they spotted their friends, but they seemed odd. Different. And would introduce themselves as Tim, who only looked like their friends, but was totally a different fox all together. 100% absolutely normal fox, nothing strange here.
Nara wrote:
Nara the Deer Fox
A Dear Friend

Once upon a time, in a kingdom of eternal nightfall, there was a dark forest where things unseen dwelled. Most were unsettling, but there were spirits of deerfoxes that were said to bring good luck. Many tried to catch these deerfox and failed. Legend has it only the most pure of heart can entertain the deerfox and draw one forth. It's said that those who are blessed by the deerfox retain a touch of good luck for the rest of their days.
BscLYTX.png8CZSVYe.pngO3iFxb3.pngHJBSnuL.pngOHu8keN.pngCompleted August 1, 2021Nara.png
Florian wrote:
Florian the Flower Fox
A Radiant Beam

Florian, an elusive and secretive fox, can only be found after the summer solstice. It it said that she took root and sprouted when a single beam of light pierced through the dark mist of The Tangled Wood. Stranger still, creatures swear that flowers bloom in the wake of her paw prints. Whether you believe it or not, should you chance upon her, you can't help but become tangled up in her blooming personality and radiant smile.
Jack wrote:
Jack the Pumpkin Head
Tricks and Treats

Like many foxes, Jack is mischevious, and tends to stick his nose into trouble where he can find it... or his... gourd, rather. This Autumnal spirit is a terror with his best friend Skelliton, the two of them together strike fear into the unsuspecting, and soon to be pranked, denizens of the Tangled Wood. His one weakness is candy and sweets! He’ll just light up if you give him some. So won’t you? Please?
Stitches wrote:
Stitches the Beloved Plushie
Chief Distributor of Cuddles

Stitches may not be all in one piece, but they are certainly friend shaped! Once an abandoned plushie, they were granted life by the mysterious magic of the Shadowbinder, and given the title Chief Distributor of Snuggles. Stitches wears their badge with pride and are always willing to listen to your troubles! Not to mention their soft fabric and filling is just the perfect firmness to hug!
Gloom Gloom wrote:
Gloom Gloom the Fennec Fox
The Loveable Disaster

Oh, Gloom Gloom, what are we gonna do with you? Adorable, yes, and so very clumsy. She gets her paws stuck in goop - this is Shadowlands, there's goop everywhere. Brambles get stuck to her tail. She gets so distracted while telling a story, her feet come out from under her. Don't ask her about the time she tried waitressing at the Glowshroom Cafe. Disaster.
PnKJiyH.pngIlkDdjC.pngSpXnsyy.png1ucEJTo.png9ST9XiK.pngCompleted May 23, 2021Gloom_Gloom.png
Helena wrote:
Helena the Mosaic x Pearl Fox

Despite being twins, Helena couldn’t be more different than her sister! Where Ophelia is joyous and excitable, Helena is gloomy and melancholic. Even thought they have their differences, they still love and accept one another! One thing they share is they are both avid thespians.
Helena’s specialities are thoughtful monologues and eloquent soliloquies. Ooh, look! Her performance is about to start!
Ophelia wrote:
Ophelia the Mosaic x Pearl Fox

Ophelia is skilled at providing ad-lib at just the right moment, whether to give the audience a rousing chorus of laughter or add striking emotion to a scene. Being a method actress allows her to really get into character! Her evocative emotional performances are known for their reactions from her audiences. Lauded for her abilities, alongside her sister Helena, they are some of the premier actors in the Tangled Woods!
Tara wrote:
Tara the 90's Nostalgia Fox
only nineties kids remember

OwO?? What's dis? Hehe, dis is Tara! A cute smol lil yip yip fox uwu. She teh best writer evar!! Dun ever mess wif her, cuz she will fite, Rawr XD. But! U can be her fren owo!! She would luv dat soooo much uwu
0Ucvq4w.pngDK9E0Ls.pngKv8CJpH.pngMUI8B5w.pngTaP.pngCompleted July 14, 2023Tara.png
Marlowe wrote:
Marlowe the Sea Creature
Origin Unknown

Marlowe’s origins are a mystery. Some say they’re simply an average fox that enjoys time in the sun. Others claim they are a creature of the depths of the Sea of a Thousand Currents merely disguised as a fox. Whichever is the case, one thing is for sure. Marlowe loves to spend their days on the beach! Stop by for a visit some time. They’re always happy to share their umbrella and a sunny spot on the sands.
Viola wrote:
Viola the Talented Fox
Plays the World's Smallest Violin

Viola's a quiet one. She's not a fan of conversation, or talking, or words in general, but she does love music. No one's ever seen her without her violin, and it's unlikely that anyone ever will. If you're feeling blue, let her play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin. It might not make you feel better, but at least it'll make her happy that someone's listening to her play. That's what matters, right?
Blaze wrote:
Blaze the Cross Fox
A Light in the Dark

Blaze is quite the energetic little fox! Some say blaze looks scary with his orange eyes and black furred face, but if you take the time to befriend him you'll discover he's just a fox shaped trash panda. Blaze's favourite activities include prank wars, hide and seek (though his eyes give him away), and splashing in puddles after a rainy day. Knowing Blaze, you may be deceived into thinking he's a pure little sweetheart, but keep an eye on your belongings, as this furball's favourite activity is pickpocketing.
Kito wrote:
Kito the Crystalline Fox
A Solid Rock

Deep in the recesses of a cave deep in the Shadowbinder's domain, a shimmering, unknown crystal formed. This strange fox can be a bit rigid, with many different faces, but once you get to know them they are a wonderful friend to have around.
Hoodwink wrote:
Hoodwink the Grey Fox
Chaotic Neutral Jester

Favourite things: games, pranks, sharp knives, and chaos.
If you're looking for some entertainment, Hoodwink is always ready with a joke. Of course, his sense of humour does tend towards the dark side and wherever he goes chaos is sure to follow. However, he is a good sort most of the time. Well, some of the time. The thing is, you never quite know where you stand with him. Is he your best friend? Your worst enemy? You may never know.
Cheshire wrote:
Cheshire the Wonderland Fox
Up is down and down is up

You're down the rabbit hole now! Thankfully you ran into Cheshire, the best guide in the Tangled Woods. Assuming you can comprehend his riddles that is. Perhaps he'll be more forthcoming over tea? Discussing riddles over a good cup of tea- that's something worth grinning about!
Nebula wrote:
Nebula the Space Fox
Guardian of the Night

From a fallen star, Nebula was created in the heart of The Tangled Wood. With dark fur that shimmers like the stars themselves, she is truly a guardian of the night. Only the luckiest of dragons are able to glimpse her starry coat.
Icicle wrote:
Icicle the Ice Cryptid
Never Been Sighted

Once upon a time, a snowstorm befell the Tangled Wood, and the foxes decided to frolick and make Snowfoxes. When the snow melted, one remained and came to life with a touch of magic. The foxes named them Icicle, but they're virtually unseen: a cryptid of the Wood, they leave no footprints and carry no shadow, but is known to leave gifts of miniature ice sculptures to those it fancies. Magic brought to life by foxpaws!
Cookie wrote:
Cookie the Zombie Fox
He Who Noms on Cookies

Cookie might look scary, but they’re probably more afraid of you than you are of them! A scaredy-fox afraid of their own shadow, Cookie simply crumbles in the face of anything that might give them a fright, which is pretty much anything. If you see a paw or a tail lying around, that may mean that Cookie is nearby, falling to pieces and hiding from whatever scared them. Poor dear, perhaps if you offer a kind word and a token of friendship, you could help this reanimated pal to gain a little more confidence!
Jade wrote:
Jade the Jade Fox
A Harmonious Companion

This fox is known to bring luck and good health to her companions. If she chooses to include you in her days, you can expect balance and harmony to find you too.
Lucy wrote:
Lucy the Cloud Fox
Once Upon a Dream

Oh, Lucy... She's such an odd little fox. She's kind and sweet, don't get me wrong, but sometimes...I can't but help but feel a bit uneasy. A bit unreal. But if you don't mind feeling like you're dreaming whenever you're around her, you'll meet a wonderful friend! Her favourite pastime is chasing the shadows of butterflies or daydreaming about things reaching beyond our universe; Lucy doesn’t tell too much about her own dreams though.
Truffles wrote:
Truffles the Kitsune
Tails Galore

Legend has it, for every 100 years a fox lives, they gain another tail and the ability to perceive what is hidden. Truffles certainly has a few extra tails, but as far as anyone can tell, the only hidden things they're interested in are your carefully hidden chocolates, especially the strawberry truffles. Who knows, offer them a few and you might just make a fast friend.
HEHKpxI.png5Bt34Zw.pngsXITGDo.pngp6G1tN6.pngTrL.pngCompleted August 25,2021Truffles.png
Indiana wrote:
Indiana the Goop Fox
Explorer Extrordinaire

Cocky and self assured, this explorer has a one track mind: always seeking the next big score. She hoards crystals and other shinies she finds underground. A history buff with a flair for dramatic entrances, Indiana can be a bit brash but always seems to get the girl.
Althea wrote:
Althea the Unicorn Fox
Party Druid/Healer

When Althea was just a kit, they wandered off from their family and were found and raised by a herd of unicorns! Due to being raised around such potent magical sources, as an adult they have incredible healing powers and the ability to grow plants. They LOVE flowers and will happily drape their friends in garlands of flowers!
Beowulf wrote:
Beowulf the Okami-Inspired Fox
A Fierce Protector

Beowulf may not appear impressive at first glance, but don't let his unassuming nature fool you. Some say they have witnessed him bravely fending off the Shade's darkness, proving that he is a fearless defender of his territory. His cunning and speed allow him to take on foes much larger than himself, and he always emerges victorious. Despite his fierce reputation, Beowulf is a gentle and caring soul who loves to play with his friends and family. He is a symbol of hope and courage, reminding us that even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to be found.
TSM wrote:
Sidekicks wrote:
The dice were in your favour, and a sidekick stole away with your foxes!
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