Level 16 Imperial
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Energy: 50
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23.78 m
15.17 m
5926.67 kg
Eye Type
Level 16 Imperial
EXP: 5407 / 71966

![]() M A R A " Why is the world in Chaos? "
Nightmare Generation:
2nd Generation Rifter
Class: Time Tot - Ranger - Hero/Mentor Kingdom: Faction:
World Explorer
Professional Mapper Mate: Theme Song: Line: This is a Temporal Rifter -not for buy, sale, or trade- ![]() |
ABOUT She could feel it taking over, the instincts surging through her as she wrestled with the mindset of her new and improved form. Entirely unaware of her surroundings as she was left writhing on the ground and roaring towards the sky in nothing but sheer agony. Thank the maker she was on her own, thank the heavens nothing was around, all she wanted to do was sink her claws into something, to destroy a tiny piece of this world. All she wanted was to taste the fire and the charred flesh of a victim, of a little piece of prey as it squirmed screaming beneath her grasp. She knew about the agony, she knew about the struggle but no one... no one could have ever warned her about the instinctual pull of her new form. How overpowering it could truly be. Nobody had warned her about the instincts which could take over a weak mind, how a time tot needed to be tempered before transforming into something else, how she couldn't control or even predict what she would turn into. The world had it's say every single time, but she had convinced herself she would remain a human on Berk. That there was nothing for her to worry about. Now she was left writhing and losing herself to the instincts of a dragon, to the persona of a Monstrous Nightmare in an alien world. She had tasted the world as a catfish, listened to the world as a cat, smelled the world as a wolf and raced through the woodland paths as a deer. She had explored in so many forms and as so many animals and she had conquered them all. Mastered her other forms, flown as an eagle, raced as a horse, fought as a bear, all while maintaining her human instincts... all while maintaining her human tongue. But now, now nothing could save her from the monster she was becoming, from the nightmare she had succumbed to. "Hey guys! I found another dragon!" standing she whirled to face the speaker, a young boy with brunette hair and green eyes "Hiccup, wait!" "No Astrid, look, it's in so much pain." Dragon? They were talking about her, she could feel---her eyes dilated and a heavy roar ripped forth from her. Her scales were bristling, her skin was on fire, no... mother had taught her better than this but the pull was just so strong. She simply couldn't resist the temptation! "Hiccup!" the female cried out as Mara, in her new form, lunged for him. Razor sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight, illuminated by her glowing flames as he rolled to the side "Woah! Easy there girl!" he called out before she lunged once again. "Why can't I stop this, why can't I control myself, why is thiiiisss" No! She was human, human, human, huma- "Heeelllp, mmmee" she hissed out before lunging again, not long after a Nightfury tackled her, pinning her down and biting into her neck as she wrestled violently with it. Fire was crackling around them and spitting everywhere as another Viking looked down at them with a confused expression "Woah, wait, did you guys just hear that!?" he questioned in a loud and somewhat angry tone "Heh, definitely did, that dragon just asked for help." the two males, one named Snotlout and the other named Tuffnut spoke between themselves as another, heavier Viking, flew in on his Gronckle "But that doesn't make any sense! Dragons can't talk!" "Suuure they can't, we all heard it" "Tuffnut, now isn't the time!" Hiccup barked as the Viking continued to argue with Fishlegs. Now she knew why she was called Mara, now she knew why her name meant Nightmare, why it meant Death. She should have always known.... but now the fury was overcoming her again! No, she couldn't lose to this beast, she couldn't lose to herself, she couldn't lose to the Nightfury! She had to fight, fight, fight, fight, fight! "Why can't you calm her bud?" he questioned as the Alpha Nightfury failed to bring her under his control "Becaussssee, I'm huuuumannnn" she hissed with a sickening grin on her maw. Chills went through the group as she hurled the Nightfury off of her and charged for the young boy once more, she reared up on her hind legs and swiped out with one of her clawed limbs as screams and gasps erupted around her.... But she suddenly stopped, she didn't know why, but she had stopped. "Whoo are yoouuuu?" she questioned as her claws froze just shy of a new woman's cheek. Barely grazing the flesh as Mara's arm locked in place and dropped her to the ground without a single movement from the new female. She had come out of nowhere in a flash of her fire and had stepped in Mara's way. It screamed confidence, it's like she knew something Mara did not. "Hmmm, typical of our family. You can't bring yourself to harm your grandmother then?" the girl chuckled as Mara's eyes went wide "Allll-alllli-sssosoononn?" she questioned as the girl chuckled "Look at you getting yourself in trouble again, come on, it's time to go home." Taking the Monstrous Nightmare by the upper limb of her right front leg the girl created another portal and began to scold the female as they stepped through. "What if I had harmed you?" Mara questioned once she got over the pain of becoming human once again "Eh, I would have been fine. You've got to be more careful though. I swear, you kids.... sometimes you're more trouble than you're worth." was the only reply she got. Back on Berk however, everyone was left confused beyond their wits belief. "Hey, did... did anyone spike the water with mead?" "I've got no... idea..." "Have we been, Loki'd?" "Tuffnut, I thought we would spike the water, who else would?" "Yeah, but..." "Let's just pretend this never happened." Hiccup spoke with a confused and wary sigh, he was definitely taking notes when they got back to base. |
Bio Code by PlaqueDoc

Code For Children:
Insert Image
[color=#48327e][font=Castellar][size=6][b]N A M E[/b][/size][/font]
[color=#48327e]" [font=Times new roman][i]quote[/i][/font] "
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Nicknames:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Generation:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]3rd Generation Temporal Rifter
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Class:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]??? - ??? - ???/??
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Kingdom:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Faction:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Roles:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Mate:[/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][b]Line: [/b][/font]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/51396647]Allison[/url] -> [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/54728990]Kali[/url] -> [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/60347681]Mara[/url] -> Me
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman][i]This is a Temporal Rifter
-not for buy, sale, or trade-[/i][/font]
[color=#48327e][font=times new roman]
[right][color=#48327e][font=times new roman][size=2]Bio Code by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=410459]PlaqueDoc[/url][/size][/font][/right]
Insert Image
[emoji=gold crown size=1]
[b]Name[/b] - Unnamed
[b]Generation Number[/b] - 3rd Generation
[b]Rifter Parent[/b] - [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/60347681]Mara[/url]
[b]Status[/b] - Open
[b]Requirements[/b] - 150 Words of Lore OR 25g or 25kt. [i]Royal Line[/i]
[b]Prompt Idea[/b] -
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
Feed this dragon Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
Feed this dragon Plants.
Exalting Mara to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
Do you wish to continue?
- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.